by James C. Sherlock

Sometimes in life we come to a major fork in deciding who we are and who we are going to be going forward.

Donald Trump was quoted in the New York Times as having on Tuesday

“praised Mr. Putin’s aggression as “genius” and called the Russian leader “very savvy” for describing the troops aligned on the Ukrainian border as peacekeepers.”

Watch the video. No one can hurt him as badly as his own words and sneering presentation. Mr. Trump has lost what little self control he ever had. He can’t tell the difference between feigning intimacy by being casually offhanded about something as important as war and instead seeming utterly unanchored in reality.

Mr. Trump’s rant made it all about himself. He praised Mr. Putin as a throw away line. The whole presentation was disgraceful.  No a word about the freedom of Ukraine’s 41 million people.

He clearly has no sense at all of history and he can’t tell the difference between savvy and madness in Mr. Putin — and perhaps in himself.

Some Virginia politicians have tied themselves to Mr. Trump. Those who from this point forward do so without calling him out for this will have made a public choice.

NATO, which together has brought stability to the world for more than 75 years, is facing a crazed and delusional bully, a Napoleonic KGB Colonel, who has started a war in Europe. For no other reason but that he wanted to.

Whatever admiration Mr. Trump earned from conservatives for his policy actions while President, many of which I supported personally, he has revealed himself to be utterly unworthy of that trust in this moment when we, indeed the free world, badly needed him to be a team player.

Top congressional leaders of both parties slammed Russian President Vladimir Putin as evil over his war on Ukraine, and called for him to face massive backlash for the invasion.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Ca:

“Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is reckless and evil. The United States stands with the people of Ukraine and prays for their safety and resolve.  Putin’s actions must be met with serious consequence. This act of war is intended to rewrite history and more concerning, upend the balance of power in Europe. Putin must be held accountable for his actions.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky:

“What we have in Europe now is the first shooting war since World War II.  The U.S. and the West should deploy every available sanction against Russia immediately”.

“We’re all together at this point and we need to be together about what should be done. But I have some advice. Ratchet the sanctions all the way up. Don’t hold any back. Every single available tough sanction should be employed and should be employed now. There’s no such thing as a little invasion.”

It is fine to disagree with President Biden’s foreign policy. I often do myself. So do Senator McConnell and Representative McCarthy.

But those with influence need to make careful choices in times like these. Mr. Trump on Tuesday chose to make the comments he made about a mad dictator poised to invade his neighbor. In Europe. Bringing Russian troops to the borders of NATO states.

There are people who show up small, weak, and self-centered at critical moments. Donald Trump has done that this week.  He wanted it to be about him.

Now it is.

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101 responses to “A Time for Conservatives to Speak Out”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Good for you! Can anyone think of a time when a former President of the United States was rooting for our adversary?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      President, per se? Well, there was Prescott Bush, but he was only a Senator and that was just money and any enthusiasm did wane.

      But, I suspect there will be a lot of Senators and Representatives whose full throated reaction to Trump’s position will be a hushed “No comment,” while quick walking the hallways.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Oooh, oooh! Does making contact with the enemy at clutch times while running for President count? Ya know, like Nixon?

      Can you also spell “October Surprise”?

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        You have a long, but very, very selective memory.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Well, let’s not strain your memory, “Russia! If you’re listen…”

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      President, per se? Well, there was Prescott Bush, but he was only a Senator and that was just money and any enthusiasm did wane.

      But, I suspect there will be a lot of Senators and Representatives whose full throated reaction to Trump’s position will be a hushed “No comment,” while quick walking the hallways.

    4. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      I can remember a prominent Democrat Senator and member of the de facto Democrat Party’s royal family (Ted Kennedy) going to the Soviet Union for personal “talks” with the Soviets prior to Reagan’s reelection campaign.

    5. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Come to think of it, Biden’s assault on America’s oil and gas industry, coupled with our skyrocketing spending on Russian oil, could be viewed as rooting for Russia—in a very practical, tangible sense.

      It’s one thing to say nice things about a foreign power; it’s another to boost their primary sources of foreign revenue by (a) sending them money that can be used to buy ammo and other war supplies while simultaneously (b) crippling your own industries that compete with that foreign power in world markets—thus making customers at home and around the world more dependent on that foreign power’s products.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    If Putin were an American, he’d have a Confederate flag in his front yard… it’s a nostalgia thing.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Pretty funny coming from a Russian bot. If you were an American, what flag would you fly? People who still love Trump are like those refusing the vaccines. No point in arguing with them.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Putin’s motives — nostalgia for the good ol’ USSR days. Same as the 1861-loving ID-10Ts in Ol’ Virginny.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Certain UVA alums from the 70s included?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            George Allen? But, I suspect much, much closer.

    2. Putin had better watch out if the Mongols start getting nostalgic. Or the Varangians

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Or the Vagarians.

        1. Which meaning?

          “One with ridiculous or whimsical ideas; a crackpot”; or the other ?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I know, I know. There are two ways to take that, but you know me. You know I only meant the one way. Besides, you live in the country.

          2. I thought so…

  3. This should be no surprise to anyone as Trump has been mooning over Putin for the last five years or more. Thank God that our democracy was just strong enough to withstand the 2020 coup attempt. It is too late for the elected officials in the Commonwealth who have tied themselves to Trump. They must be voted out of office.

  4. vicnicholls Avatar

    You missed that one. Completely. I’m sure a boatload of others will too.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Be specific

      1. vicnicholls Avatar

        Strategically, I would do the same thing in Putin’s place: put a weak ninny in as Pres, and let all these non reality people screw up the economy, have everyone taking pot shots at each other, remove energy sources, and then I’d strike a country that would be ripe because no one is going to come militarily to their aid. Then China can go after Taiwan since they got HK. Then they’ll go after Israel.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Agreed… the big question is will Trump pay within the GOP for his alignment with Russia. He hasn’t to date so I would not be surprised if he doesn’t… we can only stand by and hope more Republicans stand up to him.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Trump defines the GOP now. The GOP will be fine with him and his friends who engage in legitimate political discourse. It was a party I once identified with. Now I am stuck on the outside, because Biden proved again today he is freaking joke. The market bounced back because it recognized our “sanctions” are a joke. Putin has him pegged.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Wonder our response two months hence when the atrocities begin? Ukraine ain’t Rwanda.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        BTW, I believe Mr. Biden has done all he can do in the sanctions department. Any other sanctions will require Congressional authorization, which might explain the sudden tectonic shift in the GOP.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Sudden tectonic shift? You mean supporting the country’s leaders in time of peril? Read my quotes from the two senior elected Republicans above.

          You, like Mr. Trump, are happy to fiddle – read try to be amusing and failing – while Rome burns. Two peas in a pod.

          I personally have a lot of skin in the game of fighting for my country. You should have tried it.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Peril, you arse, was January 6, 2021.

      3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        I disagree that Mr. Trump defines the GOP now. I don’t find that true at all.

        This madness – and that is what it is – should shred the marriage bed for most of those that remain in his thrall.

        If they will just watch the tape.

        1. David Wojick Avatar
          David Wojick

          My fear is that Trump will split the party in the next Pres election. Not getting nominated and doing a bull moose run, turning Dem defeat into easy victory.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Please don’t compare Trump to Teddy… not even in passing….

          2. David Wojick Avatar
            David Wojick

            Trump is probably just as popular, maybe more so. I am an analyst, not a moralist. This means working hard not to let my feelings (or yours) get in the way.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Objectively, DJT is not even a tenth of the man (and American) that TR was – popularity does not make the man … except maybe to so-called analysts.

          4. David Wojick Avatar
            David Wojick

            The point I made is what may happen in the next election. If you disagree say how. How you feel about Trump, or TR, is absolutely irrelevant.

        2. Back to Steve’s point: DJT does not define conservatism; but he does have too many of the GOP in his thrall. This country does not make it easy for a third party movement but it’s not impossible, particularly if the cult leader takes his followers elsewhere because his ego is not sufficiently stroked. I see that scenario much more likely to unfold than the opposite, a departure of hundreds of individuals one-by-one from an existing party increasingly dominated by the cultists. But either way: the GOP today is unstable; there is too much dissent from Trump to remain the way it is today. Agree?

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I do agree.

            It is possible that he has separated himself from reality because reality challenges his ego, to him a higher value. But he appeals to a lot of ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups and he challenged them. They have valid concerns. They are not wrong about the elites. Ordinary people have real lives, and don’t spend much of them glued to the New York Times or baconsrebellion. That is not only normal, but necessary to maintain perspective and keep the country running. The closer to elections, the more they pay attention.

            The best way to limit Mr. Trump’s political appeal is through more information provided by people on their side of the political spectrum. That was my purpose here.

            I challenge Virginia Republican politicians, especially those running for federal office this fall, to support whatever parts of Mr. Trumps policies they find attractive, but to call him out, even passively if necessary, by stating their own positions on supporting democracy, their country, its constitution and its international alliances.

            The longer Mr. Trump is on stage and politicians on my side are afraid to cross him, the more damage he will do to both conservatism and populism.

      4. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        Like you, I use to be a republican–a Reagan republican. However, I am surprised at your comment about Biden. What more would you have had him do given the reluctance of some NATO countries to support things like kicking Russia out of SWIFT? Isn’t it important to keep NATO unified until this is over and then take a close look at whether it wants a future and is willing to pay the price of having one?

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, while looking for October Surprise stories I found this – a list of them
    “1912: Shots Fired

    Theodore Roosevelt’s October surprise came in the form of a bullet to the chest from John Schrank, who shot the Progressive Party candidate during a speech in Milwaukee on October 14. To the horror of the assembled crowd, Roosevelt casually removed his prepared remarks, dripping with blood, from his pocket and carried on with his speech.

    “I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot,” he quipped, “but it takes more than that to kill a bull moose.” The 50-page speech had saved his life, but it didn’t save his shot at the presidency. While Woodrow Wilson won the presidency, Roosevelt’s speech remains, in Cummins’ words, “one of the great dramatic moments in American politics.””

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    And this is your Bridge Too Far? Bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan, blackmailing Ukraine to violate Hunter Biden’s 4th Amendment rights, Jan 6 autogolpe, but this, this is effing too much?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Do you really want to talk about Hunter Biden? We are talking about two idiots here, Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber. And the fact that they were both elected says more about us than them.

      Not crossing the pond in April. European wars always make it to the Rhine. Always.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Do you really want to talk about Hunter Biden? We are talking about two idiots here, Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber. And the fact that they were both elected says more about us than them.

      Not crossing the pond in April. European wars always make it to the Rhine. Always.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Sessions, not Trump, had the power to open an investigation, and he didn’t. If the AG had opened the investigation, then Trump (via our Treaty with UkrAine) would have simply asked for cooperation.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Might I suggest Grenada? Early April mightn’t be too hot. Early March is better.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Sessions, not Trump, had the power to open an investigation, and he didn’t. If the AG had opened the investigation, then Trump (via our Treaty with UkrAine) would have simply asked for cooperation.

  8. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    My question is why it’s taken/is taking so long for many of you supposedly erudite GOPers who post here to completely and unequivocally disavow Trump. I’ve been voting GOP for over 80 years but never for him.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Because he has never done anything this absolutely dissolute, strange and unpatriotic. And because this is a Virginia blog.

      This performance crossed the line to a level requiring, in my view, Virginia politicians who have supported Mr. Trump to speak up.

      For those that just wondered if he was mad, this eliminates all doubt.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        This is the first? You have an amazingly high tolerance for the low. But then, what’s to expect?

        How many classified documents do you have at home? Shoulda thought that’d rankled a former NavIntel guy even just a little.

      2. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie

        I rest my case with my above comment.

        Regardless of whether “this is a Virginia blog” is immaterial. Virginians still vote in national elections, albeit too few of them. Any sentient being should have known better given his widely believed penchant for dirty dealing with suppliers and others with whom he had personal and business dealings. Did you expect better as our nation’s leader?

        His comments with regard to interactions with women were simply outlandish, disgusting and astounding.

        His mockery of persons with disabilities is cruel and inexcusable.

        Please tell me what I’m missing here.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, Haner’d kiss the Devil for a tax break and will spend the rest of his days saying, “Yeah, but his tax breaks were worth it.”

      Kiss, of course, being merely prelude.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Cheap shot even for you.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Cheap? $3T?

          And, you did vote for him… twice.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner


          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            NN’s greater point is valid though. Many R’s were bribed by Trump’s unpaid for tax giveaway to vote for the cretin even after they saw what a miserable excuse for a human being he was. As I’ve said before, he should have never made it past the point of this little bit of abhorrent behavior (see pic). Good for you on abandoning the party over this issue. I wish there were more like you. I also sincerely hope your party survives him and you can rejoin them in the future. Much as I disagree with you, JAB and others, I think we are stronger for having two healthy parties in our country. I also put much of the blame for Trump’s continued survival on the media, btw. The left as much as the right. They have demonstrated quite loudly that they are driven by nothing else but advertising dollars. Clicks sell after all… to hell with the US!!

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Oh, alright. Once. And/or, it was less than $3T, I guess.

  9. Let me be clear — I am NOT defending Trump, just trying to achieve a clear-eyed analysis. Trump did not endorse Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. He said that if he were president, Putin never would have pulled the stunt. The undeniable implication is that Putin’s invasion is a setback for U.S. interests. Trump’s purpose in building up Putin’s diplomatic chops was to diminish Biden. …. against whom Trump hopes to run for president.

    Here’s what made Trump’s remarks grotesque. First, in a time like this, Americans’ first instinct should be to support a fellow democracy like Ukraine rather than to undermine the president for partisan advantage. (Admittedly, that’s not a courtesy Democrats ever extended Trump, but it is one that conservatives should extend Biden.) Second, Trump made the Ukraine situation all about him — about his relationship with Putin, about how he would have handled it if he had been president. That is par for the course for an egomaniac. Anything to get back in the headlines.

    Does Trump deserve criticism for his remarks? Absolutely. Did he express support for Putin? No.

    FOR THE RECORD: I prefer not to talk about Trump in this blog. I would much prefer to talk about what Tim Kaine, Mark Warner, Abigail Spanberger or other Virginia congresspersons have to say about the Russian invasion.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I am challenging Virginia Republican politicians, especially those running as Trump clones, to speak out.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Not the time or place to lance that boil. He has destroyed the party. People like me don’t even want to be in the same room with his sycophants. If he is a Republican, I am not anymore.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Well, good for you! Really, what was the last straw?

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            The post-election descent into madness culminating in an act of treason. The recent GOP National Committee resolution confirmed for me that I ain’t one of them.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, start a new Party, put out a decipherable platform with realistic fiscal and social planks, remembering that general welfare is equal to common defence, and maybe I’ll join you.

          3. Donald Smith Avatar
            Donald Smith

            Well, bye.


            Enjoy dhimmitude in the world of the leftists.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar

          He’s never been a Republican, he’s a populist. He’ll serve whatever ideals which keep his pockets lined and in power.

          In essence he is the most honest politician money can buy, because at least he’ll tell you he’s for sale.

        3. Donald Smith Avatar
          Donald Smith

          If he is a Republican, I am not anymore.

          That seems a bit juvenile of you. Because Donald Trump has chosen to align with the Republicans, that means you have to abandon the party? OK—where will you go? Xanadu? FYI, no Xanadu Party candidates are in Congress.

          If you really think that the GOP is mortally wounded because many Republicans (and Americans) support Donald Trump…well, then good luck to you.

    2. “Trump did not endorse Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.” – JAB

      He also blamed the invasion on the fictitiously stolen election of 2020.

      But then he also:
      “Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday described Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as “genius” and “savvy,” praising his onetime counterpart for a move that has spurred sanctions and universal condemnation from the U.S. government and its trans-Atlantic allies.

      “I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said in a radio interview with “The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.” “He used the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.’ You gotta say that’s pretty savvy.”

      He’s wholly uncapable of leading anything except promotion of himself and his brand, and he has damaged the Republican party as a result.

      The Republican party is usually pretty good at governing, at all levels, but as populists will do, Trump has had to create an enemy (the libs) to focus his followers’ attention, rally them against a perceived enemy, and provide the undercurrent for his hold on them. This single-minded focus on owning the libs has distracted the Republican party. They aren’t focused on governing or leading or being for something. They are focused on being anti-Biden, anti-progressive, anti-CRT, anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-trans,…., but definitely not leading and governing. Amanda Chase is still trying to promote the 2020 election as stolen.

      Youngkin was elected in my view because he showed a pathway away from just trying to own the libs. Sure he’s thrown some red meat to the base, but his success will depend on whether he “reverts to the mean” or not.

      I’ve said for a while that I’m not a Republican as long as Trump is the de facto leader. It’s time to shake his hold on the party. I hope Youngkin will help get us there.

    3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
      Peter Galuszka

      “FOR THE RECORD: I prefer not to talk about Trump in this blog: What a laughable statement. For the past five years, BR has pretended Trump does not exist. Biden, however, is a different matter. This is one reason why I have pulled back my participation on this blog, along with White Supremacy, culture war, rants about UVA, constant attacks on renewable energy and the mindlessness of Kerry Dougherty.

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Who struck support for Ukraine from the GOP platform in 2016 again…? He showed you then who he answered to and he is showing you again….

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The sqeaks from the BR readership is positively deafening.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The “perfect phone call” was all about holding military aid hostage to his political demands. Any more sleazy than previous presidents? No. But a clear sign he didn’t really give a damn about Ukraine (just like LBJ didn’t really give damn about Vietnam — just finished the McMasters book.) He may have sunk himself this time, but I doubt it. A huge segment of voters still worship him the way Putin and Xi are worshipped, which is what he wants.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        The perfect phone call was a Constitutional end run, and you know it. The government and/or its officials cannot induce others to do that which it is precluded by law from doing for itself, i.e., an illegal search and seizure.

      2. Is there any doubt that in Trump’s perfect world, he’d have on a military uniform with lots of shiny bling and a huge hat. He’d be referred to as Generalissimo Trump, waving his hand and making dictates based on whatever popped up in his mind, suppressing negative reporting and jailing critics.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Uh yep, that’s him.

  11. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    “Some Virginia politicians have tied themselves to Mr. Trump. Those who from this point forward do so without calling him out for this will have made a public choice.”

    Perhaps. Or, perhaps they are listening to their constituents.

    Many of whom don’t care about Ukraine. Who wonder why gas and energy and food costs have skyrocketed, and no one in Washington seems to care. Who wonder why Antifa protesters who tried to blind federal agents with lasers seem to get lighter sentences than naive people who wandered into the Capitol on January 6th. Who are tired of fearing getting canceled or fired for making a comment on their private Facebook pages. Who fear that their kids in school are being taught that the USA is a s**thole country Who think that we’re willing to send their sons and daughters to far-off lands to fight other people’s wars, because our leaders crave being applauded at Davos and parties in the Hamptons. Who are desperate for some leader who seems to care more about Main Street than Wall Street, Hollywood, Chinese money and the approval of the faculty lounge. A leader who doesn’t act like a snob.

    I’ll stipulate that Donald Trump has proven himself unworthy to be president. I’ll work like hell to make sure someone else is the GOP nominee in 2024.

    But, before any of us go out and lecture Trump supporters on mending the errors of their ways, we should all ask why they supported Trump in the first place, and many still do.

    Some candidates are going to support Donald Trump, or at least not disparage him in public, because their constituents don’t want them to. Much as modern-day Democrats won’t openly disparage the Reverend Al Sharpton or the extremists in Black Lives Matter.

    Once the Democrats expel Al Sharpton from polite company* in Democrat circles—or explain why we should all forget the legacy of Crown Heights—I’ll pay more attention to their calls for the rest of us to cast Donald Trump on the trash heap.

    * Sharpton was a featured speaker in the festivities for the Biden inauguration weekend.

    1. …we should all ask why they supported Trump in the first place…

      I never supported Donald Trump. I strongly opposed the awful alternate choice which was offered me by the other party. And I don’t think I’m the only one who did that. I consider the election of Donald Trump to be as much the fault of the democrats as the republicans. Given the awful choice, I voted for the candidate I considered to be the “lesser of two dirt-bags”. It wasn’t the first time I’ve had to do that either, it was just the most extreme example with the biggest dirt-bags.

      It’s a sad and depressing thing to not have a presidential candidate in the race whom I can genuinely and enthusiastically support. Heck, I’d settle for genuinely and tepidly…

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “I consider the election of Donald Trump to be as much the fault of the democrats as the republicans.”

        Nope… Republicans nominated him, Republicans elected him… full stop…. Republicans had others to select from and they chose Trump. It is not Democrats job to put up somebody that Republicans can vote for in case the Republican nominee ends up being a subhuman monstrosity.

        1. And democrats had others to select from and they chose Hillary Clinton – pretty much the only person in the country more widely disliked than Donald Trump.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Indeed, and had she been elected, I would not believe it was because of Republicans.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It would have been because of a Russian failure.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            They were the only two people who could actually lose to the other.

        2. Donald Smith Avatar
          Donald Smith

          “Nope… Republicans nominated him, Republicans elected him… full stop”

          I’ve always admired the “full stop” “argument.” Essentially, it’s a command from the person who wielded it to stop thinking and agree with them.

          Eric The Half A Troll, please tell your Chinese or Bangladeshi handlers that they need to update your bot code.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So, Donald, you are then also of the opinion that Democrats are actually the ones who elected DJT as President….

            I wonder if Soros knows about my Chinese or Bangladeshi handlers… I hope not or he might stop funding me…!!

      2. Donald Smith Avatar
        Donald Smith

        “It’s a sad and depressing thing to not have a presidential candidate in the race whom I can genuinely and enthusiastically support.”

        Oh, for Christ’s sake. Most politicians are sleazy, because politics is a sleazy business. Is this news to you? Who told you were entitled to live in Xanadu?

        You’re “sad and depressed” because all the candidates for public office are, in your eyes, flawed in some way? Good luck looking for the perfect world which you apparently feel entitled to.

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, “Nuts” has officially been displaced as the most defiant response to an offer of quarter.

    1. It was not quite as concise, but I like it.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        God bless them. Something coming from an atheist, too.

        1. Amen. It takes a special kind of bravery to stand up to evil when you know it will result in your death.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I’m not a student of military ‘science’ by any definition, but I can compare situations.

            GW Bush took two years of what can be acturately described as propaganda to raise enthusiasm for an invasion of Iraq (pop 25M) led by an unpopular dictator. Rumsfeld estimated that a force of 145,000 would be sufficient based on the assumption we would be welcomed as liberators. General Shenseki estimated 300,000 under the same assumption. We went in with fewer than the low estimate.

            Putin just invaded Ukraine (pop 45M) having a charismatic leader, who unlike Saddam is standing up to the invasion, with Rumsfeld’s numbers.

            Putin should avoid standing near open windows.

    1. But it is white people – and white albums as well.

  13. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    The string is getting to ridiculous length but now we are dealing with lies about the effect of the 2017 tax cut. Show me in chart where the tax changes broke the bank for the federal treasury. Hmmm. I’ve thought about being a Democrat. I am way too bad at lying. Doing it with a straight face is a job requirement.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Any Economic Growth from the GOP Tax Law is Slight and Short-Lived
      The tax law boosted the economy last year, helping spur real GDP growth of 3.1 percent.[1] According to CBO’s projections, however, that boost is waning. Real GDP growth is expected to slow to 2.3 percent this year and 1.7 percent next year. By 2023, the tax law’s positive effect on economic growth will fade away entirely.

      Beyond this temporary boost, the tax law does not change our longer-term path of growth. Between 2023 and 2028, CBO expects the economy to grow by an average 1.8 percent. That is slightly lower than the average growth rate CBO projected in June 2017, before the tax cuts were enacted (1.9 percent for 2023-2027). These estimates are also far below the Trump Administration’s forecast of annual growth of at least 3 percent over the next several years.

      Revenue is half of the equation, cost is the other half.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        And when caught in a lie, you change the subject. The claim was that the tax cuts dropped revenue.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          The actual amount of tax revenue collected in FY2018 was significantly lower than the CBO’s projection made in January 2017—before the tax cut was signed into law.

          Bottom line: So did the TCJA pay for itself?
          The TCJA did not pay for itself, nor is it likely to do so in the future. There are many debates to have about the TCJA, but whether it raised or reduced revenues in 2018 should not be one of them.

          When the Haner Institute has the standings of the Brookings, let me know.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Hey Steve, did you read your link or just look at the pictures?

      “Tax cuts implemented by Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump to drive economic growth further reduced revenues. “

  14. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    We cannot help Europe because all new pipelines are effectively cancelled now. We destroying freedom’s chances in the world on account of climate change is the worst problem ever known. Need to set up a Blue Wall to ban any future use of fossil fuels in the USA. If that destroys USA that is good . Better to be alive and reporting to Russia and China, than uncertain perceived Armageddon from the horrors of fossil fuel use in America. Cannot take that chance. Pick your poison.

    1. John Harvie Avatar
      John Harvie

      Wow! Most crap I’ve seen in so few words.

      Gotta give you an A+ for succinctness.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        You really need to purchase a sarcasm filter.

  15. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Nick Fuentes speaking at America First Political Action Committee – “the United States is the evil empire in the world…now they’re going and saying ‘Vladimir Putin is Adolf Hitler’, as if that isn’t a good thing– oops, I shouldn’t have said that”. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar in Congress, and AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers attended. Greene spoke.

    This is why DJT says what he says… he has an agreeable audience in the GOP these days…

  16. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Btw, it should not be ignored that Putin evoked the GOP’s Iraqi Invasion as justification for his actions. The gift that keeps giving…

    1. Chamberlain on his return from signing the Munich Agreement: “[I have] returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time.” All he wants is the Sudetenland; why not let him have it if that avoids war?

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