Anyone Know Where Sen. Ghazala Hashmi Lives?

by Kerry Dougherty

mmm. Looks like things just got interesting — instead of merely horrifying — in last Tuesday’s election.

If Luke Rosiak of The Daily Wire is correct, one Democrat member of the Virginia State Senate may be fighting to stay out of jail rather than taking her seat in the Capitol come January.

In a story headlined “Virginia Dems Could Lose Control of State Senate Because One Of Its Members May Have Lied About Her Residence,” Rosiak claims that Ghazala Hashmi may not live in the 15th Senate District, rendering her ineligible to occupy the seat she won just last week.

Worse, Rosiak reports that Hashmi may have lied on the Certificate of Candidacy Qualifications that she signed last March. In it, she claimed to live in an apartment in Chesterfield while she may have been living in the $600,000 home in Midlothian where she has resided for decades. If these accusations are true, Hashmi could be facing a maximum fine of $2,500, up to 10 years in prison and she could lose the right to vote.

Rosiak reports that, before redistricting, Hashmi’s Midlothian home was in District 10. She represented that district when she was elected in 2020. When the boundaries moved, however, Hashmi found herself living in District 12. Oddly enough, instead of running for that seat, Hashmi entered the race for District 15 and listed an apartment there as her dwelling place.

As it happens, District 12, where Hashmi reportedly DOES live, is a GOP stronghold, which was won by Republican Glen Sturtevant, who garnered 54% of the vote.

Redistricting turned District 15 into a safe one for Democrats, however, and Hashmi won with 61.94% of the vote. Her opponent, Republican Douglas Fisher got just 37.69%.

Fisher — a lawyer — told Rosiak that he plans to fight the certification of the vote. If she was ineligible, he reasons, he ran unopposed and should be declared the winner.

Not so fast, says Del. Tim Anderson of Virginia Beach. On X, the website formerly known as Twitter, he wrote that if the allegations turn out to be true, Hashmi would be disqualified from serving in the Senate, which would trigger a special election that would almost certainly be won by a Democrat in the safely Democratic district.

But if Fisher is able to keep the votes from being certified because one candidate was ineligible, perhaps he does automatically take the seat. After all, why should a party get a mulligan if it nominated an ineligible candidate who lied to get on the ballot?

Whatever the remedy, Hashmi could lose her seat. It’s happened before.

Anyone else remember David Nygaard, who ran for Virginia Beach City Council in 2018? He lived in the Lynnhaven District but rented an apartment in the Beach District, which he claimed as his residence.

In a four-way race, Nygaard edged out incumbent John Uhrin by about 200 votes.

Nygaard was accused of not living in the district he represented and a three-judge panel agreed, vacating the seat that Nygaard had occupied for several months.

City Council appointed a placeholder and held a special election to fill the vacancy the following November.

Of course Nygaard’s election had been certified and he’d been sworn into office by the time the court ruled.

Rules for residency and remedies for violations vary from office to office in Virginia. But Hashmi and the Dems could be in trouble if she did indeed falsify information in order to run.

Stay tuned.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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27 responses to “Anyone Know Where Sen. Ghazala Hashmi Lives?”

  1. Redistricting may have caused multiple instances of legislators no longer living in the districts they represent.

    For example, it is curious that Buddy Fowler in the 59th established residence in rural Hanover county at the address of a Hanover Repub activist after owning a home and living in Ashland for years.

  2. Nothing will come of this.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Less than nothing. It will only add pages to The Big Book of Useless Regulations and the Easy Ways to Skirt Them.

  3. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    Once again, an example of how politicians of both Parties think their career is more important than ensuring the residents of a district are represented by someone who really lives in the district. If you want to keep your job, sell your house and buy another one.

    Or look at Congressman Schiff from California, listing his primary residence as a house in Maryland. And it most certain that he’s not the only MOC whose done this.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “ Hashmi entered the race for District 15 and listed an apartment there as her dwelling place.”

    If she signed the lease, pays the rent, changes her address on her DL, then Lawrence v. Texas assures us that no cares where you sleep… yet.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Grasping at straws is the only exercise some people get.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Who? Ms. Kerry?

        The LvT reference was for humor. If you want to have fun, consider living aboard, or in an RV, and you will discover 1000s of laws on residency and how easily gone around they are.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Well, you too, at times. This “residence” game is common right after redistricting and both parties have had candidates “wink, wink” certified through temp housing. As you said, if the registrar says they can vote in the new district, ’tis all they need.

          The other game that may appear is a gubernatorial appointment with a fat VRS bonus for some newly elected D in a swing district. I’m sure they are looking…

          Anything but actually running superior candidates and finding winning issues. That’s too hard.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Incentive Steve, what’s the incentive?
            Senator Vance, Representative Santos,… oh yeah, Bobert.. class acts all, and elected.

            Lefty will accommodate me by listing 1/2 dozen Democrats with nearly identical CVs.

          2. It is a sorry lot on both sides of the aisle.

            Steve is right that the residence dance is most common after redistricting moves district lines.

            A decade+ ago Chris Peace had to move twice to get into “his” district. The first move he missed the district line by a couple of blocks. He was not the brightest bulb and fortunately for us all is no longer in the General Assembly.

          3. Senator Fetterman, Reps Raskin and Schitt. Senator Feinstein removed herself from the list.

            It is a sorry lot on both sides of the aisle.

            Steve is right that the residence dance is most common after redistricting moves district lines.

            A decade+ ago Chris Peace had to move twice to get into “his” district. The first move he missed the district line by a couple of blocks. He was not the brightest bulb and fortunately for us all is no longer in the General Assembly.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I see that Senator Scott dropped out.

            My guess is Nikki will get 9 of the 10 Scott voters. That’s misleading. Not 9 out of 10, actually 9 of THE 10.

          5. He wasn’t going anywhere. The bunch of them had pretty similar policies, but Scott had the good personal message. Too bad that didn’t get any traction.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yeah, Republicans aren’t in the mood to vote for someone who’s happy.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            well, the more I listened to him, the less it snapped my socks… I was relieved!

          8. Is anybody?

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s a sick world and I’m a happy fella.

          10. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            She’ll have ours, but Trump will win VA on Super Tuesday.

          11. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            As a Republican, I’m mixed on Nikki. She reminds me of sailing. Hours of tedium and boredom punctuated by moments of stark terror.

    2. Thomas Carter Avatar
      Thomas Carter

      Once a politician…

      “But four neighbors filed a complaint saying she actually lives outside the district on Bosham Lane in Midlothian, and they provided a spreadsheet saying they had driven by the house 62 times during the month of October to document her residency. The notes include her car being there late at night and early in the morning, and her leaving the house shortly after 8 a.m. It also includes photographic evidence.

      “The Certificate of Candidacy Qualification, which she signed March 14, 2023, says, “I now reside at the address shown below in the district in which I seek office,” under which she listed the North Chesterfield apartment.

      “The form also asks, “Do you or a member of your immediately family, separately or together, hold an interest valued at more than $5,000 in real property? DO NOT INCLUDE your principal residence.” She checked “no,” and did not list the Midlothian home. Real estate records show that she and her husband have owned that — worth nearly $600,000 — since 1999.”

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        They’re trying to reconcile.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Leaving that off the form was unnecessary. If she has a lease somewhere else, that usually works. For the ten years we had a house in Wintergreen, I could have easily registered to vote in Nelson.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yes, you could have. The only times where addresses matter are the little things, like taxes, insurance (all varieties), and voting (somewhat). Our neighbor’s kid lived in Richmond but for years showed up bright and eary every 1st Tuesday in November.

            It’s that whole “permanent” vs. “mailing” vs. “business” and “homeless” address thing.

  5. More information and copies of documents may be found at the link below. NBC12 has picked up the story.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Whatever the rule is going to be it will need to be uniformly applied. Be careful what you ask for,

      1. Agreed.

        I also think that should apply to any laws broken by Trump or Biden. The rule of law.

  6. Yawn.

    No one is going to jail.

    She will be seated.

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