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Another Year, Another Rebellion

The New Year has blown in a breath of fresh air: The January 14, 2008, edition of the Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine. If you don’t visit this blog regularly, subscriber for a free subscription to make sure you never miss an issue. Click here.

Here is our line-up of commentary:

Building Human Capital
Human capital is the driving force of prosperity in a globally competitive economy. Soon, regions will vie for it like they compete for investment capital. Will Virginia be prepared?
by James A. Bacon

Gray Matter Migration. A Web chart ranking the 50 states by net in-migration.

Virginia Migration Winners and Losers. A spreadsheet ranking Virginia localities by net in-migration.

Here’s the sub-text of Tim Kaine’s state of the commonwealth speech: Invest in Virginia’s economic future. We can afford it. Our economy is still out-performing the nation’s.
by Doug Koelemay

The Road Ahead
As the MainStream Media fails to provide information citizens need to function as voters and consumers, a citizen-driven media will emerge to fill the void. It’s not yet clear what that new media will look like.
by EM Risse

Unleash the Private Sector
Many localities are too financially strapped to execute Tim Kaine’s pre-K initiative for at-risk tots. He could bypass that bottleneck by engaging private daycare providers.
by Chris Braunlich

Rooting for Hillary
Hillary Clinton has friends in strange places. Among the millions of Americans who reveled in her New Hampshire primary comeback, there were quite a few in Virginia’s Republican Party.
by Norm Leahy

Hot Air or Cold Logic?
The Governor’s Commission on Climate Change could guide Virginia’s energy and environmental policy for years to come. One option it needs to consider: geo-engineering.
by David Schnare

Nice & Curious Questions
Birdies, Bogies and the Back Nine: Golfing in the Old Dominion
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

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