Bacon's Rebellion


In case you missed it, today CNN reports:

“An oil spill off Louisiana was designated a spill of “national significance” Thursday, meaning assets can be drawn from other states and areas to combat it, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said.

“The U.S. military may be called on to assist authorities scrambling to mitigate the potential environmental disaster posed by the spill as it expands toward the Gulf Coast, the Coast Guard said.

“In addition, another controlled burn of the oil slick may be conducted, Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Erik Swanson said.

“Officials said late Wednesday the estimated amount of oil spewing into the Gulf from three underwater leaks after last week’s oil rig explosion has increased to as much as 5,000 barrels, or 210,000 gallons, a day — five times more than what was initially believed.”

And you said “no oil is leaking”?

Tobacco does not cause cancer either.

DDT does not harm the environment.

The world is flat.

The climate is not changing.

OK if it is, humans have no role in that change.

And they need not take action to protect against negative impacts.

Oh yes, be sure to tell your friends that it is intelligent to continue to rely on Autonomobiles for Mobility and Access.

And all the while, the Dow is up by 125 or so because after all cleaning up oil spills is a plus for the GDP.

Sleep well.


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