Anarchists Plotted Arson of Richmond Courthouse, FBI Says

by James A. Bacon

The U.S. federal courthouse in Richmond was vandalized with a mark indicating it had been designated as a “target for potential vandalism/arson by antifa,” according to an FBI Situational Awareness Report issued Tuesday, reported the Daily Caller website.

“FBI Norfolk received information indicating the Richmond Federal Courthouse exterior walls were spray painted with a thick black line around the entire exterior,” the report states. That line “has been used by anarchist/ANTIFA as a marker to designate a target for potential vandalism/arson.”

Also, the report reveals, an officer of another law enforcement agency notified the FBI that unidentified individuals “believed to be members, or associates, of a local anarchist/ANTIFA group [were] overheard discussing burning down the Richmond courthouse.”

The Richmond Police Department said it seized fire accelerants, multiple handguns, gas masks and sets of ballistic body armor after arresting seven individuals Wednesday. It was not known if they were connected to the courthouse defacing.

Over the weekend, Richmond Police Chief Will Smith said the Richmond riots were largely the work of out-of-state agitators. “We do have anti-fascists, we have some anarchists, to a large degree, but there’s people from outside of this area that we know are involved and we’re doing our best to identify them and backtracking what their affiliations are.”

You’d think it would be a major story if the FBI believed that anarchists had plotted to torch the federal courthouse. It’s no accident that this was not reported by the Richmond Times-Dispatch. The news operation has taken sides in the culture wars and has no interest in pursuing stories that don’t fit its social justice agenda.

Older, more conservative readers who don’t share that agenda need to cancel their subscriptions to the newspaper. Otherwise, they are actively subsidizing a publication that is working overtime to everything they believe in.

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28 responses to “Anarchists Plotted Arson of Richmond Courthouse, FBI Says”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Daily Caller? now that’s a reputable site! Where is the actual report they say they are quoting?

    and yes.. if the SAME FBI that has been accused of deep state attacks on Trump? Lord!

    anyhow.. sorry.. I won’t take the Daily Callers word for much – show me the FBI report.

    Oh.. and yes… Let’s toss RTD and let the Daily Caller take it’s place.. we can trust the Daily Caller, right?

  2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    What, no White Supremacists plot here to blow up the Federal Courthouse in Richmond? Impossible!

    No bomb throwing leftist gang worth its salt would ever do such a thing and get caught by the government, unless that gang got run out of Lafayette Park by the Feds across street from White House, and fled loaded for bear to Richmond to hide their cache (fire accelerants, handguns, gas masks and ballistic body armor sets left over from their wildly successful 2017 rampages in Charlottesville), for later street bomb action. What’s a leftist bomb thrower to do when the Feds switch sides? Makes street arson, beatings, and terror lots harder. It even gets leftist anti-fascists in jail.

  3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Interesting. Not that I doubt a highly respected organization, like the D.C., would create yaks (fake gnus), but I am surprised that they did not publish this “FBI report” along with its story in the way that less reputable organizations, like WaPo, WSJ, or the NYT, so often do.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Wait a minute, I’m confused. Now we conservatives are supposed to blindly trust the FBI? I can’t keep up…..

      Jim, I have no idea why that report is missing from the RTD, and easily enough it may be just they have so little staff now. Perhaps it actually is not credible. I find it disappointing that you would recommend more reader cancellations to further weaken the paper. Hey you worked there, not me. I still know plenty of folks down there I’d hate to see out of work. I can’t send all my story tips to Zullo at the Mercury.

      1. I’ve concluded that the RTD is a net negative to society. It needs to be replaced. If it goes out of business, something will arise to replace it.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          but that is just advocating for destroying something with no idea what comes next and no, something will not replace it – and certainly not the Daily Caller.

          You guys want to tear down what you do not like but you have no idea what to do next… it’s like “whatever”……..

          1. Steve Haner Avatar
            Steve Haner

            There you go again, Larry. I disagree with Jim, and yet get lumped into “you guys.”

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            “you guys” – who want to tear stuff down but have no replacement for what you want to get rid of….

            my deepest and most sincere apology..

            I just don’t consider you one of those “guys”.

            you’re more of a pragmatic, “old school” Conservative – the kind that would work across the aisle to keep the trains running and willing to compromise to change… NOT a half-glass, trash it all if you don’t like like it …guy…

            Of course, if I got this wrong, I’m sure you’ll clue me in…


      2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        I would only caution that there are 3 or 4 disparate events in the D.C. story, with no details, conflated and unconfirmed.

        1 somebody got arrested,
        2 a federal building got tagged,
        3 somebody overheard something,
        4 the RPD seized some guy’s lawnmower gas can,
        5 somebody claims to have a report (not even “reputable source on the condition of anonymity”),
        6 the only “source” wouldn’t confirm left/right orientation.

        Wow, and you read that site for news?
        What am I to do with these pingbacks?

  4. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Interesting. Not that I doubt a highly respected organization, like the D.C., would create yaks (fake gnus), but I am surprised that they did not publish this “FBI report” along with its story in the way that less reputable organizations, like WaPo, WSJ, or the NYT, so often do.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Wait a minute, I’m confused. Now we conservatives are supposed to blindly trust the FBI? I can’t keep up…..

      Jim, I have no idea why that report is missing from the RTD, and easily enough it may be just they have so little staff now. Perhaps it actually is not credible. I find it disappointing that you would recommend more reader cancellations to further weaken the paper. Hey you worked there, not me. I still know plenty of folks down there I’d hate to see out of work. I can’t send all my story tips to Zullo at the Mercury.

  5. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Geeze Louise, Bacon!
    Do Antifa or others need marks to find the federal court building? Are they that stupid? Can find it in any map. Sign out front. You are desperately grasping!

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      They were wise not to try. That one’s a fort.

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      These folks likely also fired bombed St. John’s Church across street from Lafayette Square. They like the publicity, blowing up centers of civilization, churches and the courthouses. But hardly no one the media complained about fire bombing one of the most historic churches in America. Why? Because it was a church? One at the center of America history, block from White House, why? Why no outrage at that firebombing, even from the minister of the fire bombed church, and his head bishop up the road. Why? Are we really that decadent, that weak? What going on here really? Maybe a federal courthouse in Richmond center will get someone’s attention, get someone’s hair up. If its a white supremacist, that’s all out rage. So why not here, with this alleged group?

    3. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Peter says: “Geeze Louise, Bacon!
      Do Antifa or others need marks to find the federal court building? Are they that stupid?”

      No Peter they are plenty smart, cunning, ruthless, and masters of psychological warfare. That why they have been able to beat up and terrorize people, and loot, burn, and ruin other peoples’ property, businesses, and livelihoods, without paying any real price of those crimes at all. In fact, they’ve gotten off scot-free, and heroes to many.

      For example, as to the courthouse markings, which of the Babe’s home runs is by far the most famous? The one when he pointed out where it was going over the fence, and put out of the park right there.

      This is serious business. Making it more serious is our vast collection of innocents waiting to be slaughtered. Like in those large burned American cities with Mayors declaring they are “defunding” their city’s police department. And our growing collection of useful idiots here who compare urban city policemen to gardeners and garbage collectors.

      Wake up, fools. Those ping-backs in front of your noses are not from Great Britain.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    Daily Caller? now that’s a reputable site! Where is the actual report they say they are quoting?

    and yes.. if the SAME FBI that has been accused of deep state attacks on Trump? Lord!

    anyhow.. sorry.. I won’t take the Daily Callers word for much – show me the FBI report.

    Oh.. and yes… Let’s toss RTD and let the Daily Caller take it’s place.. we can trust the Daily Caller, right?

  7. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    What, no White Supremacists plot here to blow up the Federal Courthouse in Richmond? Impossible!

    No bomb throwing leftist gang worth its salt would ever do such a thing and get caught by the government, unless that gang got run out of Lafayette Park by the Feds across street from White House, and fled loaded for bear to Richmond to hide their cache (fire accelerants, handguns, gas masks and ballistic body armor sets left over from their wildly successful 2017 rampages in Charlottesville), for later street bomb action. What’s a leftist bomb thrower to do when the Feds switch sides? Makes street arson, beatings, and terror lots harder. It even gets leftist anti-fascists in jail.

  8. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Geeze Louise, Bacon!
    Do Antifa or others need marks to find the federal court building? Are they that stupid? Can find it in any map. Sign out front. You are desperately grasping!

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      They were wise not to try. That one’s a fort.

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      These folks likely also fired bombed St. John’s Church across street from Lafayette Square. They like the publicity, blowing up centers of civilization, churches and the courthouses. But hardly no one the media complained about fire bombing one of the most historic churches in America. Why? Because it was a church? One at the center of America history, block from White House, why? Why no outrage at that firebombing, even from the minister of the fire bombed church, and his head bishop up the road. Why? Are we really that decadent, that weak? What going on here really? Maybe a federal courthouse in Richmond center will get someone’s attention, get someone’s hair up. If its a white supremacist, that’s all out rage. So why not here, with this alleged group?

    3. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Peter says: “Geeze Louise, Bacon!
      Do Antifa or others need marks to find the federal court building? Are they that stupid?”

      No Peter they are plenty smart, cunning, ruthless, and masters of psychological warfare. That why they have been able to beat up and terrorize people, and loot, burn, and ruin other peoples’ property, businesses, and livelihoods, without paying any real price of those crimes at all. In fact, they’ve gotten off scot-free, and heroes to many.

      For example, as to the courthouse markings, which of the Babe’s home runs is by far the most famous? The one when he pointed out where it was going over the fence, and put out of the park right there.

      This is serious business. Making it more serious is our vast collection of innocents waiting to be slaughtered. Like in those large burned American cities with Mayors declaring they are “defunding” their city’s police department. And our growing collection of useful idiots here who compare urban city policemen to gardeners and garbage collectors.

      Wake up, fools. Those ping-backs in front of your noses are not from Great Britain.

  9. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Reed. You seem to be forgetting the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murray federal building in Oklahoma City. It killed 168 people and was the work of a far right radical. Also do you consider the Daily Caller a reputable news outlet?

  10. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Reed. You seem to be forgetting the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murray federal building in Oklahoma City. It killed 168 people and was the work of a far right radical. Also do you consider the Daily Caller a reputable news outlet?

  11. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Quick Wilkie check if the daily caller shows they have an unsavory habit of putting out false stories and have employed white supremacists.

  12. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Quick Wilkie check if the daily caller shows they have an unsavory habit of putting out false stories and have employed white supremacists.

  13. LarrytheG Avatar

    Daily Caller is more like a tabloid for the right wing… they don’t do regular “news” – just whatever “dirt” they can find on the left.

    Anything they print, you better double check it with a more objective news source. Of course , some folks want to ALSO get rid of whatever other news sources there are because they don’t like their reporting…

    So… we’d get rid of RTD and then let the Daily Caller replace RTD for “news”? not so much.

  14. LarrytheG Avatar

    Daily Caller is more like a tabloid for the right wing… they don’t do regular “news” – just whatever “dirt” they can find on the left.

    Anything they print, you better double check it with a more objective news source. Of course , some folks want to ALSO get rid of whatever other news sources there are because they don’t like their reporting…

    So… we’d get rid of RTD and then let the Daily Caller replace RTD for “news”? not so much.

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