Anti-Trump, Anti-Biden Votes in Super Tuesday Primaries:  Will They Sway the November Election?

by Ken Reid

Depending on what media you watch and read, the Super Tuesday primary results are the death knell for either presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump or for incumbent Democrat Joe Biden, who is likely to be renominated, too. 

Both candidates had sizable votes against them in their respective primaries. I am not a pundit like Larry Sabato at UVA, but I am a Republican and Nikki Haley voter in Fairfax County (which she won), and just looking at polling data and ballot results, I am of the mind that the “defection” rate among “no more Trumpers” will be higher than defections of far leftists and anti-Zionists from Biden.   

As a result, Trump stands to lose electoral votes he got in 2020, like North Carolina, unless he can make up for the loss of “Haley voters” among African Americans and Latinos, who (according to polls) seem to be persuadable. Biden may get some Haley voters, but the Green Party and other left-leaning third party candidates could depress his electoral vote tally.

In the Virginia Democratic Primary, 7.8% voted for author/lecturer Marianne Williamson and 3.5% voted for Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips, who withdrew from the race after Super Tuesday’s results.    

This means 11.3% of Virginia Democrat voters voted against Biden – and I believe that’s largely from Muslims and far Leftists who oppose the administration’s support for Israel in its war with Hamas, and perhaps some concerned with the president’s cognitive abilities.

But the anti-Biden vote in Virginia pales to what Trump might lose this fall with Haley voters who defect, particularly as Trump’s criminal trials move forward.

Haley garnered about 35% of the GOP primary vote, and an ABC News account said some 69% of Haley voters who responded to exit polls said they would not vote for Trump in the fall. I really do not believe many of these people are Democrats who voted in the GOP primary.

So, if Haley got 240,524 votes Tuesday, and exit polls pan out in November, some 166,000 will not for Trump – -but this presumes there are other candidates on the ballot or folks don’t vote or write in.

The threat to Trump of Haley defections in North Carolina could be more severe.

ABC News  reported  “80% of Haley voters in North Carolina, 69% in California and 69% in Virginia were unwilling to say they’ll support the party’s nominee whoever it is, mirroring Haley’s recent hedge on the issue.”  

So, if some 80% of Haley voters in North Carolina (250,000 total) do defect to Biden and or third party candidates, that means 201,000 fewer votes for Trump.

In 2020, Trump carried NC’s 15 electoral votes with a narrow 74,483-vote majority.  In contrast, the anti-Biden vote in the Tuesday Democrat primary was only 11 percent.

Florida is assumed to be a Trump state, too. Well, he only carried it in 2020 by 3.3%, and that’s 29 electoral votes he cannot afford to lose. How many Haley supporters there will make protest votes?

Exit poll data show Trump’s share of GOP votes have withered. He got 89% of Republican voters in 2016, but 85 percent in 2020 – a sufficient number to cost him electoral votes in many states, notably Georgia, where many victorious GOP candidates for the U.S. House had more votes than Trump. 

Where Trump could potentially “replace” the loss of Haley votes is among African American and Latino voters. According to a just-released New York Times/Siena poll , the former president leads Biden by six points among Latinos and his support among black voters is now 23%, marking a 19 percentage point increase since the same poll  taken in October 2020     

Both Arizona and Nevada have huge Latino populations and, combined, have almost as many electoral votes as Pennsylvania. So, these states could go into his column – unless (of course) there are Republican defections to Biden or third-party candidates.  But I do not believe black voters will defect to Trump in big numbers – perhaps to third party candidates.

Key is who the various third party candidates are. Thus far, neither the Libertarians, Green Party, “No Labels” nor independent candidates like Cornel West and Robert F. Kennedy are on the ballot in the Old Dominion.

However, according to Wikipedia, the Greens are on the ballot in 22 states, the Libertarians in 38, Constitution Party in 12 and “No labels” on 17 state ballots. Kennedy is on the ballot in six states, three of them swing states; West is on the ballot in three.   

The bipartisan No Labels group is expected to announce on Friday if they will move forward or not with a candidate, and I wonder if their presidential candidate or vp could be retiring Arizona Sen. Kirsten Synema, a former Democrat who became an independent.

The Libertarian presidential nominee is likely to make the ballot in all 50 states, which the party achieved in 2020, but they generally draw votes equally from conservatives and liberals, so I am unsure how this plays for Biden or Trump.

In my view, the biggest threat to Biden is Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who was the Green candidate in 2016, capturing some 1.4 million votes and enabling Trump to win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin – and capture the presidency. But she was on the ballot in 43 states that year 

But one thing I feel is certain – the Democrat margin in Virginia is so great that Trump will not win its 13 electoral votes — even if the Greens or Cornel West make the ballot and more blacks and Latinos vote for him. Biden beat Trump in the Old Dominion by 10 points in 2020.

The biggest problem Republicans have with Trump leading the ticket is Congress, and in particular, Virginia’s 2nd House district now held by pragmatic Republican Jen Kiggans.

While Kiggans has a weak Democrat opponent, she will have to fend off Democrat efforts to tie her to Trump – just as I, and many General Assembly candidates in 2023 had to deal with that issue. Kiggans winning is key to Republicans keeping control of the House.

This is something I have a difficult time explaining to Trump diehards — that he is poison for a number of GOP candidates down ballot, and without a GOP Congress, Trump really cannot get anything done as he did in his first term. And, there will be few Green Party candidates in these races to divide the Democrat vote.

Ken Reid is a former Loudoun County supervisor and Leesburg Town Council member who was the GOP nominee for State Senate in District 37 in Fairfax County in 2023.  He also is a journalist by trade, and published newsletters in the FDA field for 30 years.    

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152 responses to “Anti-Trump, Anti-Biden Votes in Super Tuesday Primaries:  Will They Sway the November Election?”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Trump lost Virginia by 500,000 in 2020.
    The Dems had 1.3 million vote in the primary in 2020.
    The “republican” primary had less than 800,000 votes with about 250,000 to Donor Barbie. I have not seen one Haley voter on TV say they would vote for Trump. They were all for Biden. I would guesstimate it was 80% Dems.
    In the vote for Prom King, a guy who is competent with policies that work, or a brain dead puppet controlled by anti-American Globalist Secular Marxists…
    “Purity” seems like moral preening to me.

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      Trump and competent should never be used in any sentence other than those discussing what Trump is not. Trump is everyone example of what the worst boss would be like.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        If you want to destroy what America is and was intended to be by the Founding Fathers, and is acclaimed as the greatest Democracy in the history of the world, DO elect Trump because his kind of “America” is what you see today in 3rd world countries or even like Hungary, Brazil, and other autocratic regimes.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          A new low for Larry.

          We are a Republic…if we can keep it.

          By the way, the Commie who “won” Brazil through lawfare and some sketchy “voting” is Biden’s choice.

          Meanwhile, please explain how every part of Biden’s government is not currently weaponized politically and explain why that is not banana republic-ish.

          Since independent thought is hard for you and you need a party line answer, just ask GEMINI AI.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: Biden weaponized? Cuz it’s not -it’s in the minds of the delusional… who also are blind to what Trump IS promising.

            No NATO, abandon Ukraine, buddy up with the other world dictators and autocrats.

            And apparently what you folks WANT?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Do you ever do anything other than watch MSDNC?
            You hate the poor in America? You prefer illegals over Americans? What happens when the dozens of millions of illegals take the low paying jobs, and then we get AI? Should we protect those Americans already here? How much are the illegals costing us? Should the kids in the Dem Hellhole cities have an education? A safe neighborhood? Why do you love people you don’t know more than your neighbors? Why do you hate your descendants and family? Is it fair to stick them with $34 trillion in debt, growing at $1 trillion every 100 days? Seems like the system you favor is broken, and the power crazed autocrats are willing to do anything to save their grift. It really is a shame you hate America and your fellow Americans so much…but there you have the elitist worldview encapsulated. Oh, I left out innocent unborn babies, too… Good people! Entitled to judge the morality of others!

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Never watch MSN. too far “left” for me!

            illegals are low level labor. Do you want Americans to depend on them for making a living, buying a house, sending their kids to college?

            The problem with rural America is that they lack education, apparently as a choice which helps the Trump folks but ain’t so good for them even if Trump is POTUS – he’s using them,

            HateAmerica? Hey, I’m NOT the burn-it-all- down folk who don’t seem to care what happens when someone like Trump becomes POTUS. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy!

            34 trillion was APPROVED by Trump and the GOP as well as the structural deficit that comes from the Trump tax cuts. RIght?

            You’re pointing out our problems as if Trump is going to fix them – like he did before! Something wrong with that thinking , no?

            geeze Walter… blather much?

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Uh huh… How do the Ds in Congress vote Larry? For less spending or more spending?
            And I am glad you think rural people are stupid – wow – elitist pr!ck much?
            Where do you get burn America down? Antifa is the Left’s intimidation Brown Shirt army. Show me the “right wing” violent army. J6? That’s it? And let’s eventually get to how many Feds were there as agent provocateurs…
            All the prosecutions without prosecuting Antifa… All the overcharging. Denial of civil rights in DC jail. Oh…lying. Withholding exculpatory evidence. It’s a travesty. Banana Republic.
            I can’t hold you in enough contempt for how you just defamed all of the decent, hard-working people in America who grow the food, deliver it, fix the infrastructure so a fool like you can look down on them. Disgusting.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t look down on any of them but I think it’s fair to point out that in today’s economy – more education is needed and many farmers today are pursuing more education as they know it is directly linked to their ability to “grow food” and “fix stuff”.

            Too many though have chosen not to and instead to listen to folks like Trump who clearly is using them and actually harmed them with his trade war with China and scaring off migrant labor needed on the farms. He was and is no friend of rural folks and farmers IMO.

            Dems ARE willing to cut deficits but if the GOP don’t care then the Dems don’t either.

            THe GOP wants to cut Social Security, Medicare, the ACA and Medicaid and other programs that serve and help people – to actually be more productive citizens.

            The GOP wants to cut taxes and SPEND like they did with the Trump tax cuts and we have a structural deficit right now because of his tax cuts that do not pay for themselves.

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No Larry. You revealed your true self. And you have TDS. I remember you having issues with Oliver Anthony, repeating D propaganda…

          7. KnowNothing Avatar

            One thing that (most) rural Americans have that Larry doesn’t, is that their families have actually been in the country since the 17th and 18th centuries. Their opinions are actually relevant.

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Other than your TDS assertion, please explain what he did wrong or could have done better. His biggest mistake was trusting that the CDC was not corrupt. And in his own party, it was full of traitors. The UniParty/Deep State is real. And dangerous. And immoral. But other than that…

        Now apply the same standards to the brain dead never that smart corrupt puppet who cannot take questions.

        Meanwhile, what did Trump actually do authoritarian as compared to Biden? Lawfare? Corrupt DOJ? Corrupt FBI? RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA! FISA abuses – 37 times FBI went too far…and just happened to all go against Trump. Do 2 to the 37th. It’s a big number.

        And of course, he built a successful business being the worst person ever!

        You might need to do something besides slurp your propaganda from the DNC Media…

        Do you have any common sense? It seems not.

        1. Teddy007 Avatar

          Trump should have tried to do deals with Congress. Trump should not have acted on grudges so much. Trump would have tried to reduce federal spending. Trump should work much harder at meetings, briefings, and working with advisors. As it has been described, one does not have a 60 minute meeting with Trump, one has 60 one-minute meetings because Trump does not have the attention span for a 60 minute meeting.

          Trump never debated any of the other candidates in the Republican primary. Why? Because nothing good would have come from it. And when one is talking corruption, how many cronies did Trump have to pardon on the way out the door.

          Trying to defend a narcissistic sociopath makes no sense. And to believe that Trump could have lead the U.S. into ignoring Covid-19 when 1.2 million Americans died from it and another 5 million were hospitalized is insane. However, what Covid-19 did show is that Trump and most elected Republicans do not have the attention span or management skills to deal with long term problems.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Interesting take.
            Maybe Congress should have tried to do deals with Trump. He was the President. What grudges did he act on? Federal spending needs to be cut. Where do those bills originate? The RINO faction was/is a huge part of the problem, but I will eagerly await for you to get the CommieDems to quit spending so much. Since you won’t, that is a totally insincere criticism. Who describes his inability to take long meetings? My take is long meetings are a waste of time. Successful people I know value their time and use it wisely. No attention span? Says who? People who hate him? People who crave love from the Left to say bad things about him? How come he could get a skating rink built in months, under budget, that NYC couldn’t do for years? As opposed to Joe Biden, what has Joe “done” besides live off of the public teat and take bribes – without the decency to confine it to American bribes! And you would have listened to the Republican debates and really cared? I guess you voted for Nikki – Donor Barbie – too, but have never voted for a Pubbie Prez – amirite?
            How many “cronies” got convicted for the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA hoax in a process crime? You’re good with the federal government framing people? Of course you are! As long as it is the bad people who have the audacity to disagree with you…
            Also interesting to note your Covid take…when Trump rightly said “don’t panic” he was crucified for it. Like most things requiring common sense, he was right. You know the US had a worse rate than many poor countries? The CDC recommendations were wrong for treatment. And the problem people were obese, short of vitamin D and had other co-morbidities. That had nothing to do with Trump. But the deaths caused by following the CDC and general unhealth of a large swath of Americans was the issue.
            Rabid hatred is not how one makes a rational judgment. Oh, and by the way, I’m gonna go with the percentage of “narcissistic” politicians is extremely close to 100… Along with a fair amount of the populace, and that part skews D… Just thought you’d like to know. Also the D part skews more unhappy… Because you believe in lies and wonder why your life isn’t perfect.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            There’s a reason why call POTUS the leader of the country and not the Mad Hatter of Alice in Wonderland.

            re: ” “narcissistic” politicians”

            NONE of which ever did anything close to what TRUMP has done and promised more of not even Nixon he DID have the presence of mind to leave when he saw the damage he was causing.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            TDS. It’s a real thing. Worse than Covid because based on delusions, akin to gender dysphoria… maybe brain dysphoria…

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s actually pretty unanimous cuz even his supporters like the way he acts and has acted and promises to act – “burn it all down” types IMO. yep.

            The saner world including Nikki Haley supporters know that this is not only NOT “normal” but the country is at real risk with such a person.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    Pretty good analysis. Agree.

  3. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    The analysis is impressive. But what puzzles and troubles me is how any true American can support Trump. He doesn’t respect the Constitution, doesn’t accept that he lost in 2020 even thought 60 courts ruled against him, he wants to be a dictator, and this time around he would not surround himself with competent staff.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Lord Bill. We agree on something! Yes, given the width and breadth of what Trump has already done and promises even more of it, you gotta wonder what folks are thinking. This guy is a wrecking ball of any kind of rational governance unless you like strongmen and dictators.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Careful, they all say that just before voting for him.

      2. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        Don’t let it go to your head. It is not likely to happen again anytime soon.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Yes, but will you leave your choice for President unmarked?

      One by one each of the Republicans will fall in line.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        all the while saying no, no, no? weasels?

      2. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe


        1. WayneS Avatar

          Write in WayneS in 2024! 😉

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive


    3. Lefty665 Avatar

      Glad to see you’ve dropped the “lesser evil” twaddle. You are making an honest argument. Although it is not clear that the argument you are making outweighs progressive senile dementia and giggling twitism.

      ps, It is a questionable assertion that Trump surrounded himself with competent staff last time. His pathological narcissism that staff are fungible and it’s all about him screwed him last time. D.C. works differently than his own N.Y. bailiwick did. Those he put in positions of power in D.C. were able to execute their own agendas, not his. Think Pompeo, Wray and Boland.

      1. WayneS Avatar

        And he appears to be incapable of learning anything new.

        But then again, so does Joe Biden.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Exactly, Trump’s lack of a learning curve is scary. OTOH, Biden’s loss of what little he did know is terrifying.

          What a mess. Wayne for Prez!

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Wayne for The Win!

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Remember, come November you are NOT required to check a box in every race.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      I would like to be able to vote separately for president and for vice president. In fact, I’m somewhat perplexed by the fact that it is not a constitutional requirement.

      The 12th amendment says (emphasis mine): The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President…

      Distinct ballots. If the electors use “distinct ballots” for the two positions, why are voters prevented from doing so?

      By the way, if my write-in campaign takes off, you’re my VP pick, so be ready… 😉

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I’d rather SecDef. Bwaaaahhaaa!

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          But SecDef is sort of like Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. You can either tell where he is or what he is doing, but not both at the same time.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            A real plus. I’ll be in my bunker if anyone calls.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Can the lions share of the executive agencies operate like Schrödinger’s cat? I guess it wouldn’t be much of a guess when the budget would come out.

        2. WayneS Avatar


          I’ll offer Lefty665 the VP spot.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            I’ll run on a Dan Quayle platform. That’ll be Leftye665 if you please. Mr Potatoe head for Nat Sec Advisor.

            That’s pronounced Left yea 665 to appeal to the identity politics vote.

      2. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        I’d contend that we revert to how the VP was selected with FPOTUS Washington. 2nd place is the VP.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Not a bad idea.

          By the way, do you want to be head of the BATFE?

        2. WayneS Avatar

          Not a bad idea.

          By the way, do you want to be head of the BATFE?

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Sure, for a single day. That’s all it will take me to close shop and save the taxpayer millions. Oh the irony, the progeny of bootleggers head of the BATFE and closes it down.

          2. WayneS Avatar

            Now that’s the kind of bold action we should all be willing to take to reduce the size of government… 😉

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            If people who stop abdicating their power to the Federal Government and understand how Federalism is supposed to function we might not be where we are at. Heck even Congress abdicates their powers to the Executive Branch so they can campaign without end. The founders would’ve taken their ball and went home if they were alive to see the sheer amount of power the Fed yields, concentrated in the Executive Branch and number alphabet agencies.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Agreed, Virginia’s electoral votes are not in play and agreed, down ticket Republicans like Kiggans and Wittman are in for a very bumpy ride. The open seats (7, 10) go blue. Any Senate nominee is toast, of course, but that was a given. Kaine will be boosting Biden, not the other way around.

    I expect most of the truly disaffected R’s will sit on their hands and if they do vote, leave the top line open. The thought of not voting at all is not palatable to me. If Trump is elected, and it is possible, then in 2025 Virginia will see a continuation of the blue wave he started in 2017.

    Having spent Tuesday in my polling place again, I can testify the crossover vote was substantial. Plenty of people I know to be D’s took the R ballot and winked at me. But I got the impression some went for Haley and some for Trump, thinking (with reason) he was the R they wanted on the Virginia ballot.

    1. Ken Reid Avatar
      Ken Reid

      Good analysis. Republicans’ best chances in Virginia next year is if Biden is elected, not Trump. But again, we Republicans in Virginia don’t think strategically. Is Rob Wittman really in trouble,too?

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        The abortion issue will be swamping many who ought to be safe. Not sure who they have against Wittman this time, but it will be tougher than ’22.

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          So far, two Democrats have qualified for the primary in Wittman’s district. One is Herb Jones, who ran against him the last time. He is a retired Army colonel and former New Kent County treasurer. His primary opponent is Mehta Leslie, the chielf of staff of Richmond Metropolitan Transit Authority.

          In the polling district I worked in, there were more twice as many voters who chose the Republican ballot as chose the Democratic ballot. I suspect that some voting Reublican were crossovers, but because I have not been active in partisan politics, I could not be sure.

      2. Wittman may be in trouble because he voted against the infrastructure bill which included a lot of money for popular projects in his district. He hoped no one would notice but I’m seeing letters to editors in several 1st District newspapers pointing this out.

        For example:
        — $25 million for I66 widening in New Kent County.
        — $790,000 EACH for several small, local airports in his district.
        — Hundreds of millions for rural broadband throughout his district.

        In the past four elections, he has been pulling mid-50% of votes whereas he previously won with 60-65%.

  6. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    If I were a worried R in Virginia, I’d run ads that point out that both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama promised to see the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) passed Democratic controlled Congresses & signed into law. Had they kept their campaign promises, Roe v. Wade would be the law nationwide.

    My vote in NC’s primary was for Haley. My vote in November will be for RFK Jr. A pox on both Trump and Biden.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      And you lose because looking back and frowning won’t win elections.

      A vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump. All the Haley folks know this.

      1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

        No, Larry. What I raised is a legitimate issue. Many lawyers and judges from the left, including RBG, opined that Roe v. Wade was poorly decided and urged passage of federal legislation to protect abortion access. Both Clinton and Obama promised that they would work during the first two years of their administration to see FOCA passed and signed into law. But they didn’t keep their promises. Had they done so, overturning Roe v. Wade would be meaningless.

        Of course, this is a question no one on the left wants to address. That’s why I keep raising it. Asking questions no one wants to hear and pointing out inconsistencies in the other side’s arguments is how most lawyers earn their living.

        I wouldn’t vote for Biden if he were my older brother. He’s dumb to start. He had a 1.9 GPA in college. I don’t think anyone I’ve ever worked with had GPAs so low. And then, as the special counsel wrote, his mental facilities are fading. And his policies, e.g., stimulating the economy when inflation is rising, the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, and effectively inviting illegals to come to the U.S. were disasters.

        I wouldn’t vote for Trump if he was my older brother. He’s not the sharpest knife in the block. He’s mental state is also starting to decline. While I liked some of his policies, he now seems only focused on himself.

        I see flaws in Kennedy, but he beat the heck out of either Trump or Biden.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          He’s dumb to start. He had a 1.9 GPA in college.

          How in heck did he get into law school?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            way better than psychopath any way you cut it. Biden may not be the sharpest knife, but he picks good people and he’s not a threat to the country with his policies – LIKE supporting NATO and Ukraine!

          2. WayneS Avatar

            Sociopath. Donald Trump is a sociopath. Please get it right… 😉

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            what’s that about judging others? 😉 You’re gonna ding me for my grammar?

            I think you ARE bothered!


            a person affected by chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.

            got that?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            what’s that about judging others? 😉 You’re gonna ding me for my grammar?

            I think you ARE bothered!


            a person affected by chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.

            got that?

          5. WayneS Avatar

            I did not “ding” your grammar. It is now clear to me that you do have a reading comprehension problem, and you actually are completely incapable of spotting a joke when you see one.
            PS – Okay, fine. I’m willing to compromise. Maybe he’s both:



          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            bad jokes, yes.

            don’t blame others for them.

          7. Lefty665 Avatar

            His father bribed the admissions officer with a used car?

          8. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That cannot be accurate since you can’t graduate with a 1.9.

          9. WayneS Avatar

            That number is probably exaggerated downward, but he was clearly not a scholar.

          10. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            He did graduate Law School? That requires a 3.0.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            so more “flurry” from folks who don’t know or repeat misinformation?

          12. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, as I have said before, “my high school girlfriend wasn’t the only one with 34 Cs.”

          13. DJRippert Avatar

            The real story (from Wikipedia) …

            Biden attended the University of Delaware in Newark, where he was more interested in sports and socializing than in studying,[17] although his classmates were impressed by his cramming abilities.[35] He played halfback with the “Blue Chicks” freshman football team (at the time, freshmen were not eligible to play varsity sports).[27][28] However, when he got a poor 1.9 grade point average for the semester, his parents told him that he had to give up football to concentrate on his classes.[28] He continued to get mostly “C” and “D” grades for his next two semesters.[36] His grades then began to improve, but never became especially good.[36] He wanted to return to the football, and by the spring practices of his junior year he thought he was about to earn a starting spot as a defensive back on the varsity for that fall.

          14. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Ah so, to be accurate, “He graduated with a 1.9 GPA for one semester on his transcript.” That’s far from “graduating with a 1.9 GPA”, which for the reason cited, is not possible.

            For completeness, to obtain a graduate degree, one must maintain at least a 3.0. In grad school a “C” is an “F”. There’s that.

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            hmmmm… some folks are not careful with their fact claims? geeze, who woulda thought!

          16. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            If it sounds too good (bad depending on PoV) it’s a lie, or misinformation at least.

          17. DJRippert Avatar

            Yes, you are right. The 1.9 GPA was apparently for a semester, not his whole undergraduate career.

          18. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            It’s gonna be hard to dig out of a 1.9 GPA, especially if you’re only managing C’s & D’s.

          19. Lefty665 Avatar

            But it was not uncommon among the Puerto Rican truck drivers and Amtrack conductors Joe hung around with. Really, what kind of GPA do you think Corn Pop had?

          20. WayneS Avatar

            Corn Pop was in the Square Root Club.

          21. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            At least a 2.0, but my money would be on 2.3 to 2.5 with really high scores on the LSAT.

          22. WayneS Avatar

            I’ve found several sources that say he had a 2.69 GPA in law school. Anything less than a 3.0 in post-graduate studies is considered ‘ungood’.

          23. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, you sent me on a quick mission. To obtain a Master’s, one must maintain a 3.0 out of 4.0 to graduate. Several law schools at which I looked, including Syracuse, require only a 2.2 out of 4.0.

            God this explains a lot!

          24. WayneS Avatar

            Indeed it does explain a lot.

          25. Lefty665 Avatar

            Remember, he plagiarized in law school. That probably brought his GPA up until they caught him.

          26. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Not about Biden anymore, Lefty. There’s a broader implication here.

            To get a law degree, a minimum of a 2.2 GPA is needed explains why Congress has so many low IQ lawyers.

          27. Lefty665 Avatar

            You’re right Syracuse and others had low standards too.

          28. Lefty665 Avatar


        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          Obama had veto and filibuster proof majorities in ’09 and ’10. He said he’d sign FOCA if Congress sent it to him. He then dropped it in favor of the health care legislation he wanted and Congress ignored FOCA.

          1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            From a 2/18/09 ABC interview with Joe Biden. “I did not do very well,” Biden said. “I ended up with a 1.9 [grade point average], getting a D in ROTC, [which] put me on probation.”

            In 2008, Obama told a Planned Parenthood audience: “The first thing I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. Now that’s the first thing I’d do.” He ran from that. If hadn’t, using his strong Democratic majorities in Congress (at one time 60 Ds in the Senate), the Roe v. Wade standards would have been law nationwide.

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          You’ll have to produce transcripts. Biden is my generation and a 1.9 GPA would not have met requirements to graduate in the 1960s. In fact, it is highly unlikely one could maintain a 1.9 since academic suspension occurs just south of that mark.

          Well, phosphate-free laundry detergent isn’t all it’s cracked up to be anyway.

        4. WayneS Avatar

          I’m not sure Kennedy is a viable option. He appears to me to be mentally unstable…

          …oh, wait…

          …never mind.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            yeah, but it’s not Biden… so good for the folks that want Trump to win but won’t admit it?

          2. WayneS Avatar

            I’ve noticed you are always ready to tell other people what they think. Not your best trait.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            ready to call it out for what it is?


          4. WayneS Avatar

            ready to call it out for what it is?

            No, ready to use your worst assumptions about people you have never even met and to create a fantasy about what they think.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar


          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t have “worst assumptions” Wayne.

            I listen to and respond to
            what I read (like that actually is a blog thing – I’m allowed to have a view and express it and do).

            I actually use quotes much of the time but yes, I no more trust Bader’s view of technology than the man in the moon nor those who accept his writings hook line and sinker.

            He does have a rep here and branching out from law and order to EVs did not improve it IMO.

          7. WayneS Avatar

            I’m allowed to have a view and express it and do…

            Yes, of course, but you extend it to telling other people what their views are

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I believe psychology calls that projection.

          9. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            The rumblings is him courting the Libertarians won’t go anywhere. That party would close up shop before they’d put him forward as theirs.

            It’s hard no given his anti-firearms position.

        5. LarrytheG Avatar

          TMT – “promises” and politicians is a myth!

          Besides, just because they did not do it does NOT excuse others including the GOP from doing the right thing!

          EVERY party and politician wants to get things done but real world intervenes at times.

          That’s STILL NO EXCUSE for any leader not moving forward when they can and that INCLUDE those that do nothing but claim those before them did not also!

          We’ve had multiple opportunities to do SOMETHING about immigration and look WHO is NOT doing what needs to be done NOW!

          Not voting for Biden is voting for Trump. You can pretend otherwise but if you think Trump is unfit to lead – and you must – then are you willing to stand aside and let him win anyway?

          Time to MAN UP! no excuses or “pretends”.

          1. WayneS Avatar

            I’ve noticed that you are ever ready to tell others what they must think. Also not one of your better traits.

          2. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            As I wrote, I wouldn’t vote for Joe Biden if he was my brother. Ditto for Trump. As it stands, I’ll vote for RFK, Jr.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            It has the same effect as a 3rd party vote and/or sitting at home, right?

            That’s what happened to Hillary. 3rd party and others sitting at home.

            That’s how Trump got in in the first place.

          4. WayneS Avatar

            I’ve noticed that you are ever ready to tell others what they must think. Also not one of your better traits.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            bother you much?

          6. WayneS Avatar

            Not really, but it exposes the hypocrisy of you accusing someone else of being a totalitarian.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            eh? totalitarian? yow!

          8. WayneS Avatar

            Yes – how else do you describe telling people what they must think?

        6. LarrytheG Avatar

          TMT – you can run ADs about what some prior politicians did not do but they’re pretty weak tea compared to ADs about what some politicians want to do about it NOW as the GOP is finding out but should never have been a surprise to start with – in no small part because the GOP apparently never thought much about it til it bit them int he butt! Gotta wonder what they ARE thinking about cuz it ain’t what they should be!

          1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            Barack Obama told Planned Parenthood in 2008 that his top priority was signing FOCA into law. Had he kept his promise, Roe v. Wade standards would be the law.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            He did not. Not the only one he did not do nor any of the other POTUS also.

            What use is it to go back POTUS by POTUS and point out what they promised and did not accompish?

            It sure don’t make other POTUS even GOP look any better.

            There were priorities for Obama, one of the most important was to provide insurance to millions of people who did not have it,

            And who promised to replace it and did not?

        7. Not Today Avatar
          Not Today

          RBG was a deeply flawed human, like most, affected by hubris. The same issue is going to be the downfall of the current SCOTUS majority. As white boomers die off, no one is going to forget the tenacity with which they attempted to choke everyone else into submission.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      I’d ask you to write-in WayneS but I think I should concentrate on Virginia for now. 😉

  7. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    “This is something I have a difficult time explaining to Trump diehards — that he is poison for a number of GOP candidates down ballot…”

    That may be. The bigger problem old school GOP has is really simple. You lost your party. I don’t think you are going to get it back. Even if you did all old school GOP can do is play lousy defense.

    Instead of thinking about what the blue team is going to do to Republicans, the R’s need to think about what they are going to do to the D’s and actually act on it. But that will never happen.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Old school GOP recoils from populism. That’s the last thing they want except when it is serving them at the country club.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        You guys are all stuck in the same dustbin as the old fashioned Virginia conservative Democrats or the Whigs from 1860.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          The Repubs stuffed populism in 1896 then lost big time to it in ’32. It still does not seem like mainstream Repubs (McConnell etc) have much use for it despite the flirtation with blue collar Reagan Repubs in the ’80s.

          Trump and populism took the Repubs by surprise in ’16. It still does not look like a comfortable fit.

    2. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      Have faith…it will happen under President Trump.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Trump will be fined, jailed, or a crosshairs will find him. If that doesn’t get him the big blue thumb on the election scales will.

        1. Chip Gibson Avatar
          Chip Gibson

          I see the big blue thumb as number three in the dem campaign plan – in the works, acknowledging that the crosshairs are likely plan 4. I pray for his protection and the salvation of this once great Nation.

  8. WayneS Avatar

    I dislike both of them, so in November I am writing in my own name for president, and I humbly ask others to write in my name, as well.

    I obviously have no delusions about winning, so my political positions should not matter to you. I want to serve as an outlet for anyone who wants to register a “protest” vote. Also, I think it would be cool to get enough write-in votes to have my name show up in the results list on TV on election night. One or two won’t do it, but I expect 400 or 500 votes for the same write-in candidate would garner some attention. TV screen on election night:

    Virginia Results
    Biden (D) – 2,054, 158
    Trump (R) – 2,054,158
    “Unity Party” candidate (U) – 53,262
    WayneS (?) – 439

    TV news talking head: Who the hell is WayneS? Does anybody know anything about this guy, WayneS?

    republican talking head: He’s not one of ours…

    democrat talking head: He’s certainly not one of ours…

    WayneS (at home sitting on couch): Excellent…

    Hey, a guy can dream, can’t he?

    As an added bonus, if any reporters track down where I live, they will likely find the sign at the end of my driveway some what off-putting. It reads: “Due to the High Cost of Ammo We are No Longer Able to Offer Warning Shots”…

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      And your full name is….?

      1. WayneS Avatar

        Last name: Stephens. First initial is J.

        Wayne is my middle name, which I know is somewhat common among serial killers, but please do not let that put you off from voting for me…

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          It’s a plus! Well, in national politics anyway.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          I always thought it was Wanted S Campbell from Aurora, Illinois and you had your own public access TV show.

          1. WayneS Avatar

            Maybe once, a long time ago….

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Party On, Wayne!

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Wayne Ess.

  9. Lefty665 Avatar

    Interesting look, but you missed a couple of big issues.

    Despite the current dissatisfaction the tendency is for partisan voters to come home on election day (or month). While there are a lot of unhappy Repubs and Dems today, come November they’ll mostly hold their noses and vote Party. They always have.

    The other piece is that you ignore Indys who now make up a larger portion of the electorate than either Repubs or Dems. In ’16 they broke for Trump. In ’20 they broke for Biden. That was the difference in both elections. This year so far they are breaking away from Biden.

    Biden’s senile dementia and Kamala’s giggling twitism are bigger factors than Trump’s pathological narcissism and potential convictions. Under the heading of unintended consequences standing up to the charges has made Trump look strong. Close to 90% of the country thinks Biden is too old and feeble to be President. The consequences of that opinion are hard to over state.

    While marginal at the best of times, the Dems tactic of identity politics is fading too. While black and hispanic voters will largely remain reliably Dem, the percentages crossing over to Repub are increasing.

    Remember too that this election will turn on the vote in a handful of swing states that are very closely divided. In ’16 they went for Trump by less than 100k votes in total. In ’20 the margin was less than 50k votes for Biden. Small changes in those swing states have made huge changes in the Electoral College in the last 2 elections. They promise to be as consequential this time.

    If Dems really do not want another Trump administration they have to get shed of Joe and Kamala. So far nobody has been willing to bell the cat and tell Joe thanks for your service it’s time to retire to the beach. The Repubs seem stuck with Trump unless the cheezeburgers, fries and stress catch up with him.

    As an Indy I don’t want either of them. I’ve voted 3rd party in the last 2 elections because I could not stand Hillary, Trump or Biden. This year is looking the same. A “lesser evil” vote is a rationalization for cowardice. OTOH, I do not see how I could vote to reelect progressive senile dementia even considering the alternative. The consequences are too predictable.

    How did we get here anyway?

  10. DJRippert Avatar

    I can’t think of a less useful group of people to poll than those who voted in the Super Tuesday primaries, especially in Virginia. Both leading nominees were slam dunks to be on the ballot in November and Virginia doesn’t require (or allow) registration to either party.

    So, what was the point of voting?

    I can only imagine that most of the people who voted on Tuesday were retired or otherwise unemployed political “nerds” who felt their votes somehow proved a point. No doubt many Democrats took Republican ballots and voted for Nikki Haley in what can only be described as a total waste of time.

    Don’t get me wrong – I think people ought to spend their free time doing whatever they want but claiming that those who voted on Tuesday comprise some type of indicator as to what will happen in November is pretty silly.

    I’d guess that 99.9% of those voting on Tuesday have already made up their minds about who they will vote for in November, regardless of who they voted for on Tuesday.

    The real question is who the employed people who don’t follow politics religiously will vote for in November.

    It’s a tough choice – an observably senile, partisan hack or a megalomaniac harboring some fairly dangerous thoughts.

    I may write in, “James Bacon” or “J. Wayne Stephens”.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      You got it. Repubs and Dems make up about a quarter of the electorate each and those who vote in primaries are a small subset of those declining numbers. It ain’t very representative of an actual election.

      WayneS is making a good argument below for writing him in.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Not a tough choice at all if you’re actually thinking.

      Who would follow a fallen Biden? Anyone that would resemble Trump ?

      You KNOW THIS!

      BTW , I agree with you about the primaries..

      What are they THINKING!

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Remember Dr. Ronnie Jackson?
    “ In December 2019, after 25 years of distinguished service to his country, Dr. Jackson retired from the United States Navy as a Rear Admiral. ”

    Uh, no. He was stripped of his star for his booze-swilling performance as the WH doc.

    Somebody ‘splain to him that Boorda ate his gun for this sort of thing.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Is that Rear Admiral Ronnie Jackson?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        That be CAPT. Ronnie Jackson.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Would that be the guy who represents the 13th Congressional district in Texas? That guy?

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Tune to CBS for Colbert live…

  13. Not Today Avatar
    Not Today

    Biden is old and he’s definitely lost a step but the sour faced, disruptive, misogynist, racist, rude, billionaire butt-kissing, pathetic and shameless insurrectionist-shills on the other side of the aisle?? No, just no. I didn’t vote in the primary but my top to bottom ballot will be bright blue in Nov. So will my daughter’s and two years from now, so will my son’s. Kiggans of the Tuberville blockade and the 15 week abortion ban support, should be very concerned. Gen Alpha is also watching and these pandemic kids are built different

  14. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Gosh, is he really 80? Sure don’t look it. Sure didn’t sound it. Watching some woman in Alabama talk about her table in her $1.5M kitchen while weeping about the border.

    Biden’s 94 EO’s versus a total 18 Bills in Congress, and no Border Bill, last year?

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      And who do you think built that kitchen for her…??

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “You didn’t build that.”

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      she’s not a babe in the woods …. Shelby’s Chief of Staff….

  15. Not Today Avatar
    Not Today

    Katie Britt is the epitome of white woman tears in action. The child of TWO small business owners claiming to know hardship? No one is buying this over the top act. Mrs. Britt has no tears or comments about the moms, like me, fearing their sons won’t come home after a traffic stop or trip to public school due to gun violence. She represents a party fighting summer meals for poor kids. SMH.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      She wrote the $95B border bill before she voted against the $95B border bill…. Yikes! Shades of John Kerry…

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Britt? That’s not Boebert? Hmmm, lookalike, soundalike, maybe it’s the Patty Duke Show?

      She just said, “You can’t make this stuff up” while making it up.

      1. Not Today Avatar
        Not Today

        Nope, cuter and classic Alabama sorority chick. I know the type well. It’s not even relatable to poor white people. Too light on the racism. Poor people don’t do IVF and her plea to ‘moms’ very clearly doesn’t include moms with brown kids (e.g. most moms in America) also, pro tip, lots of white grammas have brown grandkids, specially the poor ones.

      2. Not Today Avatar
        Not Today

        Nope, cuter and classic Alabama sorority chick. I know the type well. It’s not even relatable to poor white people. Too light on the racism. Poor people don’t do IVF and her plea to ‘moms’ very clearly doesn’t include moms with brown kids (e.g. most moms in America) also, pro tip, lots of white grammas have brown grandkids, specially the poor ones.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Emily Dickinson College?

          1. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            College of the Ozarks, Ouachita Baptist, Alabama (roll tide?)…

            James Langford’s agreement with Biden, in DIRECT conflict with her border assertions, made her look foolish to me.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Emily Dickinson was the Animal House road trip destination.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      She wrote the $95B border bill before she voted against the $95B border bill…. Yikes! Shades of John Kerry…

      1. Not Today Avatar
        Not Today

        Trying to figure out who she was talking to because the moms I know don’t have massive kitchens or fake cry on demand. They care about reproductive freedom and women’s health, equal pay, childcare, gun safety, school quality, and college affordability. I’m all for border security but she voted it down and doesn’t want to feed poor kids summer meals. Heck, I wouldn’t have one of my kids without reproductive technology and all of my kids are 15+ years old! So out of touch.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          “Are you better off than four years ago when 1.5M of you died from COVID? Uh, lemme rephrase that.”

          1. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            She tried. I’ll give her that. I just think, despite the verbal stumbles and appearance of frailty that comes with old age, Biden OWNED the Republicans AND SCOTUS. He spoke for moderate America and channeled our frustration.

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