Bacon's Rebellion

A Taste of His Own Medicine or Hypocrisy at its Greatest

State Sen. John McGuire and Donald Trump

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

State Sen. John McGuire (R-Goochland) is an ardent and vocal supporter of Donald Trump, who constantly questions the integrity of the electoral process and still peddles the lie that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen. McGuire attended the Jan.6 “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington, D.C.

McGuire challenged incumbent U.S. Rep. Bob Good in the Republican primary for Fifth Congressional District. According to the latest unofficial results reported by the Virginia Department of Elections, McGuire leads Good by 346 votes out of more than 62,000 votes cast.

U.S. Rep. Bob Good (R-Fifth District)

As reported by the Virginia Political Newsletter, Good is not accepting the results. In an e-mail to his supporters, Good, without citing specifics, said, “Unfortunately, we are finding much to question and challenge during this canvassing process — This election must not be certified. … We must prevent this election from being certified, due to the many concerns about its integrity.”

McGuire’s response: “Rather than accept his fate and the will of the people, Bob Good has chosen to undermine the integrity of Virginia voters,” said Sean Brown, a consultant for McGuire’s campaign.  “His antics now are beneath the dignity of a soon to be former elected official.”

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