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Another Blunderbuss from Bacon’s Rebellion

Brace yourself for the onslaught of the Aug. 4, 2008, edition of the Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine. As usual we, loot, plunder and burn the conventional wisdom. And we take no prisoners.

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Brainy Power
Dominion’s proposed $600 million investment in a “smart grid” is the first step toward an electric power system in which conservation and renewables have equal standing with with coal and nukes.
by James A. Bacon

Flash the Lights and Blow the Sirens
The NVTA is near death as legislators fail once again.
by Doug Koelemay

Beyond the Headlines
A thread runs between many newspaper stories: Higher energy prices are reordering everything from international trade flows to housing affordability. Too bad our Institutions are responding so sluggishly.
by EM Risse

Reviving the Great Melting Pot
A century ago, Americans expected immigrants to learn English and adapt to a new culture. Would it be politically incorrect to encourage today’s immigrants to “Americanize”?
by Chris Braunlich

Bogus Tax Break
The back-to-school tax break feels good — for two days out of the year. Woopido. How about a tax break that provides relief 365 days a year?
by Norman Leahy

The Netherworld of FDA Regulation
Getting the agency to oversee tobacco is creating strange bedfellows and will end up keeping the status quo – letting thousands more die.
by Peter Galuszka

When All Else Fails, Try the Head Smackingly Obvious
Want to relieve traffic congestion? Stop funding pork barrel and prioritize transportation projects that… (drum roll)… relieve traffic congestion.
by Ron Utt

Nice & Curious Questions
Riffles and Cascades: Waterfalls in Virginia
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

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