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About that Bestiality Post…

I have received several responses from readers who were shocked by a recent post. Was I serious about contextualizing the behavior of a Hampton Roads man for videotaping an act of bestiality with his dog?

The answer is NO, I was not serious!

I was being totally tongue in cheek when I asked if the man’s wife was being judgmental when she called her husband a sexual deviant! I’m libertarian, but not that libertarian. My purpose was to troll progressives who have continually defined deviancy down and to find out if there are any limiting principles to sexual behavior they deem acceptable.

My sense from the comments in the post is that, no, they don’t approve of bestiality but they cannot articulate any limiting principles…. so our society truly is on a slippery slope.

C’mon people, privacy rights for dogs? Surely you knew I was being facetious! Some behaviors, including pedophilia, at the very least, should be taboo. Still, if I failed to make my intention crystal clear, the fault is mine.


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