All Hail the Capitalist Revolution!

Bacon’s Rebellion is stirring once more. The July 30, 2007, edition of the e-zine is now available online. Don’t miss a free issue — click here to subscribe for free.

Here is today’s commentary:

Libraries as Liberators
Libraries of yore were quiet, musty places run by schoolmarms. Today these hot properties pack in the visitors, create economic value and sometimes even help transform human settlement patterns.
by James A. Bacon

State and local officials should help citizens keep centered on undocumented immigration.
by Doug Koelemay

End of the Family as we Know It
The word “family” means many things to many people. For purposes of examining human settlement patterns, the term “household” is more precise.
by EM Risse

Google Government
The Internet creates an opportunity to bring unprecedented transparency to state and local government. Virginia could learn from other states.
by Geoff Segal

Taking Back the State
Prince William County took the first bold action to reclaim Virginia from illegal aliens and their defenders. The revolt has only just begun.
by Ronald Maxwell

Nice & Curious Questions
Turning on the Lights: Virginia’s Power Grid
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

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3 responses to “All Hail the Capitalist Revolution!”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Libraries seem to be working in parts of Henrico, but I wish they could elsewhere. Chesterfield doesn’t seem to have anything like the Tuckahoe branch and I wish they did.
    Their backwardness is underscored by a trip on Saturday night to any Barnes & Noble, open until 11 p.m. They are usually packed with shoppers and book browsers who can spend hours in the adjacent coffee shop poring over new books. Kids meet there for homework sessions. B&N has replaced the public library as a center for intellectual activity and meeting. Unfortunately, there is only one way to get there — by car.
    It could be that this library-averse tendency (albeit not so in Henrico) is part of our proud Southern tradition. After the Civil War, none other than Andrew Carnegie offered the city fathers of destroyed Richmond to build a huge and well-stocked public library. Snooty Richmonders responded, “Gentlemen BUY their own books.”
    And, if you ever travel through New England or the Midwest you will notice that the center of focus in any central square of a small town is a library. In the South it is always a courthouse with maybe a statue of a Confederate solider facing north against the Yankees.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    “Dozens of bills introduced in the Virginia General Assembly in recent years have been presented by sponsors as simple enforcement measures — deny in-state tuition,”

    Doug Koelemay

    The state of Virginia is certainly free to grant in-state tuition to illegal aliens who reside in Virginia if it so chooses; however, it may do so ONLY IF IT ALSO GRANTS IN-STATE TUITION TO US CITIZENS WHO DO NOT LIVE IN VIRGINIA, based upon a federal law passed in 1996. If the state approves in-state tuition for illegal aliens without abolishing out-of-state tuition, it opens itself to being sued class action by all out-of-state students so denied. If they win, they can recover for as long as they were so denied. I don’t know about other state universities but there are many, many out-of-state students at VT. The loss from abolishing out-of-state tuition would be astronomical.

    Needless to say, these illegal aliens with college degrees could no more legally hold a job anywhere in the US than can illegal aliens who have a 6th grade education.

    As for “balance”, I think it would be only fair and “balanced” if we US citizens see the enforcement that we were promised 20 years ago and denied before we agree to any sort of expansion on immigration or normalizion of illegal aliens already here.

    Once this enforcement is in place AND working, I think that people who were brought to the US as children and who have worked hard and qualified for college should be given high priority for legalization.

  3. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    With regard to Dominion and electric power.. I note the following.

    The average household in the United States uses about 8,900 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year

    North Anna generates 1,786 megawatts from its two units — enough electricity to power 450,000 homes.

    Now.. if you divide 450,000 into 1,786,000,000 – you get dang near 4000 kwatt hours per home.

    So… my question is… what number is Dominon using.. when it goes to the State Corportation Commission seeking new power plants and new power lines?

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