Alumni Free Speech Alliance Affiliate at William & Mary

by Robert Kaplan, Karla K. Bruno, and John S. Buckley

The cross removed from Wren Chapel in 2006. “Marshall-Wythe” deleted from the name of the law school during the past decade. Recently, urine thrown by a student protestor at other students promoting pro-life views on abortion and an ACLU spokesperson speaking on campus about free speech shouted down by Black Lives Matters advocates. Alas, even the venerable College of William and Mary in historic Williamsburg, Virginia, is not new to, or immune from, anti-free speech and inquiry, political correctness, and historical “presentism” that has come to characterize higher education throughout America.

It’s time for William and Mary alumni to get more involved. With a tip of a hat to The Jefferson Council at the University of Virginia — an independent association of recent vintage of Charlottesville alumni — alums at W&M are now organizing to keep a more vigilant eye on left-wing indoctrination and assorted bullying tactics that appear to be at play among faculty, administration, and students.

Our intention is to affiliate with the rapidly growing national Alumni Free Speech Alliance (AFSA), a consortium of independent alumni organizations at major universities across the United States, formed to advocate for free intellectual inquiry in the halls of higher education. It so happens that the Commonwealth of Virginia has of late the greatest concentration of AFSA affiliates in the U.S. with organizations at the University of Virginia, Washington and Lee, Virginia Military Institute, and James Madison University, with William and Mary on its way.

We envision an AFSA chapter that will speak for alumni dissatisfied with the recent trends on campus, such as speech “police” who intimidate students of differing views, the politicization of faculty and administrative recruitment and retention, an obsession with the imposition of so-called “diversity, equity, and inclusion” policies, indoctrination of students, and the list goes on. This “presentism” seeks to undermine the political and philosophical contributions of America’s Founding Fathers by absurd standards imposed by 21st century, left-wing fantasists — these are the currents at play in higher education today. Because of this trend, William and Mary alumni who are disturbed and alarmed at these kinds of events, policies, and propaganda are reaching out to each other to get involved in righting the balance at W&M.

Our new William and Mary alumni organization will aim for balance, honorable and respectful disagreement on topics, and free speech and intellectual inquiry across the W&M community. By way of example, we propose to support speakers on current topics who are outside what seems to be the dominant (although increasingly intolerant) zeitgeist in academia, to sponsor debates that highlight opposing points of view, provide encouragement to students who may otherwise feel isolated and shunned concerning their views and outlooks, and overall promote a higher level of interaction among W&M family, the Board of Visitors and the College Administration.

We feel certain that George Wythe, and his students John Marshall and Thomas Jefferson, would be proud.

Send us a message ( if you’re interested in helping, joining, or promoting our group, or if you have questions. Let’s start our own proper rebellion in Williamsburg.

Robert R. Kaplan, College ’69, Law ‘72
Karla K. Bruno, College ’81, MAEd ‘92
John S. Buckley, Law ‘87

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44 responses to “Alumni Free Speech Alliance Affiliate at William & Mary”

  1. M. Purdy Avatar
    M. Purdy

    Ah yes, align yourself with the VMI alumni “free speech” alliance that forensically scours course offerings, trainings, and official statements for evidence of Marxism, screamed bloody murder that a hyper-liberal speaker was invited to campus, and has now run the first and only DEI director out of town with unrelenting attacks. They are SOOO Free Speechy!

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      They got right to the point. Removing a cross, even from State property, is a no-no.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        He did not “remove” it. He just moved it from permanent display. After all, there were some non-Christians at the College by that time. It was available for Christian events.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          That’s true. But it was the authors who misled with “ The cross removed from Wren Chapel in 2006, “ which is how they view it — removed.

          I don’t recall specifically which school, most likely NOT in Virginia, but I do remember the howls when Muslim students began reserving the “chapel”.

          BTW, I’m willing to bet $1 that there was a non-Christian in the first graduating class at W&M. As I recall, Richmond was the home of the first Jewish community in the new world.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          FWIW, it was the Law School at W&M far longer than Marshall-Wythe (1953). So technically, I remember the first name change.

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          FWIW, it was the Law School at W&M far longer than Marshall-Wythe (1953). So technically, I remember the first name change.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “…the politicization of faculty and administrative recruitment and retention…”

    Bet you guys aren’t happy with the Conservative EEO program proposed by your associates at UVa then…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      They’ll do well here. They write in Tucker Carlson Monologue better than they do in English.

      “Excuse me, but ‘woke’ and ‘cultural Marxism’, aren’t those just buzzwords that dumb reactionaries use just to sound important.”

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      They’ll do well here. They write in Tucker Carlson Monologue better than they do in English.

      “Excuse me, but ‘woke’ and ‘cultural Marxism’, aren’t those just buzzwords that dumb reactionaries use just to sound important.”

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Not rushing to join but I’ll file this away and think about it. The good news buried in there is that the school is inviting speakers that “trigger” some of the more insecure leftists on campus, and I hope that diversity and openness continues. As to the Wren Chapel, well that president is gone and good riddance. I haven’t seen anything comparable from presidents since, but perhaps I just don’t hear about it. John Marshall and George Wythe are among the most important of the generation of the Founders so a real tragedy their names were removed, but again, I recall no ruckus when it happened.

    As I wrote yesterday, the key is to stop ignoring, encouraging, even rewarding the Behavior of Intimidation. A student who threw urine (!?) should be disciplined and ostracized if not expelled. Major disruptions of public events should be met with arrests and removal. The authors do not mention what if any response came from the school leadership, and that would be a key bit of info for me.

    Bacon’s friends made a mistake yesterday by letting themselves be accused (perhaps unfairly) of wanting to measure and control diversity of student and faculty POLITICAL opinion. That is very different than wanting to be sure that within the departments, academic diversity is encouraged and suppression of those who challenge the Current Orthodoxy is discouraged. The students need to know Marx and Milton Friedman, for example. I’ve seen two hilarious “climate change” tweets from real losers today, both probably college grads. One was advocating an atmosphere with zero CO2 (yes, that stupid, would kill all plants) and the other promising to introduce legislation to stop coastal subsidence….Is this what is being taught?

    1. M. Purdy Avatar
      M. Purdy

      “Bacon’s friends made a mistake yesterday by letting themselves be accused (perhaps unfairly) of wanting to measure and control diversity of student and faculty POLITICAL opinion.” Did you find their proposal problematic?

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Gene Nichol went back to the UNC Law school teaching constitutional law and seems to have done very well. In 2013, “UNC gave him its Thomas Jefferson Award — the university’s highest faculty honor.” He is undoubtedly happier than he was at W&M, not having to battle rich alumni who did not want W&M to enter the 21st century.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Stunned he would accept given the name….I recall his issues well. It was mostly errors of style and attitude, a master class in how to piss off people. Banning the feathers from the logo was just silly virtue signalling. The NCAA should have been told to stuff it.

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          I also heard that many alumni were miffed because Nichol had a habit of sitting with the students during football games, rather than hobnobbing with the money bags. That was short-sighted. After all, the primary function of a college president is to raise money.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            As I said, style and attitude…

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      The group targeted by the cited incident reported (a year ago now) that a student was arrested and charged with two counts of assault. I can’t find any independent confirmation of either the incident or arrest though…

      1. WayneS Avatar

        This confirms an assault and battery (x2) arrest by William and Mary police on 10/03/2022.

        Click on ‘View Current Report’ to see the list.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Innocent until proven….but good.

          1. WayneS Avatar

            Innocent until proven….

            I figured that went without saying…

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Thanks. That helps.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “ One was advocating an atmosphere with zero CO2 (yes, that stupid, would kill all plants)”

      Plants? Us too. I believe that the body uses CO2 to regulate breathing, i.e., a paper bag to end hyperventilating.

      But seriously, do we really want to start listing stupid suggestions and ascribing them to party? That would be a silly game since there is a Trump card.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        No, I ascribed them to a college education. 🙂

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Clearly UVa, and not W&M. 😉

    5. WayneS Avatar

      One was advocating an atmosphere with zero CO2

      Now ask him what the actual percentage of CO2 is in the earth’s atmosphere.

  4. Rocket Avatar

    “absurd standards imposed by 21st century left-wing fantasists”

    How is not owning slaves an *absurd* standard? Plenty of people during that time did not own any. Why does Bacon’s Rebellion continue to allow Mr. Kaplan’s extreme hyperbole?

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Stick around for a few BR issues and the picture will become clear.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “The cross removed from Wren Chapel in 2006. Hulon Willis graduates in 1956. “Marshall-Wythe” deleted from the name of the law school during the past decade.”

        There! That’s better…

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Yes, yes! We have our own absurd standards imposed by 19th century slave-owning lunatics!

      Let the games begin!

    3. WayneS Avatar

      Who is promoting the owning of slaves?

      Please be very specific and name some names.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        In this case “excusing” as in applying supposed 19th century standards on today’s society and who we choose to honor and promote. Hope that clarifies… hoping NN corrects me if I am in error…

        1. WayneS Avatar

          What does NN have to do with this?

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Part Troll fell off the thread, again. Seems likely he is thread impaired.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Misread who you were responding to. I see it was Rocket’s reference to slave ownership not NN’s. The point is basically the same though. The author is claiming that judging some of the FF for owning slaves is some extreme 21-century fanatical standard. First of all, it wasn’t then and it certainly is not now. Applying today’s zero tolerance standard for the institution of slavery when we choose who and how to honor any slave owners of the past (usually in a balance way, btw) is hardly fanatical.

      2. Rocket Avatar

        I didn’t say people are necessarily promoting it. But some people get very upset when that pesky fact gets brought up or contextualized.

      3. Rocket Avatar

        I didn’t say people are necessarily promoting it. But some people get very upset when that pesky fact gets brought up or contextualized.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Contextualizing is not what ‘upsets’ [some] people.

          Completely erasing the positive things a person has done because of the negative they have done is what ‘upsets’ [some] people.

          Personally, I think we should stop naming things after people altogether. We should adopt a chronology-based alpha-numeric identification system for all of our buildings, roads and monuments.

          Even then, though, we need to be careful that our cultural appropriation does not offend anyone. After all, the English alphabet adopted a lot of letters from the Egyptian, Phoenician, Greek and Semitic letter forms…

          1. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            What do you mean by “completely erasing”?

  5. Carter Melton Avatar
    Carter Melton

    Best of luck on this endeavor.

    The one thing you need to be prepared for are the vicious, arrogant attacks from the left leaning alumni and others who see things differently from you. Through clever word pictures, innuendo, inference, and verbal deflection they will attempt to misrepresent your intent and positions while painting you as retrograde old white men intent on destroying the school.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    There are two kinds of fools: One says, “This is old, therefore it is good”; the other says, “This is new, therefore it is better.” -William R. Inge, clergyman, scholar, and author (6 Jun 1860-1954)

    1. WayneS Avatar

      There are also the fools who say: “This is old therefore it is bad”; and others who say: “This is new therefore it is bad”.

      So, all told, there are four kinds of fools.


      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “This is neither old nor new, so it is neither good nor bad.”

        Hence mediocre middle aged.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “This is neither old nor new, so it is neither good nor bad.”

        Hence mediocre middle aged.

  7. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    During my halcyon undergrad days there, a black activist lawyer named Greene was invited to campus to be a guest lecturer for a semester and a powerful conservative Democrat (yep) in the State Senate exploded with threats against the school. My memory is the person did not get the teaching slot but did give some guest lectures. I wrote it up for my hometown Roanoke Times and got a stringer fee.

    Greene eventually changed his name to Saad El Amin.

    Everything old is new again.

    Ha! The aging brain didn’t fail for once:

    But it wasn’t Senator Ed Rilley. 🙂 The name was Willey.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Remember Willey’s last term when they only scheduled mid morning Senate Finance Committee meetings because Willey would sleep through them after lunch? Seems to be the direction we’re headed recently with another elderly politician…

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