Antifa Failed to Make Conservative Conference a Ngo Go

Andy Ngo

by James A. Bacon

A conservative media summit featuring journalist Andy Ngo was disrupted by threats of violence by left-wing militants, but the show did go on Saturday. The conference of roughly 50 attendees was scheduled originally to be held at the Commonwealth Club in downtown Richmond. Organizers lined up an alternate venue, but that was scuttled too. Fortunately, organizers found a third venue at the last minute, kept the location secret and got out the word to the roughly 50 attendees. At least one person traveling from out of town headed to the second venue only to find it had been canceled. (He managed to make it to the revised location.)

The main feature, of course, was Ngo, who has carved out a niche reporting about the activities, tactics and social composition of the decentralized, left-wing anarchist movement often labeled Antifa.

Ngo has angered the so-called anti-fascists by highlighting their proclivity for violence. Ironically, local militants proved his point by intimidating the club and hotel where the event was to be held. Fox News has part of the story here.

I was privileged to participate in the event as a panelist discussing the evolution of Bacon’s Rebellion and the economics of the blogosphere in Virginia. My understanding of what transpired comes from the organizers: The Virginia Council and the Common Sense Society. People objecting to Ngo’s appearance made phone calls to the club and hotel proprietors, implying that violence would occur. The most vivid quote I recall is that “there will be dead people” if the event went on.

The organizers were able to find a location the evening before the conference thanks in part to the intervention of Henrico County Supervisor Tommy Branin. When I arrived at the venue that morning, two Henrico policemen were stationed outside. Moving the locale from the City of Richmond — which shares with Charlottesville the distinction of being anarchist central in Virginia — was a wise move. Richmond authorities have a high level of tolerance for disruptive behavior. Henrico authorities do not.

I had heard of Ngo and knew he was an object of leftist hatred but had never followed him closely. I missed his speech Friday night, but I listened attentively to his Saturday appearance. I was surprised to find how mild, soft-spoken and carefully reasoned he was. He recounted his career trajectory as a reporter on a college newspaper in Portland, Oregon, in the mid-2010s covering the actions of Portland militants. Realizing that no one in America’s mainstream press corps was following the antifascist movement closely, he developed an expertise in the phenomenon and disseminated his reporting through social media. (He has 1.3 million followers on  X, formerly known as Twitter). Ngo’s visibility soared as Antifa and allied groups resorted increasingly to violence after the election of Donald Trump and erupted into sustained anarchy during the George Floyd protests.

Ngo drew attention to a shamefully under-reported story in Virginia: the leading role of antifascist groups such as Antifa Seven Hills during the George Floyd riots in Richmond. (Local conservative activist Mike Dickenson has assembled extensive documentation about Richmond and Charlottesville antifascists by mining social media, but mainstream media have shown zero interest in his findings.)

It is worth noting that no actual violence occurred this weekend. Antifascists are trained in how to calibrate their tactics to keep them out of jail. Note how the caller cited above did not actually issue a threat. “There will be dead bodies” is not explicit — it could be construed as a warning that someone else appalled by Ngo’s awfulness might do something. But it succeeded in its purpose of getting the venue canceled.

As executive director of The Jefferson Council, I have had my own — less dramatic — encounters with those who would disrupt conservative events. When we advertise our own events and link to registration websites, unidentified bots have deluged our system with registration spam (phony registrations). The first time the tactic worked brilliantly. We thought we’d filled up the room with attendees, but only a third or so of the number showed up. We have since developed countermeasures, but the spam bots do cause considerable inconvenience.

I salute Richmond talk radio personality and Virginia Council president John Reid, the Virginia Council organizers, and their backers at the Common Sense Society for their resourcefulness and their refusal to be intimidated.

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91 responses to “Antifa Failed to Make Conservative Conference a Ngo Go”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Jim hope you see this. I wanted to go, had called, trying to get a place, tickets, etc. and getting a response was lacking from both groups. Love to follow them and what they do. I’m on the target in the bullseye area because of my standing up against the VB School Board, I’m not exactly a Antifa or Trantifa sympathizer. What are you all going to do to maybe set up a list of folks that you can investigate who do want to go see people like him, so that we can see him and support these efforts, without making it about impossible for us to support?

    1. I’ll let the organizers know of your efforts to get in touch.

  2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Great article, Jim. Antifa is the 21st century version of Marxism.

    When Republicans win the Presidency in 2024, and they will, I believe Marshall Law must be imposed in select Blue cities where crime is rampant and Antifa blocks free speech with violent impunity. Progressive Democrat urban “leaders” (sic) have proven incapable or unwilling to maintain law and order.

    This BS must be stopped. Tolerance of intolerance cannot continue. Enforce the rule of law. Now.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I have a lot of respect for Mr. Ngo. He has risked life and limb to expose Antifa nationwide. This man has been beaten, intimidated, and humiliated. He is willing to risk all to show the public what is hiding behind the mask of antifa, the brown shirts of the progressive left.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      After also listening to him yesterday, my guess is they really hate him because it is his practice to publish their arrest photos and strip their anonymity.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Hey now, there are, uh, good people, um, on, er, both sides. Yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket.

  4. I’d have more faith in Vincent Ngo as a “journalist” if he showed a universal concern regarding vigilante violence and civil disturbance. But his attention appears to be entirely directed at left-wing violence. In Aug 2020 he predicts a waive of left-wing violence if Trump is re-elected. When the reverse happens and we see mass right-wing violence on Jan 6th, his only post on Twitter flags an Antifa activist who he alleges was on the Capitol grounds. No follow up to report on just who committed the violence that day and what were their motivations. So much for journalism.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Dead on Correct!

    2. I’d have more faith in mainstream media reporters as “journalists” if they’d showed a universal concern regarding vigilante violence and civil disturbance. But their attention appears to be entirely directed at right-wing violence.

      Ngo is filling a niche that the mainstream media fails to fill. At least we’re getting reporting from him that we’re getting from no one else.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        where is the vigilante violence?

        oh wait… there IS such violence but it’s NOT reported. right? 😉

      2. Not Today Avatar

        Maybe because the FBI has said, repeatedly over the last five years that right wing violence is more prevalent, more lethal, and a bigger overall threat to the homeland? Maybe? It couldn’t possibly be that ‘Antifa’ is living rent-free in conservative heads while right-wing but jobs murder people in grocery stores??

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “At least we’re getting reporting from him that we’re getting from no one else.”

        Maybe that is because what he is “reporting” on only occurs in his imagination….

    3. There is nothing justifying reduced faith in a reporter simply because he has chosen a beat and developed expertise in it. In fact, the odds are that you will get more knowledgeable reporting on that subject because of his depth of knowledge and experience.

      Your attack on him for not getting buried as a me too in the crowd reporting on Jan 6 is specious.

      1. His social media reads like a MAGA-adjacent fanboy, not a journalist focused on left-wing populist violence.

        I suppose I could give him the benefit of a doubt and assume this is just marketing to his core audience. But it means he is unlikely to reach the other side with his work.

        1. Yet his reporting on Antifa has been insightful and detailed. Sorta what journalism used to be about.

      1. When interviewed he says no Antifa at J6. But on his social media it’s a different story for a different audience.

        On Jan 6th he posts a video of police forcibly clearing Lafayette park in 2020 (back when Trump did that church photo-op) and claims these are violent left-wing protesters intent on storming the White House.

        On Jan 7th he posts allegations of an Antifa members at the Capitol.

        Elsewhere he uses the perjorative term “Democrat Party” but has nothing ill to say about the “Republic Party”.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          no secret why the ring-wing media likes him!


  5. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Antifa is the brown shirt wing of the democrat party.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Whereas the entire Republican party plays that role.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I can see it now. GOP hearings on ferreting out those who have “connections” to Antifa… especially those in the “deep state” and elective office for sure!

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Meanwhile back in the lemon grove, the Islamaphobes were smoking their Camels…

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Meanwhile back in the lemon grove, the Islamaphobes were smoking their Camels…

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “My understanding of what transpired comes from the organizers: the Virginia Council and the Common Sense Society.”

    … conveniently…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      “threats of violence” from the boogeyman “antifa”.

      I’ve not seen reports of actual violence from antifa anytime recently, not even from FOX news, the same folks “reporting”. Where is the violence? In Richmond?

      I strongly suspect the organizers did not want counter-protestors and that’s why they were basically hiding.

      1. It must be nice living in Larry World in which your facet-free “suspicions” trump reality and preserve your worldview.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          what in the dooda does Trump have to do with this Jim?

          Why do you bring him up?

          I have to say – over the years, I’ve watched you shift further and further right… don’t you agree you have?

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          show me where Antifa has been violent. people arrested. Convicted in court and reported in the media.

          Let me guess.

          The police won’t arrest them and even if they did they wouldn’t be prosecuted and the media won’t report it, not in any town….

          it’s a conspiracy among the police, criminal justice and media!

          No one really knows the truth except for the “conservatives” who need to have meetings about it but are afraid of “Antifa” showing up.

          Conservatives have played this card over and over and over throughout history.

          It’s John Birch reincarnated!

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Here you are Mr. Larry. This can easily fill the rest of your afternoon.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            this guys words constitute truth and evidence… about Antifa? geeze James… 😉

            No wonder the right loves him! 😉

          3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Astounding Mr. Larry. One of these gangsters could assault you, give you a brain hemorrhage, leave you with PTSD, and force you to live in London out of fear…..and you still wouldn’t believe there is such a thing as Antifa.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well no James. But if someone claims that happened to them.. don’t you want to hear
            some evidence besides their own claims? This guy has been accused multiple times of
            fabricating things…

            Ngo’s credibility and objectivity as a journalist have been extensively criticized by other journalists.[12][61] Since 2019, he has been accused of using selectively edited videos[88] and sharing misleading and inaccurate information to paint antifa activists as violent,[89] and to underplay the violence of the far right,[90][91][84] with Columbia Journalism Review describing Ngo as a “discredited provocateur”.[92] While under cross-examination during the 2022 trial of a Portland citizen journalist, Ngo acknowledged that his tweets have resulted in threats and violence against those he targets.[93][94]”

          5. LarrytheG Avatar


          6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Your team Mr. Larry! Mr. Jarvis, a Richmond Democratic Party Leader, posted this. If my team posted this, a swat team would have broken down the front door and you know it.

          7. richmonder123 Avatar

            LOL Richmond Democratic Party Leader – wow do some research

          8. On the topic of “credibility.”

            If a writer cuts and pastes from Wikipedia, (or any other source) it is proper to at least acknowledge that.

            From Wikipedia:
            In a subsequent study, the same researchers compared about 4,000 articles related to U.S. politics between Wikipedia (written by an online community) and the corresponding articles in Encyclopedia Britannica (written by experts) using similar methods as their 2010 study to measure “slant” (Democratic vs. Republican) and to quantify the degree of bias. The authors found that “Wikipedia articles are more slanted towards Democratic views than are Britannica articles, as well as more biased”, particularly those focusing on civil rights, corporations, and government.


            Additionally, not every article is necessarily biased to the same degree.

            I will acknowledge that Andy Ngo may have bad feelings toward Antifa, especially after they beat him to a pulp for filming them.

            Might you acknowledge that violent Antifa members might not look favorably on the guy who exposed and called attention to their violent and destructive activities?

            And maybe some resentment from mainstream journalists who were exposed as Antifa sympathizers rather than objective reporters?

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            If you want I can just provide the references that Wiki references.

            My view is that I have seen nor heard much about Antifa these days… except from folks like Ngo and the right-wing media that quotes him. How about some actual real articles about RECENT Antifa “violence” beyond showing up to oppose folks like NGO and even then we have like NGO claiming there is a “threat” of violence … I don’t see much if any since Portland that is actually “antifa”.

          10. Six Antifa Extremists Arrested, Charged with Domestic Terrorism in Fiery Atlanta Riots


          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            That’s the headline. How do we know they were “Antifa”? Did they just label the protestors
            as “Antifa”? Don’t you have to do more than just call protestors “Antifa” and more or less than you’d call a j6 protestor a “Proud Boy”? Looks to me that some media, usually right wing just labels
            any protestors as Antifa without any real evidence that they are.

          12. LarrytheG Avatar


            ” The child of Democratic Massachusetts U.S. Rep. Katherine Clark was arrested Saturday night after allegedly assaulting a police officer and defacing a public monument.

            Jared “Riley” Dowell, 23, was detained by Boston police officers after they spotted them spray painting graffiti, including “ACAB” (All Cops Are Bastards), on Parkman Bandstand Monument in the Boston Common.

            Dowell – who identifies as “non-binary – goes by Riley but was identified by Boston Police as Jared.

            As police officers were attempting to detain Dowell, several of his fellow Antifa brothers surrounded the cops, with one striking a police officer.

            “An officer was hit in the face and could be seen bleeding from the nose and mouth,” the Boston Police Department said in a press release.

            Dowell was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.

            Below is a picture of Clark, who is the House Minority Whip, with her daughter.”

            what identifies him as “Antifa” other than the claim in the headline?

            It ‘s not like there are protests across the country most of them organized by Antifa – at all.

            It’s just right wing boogeyman politics not unlike the John Birchers did before with the “red scare”.

          13. Warmac9999 Avatar

            Larry: what ANTIFA chapter do you belong to or support? Just asking for a friend.

        3. Notice that the burden of proof never falls on Larry?

          Andy Ngo has produced hundreds of hours of video, eye witness accounts and other evidence to support his coverage of Antifa.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            In 2019, Ngo labelled several journalists, including Shane Burley and Alexander Reid Ross, as “antifa ideologues”.[87] Burley and Reid Ross described receiving death threats afterward,[87] with Burley stating to Jacobin that Ngo “appears to target ideological opponents, which can make them fair game for harassment and violent confrontation.”[12] According to Vox’s Zack Beauchamp, Ngo doxed a political activist in 2019 by publishing her full name.[48] Ngo is known for publishing the mugshots of arrestees in Portland to his Twitter account.[65]

            Ngo’s credibility and objectivity as a journalist have been extensively criticized by other journalists.[12][61] Since 2019, he has been accused of using selectively edited videos[88] and sharing misleading and inaccurate information to paint antifa activists as violent,[89] and to underplay the violence of the far right,[90][91][84] with Columbia Journalism Review describing Ngo as a “discredited provocateur”.[92] While under cross-examination during the 2022 trial of a Portland citizen journalist, Ngo acknowledged that his tweets have resulted in threats and violence against those he targets.[93][94]

          2. Yes, he names them. That’s part of reporting. Newspapers do that all the time. When the news sources you respect report on criminal activity, do they not provide names? Pictures?

            Bad behavior also gets called out with names. Do newspapers do that? Are the news organizations responsible if others threaten violence?

            In all the hundreds of hours of video by the major networks and journalists from around the world, is there a single instance of Andy Ngo being violent or threatening with violence?


            He condemns violence and violent threats. Antifa embraces violence as part of its strategy.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            no Doxing is not reporting. He’s been accused editing the videos and misleading … he’s
            not a credible “journalist” by any stretch of the imagination… a provocateur – yes. And yes,
            I realize he fits right in with the way FOX does “journalism”… and has gotten sued for it.

        4. LarrytheG Avatar

          what in the dooda does Trump have to do with this Jim?

          Why do you bring him up?

          I have to say – over the years, I’ve watched you shift further and further right… don’t you agree you have?

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Mr. Larry I think he meant trump in another way.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            I thought it was rather obvious, considering it’s not capitalized like a “proper noun”. I guess that case is TDS is terminal.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            You’re right!

      2. Been comatose for long? I hope you get better soon.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          wide awake. show me a news account of the last time Antifa was “violent” in Va.

          Ya’ll read stuff and believe it, no matter the reality!

          1. Larry, CAN YOU READ? The article never accused anyone of violence. To the contrary!

            “It is worth noting that no actual violence occurred this weekend. Antifascists are trained in how to calibrate their tactics to keep them out of jail. Note how the caller cited above did not actually issue a threat. ‘There will be dead bodies’ is not explicit — it could be construed as a warning that someone else appalled by Ngo’s awfulness might do something. But it succeeded in its purpose of getting the venue canceled.”

          2. Larry, CAN YOU READ? The article never accused anyone of violence. To the contrary!

            “It is worth noting that no actual violence occurred this weekend. Antifascists are trained in how to calibrate their tactics to keep them out of jail. Note how the caller cited above did not actually issue a threat. ‘There will be dead bodies’ is not explicit — it could be construed as a warning that someone else appalled by Ngo’s awfulness might do something. But it succeeded in its purpose of getting the venue canceled.”

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            “threats of violence” from Antifa which has shown itself to be “violent”…..

            BUT… they are “too smart” to actually be violent so they “pretend”… and someone heard one say “dead bodies” even!

            Is ANTIFA ACTUALLY violent or are ya’ll just afraid they’ll show up and disrupt your meeting?

            This is bogeyman stuff!

          4. A conservative journalist who says he was assaulted by an antifascist group during protests in Portland, Ore., last month told Hill.TV that he suffered brain injuries as a result of the incident.

            “The cuts and bruising on my face have mostly healed,” Andy Ngo, an editor at the website Quillette, said during an interview Thursday. “The most serious injury to me was my brain in the course of the mob beating, so going forward I will be having various forms of neurophysical therapy and speech therapy to address some of the neurological challenges that I’ll be having.”


          5. Also reported in

            Ngo, an editor at the publication Quillette, was punched and kicked by people clad in black during a gathering in downtown Portland on June 29. Video of the assault went viral and drew rebukes from liberal and conservative politicians across the United States.

            The beating also thrust Ngo from a relatively small yet vocal corner of the internet into a national spotlight that has increasingly focused on militant — and often violent — political activism in Portland.


          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            “people clad in black” are “Antifa?
            I’m not seeing “Antifa” is this report except from right winger Ted Cruz.

            ” Media coverage of brawls in Portland between groups who purportedly are demonstrating for political reasons has cast a negative light on the city’s elected officials and Mayor Ted Wheeler in particular.”


            Sounds like there are folks who are opposed to this guys views and his supporters are willing to mix it up with them.

            I don’t doubt for a New York Minute there are folks who don’t agree with this guy and who are willing to show up and show their displeasure.

            But to call them “Antifa” is less than honest IMO,

            Unless of course, you’d want to characterize anyone who opposes this guy as “Antifa”… or some such,


            He wants to go spew his stuff at events but doesn’t want opposition so he tries to hide so that only his supporters show up.


          7. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            Disrupting a meeting by shouting down people is violence.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            free speech?

          9. No.

            Free speech is presenting an alternate point of view, not preventing someone you disagree with from being heard.

            If a Democrat comes to town and nobody is allowed to hear them because of a disruptive crowd of conservatives, would that disruption by free speech?

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t disagree.

          11. Matt Adams Avatar

            I think the fact that using the Government to repress opposition speech is lost on them and is the very definition of fascism.

          12. Warmac9999 Avatar

            Heckler’s veto is not free speech.

          13. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Are you saying the infamous parents from the Loudoun County school board meeting (and elsewhere) were employing violence in their protests…?

          14. A conservative journalist who says he was assaulted by an antifascist group during protests in Portland, Ore., last month told Hill.TV that he suffered brain injuries as a result of the incident.

            “The cuts and bruising on my face have mostly healed,” Andy Ngo, an editor at the website Quillette, said during an interview Thursday. “The most serious injury to me was my brain in the course of the mob beating, so going forward I will be having various forms of neurophysical therapy and speech therapy to address some of the neurological challenges that I’ll be having.”


          15. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “…so going forward I will be having various forms of neurophysical therapy and speech therapy…”

            Maybe his grand speaking tour is simply a part of his speech therapy…

          16. So much compassion.

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            victim man… victim…..

          18. Channel 7 – ABC News

            And they have video.

            A Portland journalist who was attacked Saturday is speaking out to ABC7 News and says Antifa members attacked him. Journalist Andy Ngo has hired Bay Area First Amendment attorney Harmeet Dhillon to represent him.

            The attack happened during a clash between right-wing protesters and anti-fascists. Reportedly among the right-wing groups marching were The Proud Boys, which are designated as an extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

            It was captured on at least two different videos that ABC7 News was able to obtain with permission. One video was taken by Jim Ryan with the Oregonian. Another was taken by documentary producer and journalist Cory Elia.


          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            a clash between right wing and left wing folks…. wowzer! or was it a clash between
            fascists and anti-fascists?

          20. Andy Ngo’s reporting has been extensive and normally includes videos. He has been forced to live outside the U.S. for fear of his life.

            Mr Ngo said all of the politicians who rightly condemned the January 6 riots at Capitol Hill were “at best silent last year when my city was literally under siege”.

            “At worse they actually promoted some of the crowd funded campaigns,” he said.

            Mr Ngo – who recently published a book, ‘Unmasked’, covering the inner workings of Antifa – is now living in London having fled Portland fearing for his life.

            “For a number of months now there’s just been increasing threats of violence against me, promises by Antifa extremists to kill me.”


          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            No question… Mr. Ngo … “reports” his views… beyond that methinks that’s about it. I wouldn’t call it’s journalism by any stretch of the imagination…. provocateur – you bet!

          22. LarrytheG Avatar

            FOX has proven itself to not be a credible source of news and fully engages is misinformation on issues to the point where they’ve been successfully sued and just paid millions of dollars for lying.

    2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

      So you don’t believe this happened? Perhaps like NY Congressman Jerry Nadler you think Antifa is an act of fiction? I’d wager you also believe the “Summer of Love” 2020 riots were “mostly peaceful.”

      Wake up, Eric Half the Troll. The US is going down a lawless rathole, pushed by Progressive mayors who will not enforce the rule of law or hold criminals responsible for their actions.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Let’s see some real facts about Antifa violence.

        What we have in my mind is something very much akin to the John Birch “commie” /red scare era.

        The right always has to have boogeymen to scare folks ….it seems…

        1. LesGabriel Avatar

          The left has its own bogeymen. One such is “white supremicists” Yes they do exist and they should be exposed, but there aren’t enough of them to fill a large bus, let alone enough for one under everyone’s bed.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            let me guess… who are the left’s main boogemen?

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            They filled a park in Charlottesville. That’s bigger than a bus. 747 maybe?

          3. That’s a pretty broad brush. It was also foremost a failure of Charlottesville to fulfill the first requirement of government, to provide for the exercise of 1st Amendment rights to assemble and petition.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I am just saying consider the sources…

    3. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      If you’re implying that Jim is presenting a misleading depiction of the events associated with this story…well, you shouldn’t imply that. You should man up, say that and own it.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I have been pretty clear about Jim’s relying on a potentially biased and misleading source for his “piece” and his presentation as undisputed fact their statements. I have implied nothing.

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Note how the caller cited above did not actually issue a threat. ‘There will be dead bodies’ is not explicit — it could be construed as a warning that someone else appalled by Ngo’s awfulness might do something. But it succeeded in its purpose of getting the venue canceled.”

    Or it may have never happened at all, of course….

  8. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Wow. The Marxists hate sunlight don’t they? I mean…they invented Astroturfing to then accuse their enemies of doing it (because they already had been doing it!).
    Remember the gorilla in Trible’s office? No conviction.
    How about the Clinton supporter who dressed up as a chicken to harass a Clinton/Dem opponent and was later found with 900 FBI files?
    Reichstag fires and Potemkin villages and “Unite the Right” and J6 fake insurrections and the fake Wicked Whitmer kidnapping

    Antifa is a Marxist group. Literally, these were the communist shock troops against the Nazis. They were “anti-fascist” by being even worse than the fascists.

    They are a real RICO outfit, funded by dark left wing, evil, money. Just keep lying…

  9. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    Good article Jim, thank you for going and reporting it

  10. Warmac9999 Avatar

    The origin of ANTIFA is interesting. It was formed by Stalin to counter Hitler’s NAZI. ANTIFA has been extremely active in Western Europe since basically the end of WW2. It has been increasingly active and violent as a form of Democrat Party shock troops across America. A very dangerous and destructive bunch.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      but every time there is a protest or even a riot, is it Antifa and more or less than it is the Proud Boys?

      Do we KNOW for sure who the protesters are associated with?

      Do they self-identify?

      Do the police say they are ?

      If right wing media says every protest/riot is Antifa…. how credible is that?

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