A Taste of His Own Medicine or Hypocrisy at its Greatest

State Sen. John McGuire and Donald Trump

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

State Sen. John McGuire (R-Goochland) is an ardent and vocal supporter of Donald Trump, who constantly questions the integrity of the electoral process and still peddles the lie that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen. McGuire attended the Jan.6 “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington, D.C.

McGuire challenged incumbent U.S. Rep. Bob Good in the Republican primary for Fifth Congressional District. According to the latest unofficial results reported by the Virginia Department of Elections, McGuire leads Good by 346 votes out of more than 62,000 votes cast.

U.S. Rep. Bob Good (R-Fifth District)

As reported by the Virginia Political Newsletter, Good is not accepting the results. In an e-mail to his supporters, Good, without citing specifics, said, “Unfortunately, we are finding much to question and challenge during this canvassing process — This election must not be certified. … We must prevent this election from being certified, due to the many concerns about its integrity.”

McGuire’s response: “Rather than accept his fate and the will of the people, Bob Good has chosen to undermine the integrity of Virginia voters,” said Sean Brown, a consultant for McGuire’s campaign.  “His antics now are beneath the dignity of a soon to be former elected official.”

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75 responses to “A Taste of His Own Medicine or Hypocrisy at its Greatest”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Please. Perhaps your headline is hypocrisy at its greatest.
    If a Democrat challenges an election result, is it hypocrisy?
    Is it ever right to challenge an election?
    How much does it have to stink before it is OK to raise your hand?
    I don't care between the two – I am not in the district. I would like whoever finally loses to go to the 1st and replace Rob Wittman who is my Rep.
    But it is clear our systems are less than perfect, even though Virginia is less bad than many States.
    We have winked at vote fraud for DECADES. "The dead voting in Chicago" hahaha.
    Well, it's not funny anymore.
    I don't like that McGuire is backed by McCarthy – that's about my only thing I don't like about him. The Kevin McCarthy revenge tour just exposes him as the Judas he was, so taking his money…
    The reason people question "election integrity" is because there is much to question.
    How come the Commission after the 2000 election said vote by mail was the worst and we have expanded it? How come, instead of being transparent in disputes, localities and voting machine companies spend millions to prevent looking? If you are the benficiary of a Trust, and you think the Trustee is stealing from you, and you challenge the Trustee, what would the honest Trustee do? The honest Trustee immediately opens up the books. The dishonest obfuscates, delays, hides…
    Meanwhile, is it true that welfare offices and DMVs are giving voter registration forms to illegals? Is your electoral vote in a State with good procedures diminished by votes from States with bad procedures?
    Is it wrong to want only citizens listed on voting rolls? How about people registered in two States?
    This is hard for Leftists – how much cheating is OK? Shouldn't the answer be "zero"? Yes, we are a big country, and it would be impossible to eliminate cheating, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have processes to make it hard, to minimize it, and to punish it severely. Then you would have trust in elections.
    "Save our democracy" is nothing more than the desperate cry of the dishonest "elite" who fear that "populists" have figured out they have been lied to and want "revenge" which is Marxist code for being held accountable for all of their real crimes.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      So are you an EO in your county? Or did you serve as observer and witness any such cheating behavior? The Democrats in Virginia have really loosened things up, with same-day registration and with ways to vote without a valid ID, but the control mechanism is to be an election observer or an EO — and if you are not one of those, why not if you care so much? That is why I have been an EO for years now….and when the hapless, pathetic excuse for a Republican Party has asked me to be an observer, I usually agree. I haven't seen an observer in my precinct for a long time. They are a bunch of lazy crybabies but won't do the work….

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Because if you observe and see nothing then it makes complaining seem, I dunno, more whiny?

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          What do you call inventing it?
          As a campaign dirty trick no less.
          Please sit down.
          Oh, and answer this question – is it wrong to cheat in elections?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            There is a full list of election frauds. Try to see if you can find it.

            1500 cases since 1983.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Diverting again, aren’t you?
            Tell me, what’s your position on cheating in elections? Is cheating in elections wrong? Really not a hard question. A Yes or a No.
            (But if you say Yes, the correct answer you know it is, then your fellow tolerant Leftists will disown you because you implicitly are saying it could be possible and it is wrong because your fellow Leftists know they have perfected the cheat and just have to call it a conspiracy theory and it doesn’t happen and “Republicans need to stop suppressing the vote”. I already know your dilemma)

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, if by cheating, you mean illegal campaign contributions then I’m agin ‘em.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Still diverting…

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            What? Is that not cheating? There are laws. Does not violation of such constitute cheating?

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            There are many ways. I am against all forms of cheating. How about you?

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well… that’s why I’m not a Republican.

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Love it that I never get an answer to a simple yes or no question from the Left…
            How come in Arizona there are two voter lists. One for Arizona elections, and one for Federal elections.
            The difference? For Federal elections you do not have to prove citizenship. Strange, huh?

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Walt, your questions are indeed simple but also irrelevant.

            That’s all controlled by Az. Az requires proof of citizenship at time of registration as a method of voter suppression in state elections.

            Because federal law requires mail-in registration be available and getting your license (eg) back is iffy, Az keeps two lists.


            There was a paid effort by RPV in Richmond some years back (Kanter’s peeps?) paid per registrant card. Mickey Mouse got registered by some enterprising young Republican. Didn’t vote, but was registered.

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Sooo… requiring citizenship is a form of “voter suppression” – seriously? I ranked your intelligence above certain other constant commenters. Whose vote does it suppress? Illegal non-citizens? Did you hear about the Maricopa County election worker who escaped from the building with an access fob and a fob for the totally secure machines? Wow. How strange. But cheating never occurs. It is so infrequent that Lefties can never sya it is wrong…

          11. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Voter registration suppression. It requires either Real ID, or in-person registration.

          12. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Uh-huh. You keep on believing that…
            Didn’t know you drank the Kool-Aid, too, but now I do.

          13. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Now? Now you do? Nah. I suspect you’ve been drinking it for some time.

          14. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Are you saying that Leftists cheat in elections, Walt? Surely not because that would be “attributing a negative position” to Leftists and clearly you wouldn’t do that… right…!

          15. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I am saying that all elections have people from all sides who will cheat. Human nature. I am also saying Leftists have really perfected their many ways to cheat far beyond the dead voting.
            All cheating is wrong.
            Why can’t you agree?

          16. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I never said cheating is not wrong, Walt? Please don’t put words in my mouth.

          17. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And you never said cheating is wrong. Which you never will.
            All anybody needs to know…

          18. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            …is what,Walt?

          19. CJBova Avatar

            You object to Walter saying, “your fellow tolerant Leftists”? He used no other general descriptor.

          20. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “your fellow Leftists know they have perfected the cheat”.

          21. CJBova Avatar

            That’s an opinion about actvity, not a descriptor of a group.Two different things.

          22. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Of course it is… 🤷‍♂️

          23. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Are you talking about Heritage's list? Its a sampling of proven documented cases, not a full list. Of the list, 20 are in Virginia, in the last decade.

            How many frauds occur that don't get caught, let alone prosecuted?


          24. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Twice the number? What’s the ratio on other crimes?

          25. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Do you seriously believe the cases of election fraud is only in the thousands over say ten years?

            That’s like saying teenagers don’t drink, because the number of prosecuted proven cases is small..

            Here is an article I just read about cases of non citizens voting in Virginia, they identified 800 ballots cast Virginia since 2019. Again, these are cases they found.


          26. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Make it 100,000 times over the last 40 years. It’s still improbable that statewide or national elections were affected. No, Trump lost.

          27. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            I never said he didn’t, read my posts. I agree, Trump lost in 2020, but I believe election fraud is real and rampant.

            Here is an article that says Millions of non citizens are registered to vote. That is not to say they all voted, but that is a huge issue!


          28. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s real. Rampant? Define that. That’s not to say ANY voted. You’ve discovered a flaw — maybe — in the registration process.

          29. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            So you started off with the argument fraud was was 1,500 since 1983, then maybe double, then maybe 100,000. Now you want me to define rampant. The goal posts are getting moved pretty far!

            Voter fraud exists and it needs to be acknowledged, and fixed, now. That's all that needs to be said.

          30. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Debunking, or if you prefer “refutal”, of the journal article…

          31. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            They may be right, but that study was ten years old.

            We should read the Just Facts study (used the same data sets, but different method) more carefully, I honestly did not. If it is flawed, then get it straight. Make it a priority and get the facts out. Why not put significant resources on it to find out, I bet there would be many who would donate to it.

          32. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            No. It’s not that it’s old. The data they used was biased and they cherry picked. In short the study is worthless.

          33. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Thats their argument. Just Facts would disagree.

          34. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Here, it’s your boys…

            And it’s just what you asked for.

          35. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Wrong and illegal and it does get prosecuted. One of my mates at RPV back in the day was charged, but after he moved on to Ohio.

      2. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        You may be right on some, but definitely not all. My wife and I are not 2020 election deniers, but we are concerned about election integrity. She became an election official several years ago, along with the wife of a local gentlemen who is active in the Republican Party, and who does go out and work the polls. Maybe soon I will too but in the past I could not because of my employment. When I went to vote in last weeks Primary, I did notice for the first time in a while an active Republican party presence at the polls.

      3. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        I haven’t been and it certainly was a non-event in Short Pump where Wittman was the unopposed Rep and the only vote was for Senate. I voted around 5 PM at my precinct and I was #163. From the last election, I think my site was about 2300…
        And you are correct about not being involved in the machinery. In general, the more you complicate things, the more opportunites for chicanery. I would love to get back to same day, paper, precincts, proof of citizenship and residency. France does it, and to compliment France, from me, is pretty abnormal!

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Last I looked at VPAP the gap was 334 votes. I guess we'll have certified results today or tomorrow. That current gap is just on the edge of qualifying for a state-paid recount. If he has to foot the bill, bets are he goes away. If not quietly. Whatever, a recount only moves single and sometimes a small double digit amount, never 300+ out of 62,000. The 1/2 of 1% rule goes back to an earlier, less reliable voting system.

    What a pathetic whiner. He is the incumbent and that is basically a red district, with Republicans holding 2-1 majorities on the electoral boards. He should KNOW dozens if not scores or hundreds of the poll workers, with contacts in every locality. If there are insufficient trustworthy folks, he and the party had every chance to recruit and train them. To be claiming now that the results are bogus is just total nonsense and says more about him than about the Virginia election system. Good riddance.

    These election whiners talk a good game but they are all mouth given that in the past four years they've had chance after chance to sign up to be election workers. Show up at 5 am? Work that 15 hour day? Not them. They would rather complain but not do the work…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I doubt the grace of Shelly Simonds in either case given they’re both election deniers.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I doubt the grace of Shelly Simonds in either case given they’re both election deniers.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    You reap what you sow…

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      That's an even better description. Wish I had thought of it.

      1. Clarity77 Avatar

        Let's be crystal clear as to stating as you did, "the lie that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen," That is a clear lie. Proven and evident to the majority of the American people in poll after poll.

        1. Clarity77 Avatar

          Of course Dick you will want evidence. Well here you go straight out of the horse's mouth. Our Liar-in-Chief just cannot avoid those Freudian slip moments when the lies just cannot be contained by more lies and in his inevitable slips the truth, which always wins, comes to the surface. As it did in his last State of the Union address when he called them, yes, illegal aliens. Here is your evidence. What more does it take for you to accept the truth?

  4. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    The 2020 election was stolen. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not and if you don't understand that I don't know how you can be so isolated in your sources of propaganda, yet still expect others to listen.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No it was not. The 2020 election was impacted greatly by all the states that made major "pandemic" changes to voting, expanding the electorate, but in most cases their state legislatures made the changes and the Constitution gives states wide leeway. I think 45-day early voting here and voting without IDs is bad policy, but that is not theft. Given a choice between believing Bill Barr or Rudy Giuliani, that is easy….Verrrrry easy.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No it was not. The 2020 election was impacted greatly by all the states that made major "pandemic" changes to voting, expanding the electorate, but in most cases their state legislatures made the changes and the Constitution gives states wide leeway. I think 45-day early voting here and voting without IDs is bad policy, but that is not theft. Given a choice between believing Bill Barr or Rudy Giuliani, that is easy….Verrrrry easy.

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No it was not. The 2020 election was impacted greatly by all the states that made major "pandemic" changes to voting, expanding the electorate, but in most cases their state legislatures made the changes and the Constitution gives states wide leeway. I think 45-day early voting here and voting without IDs is bad policy, but that is not theft. Given a choice between believing Bill Barr or Rudy Giuliani, that is easy….Verrrrry easy.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Yeah, lots of bad policy and some sketchy decisions, but that's not theft. Dunno that we'll ever know who won either 2016 or 2020. The deciding margins in swing states were really small and our system is not good at that kind of granularity. Rudy and Powell were quite a pair. They didn't make much of their opportunities to contest it.

        1. Teddy007 Avatar

          One should volunteer to be a poll worker before one complains about rigged elections.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Not all the insights are positive. I am more convinced than before of the wisdom of "trust but verify."

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Although you are responding to me I dunno who you are referring to. I am certainly not complaining about rigged elections.

            I did make an uncontroversial observation that our electoral system is not designed to resolve very close elections like we have had. In addition to 2016 and 2020, 2000 falls in that category too. That is not a complaint that those elections were rigged.

            Our national elections anticipate clear winners, not by fewer than 50k votes spread across 5 states as in 2020 or fewer then 100k votes in 3 states in 2016, or by the Supreme Court's involvement in 2000. Nor is it a radical idea that Giuliani and Powell were atrocious at challenging the election. That is a commentary on their performance, not the election.

            I have had more engagement in the political process for longer than you. That includes things like being an officer in a party county committee that routinely involved spending election days circulating among all the precincts in the county in support of poll workers, observers, party supporters outside and resolving issues. While the county routinely voted heavily (70/30 or more) against my party there was never any hint of rigging. The vote was unfavorable as far as I was concerned, but counted as it was cast. Just to make sure you understand, that is not complaining about rigged elections either.

          3. Teddy007 Avatar

            Being a partisan poll watcher is very different than being a poll worker. The election apparatus is designed to handle close elections. However, it is the media and the public who refuse to mentally deal with close elections. A good example is how the media refuses to spend five minutes learning how each state has its own election laws and that very close elections in post-mark states that do not start counting until after the polls have closed take time.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            Put it where the sun don't shine.

          5. Teddy007 Avatar

            Thank you for the thoughtful response that shows that one is interested in convincing others.

          6. Lefty665 Avatar

            Actually, life's too short to waste engaging with your nonsense, and Carol would rightfully take offense at characterizations of your twaddle. Come back when you've grown up.

            In the mean time, have a nice day.

          7. Teddy007 Avatar

            Once again, thanks for the thoughtful response that shows that one has a clear gasp of issues and policy.

          8. Lefty665 Avatar

            My pleasure, any time. Always happy to help with your maturation. Have a nice day.

      2. VaPragamtist Avatar

        I tend to believe there was some underhanded ballot harvesting, especially in key cities. Increasing numbers in blue population centers.

        Is it possible that overzealous workers sat around a table with a printout of highly unlikely voters in deep blue cities, requested mail-in ballots and voted on their behalf? Absolutely. I think it's less likely that it didn't happen.

        Evidence would be in the data. First, just voter turnout. Just playing around with Excel, it looks like the percent of voter increase for 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020, respectively were appx. 7.2%, -1.6%, 4.8%, and 17.1%. So 2020 had over twice the percent of voters than the historic 2008 election, where every other story at the time was about people who have never voted before because they felt disenfranchised going out to vote for the messianic Obama. And nearly 4x's the 2016 election, which engaged the extremists from either side, as well as the motivated D voters who feared for their safety, cried election night, and are still recovering from their trauma of a Trump administration.

        Drilling down to just D voters, you had a 23.4% increase in 2020, compared to virtually no change in 2016, a 5% decrease in 2012, and a 17.7% increase in 2008.

        That would mean the new motivation to vote or ease of access to ballots (if you can call requesting a mail-in, completing it, and sending it back more convenient), in 2020 for Dems would have equaled the D energy of 2008.

        Republicans also saw a 17.8% increase in 2020, 5.6% less than the D increase. In 2008 they lost 3.4% of voters, and saw increases of 1.6% and 3.4% in 2012 and 2016, respectively.

        These stats alone are enough to warrant skepticism.

        Yes, courts have looked into and dismissed specific allegations. But has anyone drilled down deeper into the data? If you're running a ballot harvesting operation like this, you're not worried about down ballot races. Just the president, maybe congress. Less likely governor. But this judgeship or council member or elected state secretary of whatever don't matter. You'd either fill out the top and leave the rest blank/move on to the next, or fill out the rest as quickly as possible (picking the first name that appears).

        I would look at the data for down ballot races. Are the numbers of downballots left blank roughly the same as other years? Do these trends remain relatively constant across states, or do they change in deep blue cities? How about for whoever was listed first on the ballot in down ballot races? I'd also look at mail-in ballots (wherever they existed), in previous years for similar info.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          That is what the fellow I knew did, filled out an absentee for a disabled person and "voted the way I knew she would want to." Absentees have always been the vulnerable spot. Another case I remember in SW VA involved an activist getting ballots mailed to various voters, but always sent to his home address. Hmmmm. Sometimes there would be more absentees is a local election than in a presidential. Another hmmmmm.

          Nobody can pull off that schist unless it is only one political party in the room. All the whining people need to be observers and EOs….and if a local election board is preventing balance, it needs to be challenged.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Well, I have been gerrymandered out of the 5th district. The 10th is my home blue home. But I have enjoyed following the 5th district. Glad to see Good sweat it out. I never liked the way he muscled Bigfoot Riggleman out of the ranked choice primary a few years back. Dear ole 5th district hasn't had a good leader since Bob Hurt and that was a while ago now.

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      I moved out of the 10th….only to get re-districted back into it.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      I am usually loath to take issue with you, However, I contend that no one can accurately say the state's districts were "gerrymandered" this time around. By all accounts, it was the most neutral redistricting in recent memory.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Yep, special masters appointed by a court. Not perfect, but I have no real beef with what they did, and I've seen a real gerrymander up close and personal. Based on how many incumbents got screwed, incumbent protection clearly was not a goal! Eldredge Gerry's reputation is secure.

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Yep, special masters appointed by a court. Not perfect, but I have no real beef with what they did, and I've seen a real gerrymander up close and personal. Based on how many incumbents got screwed, incumbent protection clearly was not a goal! Eldredge Gerry's reputation is secure.

      3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        That maybe. But I do have a problem with "special masters" not elected by me but appointed by some court who then decide to move some imaginary lines around to push me out of the red and into the blue. Thanks a lot. One big reason I have resided in Fauquier County for the past 28 years is to get away from the blue team of Northern Virginia. It is increasingly clear to me that best remedy is a new zip code.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          First, blame the GA, and then the voters, because it was a Constitutional Amendment I think….

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            I do blame the GA. It was their job to practice a bit of give and take. But they failed miserably as they so often do these days. I am shocked the blue team permits the use of the term "special masters". Ambassadors of Equity would fit their vocabulary better.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Now?! Now his antics are beneath dignity? Sure.
    The pot is black vis-a-vis the kettle.

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