A Rare Recognition

Bill Howell. Credit: Richmond Times-Dispatch

It’s not often that we see our friends at the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy (TJI) get recognition in established media. The younger generation of reporters gravitates toward studies and reports published by left-leaning advocacy groups, seemingly living in a universe in which informed conservative opinions do not exist. So, I’m delighted to see that the Richmond Times-Dispatch has highlighted the announcement that former House Speaker William J. Howell has joined TJI as chairman of the board of directors.

“He’s a superb fit,” said Chris Braunlich, president of the 24-year-old institute. “He brings to our institute the knowledge of the workings of the General Assembly.”

“There is a need for a vigorous, free-market, center-right organization that can help develop good policy, promote good policy and ensure that it works,” he added in a Thursday interview.

Not surprisingly, the reporter who picked up the story was Michael Martz, one of the RTD’s longest-serving and most nonpartisan reporters. He still hews to the practice, discredited in some journalistic quarters, of actually seeking out viewpoints at odds with the progressive shibboleths of our time. Virginia may be a solid blue state at present, but 44% of the electorate did vote for the Republican presidential candidate (he who shall not be named), and TJI is the only think tank in Virginia that carries the banner for small-government, low-tax, pro-business conservatism. So, kudos to Martz.

TJI and Bacon’s Rebellion have close informal ties. Steve Haner, one of our regular contributors, works for TJI. Bacon’s Rebellion and TJI frequently cross-post columns. We extend our best wishes to the organization under its new stewardship.


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12 responses to “A Rare Recognition”

  1. vaconsumeradvocate Avatar

    Jim, Everyone has trouble getting the media’s attention. I’ve been turned down over and over – especially for issues they’re not covering. It’s really not fair to say they only cover left leaning studies – especially when using the Times Dispatch as the example. No way we can relegate it to “just” leftist!

    The more frequently we push that message the fewer citizens want to bother even attempting to look at what media puts out. It just reinforces that we have left and right media and removes the pressure on traditional media to be balanced. We need balanced media that folks who don’t invest the time we do to read both sides, etc. will pay attention to in stead of ignoring it all. Too many citizens are not engaging with any media.

    Virginia traditional media is simply not just leftist now. All perspectives have trouble getting their attention with the staff cuts and page cuts that have occurred. We need to help keep it alive, not put more nails in the coffin.

  2. vaconsumeradvocate Avatar

    Jim, Everyone has trouble getting the media’s attention. I’ve been turned down over and over – especially for issues they’re not covering. It’s really not fair to say they only cover left leaning studies – especially when using the Times Dispatch as the example. No way we can relegate it to “just” leftist!

    The more frequently we push that message the fewer citizens want to bother even attempting to look at what media puts out. It just reinforces that we have left and right media and removes the pressure on traditional media to be balanced. We need balanced media that folks who don’t invest the time we do to read both sides, etc. will pay attention to in stead of ignoring it all. Too many citizens are not engaging with any media.

    Virginia traditional media is simply not just leftist now. All perspectives have trouble getting their attention with the staff cuts and page cuts that have occurred. We need to help keep it alive, not put more nails in the coffin.

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Screwing over nearly 400,000 lower income Virginians by denying them access to affordable health care is hardly a job qualification — at least not in my book.

  4. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Screwing over nearly 400,000 lower income Virginians by denying them access to affordable health care is hardly a job qualification — at least not in my book.

  5. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd


  6. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd


  7. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Yea! This is excellent!

    And yet, Amada Chase is the 10-point favorite for nominee. I know I’m going to vote for her… in the primary… if there’s a primary.

    You help your friends.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      That fella in the video is most definitely a confirmed bachelor again.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Maybe that was the plan. If he’s not in jail, he’s having a beer with his buds.

        We all face the mirror.

        The only thing I object to is the “reportedly”. It a record.

  8. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Yea! This is excellent!

    And yet, Amada Chase is the 10-point favorite for nominee. I know I’m going to vote for her… in the primary… if there’s a primary.

    You help your friends.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      That fella in the video is most definitely a confirmed bachelor again.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Maybe that was the plan. If he’s not in jail, he’s having a beer with his buds.

        We all face the mirror.

        The only thing I object to is the “reportedly”. It a record.

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