About Those 30 Police Shootings in Virginia Last Year…

Donovon Lynch, the shooting victim you heard of. Photo credit: Pharrell Williams/Instagram

by James A. Bacon

Police shootings generate an inordinate amount of attention in the media, but the number of incidents is remarkably rare. Of the millions of interactions in 2021 between police and citizens here in Virginia, including 187,000 arrests, there were 30 police shootings resulting in injury or death, according to the Crime in Virginia 2021 report/. Of those incidents, 19 resulted in fatalities, and 12 in injuries. (One incident resulted in two injuries.)

One shooting for every 6,300 arrests. That’s not the impression you’d get from watching Hollywood-produced television and movies… or paying attention to the media, for that matter.

Richard F. Thomas, the unarmed shooting victim you never heard of.

If you found that figure surprising, brace yourself for the real shocker — the racial identity of the shooting victims.

A Skeptic Research Center poll asked the question, “how many unarmed Black men were killed by police in 2019?” Twenty percent of respondents identifying as “very liberal” guessed the number to be about 10,000 or more. Even small percentages of self-identified conservatives gave the same response.

As the Skeptic Research Center noted, the media-fed popular impression was wildly off. Nationally, only 13 unarmed Black men were fatally shot by police in 2019. Last year, here in Virginia, that widespread perception is even more divorced from reality. Here follows a list of Virginia shooting victims in 2021 culled from The Washington Post police fatal shooting database:

  • Steven B. Matz, a 44-year-old White man armed with a gun, was shot Dec. 23 in a vehicle in South Hill;
  • Shawn Alan Smith, a 52-year-old White man armed with a gun, was shot Nov. 26 in Roanoke County;
  • Chelsae L. Clevenger-Kirk, a 29-year-old White woman armed with a gun, was shot Nov. 7 in Goodview (Bedford County);
  • Brian Michael Price, a 45-year-old White man armed with “a piece of wood” (baseball bat?), was shot Nov. 6 on a street in Chesapeake;
  • An unidentified man was shot Nov. 6 in Henrico County;
  • Austin William Lanz, a 27-year-old White man was shot Aug. 3 at an Arlington County Metro stop after stabbing and killing a Pentagon police officer;
  • An unidentified 16-year-old male was shot July 17 in Wise County after stabbing a deputy multiple times;
  • D’Shon Hill, a 39-year-old Black man armed with a gun, was shot June 22 in Luray;
  • Kendall Allen Jamerson, a 35-year-old White man armed with a vehicle and gun, was shot June 16 in Amherst County;
  • Brandon S. Odell, a 31-year-old White man armed with a gun, was shot May 20 in a hotel room in Washington County;
  • Jeffrey J. Bruce, a White man armed with a knife, was shot May 14 in Grottoes, Va.;
  • Roy Gordon Cole, an White man armed with a sword, was shot May 3 outside the CIA headquarters in Langley;
  • Jonathen B. Kohler, a 31-year-old White man armed with a vehicle, was shot March 30 in Bristol;
  • Donovon W. Lynch, a 25-year-old Black man armed with a gun, was shot March 25 in Virginia Beach;
  • Charles C. White, a 35-year-old Black man armed with a gun, was shot March 25 in King George County;
  • Dakota G. Richards, a 29-year-old White man armed with a gun, was shot Feb. 26 in Stanley (Henry County);
  • Donald Francis Hairston, a 44-year-old Black man armed with a gun, was shot Feb. 25 in Culpeper;
  • An unidentified man armed with a gun was shot Feb. 5 in a parking lot outside a Mexican restaurant in Martinsville. (The Washington Post database identifies the victim as Black, but I could find no reference to the race in the two media reports cited.);
  • Richard F. Thomas, an unarmed 58-year-old White man, was shot Feb. 1 in a vehicle in Caroline County;
  • Jeffrey D. Kite, a 36-year-old White man armed with a gun, was shot Jan. 14, in a house in Chesterfield County;
  • Xzavier D. Hill, an 18-year-old Black man armed with a gun, was shot Jan. 10, 2021, in a vehicle in Goochland County.

(Note: For purposes of the comparison, the Crime in Virginia 2021 report lists 30 police-involved shootings, 19 of which resulted in fatalities and 12 of which in injuries. Note also: where the race was unidentified in the WaPo database, I consulted updated media accounts to try to identify it.)

Thirteen of the fatal shooting victims were White, five were Black, and three were unidentified. In the vast majority of cases, the victim was armed with a gun or knife. Only one person in this list was said to be unarmed — Richard Thomas, who was sitting in his parked car, apparently intoxicated. He refused to comply with demands made by sheriffs deputies. Witnesses said he claimed to have a gun and threatened to shoot the deputies. Deputies shot him five times. No gun was found.

The incident received brief treatment from a local TV station.

By contrast, another shooting became a national story. Donovon W. Lynch was shot by police when mayhem broke out in the resort area of Virginia Beach one Friday night. In a chaotic scene involving a string of shootings, in which a bystander was also killed, police say Lynch was brandishing a handgun when he was shot. The police account has been disputed, and the incident became national news when it was revealed that Lynch was a cousin of music star Pharrell Williams.

In one state, Virginia, in one year, 2021, two-and-a-half times more Whites were killed in police shootings than Blacks. In almost every case listed, the victims were armed. The one victim who indisputably was not armed was White. Aside from one local TV station, no media outlet cared. Another incident, in which a Black shooting victim was said in contested versions of the event to be unarmed, became the subject of repeated local news stories, updates and commentary, and went national.

Selective reporting is how media narratives are sustained and why so much of what we think to be true is not.

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32 responses to “About Those 30 Police Shootings in Virginia Last Year…”

  1. WayneS Avatar

    Don’t you know better than to write such things?

    You should know by now that you must never let the truth get in the way of a race-baiting, police-hating, mythical construct disseminated by the perpetually aggrieved.


  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” As the Skeptic Research Center noted, the media-fed popular impression was wildly off. Nationally, only 13 unarmed Black men were fatally shot by police in 2019. Last year, here in Virginia, that widespread perception is even more divorced from reality. Here follows a list of Virginia shooting victims in 2021 culled from The Washington Post police fatal shooting database:”

    is this the same WaPo that is accused of bad reporting?

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    And…how many of the shooting resulted from resisting arrest/ not cooperating?
    Would 100% be an unfair guess?

    1. WayneS Avatar

      I’d suggest going with 98% or 99%. Almost nothing is absolute, and it will avoid having some anti-police zealot point to the odd case where a cop either makes a tragic mistake or is a bit quick with the trigger (it does occasionally happen).

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Yes, I was using hyperbole to make the point. And the real number probably is about 98%…

  4. A debate can really change when facts replace emotional dribble…..

  5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    The shooter in the case of Donovan Lynch here in Virginia Beach was a Black cop. Hard to find that information in news reports.

  6. Philip Shucet Avatar
    Philip Shucet

    This is a solid piece of reporting and writing. Personally, I do not infer any intent here to diminish important issues, including the use of excessive and unnecessary force by law enforcement; Jim is presenting the facts he uncovered through his reporting. More of us should do the same.

  7. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    A Skeptic Research Center poll asked the question, how many unarmed Black men were killed by police in 2019? The media hype sought to be debunked generally relates to police shootings of unarmed Blacks. The WaPo list indicates at least two Whites “armed with vehicle.” Police shootings are more understandable where the victims are in possession of personal weapons. It is often the details and particulars (George Floyd) that contribute to the perceptions. Good reporting here but more data over longer time frames is required to test media accuracy.

  8. WayneS Avatar

    I was just looking at the ages of the individuals shot by the police. Of the ones whose age is provided, they range from 16 to 58. I wonder what the average age is.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, assuming uniformly distributed… 37. But, if say, you’ve a dozen ages then make a histogram and see if you can fit it to determine some distribution with confidence, or simply take the known sample mean and say, “close ’nuff”.

      1. WayneS Avatar

        You’re right. A median of 37 based on a small sample is not statistically viable for making any solid conclusions.

        I was thinking about the age of those shot by the police because the wide-spread perception is not just that the police target unarmed black men, but that they target young unarmed black men.

        Which, if true, would be a major problem. I just don’t see any evidence that it’s true.

  9. Lefty665 Avatar

    No police shootings are good, but the dramatic number is 1. That is the number of police shootings of unarmed people in Virginia. That is a pretty damned good record.

    Cops dealing with armed people is dangerous for everyone involved. It gets some of the armed people and some of the cops killed.

    An odd statistic is that each year more cops are injured accidentally by their own guns than by hostile shootings. The issue is that all cops are handling guns every day while they only rarely, if ever, are dealing with armed people.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Drop guns. Lowers the number of unarmed perps. Check those self-inflicted cops for ankle injuries. Socks make crappy holsters.

      OTOH remember, two nationally followed shootings involved “no knocks” and sleeping victims.

      It would be really impressive if this scenario is also ruled out. No-knock entries are the problem, even for cops when the hit the wrong address. Google: Kitt Hurst, Norfolk.

      1. Matt Hurt Avatar
        Matt Hurt

        And for which offense are most of these no knock warrants executed? I would suspect drugs. The only thing that our war on drugs has accomplished death, incarceration, and the hegemony of the cartels in Mexico. Another problem with all of this is that no one can produce an individual who can’t lay their hands on any illicit drug his/her heart desires. So, what is the payoff?

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          There is one other accomplishment, the corruption of our legal system by drug money.

          1. Matt Hurt Avatar
            Matt Hurt

            I also forgot about civil asset forfeiture.

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        It is also just the huge number of times cops handle guns. The percentage of accidents is small, but the number of exposures is very high. Stuff happens.

        I’m sure there are some drops. Nationally the cops kill about 1k people a year. In 2015 the stats were about 50 unarmed. Each year since the number has dropped. It was a little more than 20 in 2019, the last year I’ve seen numbers for. Black people make up 40-50% of those each year. Disproportionate to the population, but in line with stats on police encounters.

        Agree on no-knocks, They were largely part of the drug war nonsense. Not only can we screw with you, but we can physically break up your house too. There is very little real need for them.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Someplace out there in webland some study indicated that if you are shot and killed by a stranger it’s around a 30% chance it was a cop.

          I don’t recall how they got to that number, but it’s probably ballpark. Approximately seventy percent are ex- and current intimate partners. I’m sure another 10 to 20% are other known relations. There’s a reason why the gun safety crowd has said you’re more likely to be killed by your own gun.

          1. WayneS Avatar

            That study assumes that homicide = murder.

            It also used outright guesses on the part of the researcher regarding the total number of persons killed by police. each year.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You’re right. Justifications not included, just the numbers. But, if I recall, the number of people killed by cops has to be a guess because they don’t track and report it — even though that 90’s crime bill that Biden gets slammed for backing included requirements that the States report police shootings. They choose to ignore it. Unfunded, dontchaknow.

            Notwithstanding, I believe the estimate was ~1000 which was not unreasonable, or alt least, the same everyone else uses.

            The GOOD takeaway is that the total number of people shot and killed by complete strangers realy is minuscule. American’s view of that risk is warped.

      3. WayneS Avatar

        I agree with you. I think no-knock warrants should be done away with except possibly in very special circumstances (an example of which I cannot think of right now).

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “In one state, Virginia, in one year, 2021, two-and-a-half more Whites were killed in police shootings than Blacks. In almost every case listed, the victims were armed.”

    In Virginia’s population Whites are 5 times the number of Blacks. So if armed, Blacks are twice as likely as Whites to be shot by police.

    Edit: This is incorrect as I was applying national percentages to Virginia stats. The actual ratio is about 3.4X Whites to Blacks vs. 2.5X shot. A 36% increase vs 100% cited above. Not terrible, I suppose…

    1. Comparing the race of criminals shot to law abiding citizens is foolish. Let’s compare the race of criminals shot to total criminal race breakdown a whole.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Why do you assume that they were criminals just because they had a gun?

        1. WayneS Avatar

          If you’re interacting with the cops and you do not put down your gun then you are most likely a criminal.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Doesn’t say they were brandishing guns. Just that they were on their bodies… except for the one unarmed guy. Philando Castile is a fitting example – not VA, I know.

    2. Sorry, Eric, your ratio is off considerably. The 2020 breakdown by race/ethnicity for Virginia (from statistical atlas.com):

      Whites — 63.1%
      Blacks — 19.2%
      Hispanic: 8.3%
      Asian: 6.1%
      Mixed, other: 3.3%

      Perhaps your perception of racial reflects the proportion of White people where you live, but it is not representative of the state as a whole.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        From https://www.census.gov/library/stories/state-by-state/virginia-population-change-between-census-decade.html :

        Here are some key national-level 2020 Census results to help you see how your state or county compares in each topic area:

        “Population (up 7.4% to 331.4 million).
        Race and ethnicity (White alone 61.6%; Black alone 12.4%; Hispanic 18.7%; Asian alone 6%; American Indian and Alaska Native alone 1.1%; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 0.2%; Some Other Race alone 8.4%; Two or More Races 10.2%)”

        I am mistaken… I used national figures. See edit/correction above.

  11. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Good reporting and analysis.

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    How many involved “no-knock” warrants at 2AM, or equally sleepy time?

  13. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    On this general topic, just fyi item, Fairfax Co. police have shot and killed three people in the last 2 weeks. That’s the news up here. In each case, we are promised body cam videos in 1-month.

    One thing that concerns me, not so much Fairfax right now, but other NoVa localities, block out the news of shootings. Potentially high profile cases, we hear an initial draft report on the 11 O’clock news, and then the authorities, and the press clam up. The only way we hear anything in some cases is the dead perpetrators family speaking to the news.

    Virginia Way seems to include the need to control news to the press and public.

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