As U.S. Teeters On the Brink of Recession, Virginia Beach Hikes Taxes

Clouds gather over Va Beach. (Bob Rayner)

by Kerry Dougherty

Do you mind if I’m brutally honest for a minute? Good. Because there’s no stopping me today.

Any member of the Virginia Beach City Council majority who voted Tuesday to approve an obscene $2.5 billion budget as the country teeters on the edge of a recession is a liar if they try to tell you they didn’t raise taxes.

I mean it. Join me in calling them LIARS.

While it’s true these politicians left the tax RATE alone, assessments jumped an average of 9%, with some of us seeing much sharper increases.

That means almost every homeowner in Virginia Beach just got a big fat tax hike. Combine that with an inflation rate of about 5%and the average working family trying to stay above water in the resort city is drowning.

Real estate taxes based on rising assessments are a fundamentally unfair way to raise revenue.

Think about it: On one hand, soaring assessments are a good thing. For most of us, our homes are our biggest assets. No one wants their asset to lose value.

If your stocks go up but you leave your money in the stock market, you aren’t taxed on unrealized gains. You’re taxed when you sell shares.

But when property values skyrocket and you stay in your home, you’re being taxed on your “wealth.” In the parlance of the world of finance, you’re paying taxes on unrealized capital gains.

So, the majority on City Council just voted to lower your standard of living by hiking the taxes on your home. The fact that your home is worth more than it was last year is no indicator of your ability to pay more in tributes to local government.

This tax hike — did I mention that nearly every economist in the world is predicting the U.S. will be in a recession by year’s end? — was brought to you by the out-of-touch-free-spending members of City Council who are showering Pharrell’s surf park with cash, while extorting more out of ordinary people.

It’s the Virginia Beach way.

And don’t let them gaslight you with the old trope “it’ll pay for itself” with this latest resort area shiny object. These projects almost never live up to the hype. By the time the taxpaying schlumps figure out they’ve been played, the pols have moved onto their next fancy project.

Ask them if the TPC Golf course ever paid for itself.

While there may be a few new faces on this sorry elected body, it’s the same old way of thinking.

The vote on Tuesday was 8-3 for the bloated budget.

Who were the three sane members? Glad you asked. Chris Taylor and Sabrina Wooten were joined in a rare display of common sense by Barbara Henley, who’s been on council since Reconstruction.

Republican or Democrat, once they’re elected to City Council, they’re all the same.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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12 responses to “As U.S. Teeters On the Brink of Recession, Virginia Beach Hikes Taxes”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Chesapeake pulled the same crap. 5 cents tax raise. $3.4M was the cost to the budget to drop it a penny. In a 1.5B budget, they could have found the ability to drop it more. In Chesapeake they didn’t even get an answer from Ms. Tracy, budget head, when they asked her what the reserves are!

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    If taxes were increased in direct correlation with inflation-based assessment increases, then in real dollars, taxes were not increased.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Unfortunately, your house doesn’t grow in size and you can’t pay those taxes with bits of your larger house.

      The rate of inflation exceeded the growth of wages for the first time in recent years in April 2021. In this month, inflation amounted to 4.2 percent, while wages grew by 3.2 percent. The growth of wages surpassed that of inflation for the first time since March 2021 in April of 2023.

      So, for two years wages have not kept up with inflation.

      Something the ditzes on the Virginia Beach City Council apparently wants to ignore.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        That’s the problem with “wealth taxes”. They’re based on hope of future gains and never offset by realized gain(loss).

        At least income and sales taxes are the result of real money exchanges, or rather actual exchanges. Never saw real money.

        1. StarboardLift Avatar

          Agreed–Virginia Beach needs a blended base that includes income tax, not just property and sales tax.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    The Board in Virginia Beach has one more problem. By state law, if increased assessments are 1% or more higher than the year before, the tax rate is automatically rolled back to counter the hike in assessments. Of course, county boards will almost always vote to keep the existing tax rate while chirping about how they held the RATE flat.

    When will the board vote to keep the old rate?

    Bill Bolling has a good explanation:

  4. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    The problem with the “equalized tax rate” is that it doesn’t take inflation or population growth into consideration, much less unfunded government mandates.

    If jurisdictions are held to the previous year’s income, where will funds come from to pay salary increases for teachers, first responders, and other employees, as well as increased fuel, supplies, and other costs.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, silver linings and all that rot… opportunity to convert trashed up assets from the Traditional to the Roth at a tax discount. Then, hope for the rising tide.

    You can’t time the market, but you can time the debt ceiling and Congress’ willingness to walk the edge. So, “sell in May and go away” compounded with the RWNS in the House may mean waiting until long after St. Crispin’s Day to come back.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      So, Sherlock cries “raise taxes to pay public employees more!” and then Virginia Beach does and Kerry speaks up in the next post for the majority of taxpayers who get mad about it.

      The Tax Man loves inflation. It makes the job of raking in the bucks so much easier. My assessment here is up more than 40% in four cycles, and the price my neighbor just got on the same floorplan means another 10% next year….at least. Yet this is not enough for Sherlock and his teachers. Mo’ Money!

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      So, Sherlock cries “raise taxes to pay public employees more!” and then Virginia Beach does and Kerry speaks up in the next post for the majority of taxpayers who get mad about it.

      The Tax Man loves inflation. It makes the job of raking in the bucks so much easier. My assessment here is up more than 40% in four cycles, and the price my neighbor just got on the same floorplan means another 10% next year….at least. Yet this is not enough for Sherlock and his teachers. Mo’ Money!

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Money and water share certain properties. I used to worry about the water collecting in the bilge. “Is it freshwater?” “Where is it coming from?” “Is a holding tank leaking?” Meh, water comes, water goes.

        Death and taxes, Lad.

  6. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    The Beasts must be fed.

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