Aftermath…The Midterm Elections

by Kerry Dougherty

In the aftermath of the midterms there is gnashing of teeth among Republican voters who wanted a red wave.

But, hey, we did our part in southeastern Virginia. We flipped the 2nd District congressional seat and some of the woke Virginia Beach School Board.

Well done, neighbors!

On Tuesday I met Mike Callan in the parking lot of my polling place at Galilee Church. He was running for the District 6 seat on the Virginia Beach School Board.

We chatted about the importance of school board elections and agreed that the city was in desperate need of new board members. Representatives who would be responsive to parents and who would raise the academic bar instead of lowering it.

“I think school board elections are more important than Congress,” I said.

“More important than president, in some ways,” Callan said.

After all, he added, school board decisions directly impact our precious children.

If COVID did anything, it focused attention on America’s public schools and the union-worshipping officials who run them.

Fact: from the earliest days of the pandemic it was clear that kids were at little risk of serious illness from COVID. Yet governors were quick to close schools and slow to allow them to reopen.

Once schools could open, many didn’t. Those were in districts — like Virginia Beach — where the school boards slavishly followed the dictates of teachers’ unions that were determined to keep schools shuttered as long as possible.

Parents pleaded for a return to normalcy. Union puppets on school boards sneered at them.

When these schools finally did reopen they required children to stay far from their classmates and forced the youngsters to wear masks.

Shoot, Randi Weingarten’s AFT colluded with the CDC to draw up school safety guidelines that made it impossible for schools to operate.

By the time students were back at their desks and the masks were off many kids had fallen hopelessly behind. Test scores plummeted.

Now all but the most strident labor union loyalists admit that school closures were a catastrophic mistake.

Out of this calamity, the Students First PAC was born. A non-partisan collection of concerned Beach parents and grandparents who raised money, recruited a first-rate slate of candidates and went to work trying to flip the Beach board.

“If we can get four of our six candidates elected, that would be a success,” School Board member Vicky Manning told me.

While the vote totals in Virginia Beach aren’t final, it appears that four WERE victorious. Including Callan.

David Culpepper, a retired Navy captain and TopGun instructor, toppled the current chair of the Board. Kathleen Brown seems to be victorious in District 10 and Carolyn Weems, the only incumbent endorsed by Students First, retained her seat.

With six of 11 seats in the hands of parent- and student-oriented school board members, look for big changes.

Everyone in the country knows that Democrat Elaine Luria lost the 2nd District seat in Congress to Republican Jen Kiggans.

The winning formula there? Kiggans was optimistic and forward looking. Luria kept her eyes on the rear-view, January 6th and, of course, abortion.

Looks like there were several big changes on the Virginia Beach City Council. More on what happened there next week, after the numbers are final.

In the meantime, rest easy. The people voted. They spoke. Change is on its way!

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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33 responses to “Aftermath…The Midterm Elections”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Fact: From the earliest days of the pandemic it was clear that kids were at little risk of serious illness from COVID.”

    1. Deborah Hommer Avatar
      Deborah Hommer

      “Children are at extremely slim risk of dying from Covid-19, according to some of the most comprehensive studies to date, which indicate the threat might be lower than previously thought.”

    2. Deborah Hommer Avatar
      Deborah Hommer

      Here’s a ncbi gov study “Children and young people remain at low risk of Covid-19 mortality.” analysis of 7 countries.

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      From the actual article …

      “Deaths among US CYP are rare in general, and so we argue here that the mortality burden of Covid-19 in CYP is best understood in the context of all other causes of CYP death. Using publicly available data from CDC WONDER on NCHS’s 113 Selected Causes of Death, and comparing to mortality in 2019, the immediate pre-pandemic period, we find that Covid-19 mortality is among the 10 leading causes of death in CYP aged 0-19 years in the US, ranking 8th among all causes of deaths …”

      CYP = Children and Young People.

      Another attempt at liberal lying.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        That’s why they won’t put their names on their nonsense. Some level of shame remains…

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        You know they cite the age range… right…??

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          If you really want to protect children … make it illegal for any child to be in a moving motor vehicle.

          There are risks in life.

          COVID, among children, is #8 out of 10.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            risks to teachers from kids spreading disease?

            care much?

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Didn’t happen in the many schools that either stayed open or opened early.

            think much?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Know much?

      3. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        That’s why they won’t put their names on their nonsense. Some level of shame remains…

      4. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        Here is the link:

        They also say “Covid-19 deaths constitute 2.3% of the 10 leading causes of death in this age group.”

        If you ask me, taken as a whole, Eric the Half Troll just corroborated what Kerry was saying in her article.

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    But kids could bring Covid home to vulnerable adults like grandparents living with them. I wish we could have mitigated better, but much of what we found was after the fact. No one had clear data prior to the pandemic.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      So why do Conservatives ignore that and blame the teachers?

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      So what? The only people at risk would be old people, teachers (ie, unionist slackers) and those weak immune compromised kids… /s.

  3. Good god, are we really having this conversation? Here’s the data from the Virginia Department of Health website:

    Total deaths:

  4. If Kerry really cared about the children then she would want school board members that would work together. Time will tell where Kiggans lands in Congress and whether she is willing to compromise to actually get things done or whether she just keeps denying that the 2020 election was fair.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    Here’s the problem with folks that only want to talk about the “precious” kids:

    so in other words, Conservative views were “screw the teachers”.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    When you look at what else was closed and/or gone remote during the pandemic – it was wide and deep.

    Most workplaces closed and went remote. the Airlines shut down a lot of flights and still have not got back. Places like DMV and other state and local offices were closed. The Va General Assembly went remote. State govt went remote. Cruise ships stopped. Disney closed. movie theatres closed. Nursing homes locked down. Hospitals were overwhelmed.

    On and on to what was closed and yet the dunderheads STILL want to talk as if it was only schools and they closed because of teacher unions.

    Totally myopic, off-the-wall stuff!

    And they’re STILL looking in the rear-view mirror!

    A regular commenter here, Kathleen who is in education but also often aligns with Conservatives here in BR:

    ” Kathleen Smith • 4 hours ago
    But kids could bring Covid home to vulnerable adults like grandparents living with them. I wish we could have mitigated better, but much of what we found was after the fact. No one had clear data prior to the pandemic”

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Any attempt like this article to characterize the midterm results and consign Trump to “aftermath” fails political realty, including alternative facts.

  7. Good god, are we really having this conversation? Here’s the data for Virginia from the Virginia Health Department website:


  8. john harvie Avatar
    john harvie

    As an aside I hope Rye is gone

  9. Good god, are we really having this conversation? Here’s the data from the Virginia Department of Health website:

    Total deaths:

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      So Conservatives are of the mindset that as long as the kids are “okay” it don’t matter if the kids can infect them and their families, right?

      same old. same old. Ignore what you don’t want to know. This is how ya’ll got the election you did get.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Show me one study that demonstrates that schools which either stayed open or opened early had a significantly higher rate of COVID deaths among either the teachers or the families of the students.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Did they KNOW at the time ?

          How many businesses, churches, other institutions CLOSED or went remote?

          None of these facts are recognized now?

          All these places closed and you guys wanted schools to not – and teachers exposed to the same risks that other placed closed over.

  10. LarrytheG Avatar

    Here’s the problem with folks that only want to talk about the “precious” kids:

    so in other words, Conservative views were “screw the teachers”.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Show me one study that demonstrates that schools which either stayed open or opened early had a significantly higher rate of COVID deaths among either the teachers or the families of the students.

      There’s no need for theory here. The results are in. Where’s the beef?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Did we KNOW at the time we had to decide?

        How MANY schools across the country DID close? How many parents did not want to send their kids?

        All were wrong and ruled by teacher unions?

        Ya’ll are myopic about the facts and realities.

        Why are you guys still blathering about this – it’s behind us and you won’t let it go. Pure politics at it’s worst!

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Aw shucks…

  12. vicnicholls Avatar

    Jennifer F on the VB School Board votes mostly with D’s, although is listed as an R. Don’t expect her to vote conservative values or the like in any way. For years she hasn’t done it.

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