American Kids Are Flabby. It Isn’t Because Of Climate Change.

by Kerry Dougherty

Just when you thought the world’s climate clowns couldn’t get any zanier there’s this:

Yep, these loons are now blaming America’s flabby, sedentary and out-of-shape children on global warming.

CBS is reporting that an article in the journal “Temperature” – looks like my copy of this “scientific” rag didn’t arrive this month – blames sizzling temperatures for children staying indoors and eating Doritos all day. They’re 30% less aerobically fit than their parents, according to this scholarly piece that goes on to blame hot summer temperatures for the kids’ refusing to venture outside.

Have they ever met a child? Many of these butterbutts don’t go outdoors in spring, fall or winter either.

Their parents won’t let them go anywhere alone, plus they’re tethered to their electronics. A terrible combination.

I grew up in the ‘50s and ‘60s when almost no one in America had air conditioning. We played outside in extreme heat just as the kids in Mississippi and Louisiana did. We sweated in summer and slept on top of the sheets at night with fans blowing on our skinny bodies.

Look at school photos from those decades and play find-the-fat-kid.

You can’t.

In fact, the kids we THOUGHT were fatties back then would be considered lean today.

Besides being forced to play outside unless there was a thunder storm, here are a few of the things we DIDN’T have to keep us home and putting on the pounds:

Video games, cellphones, color TVs, DVDs, movies-on-demand, bottomless glasses of soda, stuffed crust pizza, double-stuff Oreos.

Dessert was a once-in-a while treat, but calories didn’t matter when you’ve spent the entire day riding your bike, playing softball or fishing in the lake.

On top of our modern calorie-dense, nutrition-starved American diets, blue-state governors did their best to turn children into mouth-breathing zombies during Covid lockdowns.

They closed schools, playgrounds, pools, YMCA’s and youth sports. Then, with teachers’ unions demanding schools stay closed, kids were propped in front of computers all day in virtual classes. Some kids didn’t walk more than a few steps – the distance from their bedrooms to the refrigerator – for 18 months.

So now these same house plants are obese and can’t run the 100-yard dash?

Is anyone surprised? Their embarrassing condition has NOTHING to do with climate change, and everything to do with lazy lifestyles, addiction to electronics and Covid restrictions.

Nice try, though, lefties.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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28 responses to “American Kids Are Flabby. It Isn’t Because Of Climate Change.”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “In fact, the kids we THOUGHT were fatties back then…”

    We all know how you treated them, Kerry… no question…

    1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      I am putting together a digital slide show for an upcoming family reunion. I am working my way through the Brazil years, 1954-56. There’s a picture of seven children (including yours truly) lined up on the beach. Every kid is ripped, at least to the extent that an 8 year old can be ripped. Not one ounce of fat on any of them. You would never see a group of kids like that today. If I knew how to upload the photo, I would do so.

        1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

          Thank you! I’ll give it a go.

      1. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        It is the same with my HS yearbook, out of 206 teens maybe 4 could be called fat. MY FD recruit class was a single person over wright except one and he was 35 and just got out of the Navy.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        My kids were certainly all skinny.

  2. Even the CBS news guy who introduced the story thought the climate-change explanation was a crock. Like Kerry, he blamed cell phones and video games.
    But Kerry is right — there is more. Parents are to blame. Instead of kicking kids out of the house to play, they’re reluctant to let kids go outside their sight. Risk-averse parents feel better when the kids are inside safe from child molesters or whatever… The phenomenon of free-range kids is dead.

    When I was a kid, I rode my bicycle around the urban neighborhood. One day I had an accident, crashed my bike, and fractured a finger. Parents today would freak out. It was different back then. The doc put a splint on my finger, and I was back to my normal activities — a little sadder, wiser and more careful on my bicycle. By the way, I was skinny. Painfully skinny. And very self-conscious about it.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “The phenomenon of free-range kids is dead.”

      Not in our neighborhood. And, actually, it is pretty clear that Covid gave kids more time outside and less time sitting on busses. We came to calling our local band the Covid Gang and they were out in the streets having a grand time pretty much every single day.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      It would be interesting to see the statistics on child obesity by living area – urban, dense suburban, ex-urban and rural. I’m guessing that ex-urban areas have the worst problem but that’s just a guess.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Speaking of diet… JAB’s pop-up ads now think I need a sandwich after my spa weekend…

  4. Crosswalks to Nowhere Avatar
    Crosswalks to Nowhere

    Kids get up in the morning and are driven to school, they sit all day with 30 mins on recess, then they sit still while being driven home, and they wrap up their day sitting infront of their ipad. Kids lead sedentary lives which is why they’re fat.

    1. Cynthia  Phillips Avatar
      Cynthia Phillips

      they used to have 45 min of PE in addition to a little itme after they ate and would walk around outside, talking. but they took PE away and recess. And I think they took away the extra time at lunch. at least in my granddaughters schools in the hot AZ sun

      1. Crosswalks to Nowhere Avatar
        Crosswalks to Nowhere

        I’m sure they also were baffled by all of the “unruly” behavior at the same time that happened. The ADD diagnoses “out of nowhere” skyrocketed and the kids were all medicated into having no emotions. 45 mins of PE and some recess time is needed. More time at the desks doesn’t mean more knowledge being attained.

        1. Merchantseamen Avatar

          Exactly!….Dope them up so they sit and pick dust out of sunbeams. Instead of the dope, they should be outside having the stupid run out of them. We used to call it kick ball, dodge ball and monkey bars.

    2. Cynthia  Phillips Avatar
      Cynthia Phillips

      they used to have 45 min of PE in addition to a little itme after they ate and would walk around outside, talking. but they took PE away and recess. And I think they took away the extra time at lunch. at least in my granddaughters schools in the hot AZ sun

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    I have to agree about the Climate LOONS. Yes, on the left, there are LOONs on climate and they really undermine the real issue with their blather. They’re the polar opposites of the Deniers.

    Neither are really tuned in to reality.

    on fatties : you get fat when you eat too much. exercise won’t
    save you unless you are willing to spend hours, not
    minutes at it.

    Kids will do that if they have places to do it – like
    municipal swimming pools… and playgrounds with
    water features.

    But we’re too busy playing culture war to really
    want to do the things we used to be willing to do
    for the kids , short term and long term.

    “for those poor kids”.. eh… not so much anymore.

    1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      You are correct, sir. The lunacy, nay, hysteria, about climate change is masking a very serious problem: Childhood obesity.

      I am on a road trip at the moment, and have been at the Iowa State Fair for two days. I came to see the 3,000 pound bulls, but what I am seeing is a lot of 300 to 400 pound bulls and heifers of the human kind. It is quite a show. Sad!

  6. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I have to agree with Kerry on most of this–I will ignore her usual rant about closings in the face of an unknown pandemic.

    I had thought about posting an article on the phenomenon of the missing kids in my neighborhood. I know some live here because I see them waiting for the school bus. Otherwise, you would never know they are around. On my walks I never see them out and about, riding bicycles or anything else.

    I blame air conditioning and electronics, as well as parents who are too afraid to even let them walk to the corner and wait for the bus without hovering around them.

    1. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
      Ronnie Chappell

      Spot on, Dick. My siblings and I were feral. My parents encouraged it. I’ll never forget how embarrassed my mom was when I told a gathering of friends and family at her 50th wedding anniversary that she once told me and my roughhousing brothers: “I don’t care if you kill each other. Just go outside to do it.”

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I think my mom and your mom might have been related….

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      In Ireland for one, and other European nations, American breads would be considered confectioneries.

  7. killerhertz Avatar

    Wow do your research. It’s not climate change at fault, but whiteness that is causing our childhood obesity. The white Europeans imported fatness to the Americas in order to create their ableist patriarchy.

  8. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Even if you accept the worst-case view of the data, we are talking about AVERAGE temperatures up 1-2 degrees F in the past 50-60 years, and most of that average increase is due to the daily overnight lows, not the daily daytime highs. These people are liars, pure and simple. I spent most of my childhood in very hot regions and got plenty of time outdoors, but also developed a wonderful habit – the siesta. 🙂 Ignore the nonsense about the Lake Woebegone Climate, with all the months above average….

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Archer Daniels Midland. Sugar is the oxycodone of the masses.

  10. Elliott Webb Avatar
    Elliott Webb

    Kerry, we are close to the same age and you are spot on. The CBS story is a crock.

  11. Michaelle Edwards Avatar
    Michaelle Edwards

    Agreed that lifestyle, diet and too much time on devices is a huge issue in the obese children and adults. That is probably the biggest factor however however climate change is an issue and temperatures are much higher than 50 years ago. There are a combination of issues that are causing the kids to be fat and flabby. Also you cannot blame covid for the lack of exercise etc as children were obese long before covid lockdowns and mask wearing.

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “In China, one out of every five children is overweight or obese, up from just one in 20 in 1995, and the nation’s booming economy might be driving the increase, according to a new study.”

    Well, I guess the rumors of recession are greatly exaggerated.

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