About Those Face Masks for Kids…

Letter from Sen. Bill DeSteph, R-Virginia Beach, to Governor Ralph Northam, dated May 5, 2021:

With the onset of warm weather and summer quickly approaching, we request clarification of your mask protocol for children participating in required school activities.

I heard from multiple constituents regarding yesterday’s high temperature and the dangerous effect it had on our school age children, who are still being required to wear masks when participating in PE and recess. Here in Virginia Beach, temperatures reached a high of 92 degrees, and numerous children suffered heat-related complications and injury as a result of wearing a mask.

Governor, the CDC has already announced that masks are not necessary when outdoors. In addition, with school staff being vaccinated, the risk of COVID-19 transmission to students is minimal. There is no health benefit to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by having our children wear masks outside. If your mask protocol is an attempt to protect our children, I would submit that requiring masks outdoors and inside during PE accomplishes quite the opposite of
protecting—it is, in fact, harmful.

From day one of this terrible pandemic, we have heard from your administration and public health officials that we will “follow the science.” Isn’t the CDC responsible for that guidance? And if so, why are we not adhering to CDC guidelines?

Please clarify the mask protocol in your Executive Order, to prevent further injury and heat-related complications in our school age children. The coming weeks will see increasingly higher temperatures and we must ensure the safety of our students.

Your prompt response to this inquiry is greatly appreciated.

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24 responses to “About Those Face Masks for Kids…”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Get ’em Bill!

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    The irony is that we’d not be here if it were for the GOP folks who are “hesitant” to get vaccinated.

    We got here because others were willing to get vaccinated and now the skeptics and deniers are raising hell… which is what they have been doing
    from the get go… same old same old.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Blather, blather, blather, Conservatives, blather, blather, blather, Trump, blather, blather, blather, echo chamber.

      You claimed Northam violated the US Constitution by closing Virginia churches because he was reacting to CDC guidance. Then you claim that the tyrant who can ignore the constitution can’t summon the moral force to demand that Virginia’s localities reopen the schools in accordance with CDC guidance. Now you stand slack jawed and bleary eyed as your hero once again refuses to follow CDC guidance.

      Finally, you have the audacity to cite irony. You know what’s ironic, Larry? The only reason we’re not in the same situation as India or Brazil is because of Donald Trump’s insanely successful “Operation Warp Speed”.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Yep. And the vaccines Trump and Secretary Azar accelerated will be saving plenty of Indians and Brazilians, too.

        It is going to be hilarious in a couple of weeks when New York has opened up more than Virginia.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          At what price, Steve? At what price?

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Not Trump. Bruce Ivins.

    2. John Harvie Avatar
      John Harvie

      Not a whole lot of difference per NYT poll April 17. Lots of both blue and red dots clustered around the 20% non vaccinated. Counting the dots it’s pretty close with slight GOP majority. Number of dems will surprise you.


    3. WayneS Avatar

      You’re right, it’s the same old same old – from you.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Soso? Not sos?

  3. Publius Avatar

    Larry – instead of repeating Dem talking points, please tell us the formula for determining herd immunity and what that percentage is (since Dr. St. Fau(x)ci won’t and keeps moving the goalposts).
    Please tell us what the percentage of population is that is estimated to have “had” the WuFlu. Please tell us the percentage of the population that has been vaccinated. Please tell us why the herd immunity estimate for the percentage for WuFlu should be different than the percentages previously accepted. Please tell us why the science (oops, I mean SCIENCE!) indicating masks are counterproductive and social distancing indoors doesn’t work is wrong (you know, for all us mouth breathing Trumpkins). Since we know that WuFlu is dangerous to very old, morbidly obese, certain medical conditions and we have remdesivir, ivermectin, HCQ cocktail, all sorts of therapeutic and clinical experience, please tell us why we need a one size fits all compliance policy that no one believes in.


    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Hmmm, on your face, it DOES function as a diaper.

      There will be no herd immunity, not in this country. In fact, given the growing attitudes toward vaccination, within a decade we will likely lose herd immunity on measles, mumps, rubella… Hell, welcome back polio! Too many kids without leg braces and iron lungs on the playground anyway.

      1. Publius Avatar

        So…when Larry can’t reply with SCIENCE!, NN to the rescue with a substantive response…not.
        Gee, MMR is coming back due to vaccine reluctance? The vaccine reluctance is WuFlu vax, due to: (1) lying government hacks; (2) not an unwise skepticism of unknown potential effects from these rushed-to-market vaccines; and (3) a general belief that the WuFlu is not deadly to that person with a desire for the body to develop its own immune response.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          1) Funny. You mean like Cheeto Jesus?

          2) Did it ever occur to you that one of those unknown potential effects just could just be a cancer preventative? I mean, if you’re going to dream up things to be afraid of, might as well get real giggity and consider the other possibilities.

          3) Let’s play a game. We’ll toss a coin 8 times. If it doesn’t come up heads all 8 times, I’ll give you some money. If it does, you take a header off a 10-story building. I get to say when the game ends.

          1. Publius Avatar

            Wow. You are just killing it with substantive comments. You are clearly a towering intellectual force to be reckoned with.
            1. Orange Man Bad…hadn’t heard that one before from the Party of Science types…
            2. Possibilities of good side effects from WuFlu vax – you mean a positive externality? Yes, possible. So are negative externalities. According to America’s Paper of Record, after getting the WuFlu vax, Melinda Gates reconsidered divorcing Bill and now finds him dreamy. You know there is a recent medicine found to have certain good effects in “off label” use – it’s called HCQ and you Party of Science types probably killed 100,000 or so scaring the H3!! out of people using it…apparently on purpose -because you care and…Orange Man Bad. Oh, and one of your premises is wrong – I’m not scared of WuFlu. Many normal Americans aren’t. You might want to get out of your bubble and talk to the HVAC guy and the truck drivers and others who kept the country running on an hourly basis while our “betters” continued to get paid.
            3. Why violence? You in Antifa? Or does disagreeing with the Great NN merit the death penalty?

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            No, not at all. Just a game of percentages. Covid in general ends badly, what, 0.3 to 0.5% of the time? One over 256 is close enough. But, you’ve caused me to rethink. Make it 7 stories, Long term Covid effects.

            As to Cheeto Jesus, the entire GOP is at his whim, his beck and call. “And, nothing else matters.”

          3. Publius Avatar

            Very persuasive.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Common sense. Where can it be found?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive


      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        India has common sense? I wasn’t aware that only have 13% of their population vaccinated while be home to most vaccine manufacturing was common sense.

        It appears common sense to you is exporting 66 million dosages of vaccine before vaccinating a vast majority of their own people.

        Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Too far. How about Indiana?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Meh, no. Pences.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    No, we don’t need clarification. The edicts should be removed. Period. All of them. The vaccines have ended any justification.

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