AP StyleBook Beclowns Itself. Again.

by Kerry Dougherty

The AP Stylebook has long been the “bible” of American journalism. This guide attempts to standardize language and grammar in newspapers. It deals with everything from when to use “concrete” and when to use “cement” to the use of hyphens when describing Asian or African Americans. New rule: No hyphens.

In recent years it’s also become the bible of political correctness. For instance, the editors scold writers who cling to the term “illegal alien” to describe, well, illegal aliens. The AP prefers euphemisms such as, “migrants” or “undocumented immigrants.”

Last fall, the Stylebook cautioned against using the incendiary word “riot” for mobs of people tossing incendiary devices in the streets of American cities. Those were “protesters” and “protests.” No matter how many buildings burned or people were killed.

Recently the AP declared that when writing about blacks the B should be capitalized, but the w should remain lower case for whites.

Now this.

The AP is deeply worried about offending women who sleep with married men.

Seriously? Mistress is offensive? It’s actually a polite description of the position.

Don’t take my word for it. Here’s what Merriam-Webster says: Mistress: a woman other than his wife with whom a married man has a continuing sexual relationship.

Makes you wonder if cheaters hired a P.R.. firm to bring pressure on the Stylebook staff.

The AP Tweet ignited a social media storm with more than 7,000 responses. Very few were sympathetic to adulterers. Many were witty.

I immediately weighed in with “sidepiece” and wondered if the AP would demand that it be two words or one.

Others suggested “homewrecker,” “skank,” “kept woman,” “goomah,” “concubine,” “harlot,” or “hussy.”

Some snidely suggested that the editors of the Stylebook must be cheating on their spouses.

Others simply mocked the Stylebook for its Orwellian take on language.

A Tweeter who goes by “Rachel,” for example, wondered if “murderer” would be next on the AP hit list: Don’t call them murderers, use another term like “person who was in a room with two alive people and then became the only alive person in there” and provide details later.

I get it. Mistress does seem a tad antiquated. In fact, I can’t think of the last time I saw it used in a news story.

I think I have a better word to describe women who sleep with other women’s husbands.

How about “heaux”?

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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13 responses to “AP StyleBook Beclowns Itself. Again.”

  1. Publius Avatar

    Undocumented prostitute?

  2. Publius Avatar

    I went too fast. Shouldn’t the term be based on the race of said cervix possessor having cisgenderish intimate relations with the evil supremacist patriarch? Should not the same lens be applied to the person using his male P word as a weapon? This gets very complicated.
    For example, if the formerly called mistress is black, can another black call her a “ho?” But if a white calls her a “ho” or “whore” is that a greater racial offense? What if the cheating person with the cisgender man part is a Person of Pallor? Does that make the black cervix possessor a race traitor?
    I think we need an entire style book just to cover the many possibilities because I do care about not being offensive (other than existing as a hetero male Person of Pallor, for which I am very sorry).

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    There is a reason why the MSM is a sinking ship, especially the dinosaur known as a daily newspaper.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    hmmm.. what do you call a guy who is in a continuing relationship with a married woman?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      There’s a pretty strong word for her husband! Works as a noun and a verb.

    2. Cicisbeo.

  5. tmtfairfax Avatar

    If people refuse to pay their federal income taxes, are they undocumented taxpayers?

  6. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    “Standardizing language” is purely whiteness and white supremacy…. The AP needs to be banished for “deciding” on what is “proper”. The AP “style” shows no regard for African-american vernacular… thus they outright demonstrate their racism and thus enable white supremacy as a norm.
    Woke is the greatest cudgel!

  7. Uninvited guest = burglar

    1. Burglar can also be written as “non-governmental wealth redistributor”.

  8. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    I was just reading the AP style book this morning.

  9. “I immediately weighed in with “sidepiece” and wondered if the AP would demand that it be two words or one.”

    …and if it is two words, should it be hyphenated?

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