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Another Player in the Transmission Line Debate

The Coalition for Reliable Energy, an offshoot of the Fairfax Chamber of Commerce, has entered the debate over Dominion’s proposed high-voltage transmission line through Virginia’s northern piedmont. Citing a 2006 Department of Energy study, the Coalition backs Dominion’s contention that Northern Virginia’s electricity infrastructure faces “severe overloads” as early as 2011.

The Coalition supports construction of the transmission line, as well as energy conservation and “longer term planning to meet our energy needs.”

It will be interesting to see how the coalition is perceived. It’s not exactly a corporate Who’s Who of Fairfax County. (See a list of the members here.) Besides the Chamber, the most prominent member is… Dominion Virginia Power. Among the region’s Fortune 500 companies and major IT players, the only name I recognize is EDS.

While the group purports to make energy conservation one of its top priorities, its page of “conservation tips” is, to be generous, on the meager side. The two concrete recommendations: Install compact fluorescent light bulbs and buy Energy Star appliances. My advice, guys: Add some more meat or people will laugh at you.

Now, back to the issue we raised yesterday in “Virginia As New Jersey’s Extension Cord“… Jim Norvelle with Dominion responds that Virginia Commitment’s main claim, that Dominion’s ulterior motive for building the transmission line is to wheel power to states north of Virginia, “is not a new one.” Three different studies — Dominion’s, one from PJM Interconnection and one from the international firm KEMA (available on the Coalition for Reliable Energy website)– all project power shortages by 2011.

Says Norvelle: “The Virginia economy continues to grow. People continue to move into our state for jobs, for schools, and for our state’s quality of life. Dominion – and only Dominion – has the legal obligation to keep the lights on in Northern Virginia. We will meet this obligation.”

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