Is It Still a Hate Crime If the Perp Was Protesting Pedophilia?

An Albemarle County man, Shane Dennis, has been charged with intimidation for placing a noose on the statue of Homer at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville news media are reporting. Dennis, who appeared for a bond hearing Tuesday in Albemarle County District Court, also has been charged with contempt of court for misbehaving in the courtroom by refusing to communicate with court officials.

The discovery last month of the noose, which many associate with the lynching of African-Americans, reverberated through the university. The UVa Police Department and President James Ryan promptly declared the act a hate crime. Protesters held a vigil protesting systemic racism. In one of many denunciations emanating from the university community, the Young Democratic Socialists of America @ UVA described the episode as an “act of hate [and] part of a larger, highly coordinated effort by white supremacists to threaten and intimidate the multiracial working-class out of higher education.”

According to information published by The Cavalier Daily, however, the act likely was not motivated by race. Police believe Dennis, who is not affiliated with the university, also left a pile of items at the base of the statue over the weekend, including two masks, a “civil peace flag,” a Christian cross, and a sealed envelope. Inside the envelope, a letter contended that the statue, in which Homer is shown sitting by a nude boy, “glorifies pedophilia.” “[We] are all so blinded by hatred and racial division [that we] refused to see the truth that is hidden in plain sight.”

The letter did not contain any racial or religious references.

“We remain committed to ensuring the University of Virginia is a place where all can feel safe in the spaces where they live, learn and work,” said Ryan in reaction to the arrest. “Although we are relieved that this suspect was apprehended, we will never stop working to ensure that this community is as safe and welcoming as it can be.”

Update: In a press release, the University of Virginia Police Department downplayed the “hate crime” angle, emphasizing that Dennis had been charged with violating a law prohibiting the display of a noose “with intent to intimidate.”

It is not clear from the statement whom Dennis might have been seeking to intimidate other than pedophiles.

This is how the PD statement described the investigation:

“After this incident on the Lawn was first reported, University of Police opened an investigation immediately, working with our local partners and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to identify a suspect and bring charges,” said Tim Longo, the University’s Assistant Vice President for Safety and Security and Chief of Police. “We are grateful to so many people who assisted with this investigation, including members of the community who contacted police and offered helpful information in this case.”


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61 responses to “Is It Still a Hate Crime If the Perp Was Protesting Pedophilia?”

  1. In the photo the boy is missing his lyre. Homer the blind poet, and a young musician guide (according to Bruce, History of the University of Virginia (1921) at:

    The Greeks were not shy. The word gymnasium comes from the Greek gymnazein — to exercise naked. So let’s not assume Homer was a pedophile. Nor should we cancel him because ancient cultures practiced slavery.

    Instead, let’s consider the possibility that we’ve failed Shane Dennis and a lot of others, with inadequate education. “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” –A quote from another slaveholder, guess who?

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    3 for 3 on “hate crimes” not being hate crimes!
    Remember – the demand for racism far exceeds the supply.
    By the way, the breaking of the windows of the Office of African American Affairs was committed by a “person of color.” Supposedly a student from earlier virtue signaling press releases. And the other of “micro-charity” was actually…charity!

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    And it’s not a crime to possess secret documents if I thought them to be declassified. And it’s OK physically to grope a woman when it’s an expression of fondness. And it’s OK to fudge real estate estimates if everybody does it. And it’s acceptable to seek a quid pro quo from a foreign leader for oppo on a candidate. I robbed the bank because people are poor. And so on.

    1. And, as of January 20, 2021, it is perfectly okay for creepy old men to sniff little girls…

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        Hey don’t forget boys!

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Wow. Strong TDS here. Definitely triggered.
      Fine – now do both sides – equal under the law. Tara Reade? Antifa? Insider trading? Open bribery? Not enforcing the border laws? Coordinating with NGOs to violate those laws? C’mon man! (As our illustrious Resident of the United States would say)

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Deflect, avoid, change the subject but don’t face up. Your best is pathetic.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          So you are against equal treatment under the law? And you are supposedly a lawyer?
          You must only watch MSDNC.
          Are you aware of Hunter’s lap top? Joe sniffing and groping? The phone call Trump did was illegal, but Biden previously threatening to withhold $1 billion if the DA looking into Burisma wasn’t fired, and Biden begging the Saudis not to cut production until after the election? You live in an alternate universe. The J6 people are being denied basic civil rights, egregiously, and being sentenced, egregiously, for mostly trumped-up trespassing. The Floydapalooza rioters kill and burn and no huge investigation. Try consistency…
          Try applying the same standards to your “enemies” (and that should be a problem too – you regard people who disagree with you (and you are wrong too) to be enemies.) You good with Biden using the FBI and DOJ as personal Stasi? Did authoritarian Hitler! Nazi! Trump do anything remotely like SlowJoe? Projecting like an IMax…

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, there was the woman with a hammer who knocked off David’s penis. Same in Norfolk with the statue outside the Chrysler…

  5. Clearly, they need to prosecute this guy to the fullest extent of the law.

    After all, how can UVA ensure they are “a place where all can feel safe in the spaces where they live, learn, and work” and a “welcoming” community, if people are allowed to run around intimidating pedophiles?

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      There’s no protection for the safety of anyone so long as there are good people on both sides of hate.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        The haters and hatees, they’re all good people. Interesting opinion. That is a most creative silly walk. Tku.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          He’s had some bang up BS on this article, I think perhaps he’s having an “episode”.

  6. In the photo the boy is missing his lyre. Homer the blind poet, and a young musician guide (according to Bruce, History of the University of Virginia (1921) at:

    The Greeks were not shy. The word gymnasium comes from the Greek gymnazein — to exercise naked. So let’s not assume Homer was a pedophile. Nor should we cancel him because ancient cultures practiced slavery.

    Instead, let’s consider the possibility that we’ve failed Shane Dennis and a lot of others, with inadequate education. “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” –A quote from another slaveholder, guess who?

  7. DJRippert Avatar

    And people wonder why “woke” is a pejorative. To the unwoke, a noose placed around a long dead White poet would be a sign of relatively minor vandalism. The unwoke would wonder why anybody might do such a thing.

    To the woke, this was obviously a major hate crime. They immediately describe the act as an …, “act of hate [and] part of a larger, highly coordinated effort by white supremacists to threaten and intimidate the multiracial working-class out of higher education.”

    The good thing about incidents like this is that they drive more and more independent voters away from the Democratic Party and its mindless need to appear “woke”. Just like letting teachers disintermediate children and their parents, this “hate crime” absurdity is another example of the pendulum swinging too far for those of us in the middle.

    The Republican pendulum swung far too far right under Trump. But Trump is out of office and the pendulum has swung a fair amount back to center. Meanwhile, whoever is really running the country has Biden swinging hard left. The lemmings, like the people in Charlottesville, are only too happy to follow;

    We’ll see how that plays out on election day.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Remind the masked, armed drop box watchers in AZ that the pendulum has swung back. Woke conservatives are hallucinating that the Trump disease has waned.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        TDS is strong in this one. Out of office and still being talked about.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Derangement is in the mind of the reader. Woke conservatives are deluding themselves. Not a peep from GOP folk about Ye’s antisemitic rants. “Jews will not replace us,” they chanted. Hate has infected that party.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Ye is well known among conservatives…
            He occasionally says things that are good and he occasionally says things crazy. Now address all the Dem anti-Semitism…from Congresscritters!

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            You first.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            OK – I condemn all Dem anti-Semitism.
            And all other anti-Semitism.
            See…not that hard, unless you are an anti-Semite, which I don’t think you are. Maybe an incredibly partisan Dem hack…but not that.

          4. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Reliably incoherent and as kind remarks likely exceeded only by your height or IQ.

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Actually, you were the one who injected Ye into this whole thing…which has nothing to do with any of the strands other than your visceral hatred of people who disagree with you. You have a problem, besides being wrong.

          6. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Actually, the conversation thread which you ignored/missed concerned hate. Ye along with folks like Tuberville voice antisemitic trash while the lambs of the GOP remain silent.

          7. Merchantseamen Avatar

            Knew it. No argument. Goes right to the personal attacks.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            If you’re bringing people’s “IQ’s” into comments, you’ve lost the argument.

            You should probably stop commenting at this point, because you’re a full on troll.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            Question is, is YE yet another victim of “cancel culture”?

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I don’t know. Is he? And I don’t care about Ye. I didn’t know anything he did as Kanye. And he married a Kardashian, which indicates a form of mental illness. Look what it did to Bruce Jenner.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            Gawd! but all things equal , was Ye “cancelled” for his free-speech views?

          12. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – Why do you care about Ye? I don’t. Has he been canceled? What did he say? I neither know, nor care. Who is canceling him? Not me. So you now think canceling is wrong? What if stupid people say stupid things and the world goes on…
            Seriously, go get a life. Cancel all the anti-Semites in the Dem party, too.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            who would cancel the Dems in Congress? voters?

          14. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Unless you Lefties “Save our Democracy” and get all your opponents locked up and cheat even more than usual…
            The Beria/Stasi/it’s who counts the votes thing…Mega-MACA on steroids

          15. democracy Avatar

            Walter appears to have gone full-blown MAGA here. No bueno.

          16. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Arresting journalists? J6 people being denied civil rights? Quick trials? DC juries excusing the lies in RUSSIA! Crime rates up? Covid policies failed? Just a realist who would like to see the rule of law upheld and not abused by people who can’t wait to be authoritarian tyrants. That hurt the “little people” you profess to love, while instituting policies that harm them. If that’s MAGA, guilty. But you do your MACA… democracy is coming in numbers you can’t cheat all the way past. (Which means you Lefties are gearing up the stolen election memes… voter suppression, machines, misinformation (Misinformation – n. true statements harmful to Democrat political prospects)

          17. democracy Avatar

            Actually, Walter, you sound like a MAGA and Q-cultist. The January 6 perps are all seditionists, and you’re defending their sedition? Guess what that makes you? Not a trick question.

          18. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Wow…seditionist? And you Lefties aren’t totalitarian schmucks? Look in the mirror. In the America I grew up in, people could disagree on political issues and not get arrested by the party in power…
            Projecting like an I-Max…

          19. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            It’s a marvel that these are capable of ignoring/tuning out the loudest antisemites on their side of the fence.

          20. Merchantseamen Avatar

            Now that is funny!!!

          21. Lefty665 Avatar

            “He occasionally says things that are good and he occasionally says things crazy.”

            Sorta the essence of being bi-polar, especially when off his meds.

          22. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Yeah…could be that, too!

          23. killerhertz Avatar

            WTF are you talking about? Kanye west? A few dozen retards carrying tiki torches? We saw more terror, death, and oppression under Biden’s vax mandate than in Cville.

          24. democracy Avatar

            Hmmm. Seems like more than 1 million Americans died because of Trim’s lies and incoherent response to Covid.

            And Trump incited a violent insurrection to overthrow the results of a free and fair election that he lost.

            The “killer” appears to endorse these atrocities.

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          Given the abject failures of the Biden Administration, the only things Dems have left is whining about a former president who is no longer in any office.


          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            no longer in office and having regular rallies, having half or more of the GOP afraid to cross him including denying elections and working now to damage existing elections?

            When half the GOP are still loyal to Trump, you gotta be blind. And it would not matter if it was Biden or some other, the problem is with the GOP and it’s allegiance to a guy who wants to be a dictator.

            Not standing up to that says something about the folks who blather TDS.

          2. killerhertz Avatar

            They’re gonna be really sore when they get trounced in November. Somehow Trump will be to blame for running a vegetable in the PA senate race, for example.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            It worked when they ran a vegetable for president.

          4. democracy Avatar

            You don’t pay attention much do you? Bet you love you some Fox & Friends and Sean Hannity.

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        WTF is a “woke conservative”? You’ve made up a nonsense term. Congrats.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Viewing the virtue signaling, insight, and infinite wisdom of commenters, the conclusion was that woke fitted perfectly. Sensitive, empathetic, non-emotive, clear-eyed, consistently incoherent on the part of some. Made perfect sense.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Sort of the mirror image of woke white DIE racists then? Equivalent dysfunction.

            Nah, brushing off your own foolishness by saying “and you’re one too” may make you feel better but it’s BS and it makes no sense.

            Conservatives have their own issues, but they’re not mirrors of the CRT woke racist lunacy that you and the rest of the neo liberal elites have become addicted to.

            Try again silly walk boy.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Never said conservatives are a mirror image of the now classic characterization of woke. They are more like Alice’s experience through the looking glass to discover jabberwocky in reverse. Does that help?

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            Oh, but you did silly walk boy. Denying it will get you nowhere. To wit:

            “Viewing the virtue signaling, insight, and infinite wisdom of commenters, the conclusion was that woke fitted perfectly. Sensitive,
            empathetic, non-emotive, clear-eyed, consistently incoherent on the part of some.”

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            Oh, but you did silly walk boy. Denying it will get you nowhere. To wit:

            “Viewing the virtue signaling, insight, and infinite wisdom of commenters, the conclusion was that woke fitted perfectly. Sensitive,
            empathetic, non-emotive, clear-eyed, consistently incoherent on the part of some.”

    2. democracy Avatar

      So, DJ has announced himself to be AGAINST equality and “liberty and justice for all” and in FAVOR of a Republican Party that pushes voter suppression, racism, white supremacy, and sedition.

      Why does DJ hate the Constitution and the American Republic so much?

  8. Richard Genetalia Avatar
    Richard Genetalia

    My rights don’t end where your hurt feelings begin.

  9. VaPragamtist Avatar

    “According to The Cavalier Daily, however, the act likely was not motivated by race.”

    Just read the linked CD article. Did they change it since this was written? All I can see is references to hate crime, and downplaying any evidence to the contrary:

    “The University Police Department has arrested Albemarle County resident Shane Dennis in connection with the Sept. 7 hate crime. . .Dennis was taken into custody without incident and was charged with violating state law. . .Community members were first made aware of the hate crime. . .In connection with this hate crime, Dennis was charged with violating section 18.2-423.2 of the Code of Virginia, which prohibits ‘displaying a noose on the property of another or a highway or other public place with intent to intimidate’”

    1. Fair point. I should have written, “According to information contained in the Cavalier Daily article…”

      1. VaPragamtist Avatar

        Right. We don’t want to give the CD or it’s EIC (Scott Surovell’s daughter), credit for evolving, fact-based, unbiased journalism when it clearly is not.

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    He left the noose on Sept. 6… the other items on October 22nd. Somebody was covering his tracks…

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Or retracing them.

  11. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    I must acknowledge gratitude to the sharp eyed denizens of BR for correctly diagnosing my TDS. As formerly infected and/or recovering victims, you remain marvels of resistance to TDS. My primary physician has prescribed continued exposure to the kind, healing BR community. New eyeglasses and a hearing aid purchased economically under Biden’s legislation will enable me to read and hear the outpouring of condemnation by non-public and public GOP critters condemning Ye’s and Tuberville’s antisemitic statements. Yours in recovery.

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