A Sneak Peak at VMI’s Diversity Training

by James A. Bacon

Virginia Military Institute cadets will return to class in a week or so. At some point during the semester, they will undergo a round of “Inclusive Excellence” training.

In June VMI’s chief diversity officer, Jamica Love, briefed the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion subcommittee of the Board of Visitors on what that training will look like. The verbal part of her presentation is not available to the public. But VMI has released an overview document that provides hints of what’s in store.

The central question in the minds of many alumni is just how “woke” the training will be. Will it be laden with leftist jargon and concepts? Will cadets be allowed to express themselves freely, or will the training amount to indoctrination? Will the training balkanize the student body around gender and race rather than mold cadets through the leveling process of the Rat Line and Barracks system into citizen soldiers?

Based on the “resources” cited in the document, “Inclusive Excellence Training VMI,” one thing is safe to say: the training content has been heavily influenced by left-wing currents of thought on issues of gender and race.

There has been a battle for VMI’s soul ever since former Governor Ralph Northam declared himself “appalled” by the systemic racism at VMI reported in a series of Washington Post articles, tossed out the old superintendent, J.H. Binford Peay III, and launched an investigation into alleged racism and sexism there. Decrying what they say amounts to institutional character assassination, conservative alumni have expressed concern that a leftist-inspired vision of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) being implemented by Superintendent Cedric Wins and the Board of Visitors would exacerbate racial and gender conflict and undermine core VMI ideals of honor and character.

The previous VMI board, all of whose members were appointed by Northam, supported Wins’ DEI initiatives, but the tenor of board meetings is likely to change. This summer Governor Glenn Youngkin has appointed four new board members, including Meaghan Mobbs, an Afghanistan veteran whom the Biden administration asked, along with other Trump appointees, to resign from the board of West Point.

Superintendent Wins outlined his vision for VMI’s new direction in a 2021 document, “One Corps — One VMI.” Wins’ top three priorities were (in order): upholding the honor code, promoting diversity and inclusion, building young leaders of character. “Allegations of structural racism must be taken seriously. We must look at ourselves critically and ensure that VMI presents a welcoming environment to any young man or woman seeking the benefits of the VMI experience.” The document lists among its long-term actions “institutionalizing continuous diversity and inclusion training for Cadets, faculty and staff.”

Conflict with Youngkin first surfaced during the 2022 General Assembly session. VMI had requested a special appropriation of $6.1 million for new administrative positions, including that of DEI director and staff. Dissident VMI alumni objected to the appropriation, which they claimed — and the administration denied — would directly or indirectly fund several other DEI-related positions. After multiple rounds of budget negotiations, the appropriation was reduced to $3.7 million, and the Governor stipulated that the funds were “not for DEI,” according to Matt Daniel, director of the Spirit of VMI PAC.

(Update: VMI spokesman Bill Wyatt responds as follows, ” The governor did not stipulate that funds were “not for DEI.” Actually, the legislature included language in their enacted budget language (which was ultimately signed by the governor) stating that $3.7 million was designated for the One Corps initiatives related to Title IX, commandant’s staff, legal affairs, academic and student programs, compliance, and memorials. Matt Daniel assumes that since DEI is absent from that list, it means that none of the “new money” can be spent on DEI. The omission was not lost on VMI. However, the DEI office was fully funded prior to enactment of the budget, so it is truthful to say that the new money will not be used to fund the DEI office since it was already funded.)

In the absence of General Assembly appropriation of state funds, Love’s position has been paid for by a private donation or donations, an alumni source tells Bacon’s Rebellion. VMI began implementing DEI training sessions this spring. While attendance at the sessions was mandatory, the administration insisted that participation was voluntary. Critics countered that the sessions were structured in such a way as to make it difficult for cadets to decline to take part in a dialogue that was slanted against White males.

(Update: Wyatt says the DEI office is paid for by tuition and fee revenue, not private donations.)

Meanwhile, VMI had issued a Request for Proposal to hire an outside firm to conduct Diversity, Equity & Inclusion consultation and training. Among the services to be delivered was training relating to “cultural and identity oppression in the context of current culture as it relates to VMI.” In March the VMI selection committee issued a notice of intent to award the contract to NewPoint Strategies, a McLean-based diversity-training firm with hefty DEI credentials.

That award was disputed by a losing bidder, Center for Applied Innovation (CAI). The consulting firm had submitted a bid on the Northam administration’s racism-investigation contract the previous year and objected when it was awarded to the Barnes & Thornburg law firm. CAI’s principal, Bob Morris, also heads a foundation that supports an alternative student newspaper at VMI, The Cadet.

CAI’s lawsuit protesting the NewPoint strategies award has survived VMI’s attempt to dismiss it on the grounds that the academy is exempt from the Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA) and is protected by the doctrine of sovereign immunity. In his ruling, Judge Christopher B. Russell with the 25th Judicial Circuit of Virginia wrote that VMI “is prohibited from awarding the contract until the present action has been resolved.”

Blocked for the time being from hiring an outside firm, VMI is moving ahead on its own. The program, as presented to the Diversity subcommittee, will entail a 50-minute session each semester, implying a total of eight sessions for a cadet attending VMI for four years. “Fifty minutes of Inclusive Excellence Training represents less than half of one percent of cadets’ total academic time per semester,” says the  presentation.

(Update: Wyatt says cadets will attend two training sessions the first year and one each successive year, for a total of five.)

As elucidated by Love, this year’s training will focus on gender, LGBTQIA+, and racism. Sessions will include an interactive component, and cadet-created role playing. Additionally, the training will make available video clips of varying lengths. (It is not clear if these clips are meant are to be viewed as a formal part of the training or on the cadets’ own time.) Examples of the messages conveyed:

  • Cultural Competency #3 – Understanding character development includes a continual effort to respond appropriately to my thoughts and actions, reducing the impact of my assumptions and biases about people of cultures different from mine.
  • Cultural Competency #4 – Understanding civility (citizenship) requires acting as an ally to my peers and colleagues, intervening when I observe them experiencing discrimination.
  • Cultural Competency #5 – Awareness of the impact of social context on the lives of historically underrepresented populations within the VMI community.

Bacon’s Rebellion

was unable to access these videos, which are stored on a streaming service called “Kanopy,” which requires submission of an ID card with a participating library. I have been informed by one VMI alumnus who has seen a video, “Miss Representation,” that an animated section portrays a man bludgeoning a woman on the head with a hammer, and then on the ground when she goes down. Alumni are concerned that White men will be portrayed negatively on the basis of their race and gender.

Sample discussion questions include:

  • What are stereotypes about masculinity?
  • What are stereotypes about femininity?
  • How have you benefited from adherence to your gender role?
  • What happens to those who do not adhere to their stereotypical gender role?
  • If someone calls me out regarding potentially harmful language or behaviors towards women or members of the LGBTQIA+ community, how do I respond? Why do I respond that way? What do I intend to communicate by that response?

For resources, the Inclusive Excellence document references 20 articles laden with leftist vocabulary and themes, including the following:

  • “20 Questions to Assess Your Hidden Gender Biases and How They Harm the LGBTQ Community”
  • “Judicial histories and racial disparities: Affirmative Action and the myth of the ‘post racial’”
  • “Beyond artificial integration: Re-imagining cross-racial interactions among undergraduates”
  • “Micro-aggressions and female athletes”
  • “The military hyper-masculine mystique: Sex, status and emotional control at the United States Military Academy”

In her June presentation to the Diversity committee, Love spoke about this year’s class of cadet facilitators, “with 86% being female and 14% male,” according to the subcommittee minutes.

It is not clear if the full Board of Visitors will have an opportunity to address the DEI training program. The next board meeting is scheduled for September 19-21. No agenda has been posted yet.

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96 responses to “A Sneak Peak at VMI’s Diversity Training”

  1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    I commend VMI for pushing forward with this program. Great job.

    1. Merchantseamen Avatar

      What a load of dung.

    2. DancingWithCrayons Avatar

      Ah, so you’re racist? Not surprising, as all DEI supporters are.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        Nope – not a racist at all. Does this comment make you feel better – like you really crushed a libtard?

        1. DancingWithCrayons Avatar

          Not at all, I just find “DEI” initiatives revolting, because they’re inherently racist, as are the people who support them.

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            I understand that is your opinion but it doesn’t make it a fact. But you do you.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Leftist tripe. Divisive. Counter-productive. Unneeded waste of time and money. Also likely illegal.
    The Left mangles language to hide what it is doing and to make it seem what it is not (because if they tried honesty, it would fail).
    “Marginalized communities” – what precisely does that mean? In theory versus reality? In theory, it sounds like it is being fair. All Americans like fairness. In reality, it boils down to blacks and women, and throw in a LGBTQ+IA? or two. The “dashboards” strangely only measure blacks and women…
    And how about the oxymoronic “inclusive excellence?”
    You don’t have to be a Latin scholar to understand that excellence by itself is EXclusive. One is EXcellent by EXcelling, by EXceeding others. So Leftist lies require watering down EXcellence to include people who maybe wouldn’t qualify on their own, AND it diminishes the accomplishments of those who would have made it without putting a thumb (a whole hand!) on the scale.
    Also, please apply inclusive excellence to athletic teams – this is a white supremacist construct to allow more white athletes!
    Also, I think the college administrators are their own version of white supremacists – white savior complex, thinking that blacks cannot succeed on their own without the white savior “help”…isn’t THAT racist?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Bottom line. If this actually increases applicants including people of color – it will undoubtedly be a AWFUL thing. Right?

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        No, Larry. As usual, you know nothing. start playing “Looking at the World through Race Colored Glasses,” everything is Racy now…
        Judging people by skin color is wrong…and illegal.
        The way to end discrimination by race is to stop discriminating by race (one of the few good legal dicta from John Roberts)

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          You mean after doing racism and white supremacy for more than a century , we should get a mulligan now and call it all off?

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            How much are you paid to hate America? Or is it just to repeat the DNC mantra du jour?
            What happened to judging by content of character, not color of skin? What happened to a hand up, not a hand out?
            What is occurring is explicitly racism, hidden behind benign names. And it is divisive. And I am wasting my time trying to educate someone who refuses to admit reality (there are 2 sexes, illegitimacy is not a social good, the mandate of an EXPERIMENTAL medical product was a medical Rubicon, etc).
            If you want to virtue signal, do it on your own time with your own money. Surrender your privilege Larry. Give your house to the poor, the homeless, the hungry. Give your job to the systemic racism victim of your ancestors.
            How fair is UVA’s admissions to the Appalachian redneck kid with an SAT score 50 points higher and much greater poverty than the black kid from NoVa with two government worker parents?
            Explicit racism, disguised as benevolence.
            Virtue signaling is easy. Virtue is hard.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I love America. I hate lying about it’s history.

            No talk about the content of one’s character as we savaged the black race for more than 100 years and now we claim it’s time to stop focusing on it after we’ve damaged generations of black families.

            So very big of you to want to say it’s over now.

            And I ask once more – is promiscuousness and illegitimacy less an issue with
            rich folk? If so. Why? better morals?


          3. DJRippert Avatar

            Promiscuousness and illegitimate births are two separate matters. Illegitimate births are vastly higher among poorer Americans. Why? Because the same willingness to defer gratification and understand the consequences of your actions serves both to make you wealthier and to avoid illegitimate births. Continuing, illegitimate births more often result in children raised in single-parent (or grandparent) homes. This adds economic stress to the parent and tends to keep the parent in poverty.


          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            tell me again how the wealthy avoid having illegitimate kids with one parent…..

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No one said that Straw Man. All sorts of people have illegitimate kids. Generally, the wealthier avoid it more than the poor, and this contributes to them being wealthier. Behavior matters.
            The success formula – graduate high school, get a job, get married, have children. If you follow that sequence and formula, there is an 80% chance you end up middle class.

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            All kids are perfectly legitimate.

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Good thing you have your BLM sign in your hard to help you form your thoughtless comments.
            Must be great to not have to think to be stupid…
            Hey, what about the kids aborted , why are they illegitimate?
            If you ever forget all the contradictory element of your false religion, here’s a link to buy a new sign.
            Or you could get it tattooed…
            Is BLM a legitimate charity?

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Two strange references to BLM… sound like you are suggesting that you consider black kids to be illegitimate…

          9. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Good try Troll.
            Referring to your “all kids are perfectly legitimate” nonsense….which is a riff on no humans are illegal (except for when inconvenient and women (and the sperm donors) want to kill them)
            I’m not the one with the incoherent, contradictory worldview…
            Hey, how’s your trust in the CDC doing? Did you like the 2 years of Hell Emily Litella “never mind” they just gave us? How come Pfizer CEO Bourla got Covid again despite quadruble vaxing? And now he is happy to go on Paxlovid! Then he can get the rebound that is very rare and doesn’t happen (except by right wing wingnuts making Fauci and SlowJoe rebounding). I wonder if any of them have heard of the horse dewormer…

          10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Seeing how fast you danced away from the subject of “illegitimate” black children, it looks like I hit pretty much on target.

          11. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You wish. Delusions of grandeur…
            Guess you are like Larry and see race in everything, because you are not only a Troll, you are racist, believing blacks need your white savior bigotry of low expectations…

          12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Yep… definitely hit a nerve… you are going to have to watch your Freudian slips, sport…

          13. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            oh…ok. Good to know you’re out there Dr. Freud. Always thought you had Daddy and Mommy issues

          14. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Just letting you know your inner bigot is showing, Ace…

          15. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Ok, Dr. Freud. When you are connected to reality, maybe your subjective opinion could even be somewhere near being in the same ballpark as “correct.”
            I won’t be holding my breath…

          16. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No one said that Straw Man. All sorts of people have illegitimate kids. Generally, the wealthier avoid it more than the poor, and this contributes to them being wealthier. Behavior matters.
            The success formula – graduate high school, get a job, get married, have children. If you follow that sequence and formula, there is an 80% chance you end up middle class.

          17. Merchantseamen Avatar

            Always the rich with you people. You getting your loans paid off by the way? I guess I will be paying your loans off eh?

          18. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            The only people “lying” about America are Leftists.
            Is “America” anything other than slavery?
            Did America end slavery? (No, we ended it in America, but Joe Biden’s open border is continuing it – horrible human tragedy, but you do you Larry!)
            Did America win 2 World Wars?
            Did we fight Communism (only to have it installed by useful idiots like you know who)?
            Did “all men are created equal” resonate throughout the world?
            Does it today?
            Name ONE country freer and more egalitarian than the United States…
            I won’t wait. Otherwise, move to it and quit screwing this one up.

          19. Why schools should emphasize reading comprehension, rather than woketarian cult rituals: Exhibit A.

          20. Merchantseamen Avatar

            I am most certain you have never met a “white supremacist”. Where are all these that you speak of? Government has been infiltrating groups of character or not so good character for 50 years. They set them up and they knock them down. You betcha it is not about “racism” either. The government is scared to death of the people. Black white purple or blue.

      2. killerhertz Avatar

        people of color. color is the only thing that matters to racists it would seem

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          been that way for more than a century. right?

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Which is why there are so many Conservative articles and comments on it these days…

      3. enrollment is down . expected 520 +/+ actual 410 +/-. also Cadets coming back is down. No final number on resignations due to a lack of transparency by the Administration

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Nah, excellence does not equate to exclusive. It refers to outstanding or extremely good. Lotsa things are excellent without crossing the oxymoronic threshold or rareness. Excellence can be inclusive when characterizing a collection of humans.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        War is peace!

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    50 minutes a semester isn’t the end of the world. In corporate America I had to go through training like this every year and pass a test that proved I was paying attention. Videos, role plays, Q&A … all were part of the corporate training. It usually took an hour.

    Does it do any good? Not for the vast majority of people who were raised right and have an awareness of society. However, there were some points that I learned over the years. One was to avoid using different styles of speech when talking to men vs women. I was always taught not to curse in front of women. So, I’d use salty language in when speaking with men but not when speaking with women. Fair enough. I stopped cursing at work.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      As I recall.. we did a bunch of this with respect to women in the workplace. Right?

      And right after that a bunch of posters and other “material” got removed from more than a few offices as I recall.

      And phrases like “Hey Honey”, or “get your girl to do this”, etc… changed in tone and content…

      not a bad thing. But heck, who knew all these centuries after the phrase “all men created equal” really did only mean men?

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      Did you try cursing at everyone? Why discriminate against cursing dammit? Curses have rights to ‘ya know. 🙂

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Ha ha. I struggle to contain my foul mouth on this blog.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Expect that’s true for several of us:)

    3. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      As you said, as long as you posses a modicum of common sense and weren’t raised to be an ahole, you can pass the test without much effort or attention required.

      Much like the INFOSEC training and tests they generate.

  4. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Steve H.presents a good point. Not that long ago, VMI’s culture was such that it struggled to allow women cadets. This was completely out of step with the U.S. military which the schools tries to imitate and serve. The armed forces were leaders in diversity and integration. This once again shows how BR has really gone bad. With its new emphasis on culture wars, it wants to keep its readers’ heads in the sand.

    You could say the same thing about offshore wind and other forms of renewable energy. The right wingers at BR see themselves as representing business interests, when, in fact, major corporations like Amazon, Goodle, Facebook and even Exxon/Mobil have moved far beyond what the BR types seem to visualize.
    I also get tired of the “leftist” straw man issues that they keep bringing up. This is one reason why I try to keep my BR contributions to a minimum./

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      The right wingers of today do not even slightly resemble the conventional/traditional l Conservatives of just a few years ago.

      They’re a totally different breed from their supposed brethren.

      The fiscal conservatism and business orientation has been supplanted by culture war tea party brewed bile.

      Many legitimate conservatives now find themself basically dumped as CINOs by the new “breed”.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      The right wingers of today do not even slightly resemble the conventional/traditional l Conservatives of just a few years ago.

      They’re a totally different breed from their supposed brethren.

      The fiscal conservatism and business orientation has been supplanted by culture war tea party brewed bile.

      Many legitimate conservatives now find themself basically dumped as CINOs by the new “breed”.

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      The right wingers of today do not even slightly resemble the conventional/traditional l Conservatives of just a few years ago.

      They’re a totally different breed from their supposed brethren.

      The fiscal conservatism and business orientation has been supplanted by culture war tea party brewed bile.

      Many legitimate conservatives now find themself basically dumped as CINOs by the new “breed”.

    4. Thank you so much for writing and posting this leftist whataboutism, Peter. I intend to use it as a resource in the near future . My employer was forced to start a DEI taskforce and more recently our monthly department meetings MUST begin with one of us standing up and extolling the virtues and victimhood of some marginalized group (marginalized groups are exempt), and or apologize for our white/asian guilt over something or other. Nobody is volunteering for this, we are being selectively chosen and ordered to stand, speak and shame ourselves. Everyone knows they need to be well versed onthis so they dont wind up in a bad situation. I respect all of my coworkers and have never hesitated to work with any of them, but, never before has keeping my job hinged on celebrating who or what somebody else thought about, said or slept with last night.

    5. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Peter, the only major corporate interests promoting offshore wind are those that will get rich off it. It really should be set aside from the issues surrounding solar, onshore wind, even batteries, which are less vulnerable to ocean stresses, hurricanes, etc, cheaper to build and maintain (and retire.) I regularly check the situation in Europe and the offshore wind puts out next to nothing on many, many days. See:

      Like DJ I sat through regular HR “training” for the shipyard and paid just enough attention to get the questions right at the end, basically proving I had listened with one ear….

  5. A more fiscally responsible DIE training:

    Have Rat read MLK’s ‘I have a Dream’ speech and follow it, and

    memorize “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a
    nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      One of the great speeches of recent history.

    2. Carmen Villani Jr Avatar
      Carmen Villani Jr


      If there is any college that embraced the words of Dr. King, it has been VMI. The Ratline strips away all societal identity. To survive the 4-year VMI Experience, you must be a person of character. VMI is not perfect, no college is. VMI officials are losing sight of that by introducing Marxist ideology into the system. As in the words by VMI Founder Col. JTL Preston – “The healthful and pleasant abode of a crowd of honorable youths. . .” Notice that is doesn’t say “diverse youths.” It is the bond that a diverse group shares, not the diversity of it, that makes it special.

      Here is another suggestion – treat others as you wish to be treated.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        It didn’t have to say ‘diverse’ youths, Carmen. It was white only and all male at the time. Even at the time of Dr. King’s (oft-misinterpreted) speech over a century later, VMI was all white and all male.

        1. Carmen Villani Jr Avatar
          Carmen Villani Jr

          Interesting Michael how you place “white males” in just one category and not recognizing the diversity in that group. Are you now suggesting we remove that history as well?

          1. M. Purdy Avatar

            I didn’t make that category, Carmen. Read up on US history while you’re drafting petitions to elected officials.

          2. Carmen Villani Jr Avatar
            Carmen Villani Jr

            US history is not at issue Michael. It is your stereotyping of “white males” and that should be rejected regardless of skin color.

            As for the words on the Parapet that you seem to not have context of, Col JTL Preston didn’t state a “crowd of ‘white males’ pressing up the hill of science. . .” He stated “honorable youths” clearly recognizing that not all “white males” are the same.

          3. M. Purdy Avatar

            You’re completely ignorant of US and VMI history, Carmen.

  6. can’t believe NewPoint isn’t running the DIE training….given it’s staff diversity and inclusion of 17% white males, 4% black males, 36% white females, and 38% of non-white females.

  7. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    It would seem likely that cadet officers would receive additional training. They will be the ones who have first contact with incidents and some degree of enforcement of new rules.

  8. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    How does one “peak” on the sneak?? Is VMI moving to Pike’s area?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Put a nickle in and turn the crank…

  9. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Despite everything going on at UVA that has Jim B. and his friends in a frenzy, applications are surging. What is going on with VMI applications in the midst of this tempest? Any impact up or down?

    When the issue decades ago was admission of women, VMI’s stubborn refusal was unrealistic in the face of the military reality that female participation in uniform was surging. The aspiring officers were not being prepared for real life in their all-male environment. The military at that point was also probably the most ethnically diverse institution in the country, and the nearly all-white VMI environment was also poor preparation. Who will these people be expected to lead over their careers now? In terms of training them to deal with that, I have no problem. The standard CRT mantra of “America sucks and it’s the fault of white Europeans” I can do without.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Applications are not a very good measure of university attractiveness. It has become so easy to apply to colleges that many prospective students apply to many different colleges. In fact, a Virginia organization – Common App – is at the forefront of making it easier to apply to colleges.

      I think the Common App approach is great and a huge benefit to rising college students and society. But measuring a college’s success by the number of applications it receives may be a thing of the past.

      A better measure may be the percentage of students who are accepted who matriculate to the college in question.

    2. Greg Long Avatar
      Greg Long

      VMI applications are SIGNIFICANTLY DOWN. The Commandant of Cadets a few weeks ago told an alumnus that they were at about 420 new cadets this fall. This is well below the 500 average normally showing up. VMI has also has a large number of upper class cadets transferring or not returning. This could be as many as 50 cadets from the returning juniors. With only several hundred in the average class these are big numbers. VMI blames it on “COVID hurting recruiting in presentations to alumni. That excuse seems to be worn out.. as you say enrollment at UVa, (as well as Va Tech Corps and the Citadel) is up.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        It’s probably a good thing for the “POC” community. Fewer of them will probably die in needless wars.

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Thank you. Yes, that could be significant, and actual enrollment data from SCHEV should eventually confirm it. Fair to assume these “cultural shifts” may be involved in that, along with the incessant negative publicity and being dumped on by a prominent alum who happens to be Governor.

      3. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Thank you. Yes, that could be significant, and actual enrollment data from SCHEV should eventually confirm it. Fair to assume these “cultural shifts” may be involved in that, along with the incessant negative publicity and being dumped on by a prominent alum who happens to be Governor.

      4. M. Purdy Avatar

        It’s interesting you bring up Citadel, because by many VMI alum standards, the school is and has been a bastion of “wokeism” for many years. They’ve had a DEI office and training for nearly a decade. So in terms of evaluating the causes of enrollment decline, beyond the clear overall trends in higher education, maybe it’s NOT VMI getting with the program that’s the issue.

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      Oh geeze, what a buzz-killer! Asking these types of questions in the middle of a pro-forma anti-woke rant is so un-generous of you.

      thank you!

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        JAB will force him to ring a bell, and shout “unclean, unclean”!

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “VMI’s stubborn refusal was unrealistic in the face of the military reality …”

      Well, that and federal/state funding and the law. Either way.

      As the man says, “Hey! Try it. Ya might like it.”

      You ain’t careful, someone might mistake you for a damned Yankee carpetbagger.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Gonna write me a book. Got the title already,
    Grifter, Swindler, POTUS, Spy

    Maybe if he’d have attended VMI…

  11. Historical amnesia kills competitiveness and defends professional incompetence and anti-intellectual authoritarianism.

    Political opportunism kills competitiveness and defends professional incompetence and anti-intellectual authoritarianism.

    Ethnic division and strife kills competitiveness and defends professional incompetence and anti-intellectual authoritarianism.

    Destructive orientation kills competitiveness and defends professional incompetence and anti-intellectual authoritarianism.

    DEI violates parts of the first, fourth, and fourteenth amendments and imposes coerced and prohibited speech in violation of the 1st’s freedom of speech, intrudes into matters of personal conviction that violate the 4th’s privacy protections; and racially discriminatory rules that violate the equal protection clause of the 14’th. Our legislature has authority over public colleges and universities and considerable authority over private or independent colleges and universities as well that operate with state charters, public subsidies, and tax exemptions. There is no reason they could not exercise their existing powers to end the un-Constitutional and illegal actions colleges and universities have put in place to advance incompetence and anti-intellectual authoritarianism disguised as “anti-racism.”

  12. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    1. When have VMI cadets ever been “allowed to express themselves freely”? During my military training, we were told that we were not supposed to think as individuals.
    2. Matt Daniel’s description of the budget actions regarding implementing the One Corps–One VMI equity measures is misleading, if not plainly false. VMI did request $6.2 million in GF appropriation and 25 positions in the first year of the biennium. However, the Governor’s introduced budget changed the composition to $2.6 million GF and $3.6 million NGF. The budget proposal also included 25 positions. (There is no indication of the source of the NGF.) Rather than “slash” the budget proposal, the GA conference committee added $1.4 million. The GA added language explaining the what the $3.7 million in GF the first year was to be used for, but the language is broad, “One Corps” initiatives. The Governor submitted no amendments dealing with VMI. In summary, the budget was not “slashed” in budget negotiations as Daniel has claimed. Rather, the GF amount was reduced by Northam in his budget proposal and increased by the GA. Youngkin did not stipulate that the funds could not be used for DEI. The fact that VMI is using grant funds for a portion of its implementation of the Equity Audit is exactly what was intended in the proposed budget.
    3. Regarding Cultural Competency items no 3,4, and 5 that you set out–what, if anything, in those items do you object to?

    1. Point 1: Did your military training dictate how you thought about profound social issues of the day? Do you believe that dictating such thinking is appropriate for a university environment?

      Point 2: You may have a point here. I’ll double check the info. I might have mis-stated what Daniels told me.

      Point 3: The purpose of the post was to demonstrate the ideological orientation driving the training initiative. The vocabulary is a give away. “Acting as an ally,” for instance, has a specific meaning in woke jargon that might elude the general public.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        No, I don’t think dictating thinking about profound social issues is appropriate for a university environment. Nor do I think a Rat Line is appropriate for a university environment.

        Speaking of dictating thinking, I suspect VMI cadets of the fairly recently past were thoroughly immersed in the worship of the Lost Cause.

        And what do you think “acting as an ally” is code for in woke jargon? Obviously, I am not conversant with woke jargon.

        1. Why were they ‘immersed’ in our nearly complete incompetent, corrupt, and stupidly directed effort in Afghanistan? Just read ANY SIGAR report…..

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            I fail to see how that relates to VMI and its former ties to the Confederacy.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive


          It’s been a problem for a looooong time. When one has (old) dominion over others, the urge is irresistible to some.

    2. I checked with Matt Daniel, and he stands by the account, although he says he wouldn’t have used the word “slash” to describe the budget reductions. He says there were many moving parts to the negotiations. Senate Finance added some to the original request, and then House Appropriations did, then money was pulled, and then the whole thing was negotiated down to $3.7 million, with the stipulation that the sum was “not for DEI.”

  13. Here are more details about the videos included in the Jamica Love presentation about diversity training. Full disclosure: the summaries come from a VMI source who is not well disposed toward the training. But that doesn’t mean they are inaccurate. — JAB

    One video entitled “Miss Representation” https://www.kanopy.com/en/benbrooklibrary/video/128008 included a video animation depicting a man hitting a woman with what appears to be a hammer. After she falls to the ground, he continues to beat her until there are pools of blood.

    Another video is “White Like Me – Race, Racism & White Privilege in America.” The video is described in part as: “Tim Wise, explores race and racism in the US through the lens of whiteness and white privilege. Wise offers a fascinating look back at the race-based white entitlement programs that built the American middle class, and argues that our failure as a society to come to terms with this legacy of white privilege continues to perpetuate racial inequality and race-driven political resentments today.”

    A third video in the presentation, “Disarm Hate” advanced by Dr. Love for “Inclusive Excellence” on “LGBTQIA+ & the Military” conveys a strong anti-military and anti gun rights ideology. The video’s official summary is: “Nine LGBTQs come together after the Pulse Massacre to join one man, a hairdresser and activist from New Jersey without political experience, as he builds a national rally to demand LGBTQIA equal rights, fight the NRA and challenge America’s obsession with gun violence.” [emphasis added]

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Those MAPs and allys are getting pretty bold. Does that qualify as a vanity plate, or admission of guilt?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Oh, I see. Wow! Do you think someone told her?

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          I would expect so. I thought you were just being pollyanna and kind. A Carolina state of mind.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Ohhh, it is Pennsylvania, er, Pennsyltucky.

      2. That’s how I read it at first as well.

  14. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Still, it’s a problem…

    “The controversy represents the latest chapter in the Air Force’s years-long struggle to balance the constitutional right of freedom of faith with the Constitution’s prohibition on the governmental promotion of religion.

    “It’s when the commander becomes the preacher that we have a problem,” said a former senior defense official who dealt with the issue but requested anonymity in order to speak freely. “It’s commanders turning to subordinates and saying, ‘Here’s what makes my life worthwhile. It’s going to my church and subscribing to my views.’ ”

    Opponents counter that the regulation is constitutionally questionable and contravenes provisions Congress inserted into the Pentagon’s last two budgets requiring the military to “accommodate individual expressions of belief” unless “it could have an adverse impact on military readiness, unit cohesion and good order and discipline.”

    “The Air Force religious freedom regulations and practices are inconsistent with the Constitution and with current law,” 20 House of Representatives Republicans wrote in an April 15 letter to Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James. The regulation “introduces a subjective and unworkable restriction on a leader’s ability to speak about their faith.”

    Now, imagine it’s “The South shall rise again” instead of “He is risen”?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well, as well indoctinated in military-think as he is, he won’t call it indoctrination.

  15. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    How diverse is VMI’s Diversity Department?
    How many white conservative cis-gender males are in the diversity department? This department sounds like something invented by the Chinese Communists or the KGB.

  16. Carmen Villani Jr Avatar
    Carmen Villani Jr

    Thanks for posting this article Jim. Let’s be very clear, “One Corps, One VMI” DOES NOT EXIST. There is division and Greg Long made that excellent observation in a previous post (see Comments to post https://www.baconsrebellion.com/african-american-alums-support-vmi-general-wins/#disqus_thread). Once again, he makes an excellent point about the number of New Cadets/Rats being reportedly less than the 500+ goal. I tried to verify that with VMI, but the VMI spokesperson refused to confirm it. VMI officials may try to blame it on COVID but their flat refusal to vigorously refute the charges of having a “clear and appalling culture of structural racism,” not to mention the Marxist ideology (CRT) that continues to gain momentum, is having a negative impact on enrollment. And yet we heard from fellow alumni how the exact opposite would occur.

    In regard to the presentation given by LTC Love, I did take the time to get a library card to view the videos thru the Kanopy streaming service. I was appalled and stop watching. You might want to reach out to Ms. Lara Chambers ’03 Jim, who is on the BOV DEI Committee, and get her assessment of the videos, especially the animated clip of a man beating a woman with a hammer, even after falling to the ground. Here is my assessment of that presentation.


    Miss Representation – a clip was played depicting an animation of a man hitting a woman with what appears to be a hammer. After she falls to the ground, he continues to beat until there are pools of blood.

    White Like Me – Race, Racism & White Privilege in America
    “Description – Tim Wise, explores race and racism in the US through the lens of whiteness and white privilege. Wise offers a fascinating look back at the race-based white entitlement programs that built the American middle class, and argues that our failure as a society to come to terms with this legacy of white privilege continues to perpetuate racial inequality and race-driven political resentments today.”

    Highlights of the “Resources” slide (#15) to the presentation:

    #2 – “Judicial histories and racial disparities: Affirmative action and the myth of the “post racial.’”
    This is an article that was taken from the Hein Research Platform. Further digging on the website, they have a “Social Justice” suite (see link below). Reference is made to the George Soros Open Society Foundations. What are we doing getting articles from a research platform that promotes George Soros initiatives???


    #4 – Look Away, Look Away…. If you click on the link below, it takes you to the abstract/introduction. Further research shows Project Muse received a grant from the Mellon Foundation. Mellon Foundation supports “social justice.” Links are all below.


    https://about.muse.jhu.edu/about/story/ – grant from Mellon Foundation

    https://mellon.org/programs/higher-learning/ – “committed to social justice”

    Titles of some of the other articles – Microaggressions and Female Athletes; Masculinity and US Military Climate; The Military Hypermasculinity Mystique; How symbolic embodiment threatens women’s inclusion in the US military; Femininity as Perceived Threat to Military Effectiveness: How Military Service Members Reinforce Hegemonic Masculinity in Talk

    Then the BOV can be viewed as snubbing their nose at Governor Youngkin through the VMI spokesman:

    “Virginia Military Institute’s (VMI) spokesman Colonel Bill Wyatt was quoted in a Washington Post article on VMI dated November 14, 2021 (“Northam heads to hostile terrain – VMI – to speak to 1,700 cadets”) stating: “I think that it would be silly for the past 18 months, going through a leadership change and a new plan . . . to roll all that back just because of the results of an election.”


    “The General Assembly said that the money is designated to address several initiatives, such as the expansion of the Title IX office at VMI, the rebranding of its Confederate memorials and the adjustment of staff salaries. But the appropriation omits on the list of recipients any mention of the expansion of its diversity office.
    Although Wyatt expressed appreciation for the $3.7 million, he went on to further state:
    “It was an expense we were hoping the state would fund,” Wyatt said. “But in the absence of state funding, we’ll find a way to fund it.”


    I have not been able to confirm, but it is my understanding that the funding will come from tuition fees. Wonder how parents feel about paying for what many alumni view as Marxist ideology indoctrination? The readership should also consider LTC Love’s dissertation in March 2019. Here are just two excerpts clearly articulating support of CRT:

    “The tenets of CRT include (a) permanence of racism, (b) storytelling, (c) interest convergence, (d) social construction, (e) intersectionality, (f) whiteness as property, (g) critique of liberalism, and (h) commitment to social justice.” Pg. 25

    “The researcher utilized Bell’s (1976) CRT as a framework to guide the study and facilitate the researcher’s awareness of how race intersects with the role of the college president, how to navigate affirmative action, and what the United States political climate is at PWIs.” (Bell refers to the late Dr. Derrick Bell, “father of CRT”; Professor at Harvard Law School & New York University School of Law; PWI stands for predominantly White institutions) Pg. 88

    Scrutiny should also be given to the Youngkin administration, especially with AG Miyares. Despite a petition in which there were over 1100 supporters calling for an investigation into VMI pertaining to CRT and numerous requests to do so, he has refused to initiate one or direct another agency to do one. At least the Missouri AG, Eric Schmitt, had the courage to back up his words with action by calling for an investigation into 7 school districts for what could be viewed as “inherently divisive concepts.” Readers should also question how a consulting firm that clearly supports CRT should even be given the intent to award by VMI when officials are communicating with an administration that is opposed to it. Instead, a lawsuit ensued questioning adherence to procurement law requiring the AG office to represent VMI in court that is indirectly tied to CRT.

    If anyone is interested in researching further whether or not CRT is at VMI, they can go to the following link and view the presentation that I created.


    Carmen Villani, VMI ’76

  17. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    General Wins’ third priority is to build leaders? Behind the Honor Code and DEI?

  18. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    In response to my comment that Matt Waters’ description of VMI’s budget provisions related to DEI (the “One Corps-One VMI” initiative) was misleading, if not false, Jim Bacon says that Waters stands by his assertion. According to Jim, Waters explained that “there were many moving parts to the negotiations. Senate Finance added some to the original request, and then House Appropriations did, then money was pulled, and then the whole thing was negotiated down to $3.7 million, with the stipulation that the sum was ‘not for DEI.’”

    In the interest of transparency, I am setting out the details of this issue, so everyone can make up their own minds about the claims. Before I go any further, I want to make it clear that I do not support VMI’s request or the final appropriation. I think a lot of it is BS. If I had been the budget analyst charged with making recommendation on this request, I would have cut it severely unless I were ordered to do otherwise. (All dollar
    figures refer to the first year appropriation only. GF refers to general fund appropriations and NGF refers to nongeneral fund.)

    VMI request–$6.2 million in GF and 25 positions in
    to “Implement One Corps, One VMI—Equity Audit Actions”. For the detailed description of the request, outlining the various positions being requested, see here: http://publicreports.dpb.virginia.gov/rdPage.aspx?rdReport=OB_DocView&Param1=72203874

    Governor’s budget bill recommendation: A total of $6.2 million, but not all GF composed of GF as requested by VMI. The budget bill proposal includes $2.6 million in GF and $3.6 million in NGF and 25 positions to Implement One Corps, One VMI—Equity Audit Actions”. That action can be found in this document: http://publicreports.dpb.virginia.gov/rdPage.aspx?rdReport=BDoc2022_Agency&iptAgency=211&rdAgReset=True

    House budget bill action—A reduction of $1.2 million
    in GF. This was termed a “repurposing” of new spending “in order to allow institutions to limit in-state undergraduate tuition increases in fiscal year 2023.” Similar action was taken for every institution of higher education and for each additional funding was added for scholarship money. VMI got an additional $1.8 million for scholarships. There was no
    stipulation of what “new spending” was being targeted, so the institution would have been free to “find” savings amounting to $1.2 million wherever in its budget it wanted to. The amendment is here:

    Senate budget bill action—Increased GF for the Equity
    Audit implementation by $1.4 million and reduced NGF by $1.4 million. This would have had the effect of keeping the total appropriation at $6.2 million, but would have provided VMI with more GF, so it would not have to rely so much on NGF for this initiative. (Thank you, Sen. Norment, who is always looking out for his alma mater.) That action can be seen here: https://budget.lis.virginia.gov/amendment/2022/1/SB30/Introduced/FA/218/1s/

    Budget Conference action: The budget conference committee added $1.4 million in GF for VMI’s One Corps initiative (that would be in addition to the $2.6 million that was in the introduced budget). It also added the following language to the Appropriation Act:

    “ F. Out of this appropriation, $3,729,287 the first year
    and $3,120,387 the second year from the general fund is designated to address the One Corps initiatives related to Title IX Coordination, the Commandant Staff, the Legal Affairs Office, Academic and Student Programs, Compliance and Reporting and Commemorations and Memorials as well as targeted staff salary compression issues.”

    That amendment is here:

    Governor Youngkin amendments: None pertained to VMI.

    Final Appropriation Act: Includes the same GF amount for Item 218 (VMI’s Educational and General Programs budget program) that was in the enrolled bill that went to Governor Youngkin for his recommended amendments.
    It includes this language:

    “F. Out of this appropriation, $3,729,287 the first year and
    $3,120,387 the second year from the general fund is designated to address the One Corps initiatives related to Title IX Coordination, the Commandant Staff, the Legal Affairs Office, Academic and Student Programs, Compliance and Reporting and Commemorations and Memorials as well as targeted staff salary compression issues.”

    The language can be found on page 255 of this document: https://budget.lis.virginia.gov/get/budget/4623/HB30/

    Note: There is a discrepancy between the language amendment and the numbers. If one adds the $2.6 million in the introduced bill to the $1.4 million provided in the budget conference report, the sum is an even $4.0 million GF, not the $3.7 million set out in the language. There is $270,713 somehow unaccounted for, but there is not enough detail available to me to identify it.)

    Summary: Not only was the funding to implement VMI’s “One Corps, One VMI—Equity Audit Actions” not “slashed”, but it was actually increased by the GA from what was in the introduced budget. The GF appropriation was increased, while the NGF appropriation was not changed. (It is probable that the school will not use all the NGF appropriation.) To the extent that NGF is being used for salaries, that was the intent of the budget bill proposal. Furthermore, there is no
    stipulation against using the funding for DEI. The language included in the Appropriation Act explicitly says the funding is intended to address One Corps initiatives.

    Criticizing DEI is fair game. Taking issue with the amount of money being spent on DEI is fair. As I indicated, I think the amount of money and positions being approved and funded for VMI in this area is crazy. However, using misleading and false data and assertions is not legitimate. It would be wise to look upon any of Waters’ claims and data with a jaundiced eye.

  19. VMI spokesman Bill Wyatt asserts that the post contains three errors. Here is his response:

    • The governor did not stipulate that funds were “not for DEI.” Actually, the legislature included language in their enacted budget language (which was ultimately signed by the governor) stating that $3.7 million was designated for the One Corps initiatives related to Title IX, commandant’s staff, legal affairs, academic and student programs, compliance, and memorials. Matt Daniel assumes that since DEI is absent from that list, it means that none of the “new money” can be spent on DEI. The omission was not lost on VMI. However, the DEI office was fully funded prior to enactment of the budget, so it is truthful to say that the new money will not be used to fund the DEI office since it was already funded.

    • None of the positions in VMI’s DEI office, including Dr. Love’s, have been paid for by private donations. They have been paid for by tuition and fee revenue like almost all faculty and administrators’ salaries. Additionally, the DEI office does not receive any unrestricted private funding from the VMI Alumni Agencies.

    • Cadets attend two 50-minute sessions of Inclusive Excellence training during their rat (freshman) year and one 50-minute session during each subsequent academic year. That totals five 50-minute sessions during their VMI tenure, not eight.

    1. Carmen Villani Jr Avatar
      Carmen Villani Jr


      This is from a Washington Post article: “The office is led by chief diversity officer Jamica Love, the college’s highest ranking Black woman. Briana Williams, who is also a Black woman, was recently hired as the college’s deputy chief diversity officer. Wyatt said three out of the four positions for the diversity office have been filled so far. . .’It was an expense we were hoping the state would fund,’ Wyatt said. ‘But in the absence of state funding, we’ll find a way to fund it.’”

      Those statements seem to run counter to the statement: “However, the DEI office was fully funded prior to enactment of the budget, . . .”

      Do you see it the same way?

  20. “Diversity”/”DEI” simply IS leftist propaganda/brainwashing. That’s its nature and purpose. It’s not a politically neutral thing that’s been hijacked by the left. It’s not something inherently good that’s gone bad. It’s a creation of the illiberal left conceived of, created and sustained in order to hijack institutions and use their coercive authority to brainwash the innocent, punish dissenters, and further solidify the left’s control of those institutions. This is what totalitarians do: force and insinuate their dogma into people’s minds and institutional bureaucracy.

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