An Era of Kindness, Civility and Decency? Not in Virginia.

Sen. John Bell

by James A. Bacon

Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring commented upon the inauguration of President Joe Biden today with the following remark: “Today, we move forward as one country into a new era where kindness, civility, and decency are once again represented at the highest levels of our government.”

That’s a lofty sentiment. I hope it proves true.

However, Herring’s colleagues in the General Assembly apparently failed to get the memo. A state Senate committee voted along party lines yesterday to censure Sen. Amanda Chase, R-Chesterfield, for “fomenting insurrection against the United States” in reference to the storming of the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters.

I am no fan of Chase, as my previous posts on this blog attest. She’s a loose cannon on the ship of state. But I don’t believe in canceling everyone with whom I have strong disagreements. What, precisely, did Chase do or say to warrant a censure for fomenting insurrection?

She attended the now-notorious Trump rally in Washington, D.C., in which the then-president recited his litany of unsubstantiated claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Then she left. She did not march on the Capitol, much less participate in the mob scene there.

Sen. John Bell, D-Loudoun, accused Chase of fueling the “insurrection” with comments earlier in the day in which she reiterated Trump’s claims that the election had been stolen. He also quoted her as defending those who overran the Capitol, saying “These were not rioters and looters. These were patriots who love their country and do not want to see our great republic turn into a socialist country.” (Read the censure resolution here.)

“Our words matter,” Bell said, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, “and we must be held accountable if we promote falsehoods that encourage violence and sedition.”

Let’s parse that statement. By Bell’s logic, one doesn’t have to actually plan or engage in violence and sedition. Now all it takes is to voice “falsehoods” that, in the strained interpretations of one’s political enemies, promote unintended violent consequences. Bell presented no evidence that she was involved in planning the mob action, or even that she was aware that it was going to occur. He presented no evidence that Chase endorsed the illegal acts, only that she defended some of the participants.

One might justifiably say that Bell’s allegation that she “fomented an insurrection” is itself a falsehood.

Reportedly, Chase plans to introduce censure resolutions against Democratic lawmakers who voiced support for, and in some cases attended, protests against Confederate statues last summer that turned violent. I’m looking forward to seeing her interlocutors say, but, but, but, that was different because our cause was just and yours is evil, we were supporting racial justice, you were defending white supremacists.

Virginia would be best served if Chase took her populist schtick back to Chesterfield County and resumed whatever it was she was doing before she became senator. But don’t believe the pabulum issued by Mark Herring. The accession of Joe Biden to the presidency does not herald a new era of “kindness, civility, and decency.” Not in Virginia anyway. Mark Bell has made that abundantly clear.

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35 responses to “An Era of Kindness, Civility and Decency? Not in Virginia.”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    I watched the P&E meeting, and of course you failed to mention the discussion on the Senate floor earlier yesterday when a new committee member list came out, and Chase suddenly had no committees. She’d had only one. One senator got a huge laugh pointing out that it was the only time anybody fought for a seat on the Local Government Committee….

    Beating up on Chase is not the point. Forcing the other Republican senators to vote is the point — a vote that will piss off half of their voters either way they go. A wedge issue. The divisions inside the Republican camp over Trump, his true believers, and the disbelief in the election from the refuseniks will linger. Rubbing salt in those wounds is not a new tactic.

    If the Democrats truly believed she needed punishment they would seek to enforce the 14th Amendment they cite and remove her. But agreed, she is not truly guilty of sedition or insurrection, just blind loyalty and a refusal to face reality. She has been lied to by pros. As Senator Obenshain lectured her yesterday, saying something over and over and over does not make it true. The LAST thing Democrats actually want is for her to go away or mend her ways.

  2. Meanwhile, there’s this: “A teacher at Fred Lynn Middle School in Woodbridge has been placed on leave after appearing to tell his students during a Zoom class last week that he was present at the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.”

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Heck, the My Pillow products are being taken out of stores because the company owner remains convinced the election was invalid. I said it the other day – this is just getting started, Biden’s soft words notwithstanding. Think back to the Christening scene in The Godfather (I).

      But if the teacher was “in the building” or even screaming out on the Capitol steps, he needs to lose his job.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Free market.

        1. Yes. It is. For everyone.

  3. Here in 20[1984]21 Words equal violence and violence is expression…… as one great politician said, “People will do what they do”.

    And another stated so non-instigatingly, “They’re not going to stop, and everyone, beware. Because they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before election day in November, and they are not going to stop after election day. And everyone should take note of that on both levels. That they’re not going to let up. And they should not, and we should not.”

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    There are many working class Virginians from our rural and exurban areas who are drawn to Chase’s populism. They like Chase. To them she has guts, she is fearless, she punches back, and will be a gladiator for their causes. Chase has already carved out her share of the electorate. I don’t think she has a chance of winning, but the winning Republican nominee is going to have to find a way to capture some of the ballots she has already won.

  5. ““Our words matter,” Bell said, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, “and we must be held accountable if we promote falsehoods that encourage violence and sedition.””

    This must be a new democrat talking point: Condemning calls for violence and sedition based on “lies” and “falsehoods” instead of simply condemning violence and sedition. It allows them to tacitly support violence by those with whom they agree politically.

    Last week a social media mogul made a very similar statement when justifying blocking Donald Trump’s account while not dropping BLM, Antifa, etc. He said his platform would not allow calls for violence that are based on lies. As above, it leaves the door open for supporting calls for violence based on [their version of] the truth.

    Pretty slick.

    PS – I don’t like Amanda Chase and I won’t vote for her for governor, but this “censure” was 100% politically motivated.

  6. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

    Shorter Jim Bacon: I find Chase’s behavior embarrassing to the Republican brand, but not so much that I want anyone to do anything about it and I think protests against police violence are the same as an attempt to violently overturn the democratic process.

    Two weeks ago a mob stormed the US Capitol with the intent to stop the transfer of power to Joe Biden and in the process beat a man to death with a fire extinguisher. But censuring Chase for speaking to that mob and egging them on and then calling them patriots afterwards is the problem.

    But, typing it out just now the tumblers finally fell into place. Chase, the Confederate statues…you just really have a soft spot for people who violently try to overthrow the United States government.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      I suspect you DON’T think the protests are the same…pesky typo…we all do it.

      1. I think he was giving his interpretation of Jim Bacon.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          A veritable Rich Little.

    2. Chase did not speak to the mob that stormed the capitol. She talked to a peaceful rally, some members of which later ran amok. Need I remind you of that phrase from the summer — “mostly peaceful” demonstration?

      Chase did not “egg on” any violent protesters. She might have fired people up with her reckless rhetoric about stolen elections. But I can think of a lot of people who fired up protesters this summer with their rhetoric, some of which was equally false and equally reckless.

  7. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Trump made all things possible. Eliminating truth does that.

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    I like Bacons “non-defense” defense… lordy

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      I dunno. I thought it an eloquent defense of repeating the lie to a crowd to enrage a mob.

      He fired them up, called them together, and set them upon the Congress toward an end of toppling the government. What’s to defend?

  9. John Bell can’t stand hearing anything against what he believes. When I’ve sent out concerns, questions, I’ve got a LOT of great responses back – including from others in the Democratic crew from NoVA. From one of those, I got a thank you for not being a wiener response. LOL. But John Bell is one of the 2 people (both Democrats) who have blocked me from sending comments on bills only, including where he is included in the emails for a committee.

  10. From the Washington Post: “Self-styled militia members planned on storming the U.S. Capitol days in advance of Jan. 6 attack, court documents say.”

    Unless Bell can show that Chase was involved in the planning and execution of the attack, he has no basis for saying that she bears any personal responsibility for the “insurrection.”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      do you think she was in the FB and Twitter groups that were discussing the “planning”?

      ” Chase attended Donald Trump’s rally prior to the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol, but stated that she left before the rioting began. She refused to condemn the rioters, referring to them as “patriots”, while simultaneously suggesting without evidence that they were infiltrated by antifa. She expressed her disappointment in Mike Pence for refusing to attempt to overturn the congressional confirmation of Joe Biden’s victory.[23][24] She later stated that Trump still might be sworn in for a second term, saying, “The insurrection is actually the deep state with the politicians working against the people to overthrow our government.”[25]”

    2. How many vehicles and store fronts have burned today compared to four years ago? How many police injured?

  11. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

    Look at all these soft on crime, bleeding heart conservatives. If the federal government can execute Dustin Highs for not killing anyone the Virginian General Assembly can censure Amanda Chase for not storming the Capitol.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Oh yes, Dustin Higgs didn’t kill anyone at all.

      He just ordered the killing of three women who rebuffed his advances.

    2. If Amanda Chase is convicted of a crime, she should be punished for it.

      Please explain what crime she has committed… I mean, other than the crime of offending you.

      1. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

        Aid and comfort, my friend, aid and comfort. You don’t get to encourage people to overturn a fair and free election and then after they try it and beat a man to death in the process call them patriots without consequence.

        1. I don’t know exactly what Chase said or the context in what she said it. The censure resolution is awfully vague. Perhaps you could fill me in. Until I see something that informs me differently, I’ll go way out on a limb and speculate that Chase was not referring to the people who killed the Capitol policeman or were hunting down Nancy Pelosi.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “Aid and comfort” is not a legal term. It would be aiding and abetting, however you’re not going to meet the legal threshold to prove that case if she didn’t involve herself in the actual riot.

          “You don’t get to encourage people to overturn a fair and free election”

          Sure you do, that has been the premise of the last 4 years. No one has been charged with a crime in that regard. Nor were they charged in 2000 when they did it also.

        3. So impeachment against Speaker Pelosi for “People will do what they do”?

          And impeachment against VP Harris for “They’re not going to stop, and everyone, beware. Because they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before election day in November, and they are not going to stop after election day. And everyone should take note of that on both levels. That they’re not going to let up. And they should not, and we should not.” As well as providing money [MFF] to get rioters out of jail to attack government facilities and policemen, and riot and loot and arson again?

          Let’s be consistent! These words and ACTIONS — providing financial support for rioters — is aid and comfort!

  12. VDOTyranny Avatar

    So the news is reporting that there was a far-right riot in, uh… Portland?

  13. VaNavVet Avatar

    The point was that Jim Bacon “DOES” appear to believe that looting and vandalism is the same as attacking democracy at the Capitol while killing a police officer who was protecting our seat of government. All of this while calling for the murder of the VPOTUS and Speaker of the House. One can not even suggest that these domestic terrorists were patriots, and for Chase to lend them cover is on her. All those that stormed and entered the building need to be held legally responsible and those that stood by and cheered them on should be sanctioned as appropriate.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “All those that stormed and entered the building need to be held legally responsible and those that stood by and cheered them on should be sanctioned as appropriate.”

      How apropos, sanctioning people who’ve committed no crime outside of offending you. I think you need to find a copy of the oath you swore and re-read it. People are free to be as bigoted and hateful as they like, as long as they don’t act in commission of a crime or cross the SCOTUS threshold for the 1st, they are fine.

    2. I agree VaNavVet that criminals must be held accountable FOR ACTIONS, not thoughts nor words.
      But where were all these politicians, LEOs, and media wimps all summer long when 40 people were murdered, USG faciilties were attacked and burned – many with people inside with the rioters hoping to kill them, and over $1,000,000,000 in damage to both private and public property during the ‘mostly peaceful protests? Where was the onslaught of FBI agents working to identify and arrest those criminals?

  14. VaNavVet Avatar

    As you are aware, the First Amendment only applies to the government and people are and should be held accountable for their comments. Employers are free to enforce workplace rules that do extend beyond the workplace to bring harm to the company’s reputation. Just as consumers are free to avoid doing business with organizations that do not share their values. Likewise, individuals can choose to ignore or to challenge statements and actions taken by others including their employers, think My Pillow. If you decided to join in with the crowd cheering on those storming the Capitol then so be it but don’t whine if there are consequences to the decision. By the way thoughts and words can lead to legal actions as with threats and conspiracy plans.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Well I don’t know about you, but there aren’t to many entities that are “sanctioning” people that aren’t the Government.

      You’re not talking about Employers and beyond that if an employer fired you for attending the rally, regardless of it’s point it would be in violation of your 1st amendment rights. As their cited cause for termination would infringe upon you using your 1st Amendment. Merely because an entity is private doesn’t preclude them from suit (see the cake baker).

      “If you decided to join in with the crowd cheering on those storming the Capitol then so be it but don’t whine if there are consequences to the decision. By the way thoughts and words can lead to legal actions as with threats and conspiracy plans.”

      There are no consequences for taking part in peaceful protest, it’s against the law. Thoughts and words cannot lead to legal action, unless you violate fighting words doctrine you free and clear to be a bigot all you like. The act of conspiracy is a crime, conspiracy theories are not.

  15. SuburbanWoman Avatar

    Meanwhile in SW Va – Board of Supervisor members are posting repulsive things on social media and crickets. Men in positions of leadership posting nasty things about the VP, LGBT community and buying into the conspiracy theory. This is one reason SW VA will struggle to get attention in Richmond. These same men are seen happily posing with Chase. Sadly, she would win SW VA.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “SuburbanWoman | January 21, 2021 at 12:00 pm | Reply
      Meanwhile in SW Va – Board of Supervisor members are posting repulsive things on social media and crickets. Men in positions of leadership posting nasty things about the VP, LGBT community and buying into the conspiracy theory. This is one reason SW VA will struggle to get attention in Richmond. These same men are seen happily posing with Chase. Sadly, she would win SW VA.”

      That’s not criminal, it’s bigoted. You’re free to be a bigot, if someone takes exception with their words or deeds, vote them out.

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