“Anti-Racist” Teacher Harasses Minority Parents

by Asra Q. Nomani

FAIRFAX COUNTY, Va — In a series of attacks in mid-October, a troll using the anonymous account @AntiRacist14 lashed out at Harry Jackson, the Black father of two local students. When Jackson called him out, the troll responded: “Motherfucker how is this me trolling you? I’m the OP [original poster], the victim narrative is trite, give it a rest. Sell segregationist bullshit elsewhere, snowflake.”

What is shocking here is that the attack didn’t come from some random troll, and it doesn’t fit the narrative that civil rights activists challenge white racist bigots hurling insults at minorities. The person behind the account is a white self-described “Dirtbag Left” Fairfax County Public Schools teacher, pressing the “anti-racist” politics that have become politically correct — and divisive — today from California to Virginia.

In real life, @AntiRacist14 is Matt Levi, a social studies teacher at (the ironically named) Justice High School on Peace Valley Lane in Falls Church, Va., according to people familiar with the situation. A Fairfax County Public Schools spokeswoman didn’t yet return a request for comment. Neither Jackson nor I have received a response yet to a complaint filed this morning with Justice High School Principal Maria Eck, Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Scott Brabrand and the 12 members of the Fairfax County School Board, including board chair Ricardy Anderson, who follows Levi’s true-name account and fake @AntiRacist14 account.

The attacks on parents by a teacher-activist underscore a deeper crisis in public school education today as the ideology of “critical race theory” and the dogma of “anti-racism” incite and embolden activist educators and bureaucrats to become more and more aggressive in their zealotry. For example, San Diego Unified School District recently demanded teachers take “anti-racism” training, deeming white teachers as “racist” and forcing pledges of virtue signaling, such as the admission, “I am a racist.”

The situation is further disturbing considering half of the Fairfax County School Board members follow this anonymous account. The board members who follow the account include: board chair Ricardy Anderson and board members Karen Keys-Gamarra, Rachna Sizemore Heizer, Karl Frisch, Melanie Meren, Stella Pekarsky.

For his fake @AntiRacist14 account, started September 2016, Levi describes himself as: “High School Teacher, FCPS, Socialist, John Brown enthusiast, Dirtbag Left, Critical Race Theorist, segregation shamer.”

For his personal true-name account, Levi describes himself as: “FCPS – Justice HS – Economics – Psychology – Father of a Woodburn Wildcat – Antiracism – he/him/his.”

The father, Jackson, fell into Levi’s crosshairs because he is one of thousands of parents, students, alumni, community members and business leaders opposed to the half-baked plan by Superintendent Brabrand to replace the race-blind, merit-based admissions test to Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology with a lottery, in a very flawed scheme to increase the number of Black and Hispanic students at TJ. The School Board is meeting this afternoon in a “work session” to overhaul admissions to the school. The session is live at this link.

In November, using his fake @AntiRacist14 account, Levi called Jackson, “just another segregationist.” Despite parents flagging the account numerous times to @FCPSNews, nothing has been done to shut the teacher-troll down.

Jackson’s son is a freshman in the TJ Class of 2024, and Jackson knows a thing or two about segregation and breaking racial barriers. Jackson’s father lived through Jim Crow racial segregation, and Jackson was the first Black student selected to go to U.S. Naval Academy from Lancaster County, Pa., and he a member of the U.S. men’s national bobsled team.

So do I. As a Muslim single mother from India, I have broken a few glass ceilings, among the first Muslim women working at the Wall Street Journal when I started there in 1988, before leaving in 2003, after I had my son, as a single mother. Still, Fairfax County board member Keys-Gamarra “liked” a tweet, now pinned to his account at which Levi used @AntiRacist14 to report me to @Twitter for my advocacy against the lottery, alleging: “White Supremacy has no business on Twitter.”

The flagrant abuse of civil diplomacy by a public school teacher also violates the “Digital Citizenship” rules in the Fairfax County Public Schools Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook, stating students must “refrain from using profanity or ethnic slurs.” It further notes: “Remain respectful.”

Also following the account are other high-profile organizations and officials, including: Virginia state Rep. Ibraheem Samirah; the national NAACP; Fairfax County chapter of the NAACP; the NAACP Fairfax County President Sean Perryman, now running to be Virginia’s next lieutenant governor; Providence District, Va., Board of Supervisor Dalia Palchik; former Fairfax County school board member Pat Hynes; Fairfax Democrats official Andy Twigg.

Other followers include the controversial TJ Alumni Action Group, which has been pushing a lottery at the school and attacking TJ parents, and its members, who oppose the lottery. Its members who follow the teacher-troll include Rachel Lei @Asian4Diversity, Jorge Torrico at @CyclingProgress and Vanessa Hall.

George Alber, a member of the Fairfax Human Rights Commission, has also liked Levi’s anonymous tweets.

Community members have expressed concern about the teacher’s influence on students, but Fairfax County Public Schools officials have done nothing to stop this teacher’s harassment. It’s time they start practicing what they preach and shut the doors on the “FCPS Desegregation Institute” and its founder, a Fairfax County Public Schools teacher who has lost his way.

Asra Q. Nomani is a former Wall Street Journal reporter who has taught journalism at Georgetown University. She can be reached at asra@asranomani or via Twitter @AsraNomani through direct message. This column is republished with permission from her Substack account.

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66 responses to ““Anti-Racist” Teacher Harasses Minority Parents”

  1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    What verification exists? Unless there is foresic data, e.g., IP Addresses, all that exists is information that is easily duplicated by someone attempting to smear the known target.

    Watch just one episode of “Catfish”.

    Uncovering a real alias requires court action.

    1. Emilio Jaksetic Avatar
      Emilio Jaksetic

      Why rely on a TV show as an authoritative source about methods used for digital authentication? Do Catfish TV episodes provide enough information to let a member of the general public learn what a qualified expert does in establishing authentication of digital identities? And if there is forensic analysis by a qualified expert, then what’s the need for court action?

      The posted article does not provide enough detail to understand the basis for the author’s claim to have tracked down the identity of the person(s) posting the profane messages. There is insufficient information provided to decide whether the author successfully identified the source or not. If the author wants to get action from FCPS or the School Board, then the author will need to persuade them that she has sufficient proof of identity (unless there is an admission or confession by the alleged culprit).

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        That’s what I mean. The TV show DOES show how easy it is to duplicate/create an online personality.

        Were I so inclined, I could create a WordPress profile claiming to be “James Hambone” complete with purloined photos of fearless leader and links to this blog.

        Without knowing the provenance of that screenshot purportedly linking the alias to the personage, I wouldn’t print that claim on a piece of toilet paper, nor would I repeat Ms. Nomani.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      The complaint has been sent to the principal. We’ll see what Maria Eck has to say about one of her teachers referring to a student’s parent in that manner. On the football field you’d be penalized in high school and possibly disqualified from the rest of the game for using language like that.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        DJ. C’mon Man. Unless the teacher admits to being the same person, the school doesn’t have the legal means to prove it. It would take subpoenas to Twitter for login and account details to confirm it.

        At this juncture, all that exists is an easily photoshopped picture.

        Photoshopped? Did I say photoshopped? I could create it in 15 minutes using PowerPoint.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I deplore the profanity and the conduct of “debate” via name calling. Also, it is unfortunate that a teacher would engage in this sort of activity and language. Furthermore, it is disturbing that many public officials are not calling out this type of behavior, instead of tacitly condoning it. Nevertheless, I am not sure what the school system could do to stop this harassment or “shut the doors” on the organization. As long as they are not implying that they are representing the school system, teachers have the right of free speech.

    This is another example of how discussion degenerates over social media. Doesn’t Twitter have a means to block someone from commenting on one’s thread? (Obviously, I don’t use Twitter nor have any desire to do so.)

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      “(Obviously, I don’t use Twitter nor have any desire to do so.)”

      I’m sure it could be found, but a famous SciFi writer onced commented on our space exploration probes something akin to “if we could imagine what might be out there, we’d hide.”

      Anyone using social media should heed that advice.

      1. Looks like action has been taken in this situation. He’s been fired. What do you suggest, shooting him on sight?

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I agree with you about profanity. And, if a teacher at a school system abused a parent on social media like this, well, off with his head.
    But, the complaints against profanity can often be used to deflect from serious issues. I am not that familiar at the Thomas Jefferson HS in NOVA, but from what I have read, there may be a serious concern is Blacks and Hispanics make up such a small percentage of the student body. Is it because they can’t compete in the rigorous entrance testing? Or maybe they are disadvantaged? A lottery might be a solution, provided that all participants meet criteria beforehand. Once you get to a certain level, tiny distinctions can mean the difference between admission and denial. What is the criteria for making those distinctions? I have some experience with magnet high schools and highly selective colleges and the competition and pressure is often way overwhelming and counter productive. Does society really want to be managed by a bunch of self-interested, overly ambitious wonks or by people who are thoughtful, well rounded and have a sense of morality?
    Instead, the conservative element would rather jump another boogeyman — system racism and their denial it exists. I note that Ms. Nomani’s critiques have been all over rightist social media and have been advertised by the Fairfax Republican Party. They are being politicized beyond their intrinsic worth.
    Too many posts on this blog start with this setup: “Progressives think this and here’s why it is wrong.” The approach is endless and infuriating.
    As for the Trouble on the Lawn and the “F” word, many focus only on the profanity and not the complaint. Web search shows that the young woman who erected the sign is a prominent and successful student and serves as a trained EMT in addition to her studies. In other words, she doesn’t seem like a spoiled snowflake.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      TJ has become more Asian over time. That apparently bothers racists who think Asians are not discriminated against in America – despite the internment of Japanese Americans by a Democratic president 70 years ago. As far as the “F word” student at UVA – the spoiled and entitled princess didn’t get a ramp built by the college when she hurt her foot. Instead, they offered to relocate her until her foot healed. That was the actual problem that generated the hissy-fit.

      1. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

        “…racists who think Asians are not discriminated against in America…”

        The only people who think this are Republicans and other conservatives who constantly try to use the relative success of some Asian subgroups of evidence that there is no racist discrimination in this country anymore. Leftists have, do, and will continue to point out how untrue all of that is.

        “…the spoiled and entitled princess…”

        Wait, I thought Asians were being rampantly discriminated against, how could she be spoiled and entitled if she’s Pakistani? LOL, just kidding, I know you guys don’t consider Muslims Asians.

        1. Do you consider Muslims Asians?

          If so, why?

          1. henryrearden Avatar

            He got trapped into thinking it was a deep thought that hey, there are Asians in Asia and Muslims in Asia also. He is not a deep thinker and I would argue his comment shows his racist attitudes toward Asians, of which my family has experience. Of course, Muslims are not a race. Two, the word Asian is an American government distinction for EEO purposes, but doesn’t reflect even the attitudes of the people (e.g. from a 1/2 Chinese family here, ever met an Indian or Chinese person who thinks they are the same race? it is just government classification made by political types). Taking it further, my Persian and Arabic friends see themselves as different from each other and would my Lebanese Chaldean (sp?) and friends from Syria consider themselves the same race as Chinese under the envelope of Asian? The person’s post is usually something made by a 7th grader. P.S. my suburb is heavily Chinese, Indian, Lebanese Chaldean, and Syrian.

      2. henryrearden Avatar

        From an Asian family here, I would disagree with your wording, they know they discriminate against Asians, they just don’t care. It is perfectly acceptable in this county by some groups (including some of the most powerful) to discriminate and be racist against Asians, as long as the right groups are being the racist.

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      I think Peter makes an excellent point here:

      “Once you get to a certain level, tiny distinctions can mean the difference between admission and denial. What is the criteria for making those distinctions? I have some experience with magnet high schools and highly selective colleges and the competition and pressure is often way overwhelming and counter productive. Does society really want to be managed by a bunch of self-interested, overly ambitious wonks or by people who are thoughtful, well rounded and have a sense of morality?”

      I believe that this is a major failing of our educational system, particularly our system of elite higher education that is building and perpetuating an elite “ruling” class of privilege based on rigid and overly narrow sets of standards. As a result we now are rapidly building angry caste systems within our society, instead of a pluralistic society that is fully integrated in healthy ways that rises all boats and offers full opportunity to all.

    3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Peter, I was trying, less successfully than you, to make the same point–profanity is often used to deflect from serious issues. Instead of engaging Harry Jackson on the actual arguments regarding changing the admissions process for Thomas Jefferson, @Antiracist14 calls him names. Because he resorted to that tactic, one could infer that that there are no legitimate reasons to change the process.

    4. “Too many posts on this blog start with this setup: “Progressives think this and here’s why it is wrong.” The approach is endless and infuriating.”

      Do you find it equally infuriating when someone starts a comment with what amounts to: “Conservatives think this and here is why it means they are morally reprehensible…”?

  4. Nancy_Naive Avatar


    Given the “Red Slime” lawsuits that are about to hit some of the Right leaning media, I would be extremely careful about running an article that relies on a “screenshot” published by a blogger as the evidence that an alias account is really tied to a person.

    I suppose you can always hope that your lawyer is better than his.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      My guess is that Mr Levi is well known to all parties. If he wants to take legal action he can go under oath and claim that the account is not his. My guess is that he’ll do no such thing. These Tweets were posted six weeks ago. If Mr Levi is being catfished I’d think he’s had plenty of time to make that point and ask Twitter to shut down the account.

      I notice that whoever has that account has now marked the Tweets as private.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        And I noticed you said, “whoever,” so even you are not convinced. The onus of proof is on Ms. Nomani not Mr Levi. Well, she will be the defendant in the libel suit. Whether he is or is not the alias is not pertinent. He doesn’t have to prove he isn’t. She has to prove he is.

  5. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Good point Nancy. A cursory google search finds no corroborating evidence that Matt Levi actually is @antiracism14. The only connections seem to be earlier posts by the author of this blog. Social media is a dangerous thing.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      What evidence have she given that the account claiming to be Matt Levi is actually even owned by Matt Levi? They better start there first! Then tackle the alias account.

      Recently Steve Haner published a picture of a defunct gas station he claimed was driven BK by a two or three year old tax hike in NC. When pressed about it appearing to have been closed for more than a decade, he provided his source of the photo as a Virginia Gas Dealer who fears that it could happen here. Wait! Why would a Virginia dealer have a photo of an NC station? And it still doesn’t answer the question. Is that a NC station that shuttered since the tax hike and because of the tax?

  6. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    What verification exists? Unless there is foresic data, e.g., IP Addresses, all that exists is information that is easily duplicated by someone attempting to smear the known target.

    Watch just one episode of “Catfish”.

    Uncovering a real alias requires court action.

    1. Emilio Jaksetic Avatar
      Emilio Jaksetic

      Why rely on a TV show as an authoritative source about methods used for digital authentication? Do Catfish TV episodes provide enough information to let a member of the general public learn what a qualified expert does in establishing authentication of digital identities? And if there is forensic analysis by a qualified expert, then what’s the need for court action?

      The posted article does not provide enough detail to understand the basis for the author’s claim to have tracked down the identity of the person(s) posting the profane messages. There is insufficient information provided to decide whether the author successfully identified the source or not. If the author wants to get action from FCPS or the School Board, then the author will need to persuade them that she has sufficient proof of identity (unless there is an admission or confession by the alleged culprit).

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        That’s what I mean. The TV show DOES show how easy it is to duplicate/create an online personality.

        Were I so inclined, I could create a WordPress profile claiming to be “James Hambone” complete with purloined photos of fearless leader and links to this blog.

        Without knowing the provenance of that screenshot purportedly linking the alias to the personage, I wouldn’t print that claim on a piece of toilet paper, nor would I repeat Ms. Nomani.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      The complaint has been sent to the principal. We’ll see what Maria Eck has to say about one of her teachers referring to a student’s parent in that manner. On the football field you’d be penalized in high school and possibly disqualified from the rest of the game for using language like that.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        DJ. C’mon Man. Unless the teacher admits to being the same person, the school doesn’t have the legal means to prove it. It would take subpoenas to Twitter for login and account details to confirm it.

        At this juncture, all that exists is an easily photoshopped picture.

        Photoshopped? Did I say photoshopped? I could create it in 15 minutes using PowerPoint.

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I deplore the profanity and the conduct of “debate” via name calling. Also, it is unfortunate that a teacher would engage in this sort of activity and language. Furthermore, it is disturbing that many public officials are not calling out this type of behavior, instead of tacitly condoning it. Nevertheless, I am not sure what the school system could do to stop this harassment or “shut the doors” on the organization. As long as they are not implying that they are representing the school system, teachers have the right of free speech.

    This is another example of how discussion degenerates over social media. Doesn’t Twitter have a means to block someone from commenting on one’s thread? (Obviously, I don’t use Twitter nor have any desire to do so.)

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      “(Obviously, I don’t use Twitter nor have any desire to do so.)”

      I’m sure it could be found, but a famous SciFi writer onced commented on our space exploration probes something akin to “if we could imagine what might be out there, we’d hide.”

      Anyone using social media should heed that advice.

      1. Looks like action has been taken in this situation. He’s been fired. What do you suggest, shooting him on sight?

  8. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I agree with you about profanity. And, if a teacher at a school system abused a parent on social media like this, well, off with his head.
    But, the complaints against profanity can often be used to deflect from serious issues. I am not that familiar at the Thomas Jefferson HS in NOVA, but from what I have read, there may be a serious concern is Blacks and Hispanics make up such a small percentage of the student body. Is it because they can’t compete in the rigorous entrance testing? Or maybe they are disadvantaged? A lottery might be a solution, provided that all participants meet criteria beforehand. Once you get to a certain level, tiny distinctions can mean the difference between admission and denial. What is the criteria for making those distinctions? I have some experience with magnet high schools and highly selective colleges and the competition and pressure is often way overwhelming and counter productive. Does society really want to be managed by a bunch of self-interested, overly ambitious wonks or by people who are thoughtful, well rounded and have a sense of morality?
    Instead, the conservative element would rather jump another boogeyman — system racism and their denial it exists. I note that Ms. Nomani’s critiques have been all over rightist social media and have been advertised by the Fairfax Republican Party. They are being politicized beyond their intrinsic worth.
    Too many posts on this blog start with this setup: “Progressives think this and here’s why it is wrong.” The approach is endless and infuriating.
    As for the Trouble on the Lawn and the “F” word, many focus only on the profanity and not the complaint. Web search shows that the young woman who erected the sign is a prominent and successful student and serves as a trained EMT in addition to her studies. In other words, she doesn’t seem like a spoiled snowflake.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      TJ has become more Asian over time. That apparently bothers racists who think Asians are not discriminated against in America – despite the internment of Japanese Americans by a Democratic president 70 years ago. As far as the “F word” student at UVA – the spoiled and entitled princess didn’t get a ramp built by the college when she hurt her foot. Instead, they offered to relocate her until her foot healed. That was the actual problem that generated the hissy-fit.

      1. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

        “…racists who think Asians are not discriminated against in America…”

        The only people who think this are Republicans and other conservatives who constantly try to use the relative success of some Asian subgroups of evidence that there is no racist discrimination in this country anymore. Leftists have, do, and will continue to point out how untrue all of that is.

        “…the spoiled and entitled princess…”

        Wait, I thought Asians were being rampantly discriminated against, how could she be spoiled and entitled if she’s Pakistani? LOL, just kidding, I know you guys don’t consider Muslims Asians.

        1. Do you consider Muslims Asians?

          If so, why?

          1. henryrearden Avatar

            He got trapped into thinking it was a deep thought that hey, there are Asians in Asia and Muslims in Asia also. He is not a deep thinker and I would argue his comment shows his racist attitudes toward Asians, of which my family has experience. Of course, Muslims are not a race. Two, the word Asian is an American government distinction for EEO purposes, but doesn’t reflect even the attitudes of the people (e.g. from a 1/2 Chinese family here, ever met an Indian or Chinese person who thinks they are the same race? it is just government classification made by political types). Taking it further, my Persian and Arabic friends see themselves as different from each other and would my Lebanese Chaldean (sp?) and friends from Syria consider themselves the same race as Chinese under the envelope of Asian? The person’s post is usually something made by a 7th grader. P.S. my suburb is heavily Chinese, Indian, Lebanese Chaldean, and Syrian.

      2. henryrearden Avatar

        From an Asian family here, I would disagree with your wording, they know they discriminate against Asians, they just don’t care. It is perfectly acceptable in this county by some groups (including some of the most powerful) to discriminate and be racist against Asians, as long as the right groups are being the racist.

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      I think Peter makes an excellent point here:

      “Once you get to a certain level, tiny distinctions can mean the difference between admission and denial. What is the criteria for making those distinctions? I have some experience with magnet high schools and highly selective colleges and the competition and pressure is often way overwhelming and counter productive. Does society really want to be managed by a bunch of self-interested, overly ambitious wonks or by people who are thoughtful, well rounded and have a sense of morality?”

      I believe that this is a major failing of our educational system, particularly our system of elite higher education that is building and perpetuating an elite “ruling” class of privilege based on rigid and overly narrow sets of standards. As a result we now are rapidly building angry caste systems within our society, instead of a pluralistic society that is fully integrated in healthy ways that rises all boats and offers full opportunity to all.

    3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Peter, I was trying, less successfully than you, to make the same point–profanity is often used to deflect from serious issues. Instead of engaging Harry Jackson on the actual arguments regarding changing the admissions process for Thomas Jefferson, @Antiracist14 calls him names. Because he resorted to that tactic, one could infer that that there are no legitimate reasons to change the process.

    4. “Too many posts on this blog start with this setup: “Progressives think this and here’s why it is wrong.” The approach is endless and infuriating.”

      Do you find it equally infuriating when someone starts a comment with what amounts to: “Conservatives think this and here is why it means they are morally reprehensible…”?

  9. Nancy_Naive Avatar


    Given the “Red Slime” lawsuits that are about to hit some of the Right leaning media, I would be extremely careful about running an article that relies on a “screenshot” published by a blogger as the evidence that an alias account is really tied to a person.

    I suppose you can always hope that your lawyer is better than his.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      My guess is that Mr Levi is well known to all parties. If he wants to take legal action he can go under oath and claim that the account is not his. My guess is that he’ll do no such thing. These Tweets were posted six weeks ago. If Mr Levi is being catfished I’d think he’s had plenty of time to make that point and ask Twitter to shut down the account.

      I notice that whoever has that account has now marked the Tweets as private.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        And I noticed you said, “whoever,” so even you are not convinced. The onus of proof is on Ms. Nomani not Mr Levi. Well, she will be the defendant in the libel suit. Whether he is or is not the alias is not pertinent. He doesn’t have to prove he isn’t. She has to prove he is.

  10. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Good point Nancy. A cursory google search finds no corroborating evidence that Matt Levi actually is @antiracism14. The only connections seem to be earlier posts by the author of this blog. Social media is a dangerous thing.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      What evidence have she given that the account claiming to be Matt Levi is actually even owned by Matt Levi? They better start there first! Then tackle the alias account.

      Recently Steve Haner published a picture of a defunct gas station he claimed was driven BK by a two or three year old tax hike in NC. When pressed about it appearing to have been closed for more than a decade, he provided his source of the photo as a Virginia Gas Dealer who fears that it could happen here. Wait! Why would a Virginia dealer have a photo of an NC station? And it still doesn’t answer the question. Is that a NC station that shuttered since the tax hike and because of the tax?

  11. Peter G and Nancy N:
    You both overlook one statement, “The board members who follow the account include: board chair Ricardy Anderson and board members Karen Keys-Gamarra, Rachna Sizemore Heizer, Karl Frisch, Melanie Meren, Stella Pekarsky.”

    Even if there is some question about the identity of @antiracist14, why are school board members following that person?

    Seems to me that’s an even bigger issue.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Why did you ask me? I’m an anonymous poster.

      I dunno. Morbid curiosity? Maybe? So the board is following an account that makes disparaging remarks about their activities?

      This may come as a shock, but major corporations employ people to follow their reputations online, and if necessary, sue anonymous posters who make such posts. It’s called a SLAPP. Strategic Lawsuit Against PP, I forget. Usually, it’s just a scare tactic, but sometimes they eviscerate these anonymous pukes. Uh, wait.

  12. Peter G and Nancy N:
    You both overlook one statement, “The board members who follow the account include: board chair Ricardy Anderson and board members Karen Keys-Gamarra, Rachna Sizemore Heizer, Karl Frisch, Melanie Meren, Stella Pekarsky.”

    Even if there is some question about the identity of @antiracist14, why are school board members following that person?

    Seems to me that’s an even bigger issue.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Why did you ask me? I’m an anonymous poster.

      I dunno. Morbid curiosity? Maybe? So the board is following an account that makes disparaging remarks about their activities?

      This may come as a shock, but major corporations employ people to follow their reputations online, and if necessary, sue anonymous posters who make such posts. It’s called a SLAPP. Strategic Lawsuit Against PP, I forget. Usually, it’s just a scare tactic, but sometimes they eviscerate these anonymous pukes. Uh, wait.

  13. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Simple question. Are they following Levi or @antiracist14? Please show me if it is the former. It seems the only source is the author who says people have told her.

    1. They are following antiracist14 who was on the acct since 2016 and saying he was a teacher at FCPS. Why would they follow and allow the person to claim to be a teacher there if he were not? There’s also a psychologist using an official address to follow that account.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        How would you propose that they stop him from saying he is a teacher? Or from claiming he is God, for that matter?

        1. Easy. IF it were a fraudulent account pretending to be the teacher, the officials from the school district could report it and ask that it be shut down, as could the teacher. There’s no indication any of them did so.

  14. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Simple question. Are they following Levi or @antiracist14? Please show me if it is the former. It seems the only source is the author who says people have told her.

    1. They are following antiracist14 who was on the acct since 2016 and saying he was a teacher at FCPS. Why would they follow and allow the person to claim to be a teacher there if he were not? There’s also a psychologist using an official address to follow that account.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        How would you propose that they stop him from saying he is a teacher? Or from claiming he is God, for that matter?

        1. Easy. IF it were a fraudulent account pretending to be the teacher, the officials from the school district could report it and ask that it be shut down, as could the teacher. There’s no indication any of them did so.

  15. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Internet — late 20th, early 21st century version of The Feral Dasypygal West.

  16. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Internet — late 20th, early 21st century version of The Feral Dasypygal West.

  17. Social media explains some of the divisiveness we are experiencing…somehow we need to disenthrall ourselves, whatever Lincoln meant by that, I take it to mean stop letting special-interest-group-think being our own personal auto-adopted theory of outrage and hate and actions.

  18. Social media explains some of the divisiveness we are experiencing…somehow we need to disenthrall ourselves, whatever Lincoln meant by that, I take it to mean stop letting special-interest-group-think being our own personal auto-adopted theory of outrage and hate and actions.

  19. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

    The thing that bothers me about all this is that, fundamentally, you and all the conservatives here don’t actually care about this behavior. You just see it as a convenient smear to associate someone who self identifies as a dirt bag with the broader anti-racism philosophy. And I know you guys don’t actually care because you’ve never let the assassination of abortion doctors, the shooting up of churches and synagogues, or the blowing up of federal buildings have any effect on your support for anti-abortion politicians or groups like the Bundy ranchers and the politicos who line up for pictures with them. Not a single one of you would vote for the Democratic candidate if Amanda Chase gets the nomination for governor.

    So just please stop pretending you’re outraged. Stop pretending you’re offended. Stop pretending that you care. Because you don’t. If you did you’d find the stream of arguments that Black and Latino students are not culturally equipped to handle the rigors of a special high school far more troubling than someone using a swear. But in order for that to be true you’d have to stop making them first.

    1. You have no idea what I think unless I tell you what I think. You have no idea what I am going to do unless I tell you what I am going to do. So please stop pretending you know the mind of every conservative on this blog.

  20. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

    The thing that bothers me about all this is that, fundamentally, you and all the conservatives here don’t actually care about this behavior. You just see it as a convenient smear to associate someone who self identifies as a dirt bag with the broader anti-racism philosophy. And I know you guys don’t actually care because you’ve never let the assassination of abortion doctors, the shooting up of churches and synagogues, or the blowing up of federal buildings have any effect on your support for anti-abortion politicians or groups like the Bundy ranchers and the politicos who line up for pictures with them. Not a single one of you would vote for the Democratic candidate if Amanda Chase gets the nomination for governor.

    So just please stop pretending you’re outraged. Stop pretending you’re offended. Stop pretending that you care. Because you don’t. If you did you’d find the stream of arguments that Black and Latino students are not culturally equipped to handle the rigors of a special high school far more troubling than someone using a swear. But in order for that to be true you’d have to stop making them first.

    1. You have no idea what I think unless I tell you what I think. You have no idea what I am going to do unless I tell you what I am going to do. So please stop pretending you know the mind of every conservative on this blog.

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