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And Now, a Word on Law Enforcement Reform From… Law Enforcement

Howard Hall

by James A. Bacon

Democrats have gotten plenty of attention for their ideas on how to reform Virginia’s system of law enforcement and criminal justice in the wake of the George Floyd killing and statue-toppling movement. But this article in the Roanoke Times is the first I’ve seen that lays out the thinking of… someone in law enforcement.

Days after the Floyd killing in Minneapolis, Governor Ralph Northam stated publicly that black people have been killed by police because “in America, the color of their skin means that they are treated differently.”

Roanoke County Police Chief Howard Hall felt the Governor was painting police officers as racist. When he had the chance at a gathering of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police, he asked Northam twice, “Who in Virginia would want to be a police officer right now?” In Hall’s telling of the story, Northam remained silent.

Hall is critical of many of the proposals advanced by Democratic lawmakers, which he describes as “platitudes that sound nice about social justice and racial equity.”

Lawmakers want to expand the use of body cameras Hall doesn’t oppose body cameras, he just doesn’t think they offer a good return on investment. He’d rather use the money to increase pay and incentivize people to making policing a career. He also opposes legalizing marijuana, reducing assaults on law enforcement officers from a felony to a misdemeanor, and programs that release convicts from prison early.

Among the ideas that the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police are in favor of.

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