A Taste of Tyranny


Testimony of Arthur Purves, president of the Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance, at a hearing held by the Fairfax delegation to the General Assembly January 8.

Thank you for this hearing. I have five topics.

First, it was 19 degrees this morning, and we just had a 20-hour, 50-mile shutdown on I-95 due to snow and ice. You should claim victory in your war against global warming, withdraw from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and repeal the Virginia Clean Energy Act, which drive up the cost of living and replace reliable with unreliable energy. Solar panel production is not clean.

Why does Germany, a leader in clean energy, need a new natural gas pipeline?
The evidence for a climate change crisis is sketchy. For example, when I asked an employee who had worked at a ski resort for 32 years if the ski season had been shortened, the answer was no. For another example, Bangladesh flooding is the result of silt runoff due to deforestation, not rising sea levels.

Second, for two decades, Fairfax County real estate taxes have been increasing three times faster than household income. It is the county’s “unaffordable housing” program. The tax hikes are driven by employee compensation. This year the supervisors have floated a 9% real estate tax hike so employees can have 6% raises. Unions donated $100,000 to Fairfax County Chairman’s 2019 election campaign. To end this conflict of interest, we ask you to ban union contributions to local election campaigns.

Third, regarding Critical Race Theory, public schools are a leading cause of poverty and racial inequality. They provide no upward mobility. The most important years are 1st and 2nd grades where reading and math facts are taught. However, by third grade, Blacks and Latinos are behind Whites and Asians and never catch up. The reason is that schools teach “whole word” instead of intensive phonics and ignore arithmetic drill. The students who succeed are the ones who get phonics and math drill outside of school. Hence, the public-school curriculum advantages Whites and Asians and disadvantages Blacks and Latinos. Thus, public schools fit the CRT definition of “systemic racism.” More money won’t fix public schools; competition will.

Fourth, families are crucial to student success. Edmund Burke said, “Liberty does not exist in the absence of morality.” The same can be said of successful families. But in literature and Family Life Education, schools teach that morality is optional and unexpected. The destruction of families is government’s growth engine.

Fifth, Edmund Burke also said, “The essence of tyranny is the enforcement of stupid laws.” COVID lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates, mandates for experimental, misnamed vaccines, and the banning of low-risk, low-cost cures such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) come to mind.

By giving Virginians a taste of tyranny, you may have awakened them.

Arthur G. Purves is president of the Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance.

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19 responses to “A Taste of Tyranny”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Nice anecdotal talking points.

  2. sbostian Avatar

    The left will never give up its “beautiful ideas” even if the ideas drive escalating crisis and misery.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hmmm, solar panels… toxic materials… 95% of semiconductor materials in a solar panel is recyclable.

    What’s the Right’s plan for recycling fossil fuel? Aside from BR contributors, that is.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      PV panels are not entire made up from semi-conductors (silicon). They contain lots of heavy metals and carcinogens. They can be good, but there hasn’t been any advancements for disposal at current.


      Also, you’re whataboutism is noted and pointless, as per usual.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        That was all whole panel dumping… and early 2000s studies reviewed. Not many panels back then and those would have been panels manufactured in the 1980s.

        That was then, this is now.

        And that wasn’t whataboutism. It was a shot at old goats. That reminds me…

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          The article looked at 300 studies between 2000 and 2018 and discussed the waste of PV panels. It doesn’t say anything about the 1980’s nor is that relevant.

          Your article doesn’t negate my statement, there has been no advancements in recycling of the heavy metals and carcinogens contained in the panels.

          Shipping them to Phoenix isn’t gonna make the Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium and the host of others materials in the panels go away.

          “And that wasn’t whataboutism. It was a shot at old goats. That reminds me…”

          No, it was whataboutism, which is again your SOP:

          “the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue.”

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Time line, Matt. Time line. To be in a dump in, oh say, 2005, a panel with a 20 year life span would have been manufactured in what year?

            Panels manufactured in the last 10 years have life spans of 30 years with most guaranteed to produce at 90% rated output at 20 years.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Time line, Matt. Time line. To be in a dump in, oh say, 2005, a panel with a 20 year life span would have been manufactured in what year?”

            Panels manufactured in 1980 didn’t have a 20 year lifespan and you’re lucky to reach that even with today’s panels. You’re making assumptions not based in fact.

            “Panels manufactured in the last 10 years have life spans of 30 years with most guaranteed to produce at 90% rated output at 20 years.”

            Your statement is false:

            Standard panel warranty for performance is 90% at 10 years and 80% at 25. They only guarantee they will not fail before 10-12 years.


    2. DJRippert Avatar

      What percentage, by weight, of a solar panel is made up of semi-conductors?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        By weight? Dunno. Less than 1% of the substrate is semiconductor. Dunno if weight or volume. Most is sand. Small amount of recoverable lead.

    3. Rob Austin Avatar
      Rob Austin

      The semiconductor materials make up a miniscule %age of all the materials in a panel; the rest cannot be recycled.

    4. agpurves Avatar

      I base my comment on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photovoltaics. See section “Environmental costs of manufacture”

  4. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Don’t get me started….but where is the SALT deduction when we need it?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I’ll take my $28,400 standard deduction, no Schedule A, $0 on line 19 Schedule D, 0$ on line 2 Form 6251 and the AMT doesn’t apply until $1,047,000 in taxable income!

      Keep your SALT!

      The rip off is only $600 charitable contributions deduction.

  5. VaNavVet Avatar

    This guy is really out to lunch!

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Cogent response. Thanks for sharing.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        Always glad to share a first impression.

  6. Walter Hadlock Avatar
    Walter Hadlock

    I’d like to have Bacon’s Rebellion Fact Check Mr. Purvis. He has some good comments about our being taxed to the wall here in Fairfax County. But, silt from deforestation in Bangladesh and sea level rise?

    1. agpurves Avatar

      My source for Bangladesh is the book “The Worst Decisions … Ever! History’s Biggest Mistakes” by Stephen Weir. He has a chapter on Bangladesh flooding.

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