Another Housing Bubble Scenario

Eric Janszen, a columnist with Always On, offers a less dire scenario than I do for the collapse of the housing bubble. Rather than popping like the stock market bubble, he suggests, the housing bubble will slowly deflate — over 10 to 15 years. Why will it take so long? Because “the government will step in with all manner of supports and bailouts along the way, similar to those that created the bubble in the first place.”

Janszen sees a series of stages in the deflation as home buyers engage in denial and slowly lose confidence, as marginal home buyers realize that they’d way underestimated the true cost of home ownership, as distress sales pick up and, finally, 10 years into the downturn, as “real estate [becomes] widely regarded as a terrible, ‘can’t win’ investment. McMansions will be subdivided for rental as multi-family homes.”

Read his scenario here.

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  1. Ray Hyde Avatar
    Ray Hyde

    Rent is a fixed cost?

    So is a mortgage with a fixed rate, not everyone has ARMS or has extracted huge sums of their equity. And energy costs will go up with rentals as well as homes. The maintenance cost of a home is built in to the rental price. His argument has a lot of problems, I think.

    While less immediate than a bubble pop, his scenario is no less dire, especially if it takes unemployment to pop the bubble.

    What he leaves out is that as the population ages a lot of first homes may go on the market as aging owners retire to their vacation homes, and then to nursing homes. The same may go for the stock market. (Where are your retirement funds, especially post UAL?)

    McMansions probably will be subdivided: nursing homes are one possibility, but more likely is that they will become homes for extended families of immigrants who come to fill the growing job gap, which needs to be filled in order to keep SS funded.

  2. People getting sick of huge homes/nice yards? That sounds like a combination of wishful thinking and smart growth propaganda…

    Then again, Americans are getting fat. It takes lots of energy to push that mower.

  3. Ray Hyde Avatar
    Ray Hyde

    Push a mower?

  4. Hank Dantuono Avatar
    Hank Dantuono

    I”m familiar with this subject too

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