Another City Hall Fiasco in RVA

by Jon Baliles

City Hall suffered another self-inflicted artillery wound last week when within a span of four days they were sued for allegedly violating state Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) laws, pledged a stout defense against the claims, and then announced they would be changing the way City Hall handles FOIA requests.

Translated, the city will pivot back towards the old FOIA system they replaced just last year with their new “centralized” system that has been so successful it has led to numerous violations (or just ignoring) FOIA requests, multiple media stories detailing the failures, and several lawsuits that had to be filed in order to get information that should be easily available.

Call it Meals Tax Fiasco, Part Deux.

Last week a $250,000 whistleblower lawsuit was filed against the city by the former Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer Connie Clay, who served as the city’s FOIA officer from July 2023-January 2024, and claims she was terminated for “refusing to engage in illegal and unethical activities in violation of FOIA.”

Clay told Tyler Layne at CBS6, There were many instances where I was asked to withhold information that should have been released or to sit on records that should have been released.”

She said that the city was routinely violating its FOIA obligations by not meeting legal deadlines to provide responses to citizens and journalists who were requesting information. Sometimes, city leaders would prevent the release of certain records altogether.

The City Attorney told media outlets that “the city believes the claims are baseless and intends to defend the lawsuit in court.”

And then, within a few days of that statement, the city’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Lincoln Saunders, sent a memo to City Council: “As you are likely aware, there have been several recent issues regarding timely FOIA responses that have been reported by the local media,” the memo says. “The city of Richmond has been working to centralize our FOIA process to take the burden off individual departments whose primary focus is not FOIA.”

The changes last year were made ostensibly to institute “best practices” and have one point of contact for all requests; but when Connie Clay, the woman they hired to be that point of contact clashed with superiors about the city not properly complying with FOIA requests, they fired her. So now the city will change the FOIA policies again by going back toward the old policy, and might even hire an outside law firm to assist in responding. In other words, City Hall is going to replace the newer “best bad practice” (or is it “bad best practice?”) and return to the old FOIA system — that was replaced just last year. Talk about irony.

The old FOIA process had a FOIA officer for each department who was responsible for filling the basic FOIA’s; more complicated or sensitive FOIA’s were kicked up the ladder if more help was needed. State law required a public entity subject to FOIA to respond within five days with the information, or a cost estimate to research the request, reveal they have no such records, or they can get a seven-day extension to answer. Failure to comply can result in legal action.

Moving forward, a FOIA officer will field all requests and assign them to the contact in the appropriate department and report back with follow up on need for more information or an extension to fulfill the request. According to Saunders, the goal in now going back toward the old system is to have more oversight and speed up the process — which would intuitively lead one to believe that the “new and improved” system implemented last year was achieving or was meant to do the opposite. But I digress.

“The idea was to build this new arm of the city so that ease of use, access and transparency are at the helm,” Saunders stated in the memo. “However, this centralization process has come with several challenges, including hiring enough people with the appropriate expertise to effectively build out this new function.”

Saunders also said in the memo that the city was getting “upward” of 80 FOIA requests a week; however, Clay told The Times-Dispatch the city was receiving between 30 to 80 requests per month in the time she worked there from July 2023 to January 2024.

Clay also told CBS6: “I sounded the alarm, for several months, and no one listened, and I was silenced and then fired. It’s just such a huge disappointment that the bureaucrats in City Hall do not want to follow the law. And if I don’t say something, who will?”

So the FOIA policy will be changed (again), and that is good for the public. The old best practice will replace the new “best bad practice” (or is it bad best practice?) put in place by the Mayor and CAO that resulted in repeated FOIA violations and led to lawsuits for breach of FOIA from those seeking it to gain compliance. It is doubtful that if Clay had not filed her lawsuit and blown the whistle that this change would ever be taking place; and now, there are more sets of eyes on City Hall’s shenanigans than ever before — and they are watching.

Jon Baliles is a former Richmond city councilman. 

Republished with permission from RVA 5×5.

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22 responses to “Another City Hall Fiasco in RVA”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Yet the state is ok to get away with FOIA violations left and right thanks to AG Jason Miyares AND the Va Dept of Elections.

  2. LesGabriel Avatar

    It would be useful when speaking of the policies of a city to name that city. It was only after reading the article and noticing that the author was a former Richmond official that I guessed that he was speaking of Richmond. On the other hand, I still don’t know what the acronym RVA stands for.

    1. RVA = Richmond, VA

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Baliles has his own blog, focussed on the city of Richmond. This was a reprint of one of his articles, in which he assumes the reader knows it is Richmond he is talking about.

    3. Lefty665 Avatar

      The picture of city hall was a give away for those of us familiar with Richmond. The usual level of incompetence was another hint.

  3. So now the city will change the FOIA policies again by going back toward the old policy and might even hire an outside law firm to assist in responding.

    I think they should try hiring a couple or three young lawyers in the city attorney’s office to help them comply with FOIA. Only if that doesn’t work should they start paying millions of dollars per year to some law firm owned by a friend of the mayor’s to help them get around the FOIA laws…

    You know, maybe try honesty and transparency first for once? In my opinion, of course.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      The Law Firm of NAH, NAH, NAH and NAH, LLC has already contacted the Mayor to be considered for the work. “We just need a little more time to hire somebody who has passed the bar in order to qualify as a licensed law firm”, said Devon Henry, NAH’s Managing Partner.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      You do not need lawyers to comply with FOIA, unless you are looking for ways not to comply. It is pretty simple. Whe a citizen asks for a copy of a report, for copies of e-mails between the mayor and a member of city council, for a list of the salaries of the employees in a certain department, or one of hundreds of similar pieces of information, you check the “cheat sheet” to see if that type of item is exempt. If it is not exempt, you provide it to the citizen. If the request is for a volumnious amount of material, you quote a reasonable price for producing it. If there is a question of whether it might be exempt, you then contact the city attorney’s office.

      1. You do not need lawyers to comply with FOIA, unless you are looking for ways not to comply.

        It’s not quite that simple. There can be “close-calls” that require legal analysis, and it is a good idea to have legal assistance in making sure certain personnel information is not accidently released. As much as governments dislike FOIA lawsuits, they dislike employees filing personal-privacy-related lawsuits even more.

        I do agree that the legal assistance needed to comply with FOIA is not particularly complicated. That is why I suggested “young lawyers”. The duty will give them experience in a relatively legal-risk-free environment.

      2. You do not need lawyers to comply with FOIA, unless you are looking for ways not to comply.

        It’s not quite that simple. There can be “close-calls” that require legal analysis, and it is a good idea to have legal assistance in making sure certain personnel information is not accidently released. As much as governments dislike FOIA lawsuits, they dislike employees filing personal-privacy-related lawsuits even more.

        I do agree that the legal assistance needed to comply with FOIA is not particularly complicated. That is why I suggested “young lawyers”. The duty will give them experience in a relatively legal-risk-free environment.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    Does Richmond have problems? Do bears do it in the woods? I wince at every new revelation…. it’s like Boss Hawg stuff.

    On the FOIA, I don’t think Richmond is alone on their “strategy” of fending them off in myriad ways and getting control of it across the board for all agencies by centralizing it. It IS more efficient and it DOES standardize the response but it also allows and enables leadership to use that hierarchical structure to implement bad and, in this case, perhaps even illegal stuff.

    Dumb stuff in a way because if they KNEW the compliance officer was a stickler, they needed to wait until she was gone not run over top of her and act shocked when she went public and filed a lawsuit! Who does such shortsighted things?

    So, yes, incompetent leadership seems to be rampant in Richmond these days , not just on this, but a number of things and does remind me of Boss Hawg style governance.

    1. Who does such shortsighted things?

      Most criminals are that short-sighted…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        leaders too?

        1. Leaders who are criminals.

          And pretty much all politicians, of course.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      The incompetence is not rampant just these days. For a long time, the city has not seemed to be able to do the basic things governments do.

  5. Carter Melton Avatar
    Carter Melton

    So the marginally competent captain of this row boat wants to step up and run an ocean liner. Interesting times in the Old Dominion.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      He’s a poser if there ever was one… IMO

      1. Carter Melton Avatar
        Carter Melton

        Amen, Brother :>)

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    Which state has the FOIA laws that are most transparent and how do they operate their FOIA process?

    1. For what it’s worth, these guys rate Virginia’s FOIA process as “Good”.

  7. Lefty665 Avatar

    Obstructing FOIA is common among local governments with things to hide, mis and nonfeasance mostly. Richmond does it with the same adroitness it brings to so many other city functions. Unfortunately, screwing up FOIA responses does not increase the transparency into the peoples work that FOIA is designed to facilitate.

    FOIA is one of the masterpieces of Virginia legislation. It is right up there with the Virginia Declaration of Rights.

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