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Anarchists Plotted Arson of Richmond Courthouse, FBI Says

by James A. Bacon

The U.S. federal courthouse in Richmond was vandalized with a mark indicating it had been designated as a “target for potential vandalism/arson by antifa,” according to an FBI Situational Awareness Report issued Tuesday, reported the Daily Caller website.

“FBI Norfolk received information indicating the Richmond Federal Courthouse exterior walls were spray painted with a thick black line around the entire exterior,” the report states. That line “has been used by anarchist/ANTIFA as a marker to designate a target for potential vandalism/arson.”

Also, the report reveals, an officer of another law enforcement agency notified the FBI that unidentified individuals “believed to be members, or associates, of a local anarchist/ANTIFA group [were] overheard discussing burning down the Richmond courthouse.”

The Richmond Police Department said it seized fire accelerants, multiple handguns, gas masks and sets of ballistic body armor after arresting seven individuals Wednesday. It was not known if they were connected to the courthouse defacing.

Over the weekend, Richmond Police Chief Will Smith said the Richmond riots were largely the work of out-of-state agitators. “We do have anti-fascists, we have some anarchists, to a large degree, but there’s people from outside of this area that we know are involved and we’re doing our best to identify them and backtracking what their affiliations are.”

You’d think it would be a major story if the FBI believed that anarchists had plotted to torch the federal courthouse. It’s no accident that this was not reported by the Richmond Times-Dispatch. The news operation has taken sides in the culture wars and has no interest in pursuing stories that don’t fit its social justice agenda.

Older, more conservative readers who don’t share that agenda need to cancel their subscriptions to the newspaper. Otherwise, they are actively subsidizing a publication that is working overtime to everything they believe in.

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