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American Art and Culture Under Attack

by Kerry Dougherty

Francis Scott Key.

Ulysses S. Grant.

George Washington.

Thomas Jefferson.

Teddy Roosevelt.

Andrew Jackson.

Abolitionist Matthias Baldwin.

Juan Ponce de Leon.

St. Junipero Serra.

Lincoln Memorial.

World War I memorial.

World War II memorial.

Denver monument to the victims of Armenian genocide.

Boston’s Shaw Memorial to the 54th Regiment: The African-American Union soldiers depicted in the movie “Glory.”

This is just a partial list of statues and monuments that have been defaced, beheaded or toppled in the frenzy of unbridled anarchism that is sweeping the nation.

It has nothing to do with George Floyd. Or the Confederacy. Or even race.

These are mobs of barbarians – white and black – on a mission to destroy American culture, history and art work. With each day that passes, sunlight between these philistines and the Taliban disappears.

Where are the decent Democrats denouncing the destruction of public property? For the most part, they’re standing mutely by, refusing to join Republicans in condemning this vulgar attack on the country. Some in both parties are complicit, agreeing that statues must be unceremoniously removed from public view, without input from those who favor preservation.

Politics should be swept aside at a time like this and leaders of both parties should demand an end to the madness. We’re a country of laws. Or at least we used to be.

If statues or monuments are deemed offensive there’s a remedy: The disgruntled can make their case before city councils or state legislatures, asking that the works of art be moved.

But when midnight mobs armed with spray paint, sledge hammers and chains wantonly destroy property, they should be arrested.

So what’s next?

Earlier this month I predicted the Confederate monuments were just the beginning and The Founding Fathers were next. I was right. This is an all-out assault on American traditions and heroes.

I have to admit, I did not foresee the composer of our National Anthem being a target of raging social justice warriors. Or St. Junipero Serra, an 18th century Franciscan priest who was canonized in 2015 by woke Pope Francis.

Now the mob has turned its attention to Teddy Roosevelt and a bronze statue that stands outside the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. It was defaced with red paint last week and Mayor Bill de Blasio proclaimed it to be “problematical.” Seems the man who in 1912 gave an hour-long speech while bleeding from a bullet wound after a Milwaukee assassination attempt and who doubled the national park system during his presidency, created 51 federal bird reserves, 150 national forests and 18 national monuments including the Grand Canyon will be removed from sight.

That’s a pity because Teddy Roosevelt was a towering figure and conservationist who singlehandedly protected millions of acres of wilderness. He was the quintessential American.

Next thing you know they’ll be gunning for Mt. Rushmore.

In the present climate, no revered figure is safe.

Including Jesus.

Get a load of this from Shaun King, a left-wing radical who was a surrogate for Bernie Sanders and a spokesman for Black Lives Matter. King has more than one million Twitter followers.


All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down.

They are a gross form white supremacy.

Created as tools of oppression.

Racist propaganda.

They should all come down.

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