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32 responses to “A Swing and a Miss”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    Ralph Northam and the truth often sleep in separate beds.

    1. He claimed that he never know that his ancestors who owned an ante-bellum plantation on Virginia’s Eastern Shore owned slaves.
    2. He said he was the person pictured on his own medical school yearbook picture and then claimed it wasn’t him.
    3. He didn’t know how the picture got into the year book.
    4. He doesn’t know why his nickname was listed as “Coonman”.
    5. He never looked at the yearbook after it was published and nobody ever brought the picture to his attention.

    Northam certainly has his enablers. A study commissioned by Eastern Virginia Medical School asked McGuire Woods to investigate the blackface photo. McGuire Woods? Seriously? That was the “independent” entity assigned the task of investigating potential misbehavior of a long time Virginia politico? “Inconclusive” – what a shock.

    Now B&T is hired to prove Northam’s random (pre-investigation) claim of “a clear and appalling environment of structural racism” was true. It would seem to me that a “Clear and appalling environment of structural racism” would involve Title VI violations. Apparently not the case.

    Once again, Northam was lying.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      And yet most Virginians don’t agree with you (a mostly Maryland Yankee turncoat who sides with goofy RPV GoPERS. Most fair-minded do see him as someone who did made some mistakes and willing to make amends and overall did his job well. Who cares what RPV thinks?

      I know that hurts but the polls confirm it.

      When I ask what else he has done in his life that was racist – I get crickets. Zippo thus exposes the critics as race-card players.

      Most fair-minded folks see this. The partisans don’t but they have little credibility anyhow so who really cares?

      Northam is going to finish his stint as Governor with good support – good enough support that he is sought after by candidates for his endorsement.

      So much for the partisan blather-butts… or is it boo-birds?

      1. Brian Leeper Avatar
        Brian Leeper

        By the way, Larry, since I know you are concerned about the 3rd-world levels of gun violence in the USA, I thought this report about the source of the problem may be of interest to you.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Well maybe the idea that the US has been “always like this” might not be true?

          1. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            You would expect that some, perhaps all, of that increase would be explained by population increase. Gun deaths per 100,000 population would make for a more enlightening chart.

            And how many were suicides vs. homicides? Maybe that chart is really reflecting an increasing level of despair? (If that’s the case, gun control will do nothing to solve the problem–someone convinced that their life is a pit of shit will find some other way to end it if they don’t have access to a gun….)

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            compared to other developed countries?

          3. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            I don’t know the answer to that. Presumably, suicides in other developed countries that have stricter gun control are more often completed with a method that doesn’t involve a gun.

            And the USA may well have a higher suicide rate than other developed countries.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            murder rates. At some point, the truth is in front on you.


          5. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            Break it down by state. It isn’t Mormons from Utah contributing to that number.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            So the point here is to realize we all have our preferred beliefs but facts are what we should be pursuing and from those facts, how it affects our views… no?

          7. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            That map certainly confirms what the Chicago Magazine article says. And, as almost always, Louisiana and Mississippi are tops in yet another category of social pathology.

          8. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            “White, working-class people ages 45 to 54 were drinking themselves to death with alcohol, accidentally overdosing on opioids and other drugs, and killing themselves, often by shooting or hanging. Vanishing jobs, disintegrating families and other social stressors had unleashed a rising tide of fatal despair, Case and Deaton concluded.”


          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            We have more of these problems that other developed countries?

    2. Brian Leeper Avatar
      Brian Leeper

      You know you’ve stuck a nerve with a Virginian when they call you a Yankee! (It’s strange to me that they consider it an insult, but whatever…)

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Far better than being called a member of the “Plantation Elite”, though!

        1. Brian Leeper Avatar
          Brian Leeper

          Probably. I’m actually from the midwest, so by the standards of those in the northeast, I’m probably not a Yankee.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    So, here is a couple of questions:

    If I count correctly, there are may be 100 total blacks at VMI.

    1. – how many of that 100 are there on sports scholarships?

    2. – How many recently graduated blacks (within the last 5 years or so) were interviewed and how many of them cited racial issues in their 4 years there?

  3. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    If there were no title VI violtions, there was no racial harassment or intolerance. To think otherwise is RACIST.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Bit of a false equivalency there Bob.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Thus, you must be thrilled. This issue can end with VMI changing and/or creating policies to correct the reports and address future situations within the school leadership and without outside interference.

    Quick! Strike the white! Raise the old battle flag!

  5. tmtfairfax Avatar

    I wonder what B&T would have found had it been engaged to investigate Northam’s blackface conduct. He admitted it before he denied it.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I’d be interested in knowing of Northam’s prior acts of racism. Was he a lifelong racist who managed to keep it a secret and would never have been elected in the first place if the blackface thing was just one example of many in his life.

      1. tmtfairfax Avatar

        Well, Larry, that’s something we will never know since the Media missed the story in two straight election cycles.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Well, TMT, how about the SAME media that got the blackface incident? Why can’t right-wing media do legitimate investigative journalism?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            “Why can’t right-wing media do legitimate investigative journalism?”

            The answer is in the hyphenated adjective.

          2. tmtfairfax Avatar

            My poke is intended at the Post, which spent big bucks investigating Roy Moore, a Senate candidate in Alabama, but couldn’t find the time and resources to investigate state senator and then Lt. Governor Northam. Democracy Dies in Darkness.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            There is no right-wing media to do proper investigations? WTF?

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yeah, ALL media is leftist. Eye roll 🙄

  6. M. Purdy Avatar
    M. Purdy

    Folks, let me let you in on a secret: just because something isn’t “clearly” illegal, doesn’t mean it’s acceptable. And Mr. Bacon also left out that they did find probable violation of Title IX.

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