Anarchy Is Loosed Upon the World

by James A. Bacon

Everything that’s wrong with politics in America has been on display in Central Virginia this past week.

Militants from the deep-blue Peoples Republic of Charlottesville and activists from one of the reddest congressional districts in the country collided like flint and rock. Republican candidates for Congress continued their fratricidal struggle over who is most loyal to former President Donald Trump. Adding to the mayhem, showboating Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Georgia, joined the fray and amped up the rhetoric.

Everyone behaved badly, although Greene managed to pose as the victim when a lefty crowd shouted down her speech and hurled mindless obscenities.

Civility is dying. The partisan extremes goad each other into greater extremity. Politics has become theater with everyone playing to the cell phone camera and lining up the next post on X or YouTube.

This account is based on the reporting of Cardinal News and The Daily Progress.

By way of background, Congressman Bob Good is running against State Senator John McGuire to represent Virginia’s 5th District. Good, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, is one of the most conservative members of Congress, and he has aligned himself with Trump. But Trump, unforgiving after Good’s earlier endorsement of Ron DeSantis in the Republican presidential race, has endorsed his opponent, McGuire. The rhetoric between two candidates of remarkably similar views has gotten vicious.

Good appeared at a candidate forum May 30 at Spring Creek Golf Course in Louisa County that also featured Democratic candidates. Due to threats, allegedly from a McGuire supporter, organizers took the precaution of arranging two sheriff deputies to maintain a presence nearby.

At the forum, Good defended Trump after his conviction by a New York jury for felonies arising from hush-money payments. His remarks elicited cheers and groans from the audience. One man walked out, proclaiming, “I can’t listen to this anymore. It’s a lie. He’s a crook. This is bulls–t.”

Moderator Bob Bayok asked for decorum multiple times before the crowd settled down, according to The Daily Progress.

The candidates retreated to different corners of the room, where they could interact with the public. An attendee, Richard Jenkins, confronted Good about remarks he made about the gay marriage law. He began shouting at the Congressman, and a Good supporter pushed him. Jenkins was escorted out of the building.

The big fireworks exploded yesterday when Greene, an outspoken Trump ally in Congress and a McGuire supporter, rolled into Albemarle County in a campaign bus for a campaign rally. A crowd variously estimated to be between 50 and 100 in size shouted her down even as she spoke into a bullhorn. People got into one another’s faces and began screaming. Police formed a semicircle around the McGuire/Greene group to separate them from the protesters.

“The crowd was … I’d call them insane. They were just out of control, screaming, shouting, coming extremely close to me,” Greene said in a phone interview after the event. “One woman actually came around back and grabbed me, I had to push her off. These people were very aggressive.”

For her part, Greene did not restrain her rhetoric either. “The left is the party of violence and the party of hate,” she tweeted on X. “They showed up today supporting their America Last, dementia ridden President who has ripped our borders open, made groceries and gas unaffordable, and will lead us into WWIII…. Let’s defeat the Communist Democrats and vote for President Trump and John Maguire.”

Greene seemed to enjoy the confrontation. As seen in a Cardinal News video, she grinned broadly as she was followed by a rag-tag group of protesters, one of whom screeched, “you f—ing bitch!” For Greene, the optics couldn’t have been better.

We have entered the world of Irish playwright William Butler Yeats:

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world….
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

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30 responses to “Anarchy Is Loosed Upon the World”

  1. Fred Costello Avatar
    Fred Costello

    These actions are the fruit of teaching students (since 1965) that each person has his own truth — there is no such thing as absolute truth. The denial of the existent of absolute truth results in emotions ruling over logic.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      There exist also no absolute rights despite the NRA's advocacy in that regard in re 2A and the specter of political leaders like MTG setting an example of uncivility in political speech. These efforts are hardly mere emotions. Ideology like theocracy warps civility.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    The McGuire/Good thing is a waste. I doubt there will be any substantive difference in how the 2 will vote. Lotta money and lotta vitriol for no gain.
    As to MTG, she has the right to speak. The people who try to shout you down should be arrested. Same with the encampments. If you allow disorder, you get more disorder. And this insanity is always from the Left. Using their Alinsky tactics to create something to publicize…something false…something created…
    Let her speak. Let her leave. Same should have been the case with "Unite the Right" (still highly suspicious with an Obama voter and former Occupy guy as the "leader"). Without the Leftist agitators, the 300 or so would have marched or done whatever they were going to do, which without the agitators would have been nothing. Big whoop. But great valuable propaganda was created…who cares if Heather Heyer had to die for the Cause? Necessary cost of war for the Left.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      "The people who try to shout you down should be arrested."

      Really now…? Do tell…

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        By passing a law about time manner place. A reasonable restraint. Shouting people down is not "speech" – it's just one of the Leftists' many Brownshirt platoons…
        The people who gathered to hear the speaker should be allowed to hear the speaker. And not vetoed by Commie punks.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I think she should come back and lead Unite the Right 2 !

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          "By passing a law about time manner place."

          So you want to arrest people for a law that doesn't exist. A law that would restrain their rights to counter protest and one that hasn't even been passed or Constitutionally test…

          Now THAT is a pretty tyrannical position to be sure.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            evil… 😉

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No, it’s called passing laws.
            Because Marxists don’t like for people to speak the truth, they “protest” – except it isn’t protest – it is threatened intimidation and the opposite of reasoned discourse. In a world without Leftists (cue “Imagine”) there wouldn’t be performative violence to shut up ideas you may not agree with. In a sane world, you’d listen and say why it is wrong.
            Tyranny is passing laws says Troll. Freedom is inventing fake crimes to jail your political opponents. Save our Democracy!

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You jumped right to the arrest, Walt. Only when called out on it did you say… oh, yeah, pass a law… and you still think a law that restricts one’s right to counter protest is perfectly fine… that is your tyranny…

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You jumped right to the arrest, Walt. Only when called out on it did you say… oh, yeah, pass a law… and you still think a law that restricts one’s right to counter protest is perfectly fine… that is your tyranny…

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And you think the right to shut down speech is OK. You’re not a Troll. Much worse. And this presumed passing a law, not making them up. On the other hand we could just enforce the anti-Klan mask laws. Are you in favor of the Klan Troll? If you object to the enforcement of the mask law (cuz muh speech say the Marxists), then you must be an “ally” (using your terms) of the Klan. But you already are ideologically tied…

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Throwing out some more red herrings, eh Walt? I see no masks in the picture above.

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No Troll. Talking about the encampments and all the other planned chaos. If the prosecutor enforced the law – you know – recite the BSDNC talking point here – no one is above the law – enforce the mask law. No encampment. No Heather Heyer dead back to Unite the Right. But the Left needed a martyr, didn’t it? And when the people see consequences for this Marxist behavior, guess what, less Marxism. So if this law had been enforced all along as it should have been – since that is what the CAs are supposed to do anyway, then we’d likely not have the daily stupidity of the aspiring Marxists, eager to create their places in the gulag coming.

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Wonder red herrings, Walt!! Yum, yum… eat them up…

            (Still don’t see any masks up there…)

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Wonder red herrings, Walt!! Yum, yum… eat them up…

            (Still don’t see any masks up there…)

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You are the red herring guy Troll. You’re saying none of the “protesters” wore masks? Limited pictures focusing on the candidates, not the idjits “protesting.” Are a couple of look like Karen AWFuLs wearing look like hijabs (cuz they are down for the struggle and will drive back to the Cville SSR in their Volvos with the Coexist stickers). And remember, when you were wrong about the Govt policies in Covid, you constantly said “correlation is not causation” and “that’s anecdotal.”
            You Commie-lovers who “protest” pass out fliers and emails and posts saying to wear masks and all black and cover your tats…Why? Enforce the law. You’ll get less Klan tactics.
            Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Just you being your Troll self and projecting like an IMax.
            Let’s see how many questions we’re up to…
            How many sexes are there?
            Is cheating in elections wrong?
            Do you believe in the Golden Rule?
            See, the way to arrive at answers and agreements is by asking questions and responding truthfully. That’s how people of good faith deal. But Marxists aren’t people of good faith. You know if you adhere to reality and say “two,” your oh-so-tolerant “allies” will struggle session you and make you repent, and even after repentance, you will be an empty vessel to them. You also know that it cannot be acknowledged that cheating occurs in elections (since the Left has perfected way beyond just the dead voting), so you always have to deflect with “Republicans cheat and suppress black votes (which is also racist because your implication is that blacks can’t get voter ID AND that they are required to vote for the people who support the policies that make their lives worse.). Finally, you can’t answer Golden Rule because that might imply that there is an Almighty and He is above Man and there is nothing above Socialist Man (except the Nomenklatura on Animal Farm, but you do you).

          11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            To pick up one of your herrings, Walt:

            “You know if you adhere to reality and say "two,"…”

            We already demonstrated that this is an incorrect answer to your question. I am still waiting for your correct answer…

            (and I still see no masks above…)

          12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            To pick up one of your herrings, Walt:

            “You know if you adhere to reality and say "two,"…”

            We already demonstrated that this is an incorrect answer to your question. I am still waiting for your correct answer…

            (and I still see no masks above…)

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    I LOVE MTG and wish she would make even more foryas to Virginia and carry that megaphone with Youngkin's name on it!

    More! More!

  4. LesGabriel Avatar

    There will be an election in a few days and another in November. These are not the hallmarks of anarchy. We do need to be concerned about the possible violent reactions to the results (in November) whatever the outcome. That is why it is so very important to make sure that all citizens have confidence in the election process. Twenty years ago both political party's agreed on a set of principles on which to base our electoral laws. It is time to review those principles and move to implement them rather than abandoning some of the most important of them. I am of course referring to the Carter-Baker Commission Report. Restoring confidence in our voting systems is even more important today than it was in 2004

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    C'mon, Jim, both MTG and McGuire just loved it, loved it. They must be all over Fox this morning just crying their crocodile tears and rerunning the video. A pox on all their houses. Both sides have created this environment.

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    I'd call the demonstrators who shouted down MTG "useful idiots" but they are really better described as "useless idiots". In their zeal to prove how smart / woke / progressive they are they increased the publicity of what would have otherwise been a "meh" event.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I'd donate to have MTG come to NoVa and campaign…

  7. Marty Chapman Avatar
    Marty Chapman

    I wish it were "mere anarchy"! I sense something darker.

  8. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Well stated, Jim. Decorum seems to be a vestige of an ancient age. We must restore civil discourse.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      "We must restore civil discourse."

      No matter the cost to individual rights, eh…?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        well… depending on which side..

  9. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    The anarchy complained of is suggested to be caused or resulting from an abandonment of civility in the culture and politisphere.

    The downhill point IMO was 09/10/2009 when Rep Joe Wilson shouted "Your lie" during Obama's address to Congress. MTG and others have been perfecting such speech since that moment.

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