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Alumni Rising

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If you’re heartsick at how your alma mater is turning into an incubator of intolerance and hate, you are not powerless. You can organize and push back just as the alumni of The University of Virginia, Washington & Lee University, the Virginia Military Institute, and James Madison University are doing. This eight-minute video produced by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) — in which yours truly plays a brief role — describes the rise of the alumni movement across the United States.

Local alumni groups have banded together in the Alumni Free Speech Alliance to share tactics and strategies. AFSA provides resources, checklists, and mentors to help you launch an alumni group at your alma mater. No need to reinvent the wheel.

You can ignore the culture wars, but the culture wars won’t ignore you. The social justice warriors in our institutions of higher education have declared their intention to fundamentally transform every institution in our society. You can sit by, do nothing, and find American society unrecognizable 20 years from now, or you can get off your butt. Visit the AFSA website now. — JAB

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