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Advertising? Why, Yes, We Do Accept Advertising

In the hope of becoming a financially self-supporting publication one day, Bacon’s Rebellion has started placing ads on the blog. I don’t particularly like ads — particularly the click-baity ones — but I like begging readers for donations even less. Don’t get me wrong. I gratefully accept contributions from readers. If you feel moved to support the leading voice of conservative/libertarian commentary in Virginia, click on the yellow “Donate” button in the right-hand column. I just don’t want to pester readers like National Public Radio badgers its listeners. 

As believers in free-market capitalism, we’d much prefer to live our values and build a viable business enterprise as opposed to becoming an institution that relies upon foundation grants and tax-free contributions. If you want to help us grow, consider advertising on the Bacon’s Rebellion blog or in The Blunderbuss newsletter.

We offer two types of ads: (1) graphic ads, such as the ones appearing in the right-hand column, and (2) sponsored content, such as commentary, white papers, or press releases, which appears in the main body of the blog or newsletter. Contact me at jabacon[at] to discuss either option.

— JAB 

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