Adios, Amigos

Tomorrow, mis amigos, I’m off to the Club Med in sunny Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. I don’t plan to do any blogging, but I will check in periodically to make sure that Peter G. hasn’t launched a Bolshevik putsch in my absence! I’m looking for a total R&R experience — lots of reading, a little writing (non-blog), some pilates and treadmill work and perhaps some  wind surfing.

Rest assured that rum will be swilled in copious quantities, food consumed — hmmm, huevos rancheros son ricos — and dice games played. (The Bacons and friends are farkle fanatics.) One of the things I love about Club Med, aside from the unlimited booze, is the cosmopolitan crowd. Lots of French and Spanish spoken there. I speak mangled French and managed to pick up a couple hundred words of Spanish from Rosetta Stone over the past month. I can hardly wait to make a fool of myself. (My son has vowed to disown me if I try communicating en espanol. Just try it, muchacho!)

Oh, yeah, one more thing about Club Med: Las mujeras frances no se llevan las camesitas on the beach. That’s probably not grammatical but you catch my drift!


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  1. Check out the other resorts while you are there. Especially those more populated with French Tourists.

    I liked the Iberostar a lot, and I think it was less expensive than Club Med.

    There is about 25 miles of uninterrupted beach, so you can do some serious beach walking. if you eat a lot of local fruit and food, you are gonna be whistling in your pants.

    1. Whistling in my pants? That will be an experience to remember!

  2. larryg Avatar

    Have a GREAT TRIP! but I have a homework assignment. Figure out where the tap water and electricity come from.

    In many island countries in the Caribbean, they have no real sources of water other than rain stored in cisterns.

    And electricity if often provided by burning fuel oil and often costs 3-4 times what we pay for coal-generated power.

    don’t obsess over this…

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