An Environment So Hostile, No Reasonable Person Could Endure It

Photo credit: NBC29

by James A. Bacon

On June 11, 2021, after a series of orientation meetings and training sessions to discuss “anti-racism” at the Agnor-Hurt Elementary School, Albemarle County officials held a final training session. A presenter showed slides showing a disparity in the racial breakdown of the school division’s employees and new hires.

Responding to the presentation, Emily Mais, an assistant principal at the school, suggested that it would be useful to compare the racial breakdown of the hires to that of the applicant pool to determine if the racial disparity was due to the district’s selection process or to the lack of minority applicants. In her remarks, she was thinking “people of color” but she inadvertently used the word “colored” instead. She immediately apologized for her slip of the tongue.

The verbal miscue prompted a response from Sheila Avery, a teacher’s aide who presented herself as a representative of other Black employees. In Mais’s rendering of the story detailed in a lawsuit filed in Albemarle County Circuit Court, Avery accused her, in the complaint’s words, “of speaking like old racists who told people of color to go to the back of the bus.” Avery’s verbal abuse was so severe that several staff members expressed their alarm in communications to Mais during and after the session.

And so began Mais’s surreal journey through a school system that, in the name of expunging racism, has elevated racial consciousness and racial grievance to levels not seen in decades, demoralized White teachers by impugning them as racists, compelled Mais to make a forced apology to the school staff, and through her example cowed other employees from expressing reservations about the anti-racist training.

What follows here is Mais’s side of the story, as detailed in her lawsuit against the Albemarle County School Board. Presumably, school authorities will take exception to particulars contained in the suit. But if Mais’s version holds up in court, it exposes the ugly, bureaucratic authoritarianism of the “anti-racist” movement.

From as early as she can remember, Mais wanted to be an elementary school teacher, according to background information contained in the lawsuit. She has had a lifelong passion for helping children grow into their best selves. One of the greatest joys has been watching hundreds of children develop a passion for learning.

As a Christian, she believes that “all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God,” and that as image-bearers of God, “all people are endowed with inherent dignity and titled to equal respect.” She believes that treating people differently because of their race is wrong because it “denies the equal dignity and respect that all people deserve as children of God.” Throughout her career, Mais has worked to instill the values of “fairness and equal treatment” in her students and her own children.

Mais started her teaching career in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C., but after her three-year-old daughter was diagnosed with kidney cancer, the family relocated in 2016 to Albemarle County in the hope of finding a simpler life. They bought a three-acre lot, built a “tiny house,” and looked forward to being part of a close-knit community. In 2018 Mais began working as Assistant Principal of Agnor-Hurt Elementary School outside Charlottesville.

In February 2019, the Albemarle school district adopted an “Anti-racism” policy with the stated purpose of eliminating “all forms of racism” from the school system. The policy, and the orientation and training to implement it, was heavily influenced by Critical Race Theory, as I detailed in a post yesterday. The curriculum and materials “stereotyped, demeaned and dismissed white people as perpetuators of systemic racism,” according to the lawsuit. “Materials were replete with pejorative stereotypes of how white people think, speak, and act, as well as stereotypical descriptions of ‘whiteness,’ ‘white culture,’ ‘white talk’ and ‘white racial identity.’”

Early in the training, some Agnor-Hurt employees began complaining about the racially hostile environment created by the training materials and pejorative comments made by participants about Whites. When Whites spoke about their experiences, they were allegedly treated contemptuously because people with non-Black backgrounds were “irrelevant and not worth discussing.”

Mais expressed these concerns to Ashby Kindler, a former administrator who was tasked with leading the training. Kindler did not — and likely could not, observed the complaint — alter the program to abate the racially hostile environment.

Word leaked about the nature of the training. On May 27, 2021. several Albemarle County parents expressed concerns about the anti-racism policy. They suggested that the schools’ approach “was perpetuating the very racism the Division purported to abhor.” The training, said one parent, “creates division and conflict rather than positive relationships and mutual respect.” Indeed, the ideas and philosophies “preach an unending cycle of conflict.”

The next day Bernard Hairston, the assistant superintendent in charge of the schools’ anti-racism policy, addressed a mandatory administrators’ meeting, which Mais attended. According to the lawsuit, he responded to the parents’ comments.

Dr. Hairston noted his ancestors were slaves owned by a wealthy Virginia family.

Dr. Hairston stated that he received the parents’ comments as if they were slave owners who had raped his mother and sister, beaten him, and were telling him not to talk about it.

Dr. Hairston further said that the parents who spoke were promoting systemic racism, and he called them protectors of practices (“Pops”).

By “Pops,” Mais understood him to mean protectors of racist practices. Further, Hairston declared that Albemarle’s anti-racism policy was non-negotiable. Superintendent Matthew Haas and other district leaders in attendance supported Hairston’s statements.

Mais inferred from the meeting that “any good-faith attempt by a white person to be constructively critical of the training would be branded a racist act and would likely adversely affect the employee’s career.”

About two weeks later, on June 11, the final training session took place in which Mais uttered the words “colored” instead of “people of color.” The bureaucratic response was swift.

Shortly after the session ended, Mais received an email from Emily Holmstrom, the school’s guidance counselor, asking if she would like to “unpack” what Mais had said during the training session. As far as she was concerned, Mais had said nothing that needed “unpacking.”

Days after the training session, Hairston demanded that Mais meet with Avery and him. Because of the school system’s “full-throated embrace of ‘anti-racism,’” Hairston’s comparison of concerned parents to rapist slaveowners, and other statements Hairston had made, Mais was afraid how the meeting would go. To preserve the conversation for an objective review, she asked that the meeting be recorded.

Hairston later told Mais that he had discussed the request but that the school system’s attorney had advised against it on the grounds that the contents of the meeting could be leaked to the press. That surprised Mais because she had never contemplated the idea of talking to the media.

Meanwhile, in the lead-up to the meeting, fellow employees relayed that Avery and her friends were openly calling her a racist. According to these second-hand reports, the slurs included calling her a “white racist bitch” and “two-faced racist bitch.”

When Mais complained to Principal Michael Irani, he refused to take any action, the complaint says.

On August 6, 2021, Mais took part in the required unrecorded meeting with Hairston, Avery, and Ms. Holmstrom, who attended as Avery’s “ally.” In Mais’s version, Avery chastised her throughout the meeting for the “colored” remark, and Mais offered multiple additional apologies. According to the lawsuit:

When Ms. Mais tried to explain herself, Ms. Avery continued to berate her. Ms. Avery also stated that she assumed participants did not speak as freely in the training sessions as they would at home, giving as an example that she assumed some participants used the N-word at home but not during the training. Ms. Mais explained that she did not appreciate that assumption, as she would never use that word and did not use the word “colored” outside of the slip of the tongue for which she had already apologized, and she apologized again….

When Ms. Mais tried to explain the detrimental effects of the training on staff morale, the racial divisions the training was causing within the school, and the increasingly racially hostile environment that had resulted, the participants reacted with disbelief and dismissed her concerns.

When Ms. Mais explained that many white participants were afraid to speak during the training sessions for fear that they would say the “wrong” thing and be branded as racists, Ms. Holmstrom stated that they should be afraid to speak if what they were thinking was “not appropriate.”

Mais was struck by the double standard. No apology was asked of Hairston for comparing White parents to rapist slave owners, or of Avery for making racially charged statements about White people and (allegedly) slandering her with impunity, but Mais was required to issue a public apology for making a slip of the tongue. By the end of the meeting, she was in tears.

Emotionally distressed, Mais took three days off. She discussed the situation with Principal Irani, but he did nothing. She talked to a Division HR employee, but she kicked the complaint upstairs. She met with Assistant Superintendent Clare Keiser, who expressed empathy but provided no concrete plan of action. Keiser, who is black, shared that she had difficult interactions with Hairston and had concerns about the anti-racism training, but there was nothing she could do, according to the complaint.

The upshot of these interactions was that the Division “was requiring Ms. Mais to attempt to lead a group of employees who were empowered to curse about her, call her vulgar names, call her a ‘white racist bitch,’ attempt to turn other employees against her, and create an environment in which employees dared not appear to support her or be close to her,” states the complaint.

Finding her situation impossible, Mais submitted her resignation August 29, effective Sept. 10, 2021. At the Division’s request, she agreed to send a letter to Agnor-Hurt families concerning her departure. She was asked to say that she was leaving to explore another career opportunity, which was untrue. To stay on good terms with the school division, which was necessary if she sought employment elsewhere as an educator in Albemarle County, she agreed to state in the letter that she was leaving to be with her family. School officials, she inferred, did not want parents to know the real reason she was leaving.

On top of the letter to parents, school officials wanted Mais to make an apology to staff. Again, she complied so she could leave on good terms. She spent “anguished hours” drafting the apology. “She wanted to be open and honest with her colleagues about the totality of her experience in the hope that something good would come of it,” says the complaint. That included a discussion of the emotional toll the incident had taken on her.

On Sept. 8, Mais presented the draft to Irani, Avery and Ms. Holmstrom. Before she could finish reading the draft, Avery cut her off. Mais could not discuss her feelings “because no one cared about them,” Avery said. Holmstrom told her that alluding to her hurt “was inappropriately acting in racist fashion like a typical defensive white person,” as described in the training materials.

“By muzzling Ms. Mais and preventing her from sharing her true beliefs with her colleagues, the Division engineered the apology session to be nothing more than a ritual shaming of Ms. Mais for a slip of the tongue for which she had already repeatedly apologized,” said the complaint.

Mais delivered the apology in a specially called meeting after the students were dismissed for the day. All teachers were summoned, but, “upon information and belief,” states the complaint only Black teaching assistants were invited. The teaching assistants wore camouflage pants and black t-shirts, and sat near Mais as she spoke, which she interpreted as intending to intimidate her.

After Mais, Avery was given an opportunity to speak. According to the complaint, she attributed Mais’s verbal slip to “white privilege,” accused staff members of mistreating students of color, and warned staff members that she was watching them for perceived misbehavior. She told the assembled teachers and staff that they could either be on her side, or Mais’s side, but there was no in-between.

Following the ritual shaming, states the complaint, numerous White employees were visibly crying.

On Mais’ last day of employment, Avery stood near Mais’s office for approximately an hour, presumably watching who came in and out to say goodbye. There were no work-related reasons for her to be there, states the complaint. At other times, she sat in the lounge beside Mais’s office. Mais complained about Avery’s “watchful and intimidating presence,” but Principal Irani did nothing. Fearful of repercussions to anyone who was friendly to her, she confined herself to her office for the rest of the day.

After the workday, Mais’ colleagues held an informal going-away party off-campus, in which they expressed their appreciation for her leadership and expressed sympathy for her ordeal.

The lawsuit contends that Albemarle County schools retaliated against her for communicating her views, allowed subordinates to harass her with impunity, forced her to apologize repeatedly, and subjected her to a ritual shaming session in front of her peers. In sum, the school system compelled Mais to affirm messages that violated her deeply held beliefs and drove her into quitting.

“These actions created an objectively hostile environment in which it was clear that Ms. Mais would be subjected to continuing harassment, abuse, and public humiliation because of her constitutionally protected speech,” states the lawsuit. “The environment was so objectively intolerable that a reasonable person could not be expected to endure it. and would be compelled to resign.”

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55 responses to “An Environment So Hostile, No Reasonable Person Could Endure It”

  1. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    Sad situation all around. Sounds like the work environment is toxic and getting worse. I wonder how students at this school perform on SOL tests given all the time and energy put into this. Wouldn’t their money be better spent coaching staff on how to teach kids to read and do math?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Never ask a question for which you don’t have the answer…

    1. From the article in the Daily Progress:

      Teachers who have receive either a micro-credential or certification through the culturally responsive teaching program have seen student performance on state Standards of Learning tests have increased.

      Astonishingly bad writing. This sentence says pretty much all that needs to be said about the state of education, and the state of journalism, in this country.

        1. Yeah, well, somebody is the original author…

      1. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
        Ronnie Chappell

        I’m troubled by the lack of attribution and the lack of data supporting this broad assertion. Is the district now publishing SOL improvement data for each teacher so we can compare the overall performance of trained and untrained teachers? And the way this assertion is phrased, it could be true if only one student in a class taught by “trained” teachers improved. Has this been going on long enough to really record measurable improvement in the aftermath of Covid school closures? We all know that while interesting, correlation isn’t causation. What have the proponents of this training actually done to demonstrate a link between the training and improved outcomes, if indeed, outcomes have improved? I think a little skepticism is warranted until proof is offered. Remember the Washington DC high school that boasted that every member of its graduating glass got into college? Turned out to be too good to be true.

  2. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Readers of this “upon information and belief” iteration of a legal complaint should hold in abeyance their sympathies. The plaintiff is well represented by a $60 Million per year income organization with a proven track record (attorneys for Hobby Lobby). Whatever of the allegations that may be verified by witnesses and proven in court remains to be seen. Assuming all of the plaintiff’s suffering is true, it is not dissimilar to that experienced by Americans who have been affected by racism for years. IMO, the conclusion of a trial will not sustain a finding that CRT is racist despite the point of this article. Taxpayers may bear the weight of civil monetary penalty; the plaintiff may be compensated along with the attorneys. There will be no winners.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      We never did learn of the lawsuit involving the kid tossed from class for asking racist questions, but BR printed the allegations as gospel.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        JAB’s opinion is sufficient.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Mighty white of him.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “James McCarthy • 14 hours ago
          JAB’s opinion is sufficient.”

          When two opinions meet, neither are fact. So I’d suggest you jump on off that high horse and acknowledge you’re providing nothing more than opinion as well.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      “Assuming all of the plaintiff’s suffering is true, it is not dissimilar to that experienced by Americans who have been affected by racism for years.”

      Exactly right.

      But … “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.’’

      I guess Ms. Mais got to experience the anti-racist life as espoused by Ibrahim Kendi.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Or, she didn’t and is just ultra-sensitive, or merely suffers a bruised white privileged ego. Ya know, like “realizing being white wasn’t an asset”.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Given that the comparison by Mr. McCarthy was between those who have suffered discrimination and Ms. Mais I assume that you also question the suffering of those who experienced discrimination. Are they also exhibiting bruised egos?

          Or, like most liberals, do you hold two sets of standards?

          The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People wants to know.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            so, white folks get to decide on what basis black folks are insulted? And if there is an organization with the name NAACP, then black folks are not allowed to be insulted by the use of the phrase “colored people”?

            Sounds a lot like White Supremacy where white folks decide what black folks can feel and be insulted by.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    yep. Count me with the skeptical and will await some other accounts. It’s clear the right is pushing the CRT thing and someone is paying for the legal. It’s about winning elections.

    JAB is clever and careful with his words – practiced one might say as it sounds “factual” even though it’s pure unsubstantiated allegations yet to be validated as true.

    If Dick were writing this – it would expect a very different and much more objective and balanced account.

  4. Are any of the training materials available to the public?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Feel in need?

      1. Yes, in need of a good laugh.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “In her remarks, she was thinking “people of color” but she inadvertently used the word “colored” instead.”

    Amazing that BR knew she was thinking “people of color”. With those powers of fact collecting, can a Pulitizer be far behind?

    How about “In her remarks, she later claimed she was thinking “people of color” but she inadvertently used the word “colored” instead.

    Wouldn’t want to appear biased, ya know. A little Pepsodent for the article?

    1. Packer Fan Avatar
      Packer Fan

      That’s your focus after the way Ms. Mais was treated????

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “…claims she was treated…”

        Fixed it for you…

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        If that is made up…

    2. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      That same remark of what she intended to say was repeated in the Daily Progress article I read. I can send you the link in case you want to call out their reporters too, who by the way are no conservatives.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        So, who’s the plagarist?

  6. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    CRT is poison and increases division.
    You do not erase racism by engaging in racism.
    It also weaponizes grievance and refuses to allow any defense.
    As John McWhorter has written, wokism is a religion without forgiveness.
    I particularly like the magic properties of the N word – in rap songs, uttered by black rappers, in the most derogatory terms, it somehow isn’t harmful. But if a white girl makes a TikTok using those lyrics, it is somehow harmful.
    You know what, I can be called, redneck, racist, honky, stupid, white supremacist, cracker, etc, and somehow, I am not hurt…
    So, this question will hurt, cover your eyes! Do words hurt Black people more that they need their Liberal White protectors? Isn’t that a little paternalistic?
    Sticks and stones may break my bones,
    but words can never hurt me.
    How come when I was a kid everybody knew that?

    As to the complaint, please be sure to discredit any Lefty cause if a well-funded law firm is brought in. I guess Ms. Mais should have a one man shop so mr. McCarthy can try to file a Bar complaint against the lawyer like the ever so kind Lefties have done in other States for Trump lawyers. Cuz they belief in free speech and legal representation (unless it is people they disagree with).

    The plaintiff filing states the case from the plaintiff’s perspective.
    Albemarle will file a response and that will be the start of trying to discern what is agreed. Then there will be a trial to determine (as best one can with human fallibility) the truth.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Nat Turner would agree… or his owner or somebody.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Back to your usual level of brilliance…
        You Lefties can only engage in snark because you know your “arguments” can’t be supported by logic, reason, truth. So, I know I won.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          You win every time, Walt. Every time.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Thank you for a rare moment of honesty. Try to keep it up.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            A legend in his own mind…

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “Sticks and stones may break my bones,
      but words can never hurt me.”

      Mais’ entire complaint is that they spoke meanly to her…. except for the part where they wore aggressive clothing…🤷‍♂️

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Oh… you read the complaint?
        And saying “colored people” instead of “people of color” merited the beratement, harassing and administrative abuse?
        Are you capable of thinking of anything beyond “I have to always approve of the Leftist narrative?” Or would that independent thought capability get you fired from your Soros Troll gig?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Just pointing out yet another Conservative double standard, Walt… George said to give you his best…

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So have you insisted on the NAACP changing its name to NAAFPOC yet?
            And I enjoy someone from a party with no standards pointing out so-called double standards of others.
            That Alinsky tactic won’t play anymore. I’m not in the RINO wannabe loved by the people who hate me gang

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Why would I even suggest any name change to the NAACP? It would require Conservative-level hubris to make such a demand. Luckily, I am a more decent human being than you and your ilk.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            But wait…saying “colored people” is such an insult, that it merits being abused and repeatedly called names, investigated and chased out of employment, so, doesn’t it follow that the NAACP name is offensive? No, Troll, you people are not decent. You are horrible, intolerant, closed-minded zealots, and normal, everyday Americans are waking up to it and not going to take it anymore. That’s why you’re terrified of Musk buying Twitter… What a joke.
            Now DHS is establishing a Ministry of Truth…instead of maybe…you know… stopping fentanyl from coming over the border…

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The more you try to drive your demand that people of color must explain their position to your satisfaction the more you demonstrate your own abhorrence.

            Regarding Musk… “Tesla stock looking at 15% weekly loss, Twitter stock stays below Musk’s offer
            Published: April 28, 2022 at 1:10 p.m. ET”


          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Nice change of subject. The more you ignore common decency, the more you show your lack of it.
            I am no fan boy of Elon. I am short Tesla. I hope he pulls the offer since Twitter’s numbers were horrible and had millions of not real accounts, then the stock will really crash. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of Lefty censoring propagandists…
            But the terror of Lefties not being able to control the narrative is funny…so now we need an official government MiniTru…

  7. Charlie Potatoe Avatar
    Charlie Potatoe

    We need to get the National Association of COLORED People to explain that at the time of its formation “Colored” was an accepted, non-racist term of self-identification, the nature of which has not changed over time, as the continued inclusion of the word in its Name demonstrates.

    Over the years, other non-racist words of self-identification, such as “Negro, “Black,” and “African-American” have been in fashion.

    Therefore, in a rational time, and even in our insane time, there are no grounds for the Teacher’s use of the word “Colored”, mistakenly or intentionally, to be taken as racist.

    The fact that the Teachers apparent slip of tongue in using the word
    “Colored” was used as the pretext for naming her a racist and unleashing on her violent hate, personal abuse, and intimidation by her supposed colleagues and her Superiors in the School Administration, eventually forcing her to quit her job, is an example of the racist Jehad that now permeates our Society, especially in our educational system.

    What is most disturbing is not the presence of the racist Bullies who perpetrated this horror, as Evil persists as ever, and these people certainly are Evil, but the cowardice of those given authority, who failed to protect this innocent Woman, and challenge and discipline these Evil miscreants.

    But, maybe I am wrong, and the use of the Word “Colored” is now racist, and the Teacher was rightly called to account as a racist.

    If so, the National Association of COLORED People needs to be called to account, as well.

    After all racism permeates every existing entity in the Nation today, so they say.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      You are correct… you should be able to call people of color by any name you want to… why should they have a say in the matter… btw, what is a “Jehad”…??

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Oooh, oooh, I remember some of those.

        Jehad was Jebediah’s buddy.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        If people of color object to being called “Colored People” then why aren’t they objecting to the NAACP’s name?

        This question seems very hard for you liberals to answer.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          The opposite. What do Conservatives not understand that you don’t insult people no matter your own reasoning of why it is okay. Why would you purposely insult someone when you KNOW it is – in the first place? What kind of person does that? A “principled conservative”?

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Once again, Larry … if calling people “Colored people” is offensive why does the NAACP keep its name?

            I don’t use the term because it is dated. It was never offensive and isn’t offensive now … ask the NAACP. It is “out of style” but it was never used as a pejorative. It was never used as an insult. In fact, it was the polite term of the day at one point in time.

            Ms. Mais says it was a slip of the tongue. Assuming that’s true … does she deserve the treatment she says she received? That is, after all, the point of the article.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Why? because there is a difference between an institution and an individual and what counts with the individual is what is important. WOULD YOU purposely insult anyone if you knew what you were doing was insulting to them?

            Conservatives apparently don’t give a rip if black folks are insulted and they avoid the issue by talking about institution names.

            In terms of Ms. Mais, have you every heard someone say, after the fact, that they had a slip of the tongue?

            Do you think someone who is in the leadership of a school that has black kids and parents and should KNOW the significance of the phrase actually “‘slipped”?

            She might have. I want to do if she has other history before I will be convinced.

            And do I believe everything she has claimed and JAB has repeated as if it were the gospel truth? Not yet. Too much stuff here in BR is not the gospel truth at all but pure opinion and made up stuff portrayed as truth.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I don’t need any answer for that question because (unlike Conservatives) I have no problem respecting the requests of others and not demanding a right to call them anything I want.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    An account so unbelievable, no reasonable person could… uh, well,… you get it.

    Almost like Karen in the Park…

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Or … Tawana Brawley’s allegations of rape.

      Ms. Brawley was living in Virginia. Not sure if she still does. But, as of 2013 she had paid 1% of he penalty assessed by the courts.

      I guess that’s another example of current discrimination being used to combat prior discrimination.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Wow. Digging deep for that one. Would you like a list of cops convicted of rape? Their quite popular on Foresic Files.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Another irrelevant comment. You brought up the “Karen in the park” who made false accusations and called the police. Tawana Brawley did the same thing, writ large.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Okay. You have a point? Other than comparing white grievances to rape, that is.

  9. Ruckweiler Avatar

    This is sad. These lefties trumpet these past grievances to stifle ANY disagreement. Ok, the Imperial Japanese Navy killed my Uncle Richard in 1942. Should I, on behalf of the family, harbor an eternal anger at the Japanese in perpetuity?

  10. Merchantseamen Avatar

    The General Duty Clause from the OSHA Act of 1970 requires
    that, in addition to compliance with hazard-specific standards, all
    employers provide a work environment “free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm.”
    Workplace violence is a recognized hazard within the healthcare industry and as such, employers have the responsibility via the Act to abate the hazard.
    VOSH/OSHA should look a this a violation of the General Duty Clause.

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