At Last, a Political Thriller that Cultural Conservatives Can Love

Not long ago I watched a piece of forgettable piece of Hollywood drivel in which the bad guys, a bunch of corporate tycoons and rogue CIA goons, were undermining democracy and killing people with impunity. Sigh. Five years after 9/11, the lefties in La La Land have yet to produce a thriller in which the villains are Islamic terrorists. The United States may be engaged in a war with people who behead their captives on videotape and kill indiscriminately with truck bombs but in the mindset of tinsel town, the biggest threat to the world isn’t al Qaeda or nuclear-armed mullahs, it’s environment-raping businessmen, murderous members of the military and power-hungry Southern Senators reading from the Jerry Falwell playbook.

If you’re tired of the predictable Hollywood formula, then here’s a fresh one for you: Drug Lords and Islamists have united to attack the United States. Narco-terrorists are besieging the country. A government run by namby-pamby liberals is powerless to halt the slide into anarchy. Only a handful of good guys – a group of patriotic officers and computer programmers within the intelligence community – can save the country.

That summarizes the plot of Rosetta 6.2, a self-published novel by James Atticus Bowden, a military futurist and frequent contributor to the Bacon’s Rebellion blog and e-zine. Bowden is a gifted writer. Although the book could have benefited from the advice of a professional book editor – pick up the pacing over here, flesh out the plot over there – Rosetta 6.2 is a compelling read. I found myself reaching eagerly for the paperback volume on my bedside table every evening until I finished it.

Early in Rosetta 6.2, Bowden pulls in the reader with “the mystery of the rose cinquefoil” – an inscrutable insignia that pops up on the Internet. As the novel moves along, it sucks in the reader with the thrust and counter-thrust between the good guys, who are on the run, and the cyber-savvy narco-terrorists determined to destroy them. Bowden does a creditable job with character development, peopling his book with distinct and memorable individuals, many of them Evangelical Christians like himself, and builds an effective sub-plot around Jack, an agnostic NASA computer programmer, and his growing respect for his God-fearing companions.

The plot culminates with the execution of a hair-raising plan to destroy the Narco-terrorists. Bowden creates a fascinating scenario, but I’m not sure that it has the impact on the reader that he intends. Indeed, even as one who not infrequently finds himself on the same side of the political divide as Bowden, I found his solution to the Narco-terrorist threat to be scary – the very kind of potentially totalitarian, civil rights-trampling scheme executed by rogue militarists and fanatical Christians that jangle the nerves of paranoid Hollywood liberals. I wouldn’t be surprised if some lefty script writer one day purloins the Rosetta 6.2 plot and flips it to re-fashion Bowden’s heroes from good guys into deluded and dangerous fanatics!

Bowden has assumed a high profile in the Republican Party politics of Hampton Roads in recent years. Admire him or loathe him, you’ll gain insight into his worldview – and that of his conservative, Evangelical confreres – by reading Rosetta 6.2. You can order the book either through or by visiting his website,

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27 responses to “At Last, a Political Thriller that Cultural Conservatives Can Love”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    “namby pamby liberals”?! That’s not exactly Big-Think talk there, mr. bacon. While it’s true that I like to see bible-thumpers get their asses kicked as much as the next namby pamby liberal, this rosetta thing sounds like it would hurt my feelings. i’m feeling all weepy right now. i need a hug.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    anon 10:40 — You would.

    One more proff that there’s nothing better than ignorance commenting ignorantly.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Lighten up, 11:37 – just having a little fun.

    Except I did mean that part about the ass-kicking.

    I think you’re hollering ‘ignorance’ because you don’t like me making fun.

    Hell, that’s okay. If it feels good, do it, that’s my motto. Learned it in public school.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    The way we find the middle of the road is to examine carefully where the edge of solid pavement starts to crumble and fall off into the gutter.

    Extreme or not, left or right, such thinking is important, both to determine the edges of what is acceptable, and to consider the possible consequences of doing nothing or too little.

    When examining the limits of actions, reaactions, and consequences, we do ourselves a disservice if we start from a position that has a name. Celestial mechanics, for example, is a lot harder if you start from the position that the Earth is the center of the universe. It took an extremist like Copernicus to outline a radical view that happens to be closer to the truth, and also simpler.

    If we start with the presumption that either liberals or conservatives are the center of the political universe, we may not understand what happened to us when the comet (or terrorist) hits.


  5. Anonymous Avatar

    Terrorists with comets? Now that is scary.

    I think it’s time to take this whole terrorism thing seriously. Let’s ORDER Hollywood to make a movie with islamo-fascists as the evildoers.

  6. Mad Hatter Avatar
    Mad Hatter

    Sounds interesting.

    But I highly doubt that under a liberal government such an attack could be foiled. They’d be too worried about “accepting them as they are” and “not offending them” to bother protecting the country.

    How does one attain a copy of said book? :O)

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    What idiotic, liberal-bashing drivel. There are PLENTY of La La Land films and books where Islamic terrorists are bad guys. Think “True Lies” with the Gubernator. Think “Red Storm Rising” by Clancy. Think just about every episode of “24.”
    Rather than waste time with fanatics who write crap like Rosetta whatever, Bacon ought to open his eyes once in a while.

  8. Anonymous Avatar

    The ideas in this post are hateful, xenophobic and racist. Are all Muslims killers? Aren’t we buying into the Bush worldview? Why do we need a popular enemy to hate? If it’s not the Japs, the Krauts, the Gooks, the Slopes or the Commies, it’s the ragheads, isn’t it, Bacon?
    Let me ask you something:
    Do you know any Muslims personally?
    Have you ever been to a Muslim country?
    Have you read anything serious about the religion and culture?
    Or, are you just another, narrow yahoo WASP who wants to impress his coterie of like-minded friends?

  9. Groveton Avatar


    Bacon goes on vacation for one week and look at these posts.

    Namby-pamby liberals.

    ass kickings

    Japs, the Krauts…

    narrow Yahoo WASP…

    It was just a book review.

    Who let the Black Velvet Bruce Li crowd into this site?

  10. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Jim, what a pleasant surprise. Thanks. I’m almost speechless.

    Two readers gave me a bunch of edits the other proofreader missed. I just sent them in to be fixed.

    As for the Muslim blah-blah. There is a distinction between Islamist and Muslim. About 10% of the world’s Muslims are Islamists. About 5% of Virginia’s Muslims are Islamists.

    I’ve been to Muslim countries, met Muslims. I’ve read the Koran and Haditha. Just finished another summary of the Haditha that is an eye-opener indeed.

    You can get the book on-line at Amazon or B&N or Borders or directly from me at

    Thanks, Jim, again. Very much.

  11. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    One more thought. Jim, you picked up on what I intended about the solution being terrible.

    I determined at a very young age that all war is evil. I don’t buy the Just War theories of Augustine. Yet,I think many wars are necessary – and very evil.

    I wanted to show how that ambiguity – if that is right – that good people do terrible things when the dogs of war are loosed. Not original but important.

    I read the Sandberg trilogy Lincoln Bio when I was in Grad School #1. After that, I figured every American should include Old Abe in their prayers at night. He maintained the Union by sheer will. He set aside the Constitution and freedoms – because he, among very few men, would actually return them to their rightful place post conflict. Remarkable man – no less bloody – but remarkable.

    You read it well. Thanks again.

  12. Jim Bacon Avatar
    Jim Bacon

    Anonymous 3:23. Welcome to our world. Conservatives are treated to a steady diet of “idiotic, conservative-basing drivel” in the Mainstream Media. I’m surprised that one little self-published novel gets you so irate.

    As for the Hollywood thriller plots with Islamist bad guys… There were plenty before 9/11, but the bad guys invariably were Palestinian terrorists, not jihadists. Before 9/11, Hollywood didn’t know there were such a thing as jihadists. Now, Hollywood regards Bush as the bad guy and the assault on civil liberties as the real threat to American society. There’s a whole slew of movies coming out this fall that explore that theme.

    Hey, maybe Hollywood has a point. Maybe Bush is the bad guy. You can make that argument if you want to. But it doesn’t negate the point that thrillers with “conservative” or “red state” plot lines are not being made. (“24” may be an exception. I’ve watched only the first year’s episodes, where Serbians were the bad guys.)

    Anonymous 6:50. You ask, “Are all Muslims killers?” Who ever implied such a thing? Is that what you think conservatives think?

  13. Anonymous Avatar

    Bowden — Is the “Islamist” versus “Muslim” distinction your own creation? Can’t seem to find a clear answer anywhere.

    You are trying to draw neat little distinctions between jihad-oriented Muslims and Palestinians fighting Israel. You are flat wrong. Hollywood doesn’t bother with such distinctions and there has been a steady drumbeat for years of casting the violent Muslim fringe against the world at large and in particular, against us God-fearing white Americans with some blacks in key supporting roles. You seem to long for a simple “us against them” that, frankly, smacks of Hitler’s Third Reich, Stalin’s Soviet Union or Hirohito’s Japan.
    At least you don’t go along with Bowden’s dream of a theocratic, totalitarian and fascist America.That is why hard-right wingnuts like Bowden are dangerous and should be under surveillance.

  14. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Anon 7:46. I wish you would write more. If you would tell everyone who you support politically in Virginia and Nationally, it would be even better.

    The distinction between Islamist (Muslims who want to establish the world caliphate and support Al Queada or the Taliban or any of 60 or so groups (Shia and Sunni) who want to destroy the US and the West) and Muslims who more or less believe in the Koran and Haditha isn’t mine. Try googling it.

  15. Groveton Avatar


    Congratulations on getting the book finished and up for sale. It sounds fascinating. I’ll definitely get a copy and read it.

    I guess every thriller needs a villain and yours has hit a nerve with some people. Muslims do get beaten up a lot in American popular culture. And yes, I understand your distinction between Muslims and Islamists. However, it’s a distinction that I think few non-Muslim Americans make. But, like I said, every thriller needs a villain and villain(s) have to be from somewhere.

    However, I couldn’t be happier to hear that a computer geek is the apparent hero. Always a good choice for heroes.

    As a Catholic Irish-American let me say that you have my personal endorsement to make Catholic Irish-Americans the villians of your next book. If you do, I’ll even buy a copy of the next book for my priest.

    Congratulations again on this accomplishment.

  16. Anonymous Avatar

    I am not sure I understand your distinction.
    I think that you are crazier than a loon. So much so that I might actually read your book.

  17. Groveton Avatar

    Anon 10:07 –

    While Mr. Bowden can certainly speak for himself, let me tell you how I see the distinction. I’ll use an example that relates more to me.

    For years the Irish Republican Army perpetuated acts of terror against the citizens of the UK. They bombed department stores, they killed old men (and war heroes) by bombing their boats. They felt they were justified. Most, like me, felt they were terrorists. Let’s call them IRA terrorists. They are the equivalent to the Islamists in my mind. Willing to kill innocent people becuase they feel “justified”.

    Meanwhile, many, many Irishmen and many, many Irish Catholics deplored the bombings and killings. Certainly, the vast majority of Catholic Irish-Americans deplored the violence. I know I did. We are the equivalent of the Muslims in my distinction. An ethnic/religious group with no violent ambitions although many of us did indeed believe that the British had been and continued to be oppressive to the Irish in general and Irish Catholics in particular.

    The distinction is a willingness to perpetuate violence (particularly against innocent civilians) in pursuit of your cause.

  18. E M Risse Avatar
    E M Risse

    This post and string proves several points:

    1) Jim Bacon has been too busy to keep close tabs on what the entertainment industry is doing.

    2) The entertainment industry is doing what every other Enterprise in the nation-state is doing — what ever they think will malke them a lot of money in the shortest time possible.

    3) Authors are best able to articulate what they intend.

    4) Words matter (Islamist vs Muslim)

    5) Some words are best not used (liberal and conservative) because they have no substanative meaning.

    On the later point: The 20% who think they are conservatives and the 20% who think they are liberals together do not make up a majority. It is the 60% in the middle that should be the focus of intelligent discussion on how to achieve a sustainable trajectory for civilization.

    See the 20% / 60% / 20% Guideline under Percentage Guidelines in GLOSSARY.

    OK, we admit we used the word “conservatism” in our 5 March column (“Conservatism and Fundametnal Change”) but we defined how we used the term.

    Using “liberal” and “conservative” as general lables is as counterproductive as using “sprawl,” “rural” and “city.”


  19. Anonymous Avatar


    Go to Blockbuster and rent these DVDs:

    Navy Seals,
    Air Force One
    Not Without my Daughter
    Executive Decision
    True Lies
    The Siege
    Three Kings
    Rules of Engagement

    Then go to your TV and watch
    West Wing
    Law and Order
    The Agency

    And then tell me liberal Hollywood is afraid of cashing in on Muslim cartoons

  20. Anonymous Avatar

    I don’t see anything wrong with enterprise making money: that’s their job. They are capitalized by stockholders, which means most of us, one way or another, so if they are making money, then they are making money for us, too.

    There is also nothing wrong with making money in as short a time as possible, unless you are overstating th discount rate that makes you indifferent to a dollar now or more dollars later.

  21. Jim Bacon Avatar
    Jim Bacon

    Anonymous 10:54. Thanks for proving my point.

    9/11 took place on Sept. 11, 2001. Here’s when the movies you cited were released:

    Navy Seals (1990)
    Air Force One (1997)
    Not Without my Daughter (1991)
    Executive Decision (1996)
    True Lies (1994)
    The Siege (1998)
    Three Kings (1999)
    Rules of Engagement (2000)

    You could have added Black Hawk Down… It was released in 2002, but conceived and filmed before 9/11.

    Got any others?

    After the fall of communism, the Arabs *were* Hollywood’s bad guys. I’m not sure what accounts for the sea change in portrayal, but I would hypothesize that the decision makers in Hollywood don’t want to do anything that might legitimize George Bush’s “war on terror.” I’m not commenting upon the rightness of wrongness of Bush’s decision to invade Iraq. Shall I repeat that for clarity? I’m not defending Bush’s conduct of the war on terror. I’m simply observing that he’s getting zero support from Hollywood.

    I recall watching one movie — can’t remember the name, it never got muchpublicity — that showed the war in Iraq from the soldiers’ point of view. The soldiers were definitely the good guys. But, other than the anonymous insurgents who’d appear out of nowhere and got blown up, who were the bad guys? The CIA agents running a secret detention camp where terrorists suspects were held and tortured.

    I just watched “The Bourne Identity” — more CIA bad guys running an operation that tortured and assassinated people. There’s a movie coming out starring Reese Witherspoon, who’s film husband is renditioned to a foreign country and tortured — presumably with the complicity of Americans. And there’s more to come.

  22. James Aach Avatar
    James Aach

    Try this one: “Rad Decision” is a technothriller look at the real world of nuclear power — from an insider. It’s not just another atomic scare book. It is free online, and is also in paperback. Reader reviews at the home page have been very positive.

  23. E M Risse Avatar
    E M Risse

    Ok so my first point:

    1) Jim Bacon has been too busy to keep close tabs on what the entertainment industry is doing.

    Was not as correct as I thought. Good research on the dates Jim!

    By question is how do you have time to see all those movies? If you are going to help Groveton, that is one thing that will have to go.


  24. E M Risse Avatar
    E M Risse

    At 8:23 AM, Anonymous said…

    I don’t see anything wrong with enterprise making money: that’s their job. They are capitalized by stockholders, which means most of us, one way or another, so if they are making money, then they are making money for us, too.

    There is also nothing wrong with making money in as short a time as possible, unless you are overstating th discount rate that makes you indifferent to a dollar now or more dollars later.

    This may be the most frightening statement I have ever seen on line.

    For a list of what is wrong with the making of as much money as possible in as short a time as possible see the listing of problems citizens face in IT WILL TAKE MORE THAN LINT.


  25. Anonymous Avatar

    Bacon and EMR,
    Here’s a cultural history lesson. Hollywood was founded mostly by highly creative Jewish immigrants who built up some of the biggest and best celluloid houses around. But, being Jewish, they were always afraid of anti-semitism and, thus, tried to become even more American than Apple Pie. That’s why you got a steady stream of white toast, Andy Rooney, propaganda for the red, white and blue in the 1940s. This is where Ronald Reagan and John Wayne got their starts.
    Very few Hollywood films ever had the guts to question the rah-rah. Certainly not in WWII and not in Korea. You did have a left-wing element which Joe McCarthy exploited way out of proportion, but for decades Hollywood promoted American values or what the moguls THOUGHT were American values.
    Vietnam was too hot so, besides the jingoistic “Green Berets” you really didn’t see any Hollywood Vietnam pictures until the war was wll over, save for maybe “Go Tell The Spartans.” And they weren’t all leftie. Sure, you can Apocalypse Now and Deer Hunter, but you also had Rambo I and II.
    The only director/producer willing to tackle Afghanistan was right-wing John Milius and his allegorical “Red Dawn.”
    Not having a strong Washington lobby, Muslims and Arabs in particular naturally make good bad guys in such a milieu and as proof you have the lists that have been posted already. Post 9/11 there haven’t been many terrorism movies per se, except for “United 93.” But I fail to see the leftish consiracy here. If anything it’s because Hollywood thinks it is too soon emotionally and there’s a difference between entertainment and reality.
    So, you have not made your case.

  26. Y’all need to watch more Comeday Central, particularly Carlos Mencia. He explains that the Muslims are now “It”…the Blacks and the Hispanics are off the hook and it now their turn to be beat up on.

    The rest of Hollywood will catch on eventually. And I will point out y’all are a year late on the topic…South Park dealt with quite well last year.

  27. Anonymous Avatar

    You are no namby pamby and are ahead of the curve.

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