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And you thought Potts was just a pretty face!

I’d say the weekend endorcements were only the beginning. Potts will find alignments with centrist House members, too–mostly because the RPVA keeps getting out-flanked, not by the Democrats, but by its own ‘flat-earth’ wing. (All the Dems have to do at the moment is just stay out of the way while this army turns in on itself.) Time is against Mr. Reciprocal. Bolling has gotten into a weird–as campaigns go–sort of reverse-publicity warp, wherein the more he spends, the more folks hear about him, the worse he will do. His best strategy would be to pull his ads and go into hiding until June 15. But, of course, he won’t do that. So let’s go ahead and call this one. Connoughton beats him. Main Street (read ‘Mark Warner’) Republicans–those who understand that it takes money to build the roads and schools that build the businesses that build the state–are with Baril because Steve talks that business language, and because McDonnell, though smart he may be, has inexplicably allowed himself to become–in lots of minds–Pat Robertson’s poster boy, and the darling of those glassy-eyed Kool-Aid drinkers of the hard right.

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