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by James A. Bacon

The woke witch trials of the 21st century don’t burn their victims at the stake, but they still do immense harm.

We previously told the story of how Morgan Bettinger, a 4th-year student who ran afoul of the University of Virginia’s social-justice warriors, was vilified on social media, investigated by university authorities, and required to perform social-justice-related community service to atone for supposed threats she never uttered.

What we haven’t told before but can now thanks to a lawsuit asking for the expungement of disciplinary sanctions on Bettinger’s college record, is what it’s like for a student to endure the assaults of the Woke Mob.

The question every UVA alumnus, student, parent, professor and member of the UVa community must ask is this: how can freedom of speech and expression thrive in an environment where students are treated this way?

The lawsuit cites the following testimony Bettinger gave in a recorded interview with the university’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights.

Being a fourth year not only with COVID being a challenge, but not being able to go on campus because I’m scared people, if they recognize me…. They have recognized me going to Sam’s Club with my mom or recognizing my car, God forbid. That because [accuser Zyahna] Bryant has put out a target to say this person has labeled me as a racist and a Karen and saying all these awful and wrong things about me that I can’t go on campus. I can’t have a normal experience in my classes. I have to change my name when I got into an online class because I don’t want them to know my last name. I have a TA who is friends with [Bryant] … and I haven’t been able to speak in class on hard topics because I don’t if they’re reporting back to Bryant or going to say anything and then use that against me if they disagree with something….

She referenced I have a Facebook profile of me supporting a police officer because my dad was a police officer. The fact that I have sleepless nights and I’ve had to be prescribed medication to be able to sleep anymore and that I had to up my therapy to speak with my counselor because this had just gotten so much. It finally broke me a little bit ago. It’s just not okay for someone to get away with … doing this. I hope you guys can see that, that how she’s painted me out to be is not true by any means…. I think it’s important that just because she’s claiming one thing that you guys will actually see the person I am and look at the person I am and look at the facts and know that it’s not true.

Bettinger cut back her engagement with other students, minimized her participation in classes, and “carefully censored her comments” when she did speak, according to the lawsuit. One professor was forced to divide his class into separate sections “due to the overt hostility toward Ms. Bettinger by some other students.”

Although the incidents described occurred in 2020, we bring them to the public’s attention today because there is no indication that anything has changed. Leftist militants can hurl fact-free accusations of bigotry, homophobia and other evils without fear of repercussion. The system never calls for them to recant their mistruths. Their libels and misrepresentations dwell on the Internet forever and, in Bettinger’s case, on her UVa record. These permanent stains can jeopardize future employment.

The University encourages students to use the Just Report It tool to report incidents of “bias” or “harassment” against supposedly marginalized minorities. The system works. People are reported for perceived offenses. And the university has a substantial administrative apparatus, including the Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights, to investigate and punish. Some accusations are kicked over to the Student Judiciary Committee for resolution.

In sum, the power of militant leftists to intimidate their fellow students is magnified by a bureaucratic machinery that is geared to enforcing their demands. The militants suffer no consequences for their actions.

The Bettinger case was not an isolated incident. The Jefferson Council is aware of multiple ongoing cases grinding through the administrative process. Intimidation, one might say, is systemic at UVa.

Bettinger’s nightmare started July 17, 2017, when she was returning home from a babysitting job and found her route on High Street in downtown Charlottesville blocked by an unauthorized demonstration. Getting out of her car to see what the problem was, she saw that a city dump truck and two civilian vehicles were blocking the intersection. Striking up a conversation with the dump truck driver, she quipped something to the effect, “It’s a good thing you’re here or they could become speed bumps” — an allusion to the white supremacist rally three years previously in which a neo-Nazi in a car had struck demonstrators, killing one. Protesters nearby overheard the comment and spread the word that Bettinger had said, “the protesters would make good speed bumps.” The protesters began acting in a threatening manner, Bettinger got in her car, called 911, and backed away.

Zyahna Bryant, then a second-year student, was an organizer of the unauthorized protest. She did not personally hear Bettinger’s “speedbumps” quip, says the lawsuit, but she joined the threatening crowd and taunted Bettinger with the pejorative phrase, “It’s a Karen.”

After Bettinger departed, Bryant posted a photograph of her with the caption:

SHARE/SPREAD THIS! TRIGGER WARNING: The woman in this truck (sic) approached protesters in Charlottesville and told us that we would make ‘good speed bumps’ mind you, a protester was killed by a man in a care in Charlottesville during the A12 rally in 2o17.

According to the lawsuit, Bryant went on to misrepresent the facts. She wrote:

The police were literally blocking the road at that point; She had to go down a series of one way streets (several were completely blocked) AND maneuver between a public works truck and a police car that was blocking the road about two blocks away; the cops were blocking it at that point; Morgan intentionally maneuvered between two police barricades.

The social media posts, asserts the lawsuit, clearly implied that Bettinger “had not encountered the protest by happenstance but rather had intentionally evaded police and maneuvered to the scene for the purpose of harassing the protesters.”

In the wake of Bryant’s postings, Bettinger received numerous social-media threats “against her life and physical well being.”

Two days later, the lawsuit says, Bryant took to social media again.

TW: A12
Attn: @UVA
Over 200 Charlottesville community members gathered on July 17, 2020 to affirm that Black Women Matter in our community. However, this rally and march was disturbed by UVA student Morgan Bettinger.

Morgan drove around the public works truck blocking the street that demonstrators were convened on and felt compelled to say, not just once, but twice that protesters would ‘make good speed bumps.’

EMAIL these UVA deans now to demand that Morgan face consequences for her actions that UVA stop graduating racists.

The office of the Dean of Students was inundated with phone calls and emails demanding action against Bettinger. The same day the University posted the following statement on social media:

The University strongly condemns any threat directed at other members of our community. We are aware of the allegations on social media about a student’s conduct with respect to a protest in the city and are actively investigating the matter.”

Subsequent inquiries by a Threat Assessment Team and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights found no grounds to support the charge that Bettinger had threatened anyone. Nonetheless, Dean Allen W. Groves referred the matter to the student-run University Judiciary Committee. The UJC found Bettinger worthy of punishment on the grounds that her remark “disregarded Charlottesville’s violent history. A history you should have been cognizant of as a UVA student and resident of Charlottesville.”

As we have described in previous posts, Bettinger was compelled to write a letter of apology to Bryant and sentenced to social-justice-related community service. Her diploma would be withheld if she failed to comply. Citing the evidence and legal arguments in her favor, Bettinger asked President James Ryan to expunge the proceedings from her record. He responded that he lacked the authority to overrule the student judiciary.

The lawsuit asks the court to order UVa to expunge and destroy all records of the UJC trial, conviction and sanctions; issue a letter of apology for the harms perpetrated upon her; revise the procedures and limitations of appellate review of the UJC to comply with constitutional due process standards; and award compensatory damages and attorneys fees.

Bryant, who has made a high-school and college career of inveighing against racism, has never apologized. She has suffered no consequences for her reckless allegations. To the contrary, she has been lauded with awards and recognitions.

As she recounts on her LinkedIn page,

In the fall of 2019, I was appointed by Governor Northam to the Virginia African American Advisory Board. I was also appointed by President Jim Ryan (UVA) to the President’s Council on UVA-Community Partnerships.

I have been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, National Geographic, Teen Vogue, The New Yorker Magazine, Forbes; and featured on Vice News, PBS, CNN, BBC, and BET.

In 2020 Bryant was awarded a UVa TASC scholarship, currently worth $2,500 a year.

Clarification: The post should have made it clear that the lawsuit has not been filed in court. Bettinger’s attorney, Charles “Buddy” Weber has shared the document with University Counsel Cliff Iler as well as the Office of the Attorney General.

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73 responses to “Apologies Run One Way in Woke World”

  1. M. Purdy Avatar

    Does anyone actually know the facts of the incident or is this another case of asserting facts in question are true and that anyone who disagrees is “misrepresenting” the facts?

    1. Subsequent inquiries by a Threat Assessment Team and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights found no grounds to support the charge that Bettinger had threatened anyone.

      That tells me everything I need to know about the alleged incident, but I guess you could dig deeper into it…

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        Right, but that doesn’t really answer the question. The question is what the student judicial committee found, and whether that warranted the type of punishment and blemish on her record she now seeks to expunge.

        1. If the school’s own Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights found no grounds to support the accusation against her, then I would posit that any student-run “judicial committee” that determined otherwise was very likely acting out of emotion and bias, not facts.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar

            Don’t want to parse this too closely, but the school didn’t accuse her of making a ‘threat.’ It says that they were investigating her ‘conduct’ and that, as a policy matter, they don’t accept threats against other community members. That’s why I ask what did the UJC find were the facts of the case, and did it warrant the punishment she received?

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Here is the key statement …

            The UJC found Bettinger worthy of punishment on the grounds that her remark “disregarded Charlottesville’s violent history. A history you should have been cognizant of as a UVA student and resident of Charlottesville.”

            So, she didn’t say something like, “you protesters should be turned into speed bumps”. Rather, she said (as she claims) that it is a good thing that the truck was there because the protesters might otherwise become speed bumps.

            In my experience, the UJC is a group of pre-law students who fancy themselves attorneys while being undergraduates. They make up rules and hand out punishments to the rules they just made up. One example of a rule made up by the UJC is a requirement to know the history of Charlottesville and not make any statements disregarding that history. Absurd.

          3. M. Purdy Avatar

            The part you quote seems to be only one part of the overall findings. Is there a full record of the findings?

          4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Again. Who cares. If she is guilty as charged it is a nothing burger.

          5. M. Purdy Avatar

            If she’s guilty as charged, then the UJC certainly had a basis for doing something about it, and she will very likely lose in court. If the sole basis for the punishment is that she wasn’t sensitive to Cville history, then that’s dumb. Which again is why I ask whether anyone has done fact finding. There’s no reporting on this other than from BR and FIRE, which takes a FA absolutist stance.

          6. DJRippert Avatar

            Good question. I just quoted the article.

          7. M. Purdy Avatar

            My guess is that there is a full finding, because based on the UJC cite, it’s a fairly process-oriented and formal body.

          8. DJRippert Avatar

            If it is, then it changed since I went to UVa. Back in the day, the UJC was a bunch of pimply faced lawyer wannabe’s who dreamed up rules and made pronouncements on a whim.

          9. M. Purdy Avatar

            Yeah, perhaps. Admittedly I didn’t go there undergrad.

          10. Wahoo'74 Avatar

            M. Purdy,

            What part of this don’t you get?

            Zyahna Bryant lied and should have been kicked out for an Honor violation. Morgan Bettinger is innocent, was libeled, and as of now her life is impacted severely since any potential employer will see the false accusation on her permanent record.

            The Judiciary Committee was taken over by Zyahna Bryant’s zealot leftists who will do and say anything to squash whom they deem to be the opposition. Morgan Bettinger had done NOTHING to warrant any kind of reaction like this. Nothing.

            I know all the parties involved. I did go to UVA. I do still adhere to the Honor Code, as I did when I was an undergrad. I’m not lying.

            This is an unconscionable act of collective abuse on the part of the Judiciary Committee, de facto supported by the President of the University Jim Ryan since he refused to expunge her record. As cited above, Ryan’s own Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights found no grounds to support the charge that Bettinger had threatened anyone.

            President Ryan will back the extremists and throw honest young students under the bus. Why? I guess he buys into the white supremacist/systemic racism babble spewed out by Zyahna Bryant and her cohorts.

            It’s a non-existent problem in search of a solution, the solution being malicious payback for racism of the distant past perpetrated by a committed, amoral minority of zealots like Zyahna Bryant.

          11. M. Purdy Avatar

            Frankly, I’ve been around this blog long enough to know that factual accounts shouldn’t be counted on to be accurate on these pages. Look at the other comments (i.e., why do facts matter?). As long as we’re at it, what do you mean she was libeled? Did she not say that the protesters would make good speed bumps? What did Bryant lie about? This is the part I’m not following, because even Bacon’s post says she mentioned speedbumps.

      2. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
        Charles D’Aulnais

        Yeah, but didn’t the TAT make the same findings with the football player? Or were you being sarcastic?

        1. I don’t think the TAT actually investigated the football player.

          And besides, I put more stock in the decision by the school’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights, as evidenced in a subsequent comment.

        2. I don’t think the TAT actually investigated the football player.

          And besides, I put more stock in the decision by the school’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights, as alluded to in a subsequent comment.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      And you care about the facts why exactly?

      She should have been able to call Ms. Bryant a demon to her face in Charlottesville and it should have been none of the University’s business.

      Much less a joke. Do you understand that?

      The Judiciary Committee is the joke.

      Handing that kangaroo court the ability to affect someone’s career on second-hand gossip is grotesque.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        “And you care about the facts why exactly?” Because this blog often makes bold claims about the facts with limited basis for doing so. And I’m not denying her right to say whatever the hell she wants to; the question is whether the UJC has a basis for making its finding. The fact that you feel the UJC is a a joke is really beside the point.

        1. VaPragamtist Avatar

          I’d argue that whether or not a kangaroo court has any basis for its findings is what’s beside the point. The real question is, why is a group of 18-23 year olds cosplaying judges allowed this much authority over someone’s life, especially regarding actions off-campus?

          To your point, “does the UJC have a basis for their findings?” Sure! They make up the rules, make up the standards, don’t have judicial precedent to look to, have no accountability, and act based on the zeitgeist of the time. So yeah, without knowing any of the facts they were presented I can tell you definitively that they gave themselves a basis for their findings. Because that’s what kangaroo courts do.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar

            Two responses. First, as a practical matter, if plaintiff in this case is seeking to expunge her record, whether there’s a factual basis for the UJC’s determination is absolutely essential to her case. Second, if you take the position that 18-23 y.o.s shouldn’t be wielding this sort of power, which I’m actually sympathetic to, then you have to apply that equally, which this blog has failed to do. They rail against the UJC as a kangaroo court, but see any diminishment of the honor committee’s authority as evidence of institutional decline. Ditto VMI’s self-governance. As for the UJC making it up as they go along, that’s not quite true. The code of conduct is written, public and approved by the BOV. That said, if the reason for the student’s discipline was outside of the rubrics established by that code of conduct, then of course that’s dumb and outside of its authority, so the plaintiff may well win.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Back in the day – the honor committee was serious organization that carefully considered the issues at hand. The UJC was a clown show.

            Maybe things have changed. It’s been a long time.

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            The question of why the kangaroo court known as the UJC believes that it has jurisdiction off-campus is a very good question.

    3. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
      Charles D’Aulnais

      It’s all based on the plaintiff’s filing, and whatever JB used for a previous article. So, no.

      What happens when you take the plaintiff’s filing as gospel and run with it.

      “Even viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to Plaintiff, and drawing every reasonable inference in his favor,” wrote Moon, “the Court cannot identify any evidence in the record that could reasonably support a jury verdict in his favor.”


      1. VaPragamtist Avatar

        That’s definitely a different case.


  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Behold the wondrous power of fear and weakness.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      And olympic quality self regard.

  3. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    I just had to take recurring on-line civility training which is mandatory for state employees. It sounds like there isn’t a similar policy that pertains to students. It seems they can bully anybody they disagree with, although they might get scolded if they do it on campus.

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      Yes, it’s here: This is the whole of what the UJC is allowed to adjudicate, so I’m thinking there’s much more to the finding than what’s been quoted, which wouldn’t qualify under any of these rubrics.

      1. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
        Charles D’Aulnais

        And, the only detailed “story” (presented in JB’s comment) is the plaintiff’s filing. So we have one side only. To wit: the “right” side.

        1. M. Purdy Avatar

          The best is when Sherlock asked below why I cared about the facts (“And you care about the facts why exactly?”). In my world, facts matter, though that sentiment evidently isn’t shared by all.

  4. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Gee, Bryant’s bio merit is similar to a self-appointed journalist named Asra Nomani occasionally featured on BR. Perhaps, in the interests of fair reporting, JAB ought to invite Bryant to pen an article.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I think that is a great idea!

  5. For those interested in seeing the full array of evidence and legal reasoning, here is the lawsuit:

    Here’s an article I published a year ago describing the ordeal with the Judiciary Commitee:

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, I guess we’ll see how it comes out when the case gets on a docket sometime in 2035.

      But in the meantime, let’s take sides and argue the facts not yet found.

      Remember, that old guy swore up and down and on a stack of Bibles that Paltrow mowed him down.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, one more time. That is NOT the full array of evidence. Those are the claims made by the plaintiff only and the legal reasoning made by HER attorneys based on the statements and/or writing provided to them by her.

      I suspect that there will be other evidence presented by the defendants.

      Then, and only then, will you have a full array of evidence, and will be used by a jury and/or by the judge in resolving motions by either side.

      1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

        You’re dead wrong. I know all the parties. Zyahna Bryant is an inveterate liar.

      2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

        Nancy Naive, spare me. Have you no objectivity, shame or core moral values?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Because, to have those qualities I must believe BR and the little girl without the full story?

          I’ll wait.

          How’d that work out with the Bhattacharyya lawsuit? Or any of the other UVA windmills?

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          No and he’s also posting under two screen names on this article

    3. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
      Charles D’Aulnais

      Was that an advance copy? I hope somebody proofreads it before submitting to a court. I jumped to the bottom, specifically Para 154. Is that English?

    4. M. Purdy Avatar

      The “full array of evidence” is the plaintiff’s complaint? Where did you go to law school where that would be considered the “full array of evidence”?

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    I’m so glad there was none of this social media insanity 50 years ago. And again, the problem is the students and the admin is also scared of them. Probably should be — they seem real nasty.

    1. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
      Charles D’Aulnais

      You’d be nasty too if you had paid that much in tuition, or even saw a 20% bump.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        20%, now that’s a speed bump.

        1. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
          Charles D’Aulnais

          It was a reference to Steve’s remark elsewhere.

          Speed! Har humor.

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Without getting into what the facts are, there are two larger issues here. The first one has already been identified by Steve Haner–social media. It is so incredibly easy to create a mob mentality in which people believe what other people say and go after someone unquestioningly and mercilessly. The progressive students at UVa don’t have a monopoly on this ability. Conservatives do it, too. One example is the situation regarding the Buckingham County registrar that I recently related. Also, LGBTQ groups experience the most harassment.
    With this country’s strong First Amendment tradition, it is difficult to hold people accountable for this stuff.

    The second issue is the student judicial council. I have long been skeptical of these bodies. They have a lot of power to ruin people’s lives, but the students brought before them often don’t have the ability to defend themselves.

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      “The second issue is the student judicial council. I have long been skeptical of these bodies. They have a lot of power to ruin people’s lives, but the students brought before them often don’t have the ability to defend themselves.” Totally agree. But, as you imply, that’s a different issue than the one presented, which is about the justification of the charges that were brought. I would also point out that if the UJC is a “joke,” as Sherlock says below, then surely the Honor Committee is also a joke, as it is itself a student-run adjudicative body. But that of course would be wrong, because somehow the skepticism w/r/t honor system at UVa is evidence of moral decline or whatever…make it make sense….please…

      1. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
        Charles D’Aulnais

        Depends on which school. Princeton has their equivalent. VMI has their equivalent. Aren’t they praised ‘round these parts?

        At question is whether the “student body” exists as an entity and whether they have a right to determine and admonish “conduct unbecoming”. That done by one reflects on us all.

        If not, then what is to become of the cadets at VMI? Could this case result in precedent that ushers in the demise of the cadets? Fraternities and sororities?

        Will the answer depend on Private v. State? Should it?

        Will State schools nationwide become “Right to Learn”?

        Will they be forced to call the Student Union building just the Student Center?

        1. M. Purdy Avatar

          I think two things are true at the same time in this case: student bodies should be allowed to govern themselves w/r/t student conduct, to which courts have typically shown deference, and student governing bodies can often wield too much power. VMI’s system is case in point. It’s imperative in the context of VMI that the student body be able to govern matters of “honor” as defined. But the students who are members of the governing body wield enormous power over people’s lives (i.e., expulsion is the only sanction and there’s a built-in obedience hierarchy), so the sensible thing to do is ensure that there are protections and oversight. Some former VMI honor court members who have been publicized on these pages have fought any added protections for defendants, which strikes me as insane.

          1. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
            Charles D’Aulnais

            Well, there is that ilk who condemns Miranda and who claim that remuneration for the wrongly convicted is being soft on crime. Why, there have even been States that put limits on introducing exculpatory evidence post convictions.

          2. M. Purdy Avatar

            And Supreme Court Justices….

          3. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
            Charles D’Aulnais

            The griftier of the bunch. The UJC is just the first introduction to a long chain of peer, company, and state groups that wield enormous power over the individual and go virtually unchecked except at great expense. Welcome to life. Fight and rage as best you can.

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            Student bodies have no business running kangaroo courts for events that occur off campus.

            The arrogance of thinking that a student body can usurp the actual law is evidence enough of their absurdity.

          5. M. Purdy Avatar

            If you carry that principle to its full extent, I think you’ll be in very unsatisfactory territory.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        As I’ve said … back in the day … he honor committee was serious while the Judicial Committee was asinine. There is no reason to believe that one mirrors the other.

        1. M. Purdy Avatar

          Oh, right. How could one judicial committee with overlapping jurisdiction with the other and drawn from the same student base be similar to the other…silly me!

    2. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
      Charles D’Aulnais

      See reply to Purdy. Calls into question the entire concept of “student governance”.

  8. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Without getting into what the facts are, there are two larger issues here. The first one has already been identified by Steve Haner–social media. It is so incredibly easy to create a mob mentality in which people believe what other people say and go after someone unquestioningly and mercilessly. The progressive students at UVa don’t have a monopoly on this ability. Conservatives do it, too. One example is the situation regarding the Buckingham County registrar that I recently related. Also, LGBTQ groups experience the most harassment.
    With this country’s strong First Amendment tradition, it is difficult to hold people accountable for this stuff.

    The second issue is the student judicial council. I have long been skeptical of these bodies. They have a lot of power to ruin people’s lives, but the students brought before them often don’t have the ability to defend themselves.

  9. disqus_VYLI8FviCA Avatar

    So she had to apologize and atone for something she never did…sounds about right. The woke mob punishes fictional actions in the name of justice. I am so glad to I quit giving to UVa several years ago. It is becoming an institution beyond redemption.

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      Looks like they’re really suffering without your support:

    2. Jonathan DeWilicker Avatar
      Jonathan DeWilicker

      These used to be called “struggle sessions”

  10. Jonathan DeWilicker Avatar
    Jonathan DeWilicker

    Ask yourself how Zyahna Bryant, who grew up in a housing project and is a college student, was able to afford a 340K home purchase in 2022?

    7/18/2022 $340,000.00 BRYANT, ZYAHNA 2022:2669

    You can look it up for yourself:

    This woman has been groomed to be an activist by her family since she was 7 :

    That article is about her mother complaining she was overweight and implying it was due to the lack of social programs funded by the city.

    I have seen this woman dozens of times being interviewed and fawned over by the local (and national) media in addition to the summer of love “rallies” where she would be loudly yelling at people simply trying to eat on the downtown mall with a bullhorn. In almost all events, she is the only one sitting because she is too obese to stand.

    I would love to see what her SATs and GPA were that got her into UVA. I bet she gets great grades at UVA however, because a professor would have to be suicidal to grade her poorly or attempt to provide constructive criticism.

    UVA is a shell of itself and has been on a rapid decline since Casteen retired.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      “UVA is a shell of itself and has been on a rapid decline since Casteen retired.”

      I think Casteen was the start of the decline.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        How do you define “decline”? Record applications, record low acceptance rates, massive inflows of donations, still extremely high in the rankings, and consistently winning athletically. If that’s “decline,” give me decline every time…

  11. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    The abolition of student governments and governance would make interesting reading on BR.

  12. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    This is President Ryan’s vision of a “great and good” UVA. Throw an innocent girl, Morgan Bettinger, under the bus while lauding a conniving zealot like Zyahna Bryant for libelous accusations. Is this his vision of racial Justice and a community of trust?

    UVA needs an immediate change in leadership. Morgan Bettinger needs a legal victory.

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      UVA is more successful today than it’s ever been. Which must make you even angrier in the grand scheme of things.

      1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

        M. Purdy, I see in one of your prior comments that you’re not an alumnus. You have no clue what UVA was like and what I mean.

        Zyahna Bryant lied. Repeatedly. And eviscerated the public persona of a terrific young lady. Perhaps that doesn’t bother you. It does me. I am someone who values the truth, and as the father of 3 daughters, 2 of whom are UVA alumnae, this really hits home to me.

        I suspect you are yet another of the moral relativists who adhere to the Machiavellian philosophy that your philosophical ends justify your means. I believe in moral absolutism when it comes to lying, cheating, and stealing. This is why I unequivocally condemn Zyahna Bryant and defend Morgan BEttinger.

        Sorry, pal. I’m right. You’re dead wrong. Don’t like that? Tough.

        1. M. Purdy Avatar

          I am an alumnus. From the law school. The thing I studied and practice and you’re purporting to know about. And your argument is, so far, not compelling. Tell me more. How did she lie? Were you there, and did you see what occurred? “Sorry pal” is really not quite the flex you think it is…sorry, pal.

          1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

            I stand by my comments. The silent majority can no longer remain silent. I’ll say it again. You’re wrong, I’m right.

            I know the parties involved. I had great nephews and nieces who attended Charlottesville High School with Zyahna Bryant. They know her narcissism and lies that date back to her early teens. I’ve met Morgan Bettinger and know her character and that she’s telling the truth.

            You don’t have these connections. I do. I deal in facts not leftist theory. I say again, I’m right, you’re wrong. Quite simply because you don’t know the empirically proven data and I do.

            Deal with it M. Purdy. If you don’t agree, I’m fine with that.

          2. M. Purdy Avatar

            “You’re wrong, I’m right.” Oh boy, I think the standards might be a bit different at UVa than what you experienced back in the day. Yikes.

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