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Alexandria’s Capital Spending Problem

Alexandria City Hall — city faces 10-year capital spending tab of up to $500 million more than budgeted.

Alexandria City Manager Mark Jinks is right: It’s probably a good idea to put on hold the $1.4 million design work for a proposed $20 million expansion on the Chinquapin Recreation Center pool, as well as series of $25,000 “way-finding” signs. The city has massive capital spending commitments that are not so discretionary.

As reported by the Washington Post, Jinks has tallied up some major expenditures for the city of 150,000.

Of course, none of these capital expenditures cover the cost of unfunded pension liabilities faced by the state and every Virginia locality — a shortfall that could well come due within the next ten years.

Questions: Alexandria is said to be one of the few counties in the country that maintains a 10-year capital improvement budget. Are other Northern Virginia localities taking their long-term Metro exposure into account? Are other Virginia localities planning for the long-term cost of facilities maintenance and storm-water improvements? Do governing bodies appreciate that when they build expensive new facilities that they are incurring maintenance/repair obligations down the road? Just asking.

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