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An Obstructionist Rises to the Top

Rep. Bob Good (5th District)

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

Amid all the other topics being discussed and debated on Bacon’s Rebellion, we have neglected to note that the Commonwealth has recently picked up a dubious distinction. It is now the home of the chair of the House Freedom Caucus — Rep. Bob Good (R–5th District).

His selection was not cheered by all conservatives. Those supporting Donald Trump’s presidential bid are upset that Good is backing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. State Senator-elect John McGuire (R-Goochland) announced soon after the November elections that he would challenge Good in the Republican primary in the spring. “I’m running for Congress against ‘Never Trump’ politician Bob Good,” he declared.

Good’s fellow conservative member of Congress, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga), citing footage from a hidden camera in which Good says he does not think Trump can win, branded Good “another disloyal fake MAGA Trump traitor.”

Good’s track record on what he labeled as his top near-term priorities is not good:

  1. Defeat the National Defense Authorization Act compromise reached by House and Senate leadership. It passed 310-118 and has been signed by the pPresident;
  2.  Defeat the reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Security Act without reforms demanded by conservatives. It was extended by four months in the defense authorization act;
  3. “Hold the line” on the House bill to pay for additional aid to Israel with cuts to the IRS. This proposal has disappeared in the Senate and is not a factor in the discussions of aid to Israel;
  4. Strengthen border security. He might get this, but he will have to accept a lot of money for Ukraine with it;
  5. Pass the remaining five appropriation bills still in the House while Congress is still under a continuing resolution. This is a pipe dream. Congress recessed soon after Good made this statement. The House will not reconvene until January 8 and the continuing resolution expires on January 19.
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