Another Daily Newspaper Circles the Drain

Down with the ship!

by James A. Bacon

The Daily Progress, Charlottesville’s daily newspaper, no longer offers daily delivery on its website, reports WINA talk show host Rob Schilling. Potential subscribers are given only two options at the newspaper website: a digital subscription (introductory offer of $1.00 for 26 weeks) and a month of Sunday-only delivery for $21.67.

Describing the “once flourishing publication” as in its death throes, Schilling details the newspaper’s plight:

  • only two dedicated local news reporters;
  • only a single local news story in most editions;
  • a preponderance of reprints from sister publications like the Richmond Times-Dispatch;
  • An increasing number of typos and publishing errors; and
  • Woke, leftist journalistic style, and a leftist slant to everyday news reporting.

Writes Schilling: “Fair reporting, traditional grammar and language application, competent editing, and balanced editorializing could have saved Charlottesville’s Daily Progress. Sadly, the opposite paths were followed and thus, the paper’s physical demise seems almost certain.”

Bacon’s bottom line: I don’t know if anything can save The Daily Progress, the newspaper serving a metropolitan market of 230,000 people. Most other newspapers large and small are in the same boat. Google, Facebook and the other social media giants have figured out how to monetize local news, leaving the creators of that product nothing but the scraps. Social media are literally killing the goose that lays the golden egg. How will they generate traffic when the newspapers all fail?

The newspapers aren’t doing themselves any favors. Their value proposition stinks. Old people comprise what’s left of the shrinking market for the local news business. Old people tend to be conservative. But newspapers hire Woke reporters who want to save the world — and spit on everything old people believe, every day. I’ve never seen an industry more assiduously alienate its core market. Never.

So, what comes next when all the legacy newspapers fold, as seems inevitable? Who will be the last media outlets standing? Tax- and foundation-supported Virginia Public Media and the foundation-supported Virginia Mercury.


Richmond Times-Dispatch update: Talking about pathetic, shrinking publications…. Consider the RTD. An organization I am affiliated with, The Jefferson Council, wanted to run a full-page ad in the RTD print edition. Our Council president called the advertising department and got dumped into voice mail. No one ever called back. Then I called the advertising department and got dumped into voice mail. No one ever called back. Did anyone even answer the voice mail? Probably not. If not, why not? Do so few people leave messages that no one bothers to check anymore?

The RTD print circulation is about 25% of what it was at its height. The rate for a full-page ad is pathetically low. The news operation runs on a skeleton staff of mostly Woke reporters who routinely offend their mostly elderly readers. The news content, like that of the Daily Progress, are pumped up with contributions from the shrinking news operations from around the state. The word I continually hear from the remaining subscribers: “I read it for the sports and the obituaries.”

What a shame. Where will we get our local news then? Instagram? TikTok?


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26 responses to “Another Daily Newspaper Circles the Drain”

  1. Sam Carr Avatar
    Sam Carr

    Wow good timely story here. And very good questions at the end. Some will look to social media which is unfortunate, just like people received news from the comedic “Daily Show”. I’m curious how this plays out as some public notices (foreclosures, zoning hearings) are required and necessary to be run in a newspaper of public record.

    Idealists are quick to offer the examples of nonprofit journalism. It seems individual creators via substack will have an opportunity.

    1. Robert L. Maronic Avatar
      Robert L. Maronic

      Newspapers have been a de facto fourth branch of government since 1776 by being a check and balance on the local, state (colonial) and federal government. Social media such as Facebook and Google are autocratic, plutocratic, corporate and pro-Democratic Party. They are neither interested in democracy nor dissent. However, they love conformity of opinion.

      Why cannot social media like in Australia be required to pay a fair negotiated price in order to publish news stories created by local and state oriented newspapers? If not, the United States is in serious trouble. I wonder what Benjamin Franklin would say about this looming catastrophe?

  2. dave schutz Avatar
    dave schutz

    Somehow miraculously in Arlington we have TWO local news sources – the SunGazette, which is kind of a two-man band with a general reporter/editor and a mostly sports guy. SunGaz seems to survive mostly through real estate ads. Not woke! And ARLNow, which is a web site, keeps several mostly young reporters going and survives on real estate, restaurant and political ads. It would be worth looking at how they do it.

    1. John Harvie Avatar
      John Harvie

      All well and good but that’s not the content this retired WASP business person is looking for. I want HARD world, US and local news and BALANCED opinion, and I still want to hold the printed page in my arthritic hands. What internet news I get is from Drudge, etc.

      I’m in an extremely affluent major metro area of 6 million and none the three major English language dailies can figure out what their subscriber base is.

      One in every seven households here in Palm Beach county are milionaires.

      The Palm Beach Post gets smaller by the week and no longer even has an editorial page Monday and Tuesday. One wonders what’s next.

      Sad and so unnecessary IMHO.

      1. dave schutz Avatar
        dave schutz

        Big problem, and I share your frustration. We get WaPo, WSJ, and NYTimes to our door – it’s my wife who wants NYTimes, I am kind of done with it but she gets to. WSJ least worst on slant. And then the two Arlington sources. Most of the houses on our block no longer get a paper paper in the morning, I don’t know what they subscribe to on the Intertubes.
        But – we buy a lot of our stuff after searching for it online. So it’s not worth a lot to put an ad in front of us, which useta be how the paper got supported. So they raise the subscriptions to make up for it, and subscribers drop off. The classifieds are gone, Craigslist and Facebook sales ads have put the kibosh on that. So the papers are kind of running on empty. Their employees are recent grads of journalism schools, where the pressure to be lefty wokesters was strong, so they don’t really share a belief system with me.

        1. John Harvie Avatar
          John Harvie

          And the pity is that these newly minted members of the 4th estate are all probably very bright.

          Why they (and/or their bosses) can’t see they are alienating their subscriber base is beyond me. They are arrayed in a circular firing squad. I’m fine with leftist coverage as long as it’s balanced with conservative coverage.

          What they print on the editorial page I’ll grudgingly accept as a price to pay for having a daily at my door.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Old school blacksmiths met the same fate when welding came along. We had a decent community paper in digital form here in Warrenton. The owner passed on though. The new owner, well it just isn’t the same.

  4. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    The News Virginian which is owned by the Daily Progress is in the same boat. Interesting I attended a fund raiser for Chris Runion a state delegate Republican ,the AG Jason Miyares spoke ( good speech)and the interesting thing was several people told me they read Bacon’s Rebellion.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    We’re living this same reality down Fredericksburg way. The venerable Free Lance Star is suffering the same fate of most other newspapers in Virginia – and nationally.

    And they want, get this , $400 dollars a year to receive a daily print in your box copy!

    And like most of the others, they do have an online version that is paywall so you have to pay (a lot less than $400) but it’s chock-o-block full of Ads.

    But there is also plenty of “hard” news these days , no shortage of it, but you do have to decide the flavor- Fox vs CNN vs MSNBC and WSJ vs NYT vs WaPo… and really a crap load of others from the AP to the Washington Examiner to the Daily Caller – a wide, wide variety of “news” that’s IN ADDITION to the crap that is on social media – which is how the folks in Fredericksburg often hear about school board meetings and other “local news”.

    You have to register to both the “left” and “right” groups if you want to get “complete” coverage! 😉

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      The Free Lance Star is just a memory now. WFVA “The Memory” station still has a decent 1 hour show on local news. Town Talk. I love A.M. radio. The VWs I drive, still has working AM radio from the factory. Something about that sound!

  6. vicnicholls Avatar

    VM is progressive.

  7. JayCee Avatar

    Opinion journalism may interest woke left seniors but even in Cville the seniors pain in the pocket has sent them towards the center and this old crusty rag offers them nothing.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “Opinion journalism may interest woke left seniors…”

      Uh, Bacon’s Rebellion is… never mind.

      1. JayCee Avatar

        BR is analysis and reporting, not elite grey coupon boutique opinion du jour or fake news aggregator.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yeah. Right.

  8. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Conservative Wokeness will diminish BR as well. It’s a problem for both ends of the spectrum. Cardinal News, focusing on SWVA, has created an attractive online reporting platform. Virginia Mercury, accused here of being progressive, offers interesting journalistic views.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I daresay anything can be made holy by being sincerely worshipped. -Iris Murdoch, writer (15 Jul 1919-1999)

    Ha! See? Nothing is sacred.

  10. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Another day, another gleeful post about the pains of the MSM. Why do we keep seeing these posts?

    For starters, the problems started more than 20 years ago with the rise of the Internet and media management’s utter failure to deal with it. It has nothing to do with the reporters and editors.

    Since when are all current reporters “Woke?” Do they have to take a test in being “Woke” to be hired? What does “Woke” really mean. The Web says it is entirely different than what you read here.

    Why diss VPM and the Virginia Mercury? I have written for both and like them very much. They actually do some real reporting, unlike BR, which tells half the story to keep the right-wing spin.

    BR is getting very repetitive. The posts are about “Lefties say this but it’s really that” or “climate is a hoax” or “why offshore is a boondoggle” or “”why universities censor” or “why older white guys are pissed off” or “the Diversity and inclusion fraud.”

    I used to read BR because I might learn something. Now I read it for amusement.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Amusement? Okay. That’s two reasons for me.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      You make a valid point regarding conventional media’s failure to deal with or adjust to the rise of the digital/online media market.

      However, I do not agree that reporters and editors are blameless. The deterioration in the quality of the writing and editing of newspapers falls squarely in their lap.

    3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      I was wondering when you would reappear to toss over a stink bomb for fun.

  11. Lee Faust Avatar
    Lee Faust

    Yes, their own doing. Regularly printing AP stories which are biased or not applicable to our situations. Way too much TDS continues.

  12. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    The Daily Regress has always reflected the politics of the Peoples Republic of Charlottesville.

    I scan several Virginia newspaper websites during the week, and most of them have the same stories, mostly national. There may be a couple local stories and local ads, but you can’t tell what paper or community it is by a quick glance at the website.

    I’ll second Cardinal News ( as a good source for news on the rural horseshoe. VaNews ( is another good source for local stories. Virginia Mercury has good reporting, although I sometimes disagree with their views.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Well, Paul Sweet endorsed news is good enough for me! 😉

      but this really does point out that news-reporting has not disappeared. It’s really more of the generalized hate and discontent of Conservatives with media, the government and those dumbass liberals. Sadly, Conservative media these days seems heavily infested with lies, misinformation and conspiracy theories which is also much to the liking of too many Conservatives. Of course, IMO!

  13. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    What better example of “get woke, go broke” can you get? This is Charlottesville’s daily paper. A former mayor of Charlottesville, not too long ago, said that he hoped Charlottesville would become the Berkeley of the East Coast. I guess woke progressives don’t read print newspapers.

  14. democracy Avatar


    Citing Rob Schilling indicates that the writer is mostly a Know-Nothing.

    Using the “Woke” pejorative to smear reporters and a newspaper cements it.

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