Author: DonR

  • Thoughts on Donald J Trump

    From one Donald J to another.  Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States.  He won less by his own virtue than by the lack of virtue ascribed to the political elite by millions of voters.  For many Donald Trump represented a break from the kind of political orthodoxy exemplified by his…

  • Virginia Sleeps through the Blockchain Revolution

    A bitcoin for your thoughts? Approximately eight years ago Satoshi Nakamoto published a white paper entitled, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.”  CoinDesk, a company dedicated to reporting on bitcoin, defines bitcoin thus: “Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held electronically. No one controls it. Bitcoins aren’t printed, like dollars or euros – they’re…

  • Jim Bacon nominated for Nobel Prize

    Stockholm Syndrome – In dramatic news the Nobel Foundation today announced that James A. Bacon has been nominated for the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his groundbreaking economic work – Boomergeddon.  Nobel spokesman Lars E Faire said, “Of course we nominated Bacon – just putting a picture of a detonated atomic bomb on…

  • Fairfax County bans Christian immigrants

    Fairfax, VA – The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors (BoS), in a raucous meeting last night,  voted 7 – 1 to ban any more Christian immigrants from entering Fairfax County.  The board cited a “clear and compelling danger” posed by Christians importing deadly rattlesnakes into the county.  The few stunned onlookers who could gather their…

  • The Virginia Way Rides On

    There you go again. Yesterday, Virginia Beach Mayor Will Sessoms was charged with five counts of violating the state’s Conflict of Interest Act. The Virginian-Pilot’s article on the matter can be found here. Mayor Sessoms is accused of casting votes to benefit the borrowers of the bank where he served as president. To state what is…

  • Has Virginia's Economy Officially Tanked?

    Into the bit bucket.  Back in August, 2013 I wrote an article for this blog titled, “Is Virginia’s Economy Tanking?”.  The essence of the article was that Virginia’s Gross State Product (GSP) was growing by less than the increase in federal spending in Virginia.  Moreover, that trend had been holding true through the prosperous economic…

  • Has Virginia’s Economy Officially Tanked?

    Into the bit bucket.  Back in August, 2013 I wrote an article for this blog titled, “Is Virginia’s Economy Tanking?”.  The essence of the article was that Virginia’s Gross State Product (GSP) was growing by less than the increase in federal spending in Virginia.  Moreover, that trend had been holding true through the prosperous economic…

  • In memory of Isabelle Seftas

    Remember the Tigers.  I graduated from Groveton High School in Fairfax County in 1977.  Through all of those years there are a few memories that stayed with me.   One memory was of a teacher I had for both Biology and AP Biology – Mrs. Isabelle Seftas.  Sadly, Mrs Seftas passed “ad astra” just a…

  • The problem with the death penalty

    D.J. Rippert Virginia’s non-debate.  Politics in Virginia includes a lot of debates.  Trasnportation funding.  Medicaid expansion.  Taxes.  However, one critical aspect of Virginia law has fallen from view – the death penalty.  This lack of debate over the death penalty is not due to a lack of executions.  Since 1976 Virginia has posted the third…

  • Elections have consequences

    [youtube] by D.J. Rippert What a difference two years make. In the run up to the 2012 election Barack Obama and Mitt Romney debated foreign affairs. Obama had recently been caught making an offhand comment over an open mike to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Obama promised the Russian that he (Obama) would have “more…

  • Is Virginia America’s Most Corrupt State?

    by DJ Rippert     As the Rolex turns. The McDonnell family corruption trial has Virginians transfixed. People can’t wait to get the latest installment in this soap opera of a trial. Most Virginians wonder at how this could have happened. I wonder at how it could have taken so long for America’s most corrupt state…