An Open Letter to the Mayor of Roanoke

(This letter was first published by The Roanoke Star.)

Mayor Sherman Lea:

I called your office last week in an attempt to speak with you about the current state of affairs and my recent experiences in Roanoke City. Your secretary took my information. I asked for a return call; I’ve heard nothing from you.

What are you doing about the decline of Roanoke City? I frequently shop and support businesses around Valley View Mall and the airport, and have been doing so for over 10 years. However, things are happening now that indicate I should take my business elsewhere.

Last Tuesday I was pumping gas at the BJ service station at 10:30 AM when a homeless man approached me, panhandling. When I refused him, he became angry and agitated. He retreated behind the pay center and emerged shoving a shopping cart through the parking lot filled with over-stuffed trash bags…cursing to himself.

I spoke to the employee in the pay center and shared what happened. She said, “it happens here numerous times a day. We tell them to leave. The Roanoke police occasionally come but they are powerless to do anything.”

Friday I was in my car in the Kroger parking lot on Rutgers St. A staggering woman made her way over to my car, and stood next to my window begging for money.

I’m sure you’re aware of the large homeless encampment in the woods between Aviation Drive and Lowe’s. Bags of trash, overturned shopping carts and homeless individuals are strewn across the truck exit from Lowe’s to Hershberger.

Why have you let these problems metastasize?

On numerous streets in Roanoke City, individuals are camping, squatting, or panhandling drivers. We do not see this in Roanoke County, Salem or Vinton. Police vehicles are more prevalent in these areas. I rarely see a police car in Roanoke City. What have you and City Council done to drive away and disenfranchise our police force?
On my return home that evening on Hershberger Road and Melrose, I was passed at high speeds by three different vehicles swerving in and out of traffic. I was driving the speed limit. I have not seen a police officer working traffic detail in that area for years now. It is a dangerous and highly-congested area located between the malls, airport and businesses.

The continuation and exacerbation of these events leave me feeling unsettled and unsafe and I hold you accountable.

As documented references, this graphic map on shows how dangerous much of Roanoke City is compared to surrounding districts, and shows Roanoke City has violent crime at exactly the national average, while property crimes are almost double the national average.

Citizens need and deserve answers.

Diane Ribble / Salem

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25 responses to “An Open Letter to the Mayor of Roanoke”

  1. Teddy007 Avatar

    Playing hot potato with the homeless never works in the long run.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    I actually feel the same way when I encounter the homeless as well as the folks panhandling on the medians at traffic signals. We have them both in the Fredericksburg Area also. I think you’ll find them congregating more so in cities than rural areas for a number of reasons that have little to nothing to do with whether it’s Dem or GOP run.

    But hey… we got REAL issues with DEI, “grooming”, and depicting history to students not to mention the transgenders causing trouble and liberals “cancelling” folks and all that stuff.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I sympathize with Dianc Ribble. I see that sort of thing in many places across Virginia. On Sunday at the Sheetz in Front Royal, a man comes behind me at the check out line with a lit joint in his mouth. No commotion. This past Friday rolling up the road to Marshall, VA I was passed by a Fauquier Deputy. I was doing 55 he was doing about 60. The deputy was promptly passed by not one or two but four vehicles and a tractor trailer. All doing 70 plus. Not one of the vehicles is stopped. In Fredericksburg my mother’s business has shuttered the showroom. Too many nutty derelicts coming in and out and making a spectacle. City police and restraining orders seem to have no effect.

    1. Social breakdown starts with the bigger things… and moves on to the bigger things.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “Racist, anti-semitic, and homophobic graffiti was painted around the Food Lion building in South Riding Town Center in South Riding, VA, on or around Friday, December 2nd”

        You’re right! Enforce litter laws and end murder.

        1. Other than stating how disgusting it is, I’m withholding comment on that one until we know more about who painted it.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Same people who shoot transformers. Chain link is out. Brick and reinforced block is in.

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Down the road from South Riding in Brambleton we had a rash of anti Hindu graffiti that stirred up the community. It turned out to be a notorious Indian kid from the school I worked at.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            As a former resident of South Riding, I concur with Wayne’s message. However, knowing the area it was probably the similar situation.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        I’ve heard of people who have taken vacations to some some islands and Central/South American countries where the poor and homeless hang out in front of the hotel and beg… not that different than street beggars in Cairo and similar.

        Never seen that before, eh?

        Not uncommon in a lot of countries so it’s a shock in this country?

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      A sorta new one in Fredericksburg. They wait with a full cart at the store until you hit the checkout and then ask if you can add their cart to your check out items/bill.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        That has happened to me at few times. I went along once. There was kid in the cart. What are going to do?

        I had a good relationship with homeless Vietnam vet and his dog. They would camp out next to the WaWa by the Bowman Center. Our deal was 5 bucks for a Vietnam War story. He had some good ones.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          When Trump shutdown the government, we bought groceries for Coast Guardsmen at the commissary.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          You’re a good man James.

          I wish some of the other conservatives here would be like you! 😉

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    We were in Roanoke in September for a high school reunion, and were stunned to see a major homeless encampment (15-20 tents?) right near our hotel at the intersection of Orange and Williamson, near the coliseum and interstate exit. Panhandlers had all the nearby street corners covered. I didn’t notice aggressive behavior but then I didn’t engage. Left a strong and negative impression of my former hometown. Maybe we start to call them Bidenvilles?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive


  5. Roanoke has bee run by democrats for the last 12-15 years. That being the case, I do not understand why their “compassion, determination and innovation” have not yet effectively eliminated the city’s homeless problem…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Because shooting them won’t work either? Just asking.

      1. Shooting people is not always the answer, you know…


    2. Teddy007 Avatar

      How many beds in homeless shelters does Roanoke have since one is so interested in the issue. Would electing Republicans create more space in homeless shelters.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, we could do away with the Bill of Rights (Trump’s suggestion, to which the GOP mostly is silent, was a tad excessive) and end seeing poverty with involuntary incarcerations into mental concentration (meditation?) camps.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Well, first, they’d have to be officially designated as a s_ithole location…..

      MAGA – Make American Great Again – no homeless or s_ithole places…

    2. If even his most hardcore supporters cannot recognize that comment as his honest to God, final, once-and-for-all, 100% pure, unadulterated, “jump the shark” moment, then the republican party is in even worse shape than I thought it was.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It is. Lift that eye patch and take a good look.

        1. What? You want me to burn out both of my retinas?

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