With only nine days until the election, EMR re-posted “The AntiPartisan Voting Guide” with corrections and changes suggested by those who read the original post on 8 October.

There is reason to believe that AntiPartisanism has the potential to take root.

There is the press coverage cited in the revised post, as well as coverage of voter positions in several specific races that support AntiPartisanism.

Today, WaPo had an important front page stories on The Anger of Ignorance voters in both Section A and in Outlook.

And then there is this from a weekly paper:

“Dear Congress Member:

“The purpose of this letter is to explain to you why I am not going to vote for you.

“If you are presently a member of either chamber, and you are running for re-election, I will vote for the person who is running against you. …”

The reasons the letter writer gives for not voting suggest the author is one of those in the grasp of The Anger of Ignorance. However, the fact that citizens do not understand the governance structure or what the issues really are is further proof of the need for AntiPartisanism.



With Federal mid-term elections less than ten days away and important contests facing voters in many states, it is time for The ANTIPARTISAN VOTERS GUIDE – YEAR ONE.

After analyzing parameters, principles and strategies, The ANTIPARTISAN VOTERS GUIDE for the inaugural year of the AntiPartisan campaign can be reduced to four simple rules:

1. If the incumbent is a Donkey Clan member, vote for the Elephant Clan candidate UNLESS there is a creditable non-aligned candidate* who can win.

2. If the incumbent is an Elephant Clan member, vote for the Donkey Clan candidate UNLESS there is a creditable non-aligned candidate* who can win.

3. If the office in question is ‘open,’ vote for the Donkey Clan member, UNLESS there is a creditable non-aligned candidate* who can win.

4. In the rare instance where there are two creditable non-aligned candidates* who can win and one is a lawyer, vote for the other one.

*‘Non-aligned candidates’ include all candidates who have formally and irrevocably renounced partisan Clan affiliation.


On the first two rules:

Most voters would feel better about themselves if they voted for someone they believed REALLY wanted to make the world a better place for someone besides the candidate, his / her Clan and the Clan’s financial backers. However, it is not prudent to waste votes on someone who has no chance of winning UNLESS the candidate is an avowed AntiPartisan candidate that supports Fundamental Transformations. In this case, every vote WILL count, even if the candidate does not win.

On the third rule:

Voting for the Donkey Clan candidate in open contests will avoid the GRIDLOCK that would result from a Donkey Clan administration and Elephant Clan legislature at the Federal level. Citizens of the US do have two years to waste on more governance gridlock.

One should not worry that a single Clan would control both administration and legislature. The goal, for reasons spelled out below, is Transformation, NOT gridlock. Voting out ALL the Clan-aligned incumbents will send a clear enough message that Business-As-Usual is not an acceptable strategy.

On the fourth rule:

Shakespear stated the proper strategy with respect to lawyers and he was centuries ahead of the most egregious problems caused by ‘the bar.’ However, the Bard’s strategy must be broadened to reflect 21st century reality:

Society must evolve to rely the actions of citizens, not the actions of agents, surrogates and unaccountable / unresponsive ‘representatives.’

With respect to governance, citizens must have representatives who understand the need for solutions that meet the needs of the vast majority, NOT representatives who are trained in the art of advocacy for client that are, by definition, WRONG HALF THE TIME.

It is clear that the enlightened interest of the vast majority of citizens INCLUDES respecting the legitimate interests of ALL minorities.

Note: These rules reflect the view voters in ‘swing districts’ as documented by “In Swing Districts, Old is Out and New is In: Seniority no longer prized as more voters demand results.” WaPo 15 October 2010 Page A-1. The key problem will come from entrenched candidates.

Some suggest term limits would address the problem of entrenched Clan candidates. Term limits are nothing more than an excuse to postpone Fundamental Transformations in governance structure.

It is the STRUCTURE that is the problem. It matters far less WHO is in office.

Within a transformed governance structure, term limits would be an integral component of any fair the system. That is not because term limits remove dead wood but because they encourage office holders to change venues, change perspectives and change Estates.

In addition, term limits would provide an incentive for those with good ideas and initiative to move up – from Community manager to Regional cabinet member to MegaRegional legislator to Continental chief executive – even it they do not change Estates.


The top priority for Fundamental Transformation of governance structure is NOT to end wars, balance budgets, eliminate trade deficits, create jobs, support renewable energy, reverse environmental degradation, address climate change, fix Social Security, provide adequate health care, reform the criminal justice system, transform education processes, end monopolies and inequitable subsidies, solve the Mobility and Access Crisis, solve the Affordable and Accessible Housing Crisis, solve the Helter Skelter Crisis or even cure Mass OverConsumption.

The TOP priority of Fundamental Transformation of governance structure is to set in motion an evolution of governance so that there is match between the structure of Agencies and the economic, social and physical reality in 2010.

Matching governance structure with reality requires that Agencies exist for EACH of the nine organic components of human settlement from the Cluster to the Community (4), from the SubRegion to the MegaRegion (3) and from the continent to the planet (2). That will allow for the evolution of THE functional governance imperatives:

The level of control and responsibility must be at the level of impact.

When there are multiple levels of impact, responsibility must be SHARED in an equitable manner.

The ‘biggest’ Agency does NOT control JUST BECAUSE it has a larger jurisdiction or is ‘higher’ in the overall governance structure.

The closer an Agency is to the subject of Agency action, the better.

The closer the citizens who elect the Agency are to the subject of Agency action, the better.

There must evolve governance procedures that respect citizen interests at smaller scales of governance without endangering the interests of citizens at larger scales of governance. The principles that evolve should reflect the universal imperative of sustainability – to meet citizens current needs without jeopardizing future generations ability to meet their needs.

These imperatives for the allocation of governance responsibility are no more radical than:

● “The king does not have the ONLY say” was in 1215,

● “There are THREE Estates” was in 1302,

● “The Crown cannot UNILATERALLY declare a tax on tea” was in 1773, or

● “Of the people, by the people and for the people’ was in 1776

New scales of governance Agencies and new r
elationships between governance Agencies are essential for civilization to achieve a sustainable trajectory.

The root problem is not BIG government. The problem is BAD governance structure.

The dysfunction of scale in managing society does not end with Agencies,. Big, unaccountable Enterprises and Institutions are just as detrimental to citizens and Households as Big, unaccountable Agencies.

While it is true that a growing number of Citizens do not trust ‘Big’ government, they do not REALLY trust ANY level of government as currently structured. Many believe any change will just make things worse. The first step is broad citizen support for to Fundamentally Transform the governance structure.


Once there exists a rational set of Agencies and a rational distribution of governance responsibilities, THEN it will be possible to end the wars, balance budgets, eliminate trade deficits, create jobs, support renewable energy, reverse environmental degradation, address climate change, fix Social Security, provide adequate health care, reform the criminal justice system, transform education processes and solve the Mobility and Access Crisis, the Affordable and Accessible Housing Crisis or the Helter Skelter Crisis.

Citizens will come to understand that Mass OverConsumption is NOT sustainable and that the Wealth Gap must be closed. Some suggest that a more complex governance structure will slow decisions and thwart ‘growth.’ Pardon me? It is excessive consumption and the looming reality of Peak Resources that has placed civilization as-it-is-currently-known in jeopardy. More equitably distributing governance responsibility will increase the number of citizens involved but it need not slow down decisions where the cost and benefits of action are clear and those impacted have a voice.

To achieve equitable distribution of resources, all citizens must have the opportunity to prosper based on effort, ability and acceptance of responsibility for their actions – individual and collective. Success cannot be based on gambling, happenstance and inheritance for the reasons spelled out at the conclusion of this Perspective.

In the new context, Agencies can work with the other three Estates – Enterprises, Institutions and Citizens / Households – to insure that ALL Citizens have the opportunity to be happy and safe AND evolve a sustainable trajectory for civilization.

A sustainable trajectory for civilization will require:

● A Global and continental Balance of consumption with resource regeneration

● Optimizing MegaRegional, New Urban Regional and SubRegional Resilience

● Achieving relative Balance at the Community, Village, Neighborhood and Cluster scales.
With respect to the imperative of ‘sustainability’ See Chapter 23 of The Shape of the Future.


The two currently dominate political Clans in the US have perfected the art of achieving a 50.5 percent ‘majority.’ This state of affairs does not meet the needs of ANY cohort of citizens or their Organizations – including the leaders of the Clan that won the last election.

The ‘two party’ system may have made sense when the vast majority of the humans in the US were not CITIZENS and they were:

● Illiterate

● Had no right or opportunity to participate in the political process

● Made a living as subsistence farmers, indentured servants or slaves

● Participated in Regional agrarian societies with mercantile / colonial supply chains

● Were unconstrained by natural resources (aka, Natural Capital) because resources were effectively ‘infinite’ in relationship to the population and per capita consumption at the time

● It took a week for information to get from northern Massachusetts to southern Geogia.

Under these conditions, the two Clan system allowed for a articulation of ‘clear-enough’ alternatives that guided part-time governance practitioners who met and acted in isolation from the majority of the citizens they represented. In an agrarian society, governance practitioners acted on a narrow spectrum of issues that reflected the far more simple economic, social and physical context of society.

In 2010 the VAST MAJORITY of the humans in the US are:

● CITIZENS with the right, duty and opportunity to participate in the governance process

● Illiterate – a growing number have advanced educations

● Securing their livelihood within a complex, Global Urban society with Global competition and a Global supply chain

● Constrained by per capita consumption because humans have reached and / or exceed Peak Resources and not JUST Peak Petroleum.

● Information transfer is instantaneous

Compounding these profound differences, there are a bewildering array of new factors to consider at every level of economic, social and physical activity in the Global, Urban society.

In addition, there are generations of Myths and misconceptions concerning what constitutes the best interest of citizens / Households and their Organizations in the economic, social and physical spheres.

Finally, in an Urban society there are more community (small ‘c’) responsibilities and fewer personal rights, the exercise of which turn out to be in the best interest of the citizens, their Households and their Organizations.

To advocate “Originalism” with respect to governance structure is to condemn citizens to conflict and Collapse as noted in The Bottom Line at the conclusion of this Perspective. One starts with the Wealth Gap and moves quickly to terrorism. See Aftershock by Robert Reich.

Wishing for ‘the good old days when things were simple’ is as intelligent as wishing to be 16 years old again. It is time to move beyond the two Clan political system.


The current ‘three level’ governance structure of the US (Federal / State / Municipal) reflects the reality of 1784 when Thomas Jefferson outlined the parameters that became the basis for the Northwest Ordinances adopted by the Continental Congress. Since that time citizens of the US have experienced a profound transformation.

The transition from an Agrarian society in 1784 – and in 1800 – to and Urban society in 2010 has been documented by Peter Drucker (The Age of Discontinuity) and others as the most dramatic transformation in the 220,000 (+/-) year existence of Homo sapiens. See resources cited in End Note Seven of the Prologue to The Shape of the Future.

The 210 year transformation in the US can be summarized as follows:

1800: The Countryside (including extensive ‘wilderness’ beyond a ‘frontier’) supported 95 percent of the population. This cohort was engaged in the production of food and fiber – many were subsistence farmers, indentured servants, slaves and hunter /gathers AND,

In 1800 a few scattered, compact Urbansides supported 5 percent of the population. This cohort relied primarily on Urban activities for their livelihood.

2010: There are now 70 large, complex Urbansides (the Cores of the largest 70 New Urban Regions) where 85 percent of the population of the US live and work. (Fifty-six of the New Urban Regions are agglomerated in 11 MegaRegions) AND,

In 2010 the Countryside (with no ‘frontier’ and no true ‘wilderness’) supports 15 percent of the population. Most of the Countryside population resides in smaller-scale Urban agglomerations WITHIN the Countryside or in Urban Households scattered across the Countryside. Less than 5 percent of the US population is directly involved
in the production of food, fiber and other NonUrban activities. There are no slaves, no indentured servants, almost no substance farmers and even fewer hunter /gathers.

The primary activity of humans in the US can be summarized as follows:

In 1800 – NonUrban 95, Urban 5.

In 2010 – Urban 95, NonUrban 5.

A vast array of hunter gather societies supported the evolution of Homo sapiens for about 207,000 (+/-) years. The transformation from these hunter gather societies to a wide variety of agrarian societies evolved over the next 12,800 (+/-) years. These increasingly complex agrarian societies were supported by a tiny minority of citizens who lived in ever more complex Urban enclaves. As noted in The Shape of the Future, these Urban enclaves were the crucible in which contemporary civilization was forged.

The massive and rapid transformation from multiple agrarian societies with compact Urban enclaves (cities, villages and hamlets) to a complex, interdependent, Global, Urban society was accomplished in less than 200 years. This transformation was unprecedented and the impact is still largely misunderstood.

Based on unsupported, self-serving Myths, ‘leaders’ now expect citizens to get along in 2010 with the same three-level governance structure that existed in 1800.

How is the three level 1800 governance structure working for citizens? Not well.

The Industrial Revolution has Urbanized human society as documented in Chapters 1 and 2 of The Shape of the Future. The Industrial Revolution did not exert full impact on the settlement pattern or economic and social structure of the US until after the Civil War ended in 1865. After a post Civil War industrialization boom and The Long Depression (1873 to 1896), the economic, social and physical fabric of the US was transformed by an Urban revolution of unprecedented scale.

To understand the roots and dynamics of the Urban Revolution from 1800 to 2010 in addition to The Shape of the Future and TRILO-G see, at a minimum: Guns, Germs, and Steel (Jared Diamond) The City in History (Lewis Mumford), Crabgrass Frontier (Kenneth Jackson) and (The Great Reset) Richard Florida. Also see over 100 resources cited in PART I of The Shape of the Future.

Fundamental transformation in society must be reflected in Fundamental Transformation in governance structure. As Thomas Jefferson noted:

“I am not an advocate of frequent changes in laws and constitutions but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the process of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change … institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times.”

(Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, 1816. ME 15:40)

Can anyone in good faith suggest that far more changes have already occurred than Jefferson believed were required to necessitate fundamental changes?


On a ‘flat’ earth with Global economic, social and physical interconnections, gross inequity at the Community, SubRegional Regional, MegaRegional and continental scales or between ethnic and religious groups is not sustainable. As noted above:

All citizens must have the opportunity to prosper based on effort, ability and acceptance of responsibility for their actions – individual and collective. Success cannot be based on gambling, happenstance, inheritance or on inequitable distribution of resources and opportunity.

It comes down to this:

Avoiding Collapse of Civilization as-it-has-evolved and the survival for Homo sapiens requires and understanding that:

In a ‘flat’ world with:

● wide-spread literacy,

● Instant communications / information dissemination, and

● Wide distribution of weapons of mass destruction / massive stockpiles of weapons of conventional destruction / ubiquitous access to weapons of inter-personal destruction:

There is no alternative but to make Fundamental Transformations of governance structure. These transformations can facilitate evolution of Fundamental Transformation of humans settlement patterns and of economic systems. These three Transformations are imperative if citizens are to achieve a sustainable trajectory for their civilization.

The question remains:

Will the genetic proclivities toward competition, acquisition, consumption and xenophobia that got Homo sapiens to this point in their evolution prevent the emergence of an Urban society with a sustainable trajectory?


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  1. Anonymous Avatar

    We can simplify this a lot.

    If you really want to vote for someone whom you know sincerely wants to make things better, then just write in your own name.

    If everyone does this, no one will be elected and fundamental change must occur.

    And, you know you are voting for someone with no weird sexual pecadillos in their background.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    This 'simple' idea sounds like something from a paid shill for one or the other of the Clans.

    If everyone has their own technique of dealing with governance dysfunction, then the Clan with 10 percent of the vote beats the Clan with 9.9 percent of the vote.

    Hang together or hang sepearately.


  3. Accurate Avatar

    I did my part, they have early voting here in Texas. I voted for EVERY republican – period.

  4. The clan with 10% of the vote.


    Not much difference from the clan with 50.1% beating the clan with 49.9%. Except the clan with 10% has a harder time claiming a mandate.

    Voting a straight ticket takes less effort and thought than writing in your own name.

    Throw over the powers that be over you. Vote for yourself. Write in your own name on Tues.

  5. Why vote for a "leader" unless you think he can do a better job than you can?

  6. Don't like voting for yourself?

    How about a swimsuit contest?

    O'Donnell, Palin, pelosi, boxer, fiorina, brown….

  7. Accurate Avatar

    The thing is that the democrat party left me behind several decades ago. It seems like 90% of what they advocate is, to some degree, different than my take on life, values and morals. They have had congress for four years and absolutely made a mess of it. Bottom line (for me) if you align yourself enough with the democrats to wear their label, then you're not someone I want to vote for. Bottom line, I've never had a lot of faith in 3rd parties (not even the Tea party candidates) so my only real choice is to vote for the republicans. Not because I think they will do a stellar job, but because I KNOW that the democrats will do a WORSE job, no matter what.

  8. I think Accurates views are representative of many though I do not agree with them.

    Prior to the last 4 years – the previous 8 – 6 yrs under Bush and 2 under Clinton – what did the Republicans do to gain your support?

    We would never have elected Obama nor would we have Obama_Care nor a housing meltdown if the Republicans had done 1/10 of what they now say we should have done.

    If you're picking the Republicans because you like what they did before – congrats.

  9. Accurate Avatar

    You don't agree? Well, knock me over with a feather – not.

    At first I thought about giving a posting about how folks were tired of Republican administrations like they were after Reagan/Bush which brought in Clinton. After 8 years of Bush the country was ready for anything except another Republican, but you know all that.

    Am I proud of what the Republicans did? I think I made it clear the answer is no. But again, I'm not voting for as much as I'm voting against. While I don't think the Republicans can/will do a fantastic job, I'll settle for one degree better than the crap the democrats have shoved down our throats.

    I'm tired of being marginalized as "astro-turf". I'm tired of being told the bills have be passed right now, no real debate and we will find out what is in the bill after it's passed. I'm tired of a president who can't say the words "by our Creator" when he recites the Declaration of Independence. I'm tired of Harry Reid telling us that "only 36,000 people lost their jobs today which is really good". I'm tired of being told I "cling to guns or religion or antipathy" and being put down for that. I'm tired of the way Obama and the democrats are trying to take this country. My ONLY choice is to vote for the republicans.

    THAT is why I voted for the republicans.

  10. Accurate – I "get it"…. and I'm resigned to political realignment.

    I think the Dems were handed an economy where the wheels came off – the worse since the Great Depression.

    There was no way they were going to fix it in 18 months and it was arrogant for the Obama Administration to promote that idea.

    Would the Republicans have "fixed" it ?

    I very seriously doubt it.

    I think had McCain been elected – the Republicans would have refused the TARP and the Stimulus …

    The domestic auto makers – the big 3 would be gone and the country would be experiencing 20%+ unemployment.

    Did the TARP/STIMULUS protect us from that outcome?

    Not well enough apparently but the Republicans really did prove they were incompetent at budgeting the last go around.

    Obama has not raised taxes nor increased the size of government.

    Hi main SIN has been the stimulus and ObamaCare.

    It's safe to say that had the Republicans been in charge, they would not have done anything about heath care.

    But I have a question for you.

    Come 2012 – if your choice was Pallin or Hillary Clinton – who would you chose?

    or give me a better ….

  11. Accurate – I "get it"…. and I'm resigned to political realignment.

    I think the Dems were handed an economy where the wheels came off – the worse since the Great Depression.

    There was no way they were going to fix it in 18 months and it was arrogant for the Obama Administration to promote that idea.

    Would the Republicans have "fixed" it ?

    I very seriously doubt it.

    I think had McCain been elected – the Republicans would have refused the TARP and the Stimulus …

    The domestic auto makers – the big 3 would be gone and the country would be experiencing 20%+ unemployment.

    Did the TARP/STIMULUS protect us from that outcome?

    Not well enough apparently but the Republicans really did prove they were incompetent at budgeting the last go around.

    Obama has not raised taxes nor increased the size of government.

    Hi main SIN has been the stimulus and ObamaCare.

    It's safe to say that had the Republicans been in charge, they would not have done anything about heath care.

    But I have a question for you.

    Come 2012 – if your choice was Pallin or Hillary Clinton – who would you chose?

    or give me a better ….

  12. " no real debate "


    C'mon. Anything that occurs on the floor is posturing, not debate. Debate presumes someone is listening, and negotiation is possible.

    If there is any real debate, it is going on privately, in the halls and back rooms.

    If you want to vote against, an not for, just write in your own name.

    I think the Democrats need a good lesson in property rights and the Republicans need a good lesson on civil rights. There is way to much "my way or the highway" and way too little "live and let live".

    We will probably elect a passle of Republicans on Tuesday and on Wednesday we will still have all the same problems. Both parties have contributed to these problems ever since they were given a double spine-ectomy by the special interests and the voters.

    Someone once said that not all conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.

    Someon else said its not enough that they are callous and uncaring: they are proud of it.

    So, I understand about Darwinian economics, survival of the fittest and all that, but even jackals will feed an injured jackal. conservatives will try to pass off as an obvious truism the philosophy of Darwinian Economic. But there is one thing they always leave out: savage as it is, the lions and the antelope have an even playing field on the serengeti.

    There is no one passing laws that say the antelope cannot herd together for protection. The antelope aren't telling the Lions that teeth are prohibited.

    If conservatives and Republicans ever got what they say they are after, it would last about five minutes before someone was demanding more regulation.

  13. On TV virtually every day is the story of some kid or some person who was harmed by some product or process ….

    want to post some really nasty stuff about someone else and encourage them to commit suicide?

    how about the kid that is pounding your kid at school and calling him a queer?

    is that cell phone growing a tumor in your ear?

    that new diabetes drug turned your gonads blue?

    All of this anti-regular fervor is grade A blather.

    It boils down to each person wanting regulations – and being opposed to other regulations.

    If you gathered all the tea pots together and asked them to draw up a list of regulations to get rid of – one's they agreed on – they'd all be at each others throats inside of an hour…

    … actually not a bad idea…

    get them out of our hair….

  14. It boils down to each person wanting regulations – and being opposed to other regulations.


    Right. I would state this as your property rights and mine are equal and opposing.

    When we have all the regulations exactly right, an you can't remove one with out objection, everyone will have equal property rights.

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