Another Key Virginia Republican Rejects Trump

Winsome Sears. Photo credit: Washington Times

by James A. Bacon

No question about it: the Democrats won the expectations game. Republicans convinced themselves that they would sweep to victory in a Red Wave Tuesday, but they fell drastically short. It appears that the Rs will gain control of the House of Representatives and they still have a shot at squeaking out a majority in the Senate, but Democrats are the ones spiking the football in the end zone.

Fair enough. The party that controls the White House traditionally suffers far bigger losses. The Dems dodged a bullet, and no one can blame them for exulting.

What I find interesting, though, is that Democrats are treating the election as a vindication of their policies and rhetoric. They weren’t repudiated; therefore, they were vindicated. Accordingly, I have seen no self-reflection, no sign that Democrats see a need to change course.

Republicans are the ones undergoing intense self-examination. And, as exemplified by remarks by Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears yesterday, they are concluding that it is time for former President Trump to retire from the political scene.

Sears, who chaired a 2020 group called “Black Americans to Re-elect the President,” said the disappointing mid-term elections made it clear that voters want a different leader. “A true leader understands when they have become a liability,” she said on Fox Business. “A true leader understands that it is time to step off the stage, and the voters have given us that very clear message.”

Trump has signaled his intention to run for re-election. “I could not support him,” Sears said.

Sears’ comments came on the heels of Delegate Tim Anderson, R-Virginia Beach, urging Republicans to “divorce” Trump, and former Republican delegate Chris Saxman declaring that Trump is “done.”

A significant percentage of Republicans held their noses when they voted for Trump in 2020, disliking his persona but generally approving of his policies and reacting negatively to the Russian Collusion Delusion and other Democratic mendacities. But the president lost considerable support when he disputed the election outcome, and even more for going Missing in Action during the Jan. 6 riot. While few Republicans bought the Democratic narrative that the Capitol riot was an “insurrection” that Trump plotted in concert with the Proud Boys and other right-wing radicals, there was no denying his role in stirring up the crowd and no explaining away his hours of passivity as the riot unfolded. For millions of Republicans, those two facts were sufficient to disqualify him from ever serving as president again.

Trump has done himself no favors since then. Trump-endorsed Republican candidates generally under-performed Republicans in the mid-terms by wide margins. The electorate didn’t reject Republicans Tuesday, it rejected Trump Republicans. Further, when Trump slammed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis — who racked up the most spectacular election-to-election voting gains anywhere in the nation — he vividly showed his true colors. A supreme narcissist, Trump is envious of other Republicans’ success. He’d rather see the party torn apart than rein in his ego.

And tearing the party apart is likely what will happen. Trump’s loyal, devoted following is a core constituency of the Republican Party. He potentially has the power to reduce the Party to rubble. But if DeSantis or — and I bring up his name only because he is mentioned so often by the national media — even Governor Glenn Youngkin can figure out how to maintain the Trump coalition without Trump, Republicans potentially can emerge stronger than ever.

The one thing the GOP has going for it at the moment is that Democrats are interpreting the 2020 election as a popular endorsement of their policies. It wasn’t. For better or worse, Republicans will reinvent themselves. Democrats will not.

Update: Having pissed off all Democrats and most independents, Trump now is doing his best to alienate mainstream Republicans, including Governor Youngkin. In his latest sub-sophomoric rip on the Truth Social social media site, he said, “Young Kin … sounds Chinese, doesn’t it,” while also making the dubious claim that he helped Youngkin win his election. Youngkin won the election by distancing himself from Trump without explicitly repudiating him. It will be interesting to see if Youngkin takes the same step as Sears and publicly announces a breakup.

Trump is losing it. If we liken him to a Greek tragic figure, he’s in the final phase in which the protagonist meets his end.

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86 responses to “Another Key Virginia Republican Rejects Trump”

  1. A funny thought. The Reps were counting on a negative reaction to the so-called inflation, actually an energy price spike, but the Dems successfully blamed it on the war. This suggests the following headline:
    “Putin blunts red wave”.

    1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      as well as Biden giving money legal bribes to anyone he could think of (eg; college loans). Although it should not be so, “money talks” and Dems get it, and liberally dole it out. You gotta get over that just to start playing the game.

    2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      as well as Biden giving money legal bribes to anyone he could think of (eg; college loans). Although it should not be so, “money talks” and Dems get it, and liberally dole it out. You gotta get over that just to start playing the game.

  2. dave schutz Avatar
    dave schutz

    Usually I think of Trump as a relatively smart guy, more on the ‘cunning’ side than the ‘wise’ side. His attacks on fellow Reeps are absolutely daft: he has squandered any reason for them not to oppose/despise him. He has also pissed away any goodwill from DeSantis. This is not the path to a gentle stream of dollars into his coffers from Reeps who want to get office again. Very low on forethought. And, well, he is getting older – an earlier Trump might have been smarter than this.

    1. He only cares about himself. Not atypical for a politician; he’s just one that doesn’t have any boundaries. As he falls off the cliff, Trump will grab DeSantis by the shirt and pull DeSantis over the edge with him.

      It’s the irony of the bloc that Trump has built. It’s his and only his.

      1. dave schutz Avatar
        dave schutz

        “… his and only his…” That’s certainly worked so far, ARL! Seems to me a far larger number of lemmings is turning aside before the cliff, this time.
        Time will tell, that great tattle-tale Time.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        I’m not going to disagree with the idea that Trump will savage DeSantis like he has done others before, but keep in mind that folks like Ted Cruz, Rubio, Lindsay Graham and Kevin McCarthy were “converted”.

        If Trump has FBI “dirt” on DeSantis, we might well see yet another “conversion”.

        One question is, would Trump have gathered “dirt” on opponents using govt resources like J. Edgar did?

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Never been a smarter Trump.

    3. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Short term memory lapses permit forgetting that the President in Exile viciously attacked GOP contenders in the 2016 campaign only to come agrovelling to him later. Ted Cruz is the exemplar.

      1. dave schutz Avatar
        dave schutz

        It’s kinda hard for me to regard Ted Cruz as exemplary…. but you are right. Still, it feels as though this time is different from that time.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          I resided in NYC for many decades with Trump in the news. He ain’t ever been different. PIE belittled Little Marco Rubio. IMO, nothing can salvage the damage he’s done to politics, the GOP, and the nation. Search for comments on BR enumerating the policies implemented under PIE as evidence of good work.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            more often than not in BR… something to the effect: ” he talks bad and I loathe him, BUT…. “

          2. dave schutz Avatar
            dave schutz

            “He ain’t ever been different” Well, maybe he wasn’t different, but I think he was better at it… 76 is awfully old to be trying to play in the political big leagues. And, let’s remember, in two years he will be 78, really over the hill.

          3. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Did you sell this idea to friends in Iowa about Chuck G?

          4. dave schutz Avatar
            dave schutz

            I have no friends in Iowa. I am a within-the-Beltway person, and all I know about the ROW is what I read in the papers. From what I read, the ravages of age sit more lightly on Grassley than they do on, for example, Biden – or, I am arguing, Trump.

          5. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Y’all cited 76 as “ awfully old to be playing in the political big leagues.” Much of the Faux News gaffes yuk-yukked by their star headliners relate to Biden’s acknowledged stutter. Dr. Oz tried that with Fetterman and got his thing whipped.

          6. dave schutz Avatar
            dave schutz

            Moynihan had a nice line ‘everyone gets his own opinion, but not his own facts’. James McC, you and I are in a realm of different facts here. Not a lot I can do to engage with you.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar

            Dude greased the palms of NYC elite and did the dirt work to get things done there. Don’t pretend that NYC isn’t corrupt beyond belief and that he’s the only one to do it.

            He was your party though and through and was only toxic when he switched sides, further illustrating you’re a f’n hypocrite.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Interesting. Exemplar and exemplary. Same roots but an interesting twist in definition and you played it well.

          Exemplary connotes not just the example but a desirable example. Something new every day. Now where’s that brain cell I missed this past weekend?

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I am not sure who is the greatest exemplar: Ted Cruz or Lindsay Graham.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Cruz, for the time being. Graham is under a grand jury subpoena and is in hiding.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            ” Cruz to Trump: ‘Donald, you’re a sniveling coward. Leave Heidi the hell alone.’”

        2. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          I say Ted and Marco b/c Lindsay never got insulted sufficiently to grovel. Jeff Sessions is in the running.

    4. Warmac9999 Avatar

      Trump is fighting the old GOPe that has spent the last couple of decades undermining the GOP increasingly conservative base. The GOPe undermined the tea party and cuccinelli, and gave us the Unwinnable McCain and Romney.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Adam Kinzinger came to the same position on January 6 for far better reasons.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    It must really gall liberal Democrats to see a Black, woman, immigrant serving as the duly elected conservative Republican Lt Governor.

    I hope LG Sears has a long and rising political career.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Yeah, we are galled with VPOTUS. Yo head in the sand, bro?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        ever since he voted for Trump!

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Myopia can be astonishing among such woke conservatives.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            The theory seems to be that Trump on a bad day is better than Biden on a good day. Yes…myopia on steroids.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Accordingly, I have seen no self-reflection, no sign that Democrats see a need to change course.

    Republicans are the ones undergoing intense self-examination. And, as exemplified by remarks by Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears yesterday, they are concluding that it is time for former President Trump to retire from the political scene.”

    Shifting from Trump to DeSantis is no change of course. COnsider that perhaps, just perhaps, there was more at play Tuesday than Trump. For instance, do you think suburban women, and younger voters showed up just because of Trump? I certainly don’t. I noticed that Youngkin is doubling down on a Virginia abortion ban, for instance…so as to “Republicans will reinvent themselves”, I’ve got to say that it sure doesn’t look like it.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yep. Was the Dem turnout bigger and more diverse or the GOP turnout smaller or 3rd choice – independents and swing voters not buying what the GOP/Trump/election deniers. etc were selling?

      Right now, the GOP is so traumatized that they’re not really analyzing and learning – they’re reacting. Hell, it might not be Trump! 😉

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Although some of the awakened cognoscenti conservatives seem to be in the process of pivoting from Trump, the President in Exile is very much in the game. Reports of his demise are not merely exaggerated but not even an alternative fact.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    The folks who really do deal with realities and facts KNEW this day was coming. The only question was when.

    And it’s quite obvious that much of the GOP never thought it was coming – they have no Plan B at all. It’s bail and blame!

  7. Trump disqualified himself from being president ever again. Many Republicans acknowledge this.

    I can’t think of a single Democratic politician or major media figure who has acknowledged their complicity in the Russia Collusion Delusion and attendant FBI malfeasance to kneecap the Trump administration. Some of the commenters here act as if it never happened. Your sanctimonious double standards make me want to puke. If you’re worried about autocracy in America, look to how that the Clinton campaign, the major media, and the FBI came damn close to overthrowing Trump.

    Our democracy is in peril from government-entrenched elitists (the so-called Deep State) on the left just as much as it is from populist demagoguery on the right.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      So, if Trump is “disqualified from being President ever again”, does this mean that you will vote for Biden over Trump in 2024?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        No. You’re a good lawyer, degreed or not — never ask the question unless you already know the answer.

        And the giveaway is the FBI conspiracy theory.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        No. You’re a good lawyer, degreed or not — never ask the question unless you already know the answer.

        And the giveaway is the FBI conspiracy theory.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        221+/- in the House and 51 in the Senate and this is gonna be fun…

        McConnell or replacement will kill filibuster. Thank God!

        Then it’ll be government closures, debt ceiling fights, full faith and credit debacles…

        Brace yo’self.

      4. No, I couldn’t vote for Biden. I’d have to do what I did in 2016, which was vote for an independent candidate.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          If you truly wouldn’t vote for tRump then why push the FBI conspiracy theories? And, no, they’re not separate issues.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Overthrow Trump? That weren’t no coup, JAB. It may have been brutal politics but not a coup by the loser. Trump is only disqualified if his President in Exile term, like mentally declassifying national security documents, is counted under the 22nd Amendment. GOP congressional leadership choices may be on hold while PIE plans to announce a rerun. While youse guys carp about Russian Delusion, you characterize the opposition as suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Methinks y’all are looking in the mirror.

    3. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      JAB – Not trusting my own lyin’ eyes, I re-reviewed the current spate of articles from your allies concerning Trump. Only the headlines of three of them are clear expressions of parting ways. The Saxman article concluded leaving the pistol but keeping Trump policies. Sears merely cited to “leaving” Trump. Del. Anderson used the term “divorce.” None clearly reject Trump. Your angst could only go as far as asserting that PIE is disqualified before pivoting to a screed about leftist elites. Y’all have not rid yourselves of the meddlesome Republican.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Yeah, fine. But if he’s the ticket, YOU will vote for him because that’s what good little Republicans do.

      And, uh, what’s the result of Durham’s investigation. You’re as deep into conspiracies as any.

      Our government is as incompetent on the left as the right.

      BaQAnon’s Rebellion.

    5. LarrytheG Avatar

      Durham was the special prosecutor right? Who was actually investigated AND convicted for coming damn close to overthrowing Trump?

      If no one was, then why isn’t this yet another conspiracy theory from the right?

      Comparing what Trump actually did do with this is “normalizing” IMO.

      There is no equivalence at all.

      This is much more like Whitewater and Benghazi. Lot of smoke, nothing else.

      If we believe you on this, then the GOP that is leaving including Sears are dupes. Right?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Those won’t stop him from using this blog from now until 2024 pushing the allegations.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            He apparently believes it but I bet his reading sources are not exactly credible…

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s not a lie if you believe it… or repeat it enough to make people THINK you believe it.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Modus Operandi for Conservatives and conspiracy theories these days.

            Think about it.

            In the years since Trump – the following institutions are now considered suspect and “deep state” with many “conservatives”.

            Election Officials
            Higher Ed
            K12 public schools

            to name a few…

          4. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Don’t omit TDS from which the woke suffer.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            SCOTUS? 🙄

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Sure they are… they’re blogs too.

            Well, maybe he’ll distract himself with UVa.

        2. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Alternative facts are no longer facts.

        3. Durham indicted two individuals of lying to the FBI. The jury acquitted both. But the trials produced abundant documentary evidence and testimony that (a) shredded the credibility of the Steele dossier, (b) showed how the Clinton campaign pushed the dossier to the FBI and the media, (c) showed how the FBI used the dossier as evidence to pursue electronic surveillance of the Trump campaign, (d) showed how Clintonistas, Justice Department officials and FBI systematically leaked information to the press even knowing the dossier was unverified, and (e) showed the Muller investigation knew the dossier was B.S. from the beginning of its investigation, but let the investigation play out for a year and half. The “deep state” (Democratic Party, FBI, intelligence agencies, Justice, and the media) used this fraudulent document to kneecap the Trump administration.

          If you wonder why the Republican fringe is prone to conspiracy theories, I’d submit the Russia Collusion Delusion as Exhibit A.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Durham had 5 plus years to “convict” those that did break the law.

            The “conspiracy” is in the minds of those so inclined who do not understand that the FBI takes “tips” and follows them as it should even if the tips are coming from questionable sources – it’s STILL it’s job to do.

            AND you FAIL to mention that some of Trumps people WERE talking to the Russians and had NOT registered as foreign agents AND were convicted!

            The FBI would have been remiss not to be concerned about it.

            The Russian “collusion” is little different than the election deniers who “think” nefarious things are going on – no proof…. just rampant what-a-bout-ism with Trump stoking it and you guys believing it.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Durham had 5 plus years to “convict” those that did break the law.

            The “conspiracy” is in the minds of those so inclined who do not understand that the FBI takes “tips” and follows them as it should even if the tips are coming from questionable sources – it’s STILL it’s job to do.

            AND you FAIL to mention that some of Trumps people WERE talking to the Russians and had NOT registered as foreign agents AND were convicted!

            The FBI would have been remiss not to be concerned about it.

            The Russian “collusion” is little different than the election deniers who “think” nefarious things are going on – no proof…. just rampant what-a-bout-ism with Trump stoking it and you guys believing it.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            so was this Russia Collusion Delusion:

            ” Trump Pardons Michael Flynn, Who Pleaded Guilty To Lying About Russia Contact
            November 25, 20204:13 PM ET”


            Do you think the FBI had no reason to suspect Trump folks in touch with Russians?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Der gute kleine Republican…

    6. “Our democracy is in peril from government-entrenched elitists (the so-called Deep State) on the left just as much as it is from populist demagoguery on the right.” It’s always about moral equivalence, right? Until this fever breaks, Republicans can’t be taken seriously.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yep. It’s LA LA Land. tax & spend leftists are every bit a THREAT to Democracy as a POTUS who would use the military to impose martial law to keep him in office.

        simple stuff for JAB and like-minded!

        Easy to calibrate where JAB really is based on some of his comments.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yep. It’s LA LA Land. tax & spend leftists are every bit a THREAT to Democracy as a POTUS who would use the military to impose martial law to keep him in office.

        simple stuff for JAB and like-minded!

        Easy to calibrate where JAB really is based on some of his comments.

  8. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    John Fredericks’ reaction to her in the RTD this morning was typical and telling. He’s trashing her in the same terms that Trump was and still is trashing DeSantis. Disgusting in both cases, and proof that party-building and winning elections are secondary for both gentlemen. Trump raised and kept tens of millions in this past cycle, spending very little of it to help candidates. And he has become a gravy train for others who will not give it up easily. Follow the money.

    Trump won one election. One. And not with a majority, just winning with the Electoral College. Since that one election he has been a political wrecking ball to other Republicans, nowhere more so than here in Virginia, so close to DeeCee. The Vega campaign was devastated to get Trump’s late endorsement, unsolicited, offered out of the blue just because Trump wanted to be positioned to take credit. Well now he can take some of the blame.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Yes, they now have come to bury Caesar Trump not to praise him. Whatever good (if such can be cited) will be interred with his bones. Or not. As a candidate in 2024, Republicans will be forced to suffer a Clint Eastwood empty chair as the GOP has rejected participation in the Presidential debates. The President in Exile (PIE) is not listening to anyone as usual. Not Winsome Sears, not Bacon’s Rebellion, not voters. While, as the thesis of this article holds, Dems may not have been vindicated in the midterms, neither has PIE been repudiated. The attempt to pivot from Trump is nowhere near complete.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yon Winsome has a lean and hungry look.

        She drops him not for what he did to the country but for what he can no longer do for her.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yon Winsome has a lean and hungry look.

        She drops him not for what he did to the country but for what he can no longer do for her.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Poetry in motion. Gracias.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          she can count votes..

    2. It is hard to win a primary by praising your opponent.

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      Vega won BIG in all the rural counties in the new 7th district. The only county she lost was her own Prince William where she lost BIG.

      She was hard-line, no exceptions on abortion and she openly supported the Jan 6 insurrection. She was a Trump supporter. Spanberger commercials running against her were very numerous , dozens per

      The 7th is trending blue from Prince William to Stafford to Spotsylvania and of course Fredericksburg.

      interactive map =

    4. vicnicholls Avatar

      John Fredericks has always been known to have a massive ego.

  9. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Red wave meets the blue dam. But a little spilled over in Va. Beach. Next chapter is anyone’s guess.

  10. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    Despicable expected article. When will you realize it is about policy and not personality. Maybe next time you go to the store and see how much your food costs.

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    FWIW, Youngkin is stuck in the gate. In 2020, abortion was the #1 issue with 8% of voters; 36% of 2022 voters. That video of Youngkin telling the girl he lied about his moderate position on abortion will make him a guaranteed loser in 2024. Well, that and his competency is limited to establishing failed “Hotlines”.

  12. Boy the Dems are out in force, and their lack of insight is profound. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a powerful mental illness.

    The Repubs not winning as big as expected has caused them to start the process of figuring out what went wrong and correcting course to rectify it. The Dems on the other hand, by not losing as dramatically as expected, are exultant. No changes needed, nosiree Bob. What could go wrong with that?

    This spring will see several House investigative committees, none of which will be kind to Dems. Some of them may inspire significant reforms of the DoJ, FBI, Homeland Security and the Intelligence Community. There are a half dozen issues that could form articles of impeachment, and several officials in addition to Biden who could be targets. The Dem Trump/Russia collusion fabrication needs to be fully aired. The only excuse I can think of for Durham’s lack of substance is that his mandate was far too constrained.

    Trump is a piece of work. He knew nothing of how Government operates when he came into office, and being an outsider was part of his appeal. His pathological narcissism kept him from learning anything in 4 years in office and he left as ignorant of government as when he entered. There are zero prospects for him to change. That is disqualifying for a future run, on top of being too old. It will be a mess, but it is clear the Repubs are gearing up to be done with him. DoJ and indictments may unintentionally give the reformers a hand.

    The Dems would do well to profit from the Repubs example and figure out a path to the future. It has to start by getting shed of Demented Joe and Kamala. Then they have to figure out replacements. Who it is not is easy, Bernie is too old, Beto, Stacy, Gavin, Pete and the rest of the 2020 primary non entities are not presidential timber. The Dems have 30 years of failing to build a good bench. That makes it harder for them. Better roll up your sleeves and get cracking Dems, Despite your current joy, ’24 won’t be a cake walk.

    I too voted 3rd party in ’16, and I did in ’20 too. None of the DemRepubs were respectable candidates. I’m hoping with us Indys becoming the largest group that we’ll get a viable 3rd party, but I’m not holding my breath.

    A last thought for those of either party looking to run Biden out of office through the 25th Amendment or Impeachment: Remember Spiro T Agnew. We had to get rid of him before Nixon could be impeached, and Nobody wants Harris in the White House.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Condolences to you upon the nation’s failure to afford you choices that are sometimes difficult if not perfektly agreeable. Life is silly and unfair that way.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar

      JM has a terminal case of TDS, it’s his excuse for everything.

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    When push comes to shove, Trump did not cause this loss for the Republicans. It was the cynical and depraved indifference toward the democratic ideals shown by the Republicans.

    It is not certain at this point, but it’s entirely fitting and extraordinarily funny, that for the next two years at least, Hershel Walker may be the 49th or 50th vote from the Republican side.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      This is the horse that Republicans and Conservatives rode including those that claimed they were “reviled”…at least symbolically.

      Interesting actual vote numbers in Georgia:

      Raphael Warnock 1,941,515
      Herschel Walker 1,906,267
      Brian Kemp 2,109,128
      Stacey Abrams 1,809,537

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      This is the horse that Republicans and Conservatives rode including those that claimed they were “reviled”…at least symbolically.

      Interesting actual vote numbers in Georgia:

      Raphael Warnock 1,941,515
      Herschel Walker 1,906,267
      Brian Kemp 2,109,128
      Stacey Abrams 1,809,537

      Youngkin 1,663,596
      McAuliffe 1,600,116

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Sherlock constantly pointed out how private equity was destroying nursing homes and elder care and then puts one in as a governor.

        Youngkin rose in a company owned and run by the founders. Youngkin was a “yes man” and so far, he’s showing all the traits of being out of his element.

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