Another Promising Young Life Snuffed Out

by James A. Bacon

Our society has become inured to stories of drug dealers and other criminals shooting and killing one another on our cities’ streets. But we still maintain a capacity for outrage at the death of pure innocents — children and others who were unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Such was the case with Sierra Jenkins, a 25-year-old Virginian-Pilot reporter who was hanging out with friends outside Chicho’s Pizza Backstage in downtown Norfolk around 1:30 a.m. Saturday as the bar was closing. Gunfire broke out, and she was caught in the crossfire. A total of five people were shot. Sierra was killed, one other person died from his wounds, and three others were hospitalized.

A Norfolk native, Jenkins graduated from Granby High School, earned a B.A. degree in journalism from Georgia State, worked as an intern at Atlanta Magazine and CNN, and joined the Pilot in 2020, where she covered education. Her editor called her a passionate journalist and “a bright and talented woman with so much going for her.”

“Everyone loved her,” her father Maurice Jenkins told the Pilot. “She was such an energetic, caring and giving person. A real go-getter. She’d do anything for anyone.”

Jenkins’ tragic story received more than the usual coverage in the media, including an article in the New York Post. If she hadn’t been a newspaper reporter, though, her shooting most likely would have been treated, ho, hum, as another inner-city killing, the likes of which are so routine as to barely warrant a one-time mention in local news outlets, and which the media really don’t want to call attention to for fear of upsetting favored narratives.

Some lives matter more than others, I suppose.

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29 responses to “Another Promising Young Life Snuffed Out”

  1. Lee Faust Avatar
    Lee Faust

    Nothing good happens after 10 p.m. Sadly

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Used to be midnight. I guess as we age…

  2. tmtfairfax Avatar

    How sad. Of course, if we would focus on identifying and prosecuting illegal gun sales instead of trying to stop legal ones, there might be fewer armed bad guys out at night.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Too easy.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “… which the media really don’t want to call attention to for fear of upsetting favored narratives.

    Some lives matter more than others, I suppose.”

    Nice job politicizing this poor girl’s death, JAB… you really need to see to that timber in your eye…

  5. Posted on behalf of Peter Galuszka:

    “Jenkins’ tragic story received more than the usual coverage in the media, including an article in the New York Post. If she hadn’t been a newspaper reporter, though, her shooting most likely would have been treated, ho, hum, as another inner-city killing, the likes of which are so routine as to barely warrant a one-time mention in local news outlets, and which the media really don’t want to call attention to for fear of upsetting favored narratives.”

    This statement is tone deaf. The pizza restaurant near where she was killed was not in some “inner city” neighborhood conjured up by White Boys living in safe Henrico County. It is actually in downtown Norfolk, a part of town that has been up and coming for years. The restaurant is nearby the fancy Freemason Abbey restaurant and also a Brazilian steakhouse. Why do you use such possibly racist aims to place this in your concept of what happened?

    Crossfires can happen anywhere. Maybe you get out of Henrico once in a while. BTW, State and federal authorities raided a Henrico home (White People) who apparently had explosives in their home. News reports say they had several dozen police calls at that location for the past several years.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You should see his xenophobia on display, Pete. Attempt to show care for whom none has been shown before?

      If she was killed outside Orpac’s (Norfolk’s most exclusive pizza restaurant) or even anywhere in West Ghent, she was in the NYC equivalent of Central Park South. If actually in the Freemason section, it’s Tribecca.

      These guys haven’t been to Norfolk since Duckworth was mayor and got the prostitues off the corners and back on the doorsills where they belong.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Well, maybe a decade since we spent a weekend at a B&B in that neighborhood. Agreed, not Shockoe Bottom. But then, a “pizza restaurant” serving booze until 2 a.m. is actually a bar selling pizza.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          And, both are good!

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          A good amount of that area is bars, it’s not really seedy. It just smells awful from the waterfront.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      we are actually seeing crossfires on a fairly regular basis these days – as reported by the media which is how we know they are happening.

      They happen in all kinds of different places and circumstances LIKE the one in Arkansas at a car show but we also see road rage cases, domestic violence, feuding neighbors, etc. We just have a lot more folks with guns these days and a proclivity to use them by folks besides the usual gang and drug types.

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    A nice tribute I saw on CNN between shots of carnage caused by Tsar Putin’s Mongol horde. The mayhem around these nightspots is a choice on somebody’s part, and those somebody’s include the local officials who decide where cops spend the night shifts. No safer in Richmond. Imagine what just one night of unannounced “stop and frisk” would turn up in the Bottom.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It’s not the nightspots, it’s the parking lots…

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    It was good of you to highlight this story and the young woman’s tragic death.

    Your gratituous swipe at the media for not covering innocent people getting shot because they “really don’t want to call attention to for fear of upsetting favored narratives” was unwarranted. I often (too often) see stories in the RTD about bystanders getting shot in a crossfire. For example, here is one:

    1. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      Of course it is expected the local media will run a story about the shooting of a local resident. I don’t think that is what JAB is talking about, I believe he is talking about National media, and their general lack of interest in the increase of senseless killings over the last few years. Are there exceptions? sure, especially if it involves the police.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        More important, she’s not blonde.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        really? seriously? Not every single killing is covered by national media but quite a few are especially if multiple people are killed.

        JAB criticism is off the mark and really reveals his own biases IMHO.

        1. Randy Huffman Avatar
          Randy Huffman

          That is not what I said.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            maybe I misunderstood what you said?

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      I don’t know if any group in the Virginia media keeps lists like this one (from Chicago). Read through the 111 murders so far this year in Chicago. The Sun Times has the courage to describe the race of the victim. Whites, Blacks and Hispanics are about the same percentage of the population in Chicago. Not even close to that when looking at murder victims.

      How many of these 111 (majority Black) victims had newspaper stories written about them?

    3. VaNavVet Avatar

      Even with the swipe, his piece was so much better than Kerry’s.

  8. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Nancy, The intention of this post was good. The spin was not. Kind of a dog whistle.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      per usual.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      None are so blind as those who cannot hear the dog whistle. Wait, something’s not quite physically right with that, but the sentiment is bang on.

    3. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      Dog whistle? I re-read the post and don’t see any dog whistle.

      JAB focused his article on paying tribute to this young lady whose life was taken away from her, and to take an intentional swipe at the media. If there is disagreements on this second point, fine.

      I find it incredible how this article has been twisted around, and somehow posters jump this into another mind boggling universe, such as to suggest JAB has “racists aims”? Really?

  9. tmtfairfax Avatar

    NYC Mayor Adams expanded the NYPD’s Anti-Crime Unit. His Honor announced yesterday (3/21) that the Bronx Unit made 31 arrests and confiscated 10 illegal guns since Monday the 14th. Maybe a couple of lives were saved too.

  10. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    guns suck

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