Alumni Are Mad as Hell — and They’re Organizing!

Peter Finch in iconic mad-as-hell scene from “Network”

by James A. Bacon

College alumni, to borrow the classic phrase from the 1976 movie Network, are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore. Unlike the fictional TV newsman played by Peter Finch, who had no idea how to channel his frustration, alumni groups around the country are organizing to push back against the relentless assault on free speech and diversity of thought in American universities.

Woke leftists are deeply entrenched in higher education, but alumni who attended two-day conference organized by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) and the Alumni Free Speech Alliance (AFSA) are stoked. The movement is spreading, and alumni are taking heart, knowing that they aren’t isolated and alone.

Groups from eleven universities have joined AFSA, and several more are in the process of creating viable organizations. Alumni from dozens of other universities have expressed an interest in launching their own initiatives. Meanwhile, AFSA has forged valuable alliances with well-resourced national organizations such as ACTA and the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) that stand ready to help.

Three of the 11 alumni groups hail from Virginia — the Generals Redoubt (Washington & Lee University), the Spirit of VMI (Virginia Military Institute), and The Jefferson Council (University of Virginia), with which I am affiliated. Virginians are at the center of the storm. We are perhaps better positioned than any of our peers to transform the state’s higher-ed institutions from bastions of narrow-minded leftist orthodoxy into centers of learning where pluralism is tolerated and diverse ideas are allowed to contend. 

What makes us special? No other state in the country has the confluence of (1) strong dissident alumni organizations, and (2) allies in the statehouse committed to the fight to uphold free speech in public universities.

Conversations with Youngkin administration officials have led members of the UVa and VMI groups to believe that Governor Glenn Youngkin will appoint new members to Boards of Visitors who are willing to stand up for free speech and intellectual pluralism. With his firing of university counsels at UVa and George Mason University, Attorney General Jason Miyares likewise has signaled a possible willingness to roll back activist legal guidance in furtherance of woke initiatives.

If Bacon’s Rebellion readers at other universities have ever thought of getting involved, the time is now.

AFSA will help new free-speech alumni groups get organized. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. We can guide you in:

  • Incorporating your group and filing for 501(c)3 nonprofit status;
  • Writing bylaws and conflict-of-interest policies;
  • Setting up bank accounts, back-end accounting and membership- management capabilities;
  • Obtaining officers and directors liability insurance;
  • Finding Website development solutions;
  • Dealing with trademark issues if universities block you from incorporating the name of the university into the name of your alumni group.

We will set up Zoom meetings and find mentors to walk you through the process.

As AFSA grows, our goal is to act as a clearinghouse for alumni-related news, strategies and success stories. We expect to share articles, videos, podcasts, white papers, and other types of content. We will create forums and affinity groups to discuss practical approaches to challenges ranging from raising funds and growing email lists to building relationships with students, parents, and faculty.

The initial impetus behind the alumni rebellion comes mainly from political conservatives, who tend to be the most outraged by the suppression of free expression by conservatives on campus. But AFSA is consciously pursuing a “big tent” strategy. Many left-of-center stakeholders are also distressed by the intolerant, hard-left drift at many universities. Speakers at the AFSA summit included Nadine Strossen, a liberal feminist who led the American Civil Liberties Union for 17 years through 2008; Jonathan Rauch, a journalist, gay-marriage advocate, and Brookings Institution scholar; and John Thomasi, a Brown University political theorist and director of the Heterodox Academy.

Accordingly, while member organizations are free to pursue their own college-specific agendas, AFSA is focused on the broad themes of free speech, free expression, open inquiry and intellectual diversity that cut across partisan loyalties. The goal is not to purge woke leftists from college campuses but to create campus climates where the non-woke feel free to speak out, intellectual diversity is valued, and a wide range of ideas are debated.

You can find out more about the Alumni Free Speech Alliance here.

Join these organizations in fighting for free expression:

Founding members:
University of Virginia
Washington & Lee

New members:
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Virginia Military Institute

We’re all in this together, and we stand ready to help.

Jim Bacon serves on the boards of the Jefferson Council and the Alumni Free Speech Alliance.

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25 responses to “Alumni Are Mad as Hell — and They’re Organizing!”

  1. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Just how did the Lefties create the totalitarian wokeness in colleges and universities? Surely, it is not because their ideas are so persuasive, or immune to the overwhelming truth of Rightist ideas. Don’t take it any longer. Procreate and stuff higher education with Rightie progeny who become faculty. Or—take a deep breath and wait for the truth, beauty, and inevitability of conservatism consume the wokeness. Pity the oppressed non-wokes, afraid to speak up. There must be more effective forums and opportunities to engage this battle. How about a blog???

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Does it hurt? Shoving your tongue through your cheek, does it hurt?

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Only when I read some comments. My hope is that Regent, Liberty, Chapman, and Hillsdale College join AFLAC or whatever it’s acronym.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          AFPAC? I think they’re already members.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            AFLAC = American Federation of Libertarians Against Conservatism.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            You two should get a room.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yes. Whereas you do it all by your lone.

          4. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            All the room required is available on this blog’s commentary capacity. It’s a room happily shared with even you. Conservative snark is approaching the futility of accusations of wokeness. Anyway, thanks for noticing.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    So, was Greene’s and Gosar’s speeches any good?

    Oh, AFSA! Not AFPAC.

    1. tmtfairfax Avatar

      What do you have against free speech in America’s colleges and universities? Don’t you look back fondly at debates in class and over coffee?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        There IS free speech in America’s colleges and universities.

        1. Rob Austin Avatar

          Only for the anointed. Others are , castigated, cancelled, and worse. Pres. Good at UVa has codified the progressive religion as the precept by which UVa will be guided. Why won’t he sign the Chicago Principles, by the way? His own declarations about free speech are weak sauce by comparison.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          They define “free speech” to be “free from consequences speech”… see below…

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well James, glad you had a chance to meet me.

    Hey Steve, how about a “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” watch party?! Let’s see if we can get in all 5 seasons!

    I’ll bring the booze, and cigarettes! Got any cocaine?

  4. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Superb summary of the 2 day AFSA conference. I was there with Jim, and can attest to the efficacy of the group, and the clarity of its purpose.

    AFSA is NOT a right wing group espousing the subjugation of liberal opinion on college campuses. Quite the contrary. As Jim states, it is a coalition of conservatives, moderates and yes, even liberals, who insist on intellectual diversity and civil discourse on our college campuses.

    As of now, this atmosphere does not exist at UVA. We members of The Jefferson Council are committed to restoring open discourse at Mr. Jefferson’s University. The Far Left now suppresses any divergent opinions. That cannot be tolerated, any more than it should be if conservatives attempted the same thing.

  5. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Why are you Lefties so scared of free speech?
    If suppression of speech doesn’t exist, then why do you care?
    Methinks the Lefties doth protest too much…

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      But it’s the Righties that are mewling about the suppression of speech and over protesting. Lefties are only waiting for the truth, beauty, and inevitability of being persuaded and proselytized. Tell us the End Times are acoming.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Which is why you Lefties are scared brown-matter-less.
        Your lying worldview is now being opposed, and will lose. But suppression doesn’t exist and cancel culture doesn’t exist and CRT is an obscure legal theory… Got it.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    free speech = critical race theory?

  7. “Pluralism is tolerated and diverse ideas are allowed to contend” So tolerated and allowed is the new conservative standard. It appears that it is only free speech which the woke right agrees with. BTW a TV ad for Nuvelvy has the phrase “I woke up from sleep” clearly spelled out, thus citing the correct use of the term “woke”.

    1. I need no lecture from you on the proper usage of the word “woke”.

      It was hard-core leftists who coopted its meaning, not I.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        Not sure that I would say “co-opted” or hard-core leftists. Many on progressive left have adopted its “awareness” meaning to social justice and the like just as many on the regressive right have weaponized it to mean any and all that they disagree with. I was merely pointing out its usage in national advertising spots.

  8. DLunsford Avatar

    Does anyone have a lead on a VCU/MCV version in the works? Sign me up please!

  9. DLunsford Avatar

    Does anyone have a lead on a VCU/MCV version? Please forward contact info.

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