by Kerry Dougherty

Great news!

Beginning today, members of the U.S. Senate will be indistinguishable from bums.

Axios reports that Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is “relaxing” the dress code for members, allowing them to be on the floor of the Senate dressed like they’re headed to Walmart. Or rather, like John Fetterman of Pennsylvania who has the sartorial taste of a hobo and finds putting on a suit and zipping his fly too much trouble.

Instead of censuring the jerk from the Keystone State and barring him from floor votes until he puts on business attire, Schumer is scrapping hundreds of years of tradition and decorum to allow this fool to continue to disrespect the people who elected him, and his colleagues.

Fetterman’s a disgrace. So is Schumer for allowing this. Dressing for success is passé in Washington. Now, dressing for failure will be in vogue.

Oddly enough, Senate aides and staff will still be required to wear business attire. Why not? In the case of zombie senators Fetterman and Dianne Feinstein, their aides are the ones doing all the work, anyway.

Oh, and ordinary citizens who visit the chamber? They’ll continue to be subject to a dress code that requires coats and ties for men and business attire for women.

One set of rules for the ruling class. Another for the hoi polloi.

On the plus side, members will now be able to buy their street drugs without drawing attention to themselves.

Just wait ’til Republican members start sporting MAGA ballcaps or T-shirts emblazoned with FJB on them. That may cause Schumer to come to his senses. In the meantime, everyone can run around in their underwear.

This is just another sign that we’re no longer a serious nation. It’s a race to the bottom, led by Democrats.

In Virginia, we actually have some Democrats (Louise Lucas, naturally) defending Susanna Gibson, the House of Delegates candidate for Henrico who performed online sex acts for tips on a site called  Chaturbate and then whined that she was a victim of Republican dirty tricks when The Washington Post reported on her lewd behavior.

In a sane world, she would be embarrassed and drop out of the race. But in an election where Democrats care only about the “right” of mothers to have unrestricted abortions, Gibson may actually win.

Who would want someone with this repulsive judgment voting on matters in Richmond? Who would want someone who deliberately dresses like a degenerate voting on matters in Washington?

It’s worth noting that dress codes are still commonplace in America. In the military, for instance. In schools and courtrooms. Shoot, even in many offices that have “casual Fridays” the dress code does not include hoodies and gym shorts.

Because offices are not gyms. And neither is the Senate chamber.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited. 

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37 responses to “A Race to the Bottom Everywhere”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    John Randolph of Roanoke, a powerful critic of the Jefferson Dynasty of TJ, Madison, and Monroe, would often bring his pack of hounds to the floor of the House of Representatives. Newly minted (1811) Speaker of the House, Henry Clay asserted his position by amending the rules of decorum and booting the dogs out of the chamber. Now mortal enemies, the feud festered until a duel in 1825. Don’t worry, they both missed.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And then there was a caning, maybe two.

      Nevertheless, except for the blood and soft tissue stains, they were dressed nicely.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Charles Sumner survived the 1857 caning and served another 17 years in the Senate. He never did tame his strident tongue.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          No, but I’ll bet he packed a two-shot.

          1. Can’t go wrong with a derringer…

  2. Because offices are not gyms. And neither is the Senate chamber.

    I don’t know about that. I’ve seen plenty of Olympic-level gymnastic flip-flopping and some extremely flexible ethics being demonstrated on that floor…

  3. Because offices are not gyms. And neither is the Senate chamber.

    I don’t know about that. I’ve seen plenty of Olympic-level gymnastic flip-flopping and some extremely flexible ethics being demonstrated on that floor…

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    “One set of rules for the ruling class. Another for the hoi polloi.”

    I wonder if the elites in The Deep State even understand what they are doing. In cases big and small, it’s becoming more and more an “us against them” situation.

    Susanna Gibson posts videos of herself having sex and then claims the person who discovered the videos on he open internet violated some revenge porn statute. The elite take no accountability for their actions.

    Lauren Bobert goes to a play, gets publicly groped by her date, smokes vapes, lies about the incident and then apologizes. The elite take no accountability for their actions.

    Hunter Biden takes a ridiculous job as a board member for a Ukrainian energy company despite having no qualifications for the position. His father, then VP Joe Biden, threatens to withhold aid from Ukraine until the prosecutor investigating Hunter’s employer is fired. The elite take no accountability for their actions.

    Now, Schumer sets up a dress code where senators can wear whatever they like while ordinary people visiting (or called to testify at) Congress have to wear suits and ties. The elite take no accountability for their actions.

    Crackhead Hunter Biden drops his laptop off at a computer repair store. Unsurprisingly, he forgets about the computer and the owner of the store takes possession. When the contents are revealed, Biden sues the store owner. Now, Hunter Biden’s legal team is trying to sue the IRS whistleblowers who publicized how the IRS was trying to bury their investigation of Hunter Biden. The elite take no accountability for their actions.

    Tick, tock, tick, tock …

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Anyone know how much Trumps kids made from companies and countries?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I haven’t heard anything on that front. But it wouldn’t surprise me.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Remember, no less than 5 former AGs, and nearly all of the GA said, or penned letters stating, that simply being ostracized from their rarified air was punishment enough for Phil Hamilton’s using the public funds that he controlled to feather his own nest.

      Glad the Feds have their “own way” and don’t rely on the Virginia Way.

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        Isn’t the “Virginia Way” just a more genteel sort of corruption?

        1. Or just like misdemeanors and diversion for Hunter? Seems the Federal way and the Virginia way are one in the same. Occasionally, but not often enough, they both overstep and get blown up.

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          More blatant in my mind. The “Virginia Way” essentially says that written laws and rules are unnecessary for Virginia politicians since those politicians are so honest and moral that they can be trusted without laws and rules.

          What a Fairy Tale.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            I wouldn’t expect anything less from the politicians (AND voters) in the state ranked as the most narcissistic in the entire country.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        True, but Hamilton served just over 8 years in prison as I recall. In that case, the elites tried to save one of their own from the full consequences of their actions but failed.

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      I think it started with Trump’s Access Hollywood tapes and his ridiculing of Serge Kovaleski. The elite take no accountability because R’s demonstrated they are really not accountable for their own actions. Contrast with Senator Al Franken… alas…

      1. As much as you might like it to be true, it did not start with Donald Trump.

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          double double negative negative

          1. Oops! Fixed it.


        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I actually think it did. There has been a real shift in accountability for actions and Trump set the new standard.

          1. No, I think the “modern” standard was introduced by Bill Clinton.

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            Does Marion Barry count?

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Barry was arrested by the FBI on drug charges. The arrest and subsequent trial precluded Barry from seeking re-election, and he served six months in a federal prison. Sure seems like he paid the consequences for his actions to me.

          4. Marion Barry was elected to the City Council of Washington DC in 1992 – after he served his ridiculously short prion term.

            He was subsequently elected mayor of the city in 1994 He “served” as mayor for the four ensuing years.

            So much for being held accountable.

          5. how_it_works Avatar

            I seem to recall, and I verified it, that he did run for office and did get re-elected after his conviction, first in 1992 as a councilmember and then in 1994 as mayor. The going joke back then was that DC elected a crackhead for city council.

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            He was precluded for running for “re-election” immediately after his third term as he had to report for jail. He was free to after he paid his dues for his crime. I should have been more clear in my comment. It is not surprising he was voted back in office considering the sting operation used to convict him. I think that resonated with the electorate in DC.

          7. By the way, Marion Barry was not precluded from running for re-election as mayor in 1990. He chose not to run, but he did run as an independent for an at-large seat on city council that year.

          8. Marion Barry was elected to the City Council of Washington DC in 1992 – after he served his ridiculously short prion term.

            He was subsequently elected mayor of the city in 1994 He “served” as mayor for the four ensuing years.

            So much for being held accountable.

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Six months in federal prison for ingesting an illegal drug? Sorry that is not reasonable. I get that the right position is that paying your dues in the criminal justice system is not good enough to be considered being held accountable but for the rest of us it is.

          10. Hmmm. We may have an even earlier pioneer in the “modern consequence-free politician” class than Bill Clinton.

          11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Publicly impeached and tried for a lying about a private extramarital affair? He was indeed held accountable. Again compare and contrast with the new standard brought to us via the R party leader.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms Lewinski”.

        A lie told under oath. A crime.

        A lie that would have continued to be told if not for the blue dress and DNA.

        No accountability.

        1. And then there’s Warren G. Harding. He never suffered any consequences from fathering a child with a woman other than his wife immediately prior to running for president, and while serving as a senator from Ohio.

          EDIT – Timeline corrected.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Hmmm… publicly impeached and tried for lying about a personal sexual affair… you consider that no accountability?

  5. Because offices are not gyms. And neither is the Senate chamber.

    I don’t know about that. I’ve seen plenty of Olympic-level gymnastic flip-flopping and some extremely flexible ethics being demonstrated on that floor…

  6. Paul Sweet Avatar

    “Four legs good, two legs better”
    Animal Farm

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